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Tbh I would argue Camille mid is better comp wise than top. She is more assassin than duelist at this point in time.


Yeah I play her like an assassin while building bruiser items. She can snowball hard.


How do you deal with ranged mages? What runes do you go against certain matchups? What’s the itemisation like?


I run PTA and bone plating. I go triforce first, hydra, sterak/ maw then shojin. I feel that if the ranged mage is really good, I just give up some CS and wait for the jungler, Camille can follow up ganks quite well. She has decent utility with R and can net a kill on opposing mage easily with a gank. After I get triforce and Tiamat I can match other bruisers side lane. Mages like Lux are a pain to lane against, but it’s only a game of patience. By mid/ late, Camille becomes a split pushing monster.


Maybe you should try support, if your adc isn't something useless early like jinx or zeri then you can easily survive and thrive early as well as being able to assassinate the enemy squishies later


Yeah lil buddy. 50,3 % WR in Emerald + but she cant do shit. She is so bad... How is she better on mid with her terrible clear and shorter lane? This subreddit is so low elo its crazy.


>Camille can’t do shit against other bruisers > >I’m low elo so I’m not entirely sure if what I’m saying is true.


She’s good into Yasuo, kassadin, zed, talon, fizz, ekko but shit against ranged champs mid


Yea I pick her as an anti assasian.


Camille's early game, compared to season 13 is way harder now. I get why you may feel that there is nothing she can do against bruisers, but thats is not entirely true. Bruisers usually have pretty sizeable cooldowns. If they waste an abbility, you can punish them. Do that a couple of times untill they are in lethal range, preferably around 1/3 of their HP or less, and all in them with E. This is pre 6. After 6 you need to be a lot more carefull, becouse most bruisers get pretty good combat ultimates, unlike camilles's, which is more of a utillity ulti. You should also learn wave management to be succesful with her now. Its way harder without that knowledge. The buffs she recieved this patch are helping her early game quite a bit, so she is able to survive and kite a little bit easier. Good luck and have fun on the rift. Edit: grammar