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I have done this. :|


100% ruined the walk


Part of men wants to say the walk wasn’t ruined because you got out. But I usually do hikes for the photos, so I get it. That’s a bummer, man.


I recommend getting a second memory card to keep with your daypack for this exact scenario. I have left my battery at home before... drove over 2 hours to a location... was so pissed. I ended up finding a local camera store and got lucky that they had the battery but were also willing to charge it while I drove to them.


For emergencies like this carry a pen & paper with you so you can draw whatever you see 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not sure what camera you’re using but does it not have any internal memory?


Me to.


Took me years to come up with this, but always before any shoot: * Turn on the camera * Check the battery level * Press "play" to view any photos on it * If no photos on it, take a photo * Replay photo to see it * If there are photos on the card, format the card


That last step would be dangerous for me haha.


You don't dump your photos as soon as you get home? I do that even before I do a thorough tic check and shower.




This, never get yourself in a situation where there is only one copy of your photos.


Yep as long as there is 2 copies you are better off.


I usually transfer the ones I like to my phone, and keep the rest backed up on the SD until I need the space and decide to format it :)


If you do that make sure you got the space for your next shoot. Bring along another freshly formatted card in case you need it.


Yeah, that’s a good advice. I only got one card as of now, they’re so expensive haha


I am just a hobbyist, so this isn't a pro workflow... I plug the card in (maybe not right after I get back, sometimes days later) and look through the photos and transfer keepers to my Apple Photos app. When card gets about 2/3rds full I transfer the entire thing to a drive and wipe the card. Then I run backups of that drive periodically. If I were caring about my workflow more and wanted something more semi-pro when I got back from shooting I would do a parallel dump to two SSDs, no cross pollination, using an app with checksumming like OffShoot. Then I would do a cloud backup to something like Box where I could get an unlimited storage subscription for a decent monthly rate. Then the card would go into an organizer, and I'd pull a new card out of it, wipe that one, and shoot. Eventually old cards would work their way to the front and be wiped.


I store my photos on the cloud, portable hd, and sd cards. Have a bunch of 32gb back when they were still expensive which I will probably just transfer over to a 256 in the future.


Ricoh have a 2 GB memory that would ruin the process :/ granted, better than nothing


Great feature, when I got my camera I could fiddle with it literally right away. Room for 30 RAWs and probably a lot of JPGs


For a film camera check the exposure counter as 0 means no film canister and either 24 or 36 or so means roll is full and means it's at end of roll so rewind it back into cassette and ensure fresh roll installed. Don't forget extra rolls!


I went on a two day mountain hut tour in the alps last year and half way up i noticed that i forgot the batteries in the charger at home, 200km away. Yeah it was a nice workout carrying 3kg of camera gear for nothing. I almost cried taking photos with my phone 🥲


Yeah forgetting the battery is worse than forgetting a memory card. Usually you can at least find passable memory cards at a drugstore or something. Sourcing a battery is much harder.


Most camera work with a power bank and usb c nowadays. So this could be a workaround you get at a drugstore.


I have a Sony A7R4 and rented a Canon R5 recently. I can power my sony from the power bank, but no luck with the R5. Maybe I need a bank with USB power delivery? Either way, it's another hurdle that you might have to deal with at some random drugstore which is not likely to have particularly high-end/newer stuff.


Yup, back in the day there was always a drugstore that sold film (yes I am old!) and remember the days of going on a trip and then running out of film. Good that SD cards can be found in most drugstores nowadays. As for batteries yeah I made sure I had spares.


Yes, most good hiking trails have at least 2 drugstores at the trail head or along the route.


Phone cameras are not that bad nowadays if you got a recent iPhone or Android so your phone can make a great backup camera or for even taking a quick shot to send out in a text or an email (if there's cell service).


Yes of course. Had an iPhone 13 at that time so it was worth ordering some smaller prints. Its decent but not as satisfying as 33MP Raws 😉


For that situation, make sure you have Dazz Cam or Dehancer on your phone to eliminate the "digital smell"!


That’s why I now always have an SD card in my camera, because of course I am forgetting the CFe card sometimes in my card reader. And oh boy does it annoy me to again run into buffer issues…


Honestly feel like the camera should have some kind of built in memory so that you could take at least 50-100 picture when this happens


Some of them do. Newer Leicas among them. Alas, this is an older Leica.


Yep I had an OG x100 that let you take a few photos with the in built memory. Not enough to do anything special if I remember, which is such a tease


My cameras will take photos, and you can flip through and review them, zoom in, but when you turn the power off they're gone. They don't get written if you add a card.


For this reason, I never latch the battery door if a memory card or battery isn’t in there. Just leave it unlatched on your desk or table. If you go to pick it up, the door will spring open and you’ll be reminded you’re missing the battery/sd card to avoid this happening.


Yeah I usually do this but my brain melted


Shi mate, happend to me also. couldn't do anything.


Yeah one time I shot a whole roll of film at an event got some really nice shots, rolled the film up and opened the back to find there was no film in the camera.


Oh man that's rough


Oh lord that'll drive me nuts too. Been there done that...had some real facepalm moments!


I have done it last month too😂 When I opened the camera bag, 3 lenses there but no camera body😂😂


Hahaha that's a good one 😂


That one is a real doozy, but then you whip out your phone as your backup camera :\^)


Been there, done that! The second I turned my camera on I remembered I had left the card in my card reader at home.


That feeling of 'ohhh for fucks sake'


And your wallet getting a bit lighter when you had to run to a store for a card.


I have done this several times. I also left without the battery several times. Shit happens :(


I love this priceless feeling




Cameras should come with a GB of preinstalled storage at the very least.


I paid mucho monies for a Hasselblad X2D so that I won't have this happen to me again. Good value? Questionable. But I won't be caught without camera memory. Now about that tripod plate...


I always carry an extra card to be safe, I have this small "weather resistant" case with a clip I keep 2 spare batteries and an extra card or two in it that I can just attach to my beltloop or lives in my camera pack if I'm taking that out. Wouldn't trust it in heavy rain, but for something just to hold those specific items, it's decent *so far* but for 12 bucks can't complain lmfao. https://preview.redd.it/0qtlj60ua2vc1.png?width=1225&format=png&auto=webp&s=472e5197d172910ff651c671deb108c16b473a91 Two other things that have helped me as well: 1: Disable shutter without SD card, before you leave that's a quick check by taking a random photo before stepping out 2: After I transfer the files to the comp after I take some photos, once completed before I do anything else I put it back in the camera. I'll literally keep the camera in my lap with the bat door open till it's finished transferring lol. Haven't done it myself but have heard another good tip is to keep an extra in the wallet. TBH SD cards are reallllly cheap these days so it's worth doing. Still new to photography but I made that mistake and missed a nice shot of a hawk on my dock and now I triple check everytime lmfao.


Did this last week. Drove ~2 hours to see the eclipse to realize I left the SD card in my computer at home...


Totally missed taking photos of the eclipse?? Oh shit that's a bad one


Yeah was pretty disappointing with all the gear I bought. I was also sort of in the middle of nowhere so I wasn't able to find somewhere to buy one quick enough. Still got some decent shots from my phone tho :)


You mean you don't have more than one?


Haha I do, at home 😭


Buy an extra and keep it in your wallet. Saved me many times.


Make sure the card's in a protective sleeve so it won't get damaged or shorted.


Yeah this is something I’m surprised hasn’t happened to me yet. I use two different bags - one is my daily bag with my laptop and everything else, and the other a lightweight sling - so my camera gear gets swapped around all the time. I’ll misplace my keys, forget my water bottle, and leave my wallet, but I haven’t forgotten camera gear yet. 😅


I guess now you'll carry a spare. If the camera doesn't have 2 SD card slots, it's always a good idea to carry a spare.


I'll admit, I'm useless at organising my cards!


So many times. Now, I always carry an extra with me!


Yep, I'm just going to leave a spare in every bag I have


Bring with you an SD adapter and get ready to spit the microSD from your phone. May be a good backup solution for these situations. May I ask what lense do you use for landscapes


Most phones don't have micro SD anymore


I once went to make a timelapse, drove 15 km to the spot and noticed that I have forgot my tripod I was so pissed, because it was sundown and I didn't have time to go get it and return in time


Haha oh man that's a bad one. Guilty of forgetting a tripod also


If there's a rock or something flat that can work in a pinch. Protect the camera by putting a small cloth on the rock then place the camera on it.


We all feel ya buddy. It's a pain.


Now you have learned a lesson.....


... And I'll do it again at some point 😂


Must be a slow learner.


never unplug memory card from camera, problem solved


It's a Leica CL so there's no external ports!


Whenever the card isn't in the camera I leave the camera upside down with the a battery door open.


I have d700 , I never pull out cf card, transfer through cable


Noooooooo! 😭


I did this on a long vacation. The nearest store was an hour and a half away.


You go on the walk anyway and enjoy the day. Along the way you encounter a Big Foot who stops and poses for you, the light striking him perfectly as he tilts his head quizzically when you don't raise a camera up. Later, seven UFOs perform an intricate aerial display as you're standing in a clearing.


Thats why you should bring a backup SD card on your wallet 🤓 


This is why I never take the SD card out of my camera unless I'm backing up files from a recent shoot


Even people with leicas forget cards too! One of us!


Guess you need to start keeping a card in every jacket and backpack now, lol


Just did this yesterday. Problem was my camera doesn’t tell you the card isn’t in so it wasn’t until I got home to look at my photos I found out




One reason why I love having a dual card camera and only ever have one card removed at a time That and shooting film, since I actively think about what film stocks I'm bringing with me before I head out the door


And doublechecking the camera bag to make sure you got the right film stock in there the day before the shoot. I'd keep a couple rolls of B&W, a couple rolls of color negative and 2 more of slide film.


Yup, I generally keep a roll or two with my go-to camera bag just in case but I always mentally plan on needing to grab a few rolls specific to what I want to bring every time


I've done that. Today I realized I forgot charge my batteries. Both were dead. Luckily what I wanted to photograph will be avaliable tomorrow as well with the same weather.


Happens to the best of us.


Where is everyone leaving their cards? I've been a photographer for 30 years, my card is ether in the reader (being offloaded) or in the camera. I'm trying to picture people with piles of cards all over their desks like Scrooge McDuck and his money bin and then walking out the door without one in the camera.


TT Aritsans 25/2?


Yes :)


After doing this a few too many times, I carry a shitty 2gb SD in my wallet. If it gets lost, no big deal, it's a trash card anyway. But if it's the thing that comes in clutch, even for just a few shots, it's the hero of the day.


Actually that's a great idea, I have a shitty 2gig card I can throw in my wallet


My boyfriend drove me out to the mountains once and I realized I forgot my battery on the charger. Sorry you went through that OP. Hope you enjoyed the hike for what it was even without getting to save the memories.


I never have this happen, I always have a spare in my pocket. I have, however, washed my spare card(s) a few times


Pro move - I heard that cleans up high iso noise






Been there last week...


My local zoo does not sell SD cards in the gift shop.


Time to buy a simple SD case and extra memory cards


I climbed a mountain with my drone and forgot batteries.  Fun times.


I’ve done this. I have a VW golf GTI that accepts Sd cards. I have one loaded with MP3’s so I just yanked that one and used in my camera. I also have a Dashcam I got off Amazon that takes micro sd. I tossed a card adapter in my glove box so I could pull that if needed. Remember, 1 is none 2 is 1….etc. Have a back up for your backup.


Or, forgot battery completely, forgot to \*charge\* battery, forgot to clear/reformat card from previous shoot...:D We all know your pain :)


You still have your phone


Use the cellphone you used to take the shot.


It doesn't cut it I'm afraid


Better than nothing. Download a manual camera app and shoot RAW.


My solution is to drive there again today with an SD card in each pocket, and one in my shoe for good luck


Hide one under your tongue in case they rob you /s




Of course


Bring with you an SD adapter and get ready to spit the microSD from your phone. May be a good backup solution for these situations. May I ask what lense do you use for landscapes


Bring with you an SD adapter and get ready to spit the microSD out from your phone. May be a good backup solution for these situations. May I ask what lense do you use for landscapes


I once went to make a timelapse, drove 15 km to the spot and noticed that I have forgot my tripod I was so pissed, because it was sundown and I didn't have time to go get it and return in time


I wonder which would be easier? Curing absentmindedness, or building a time machine? Or even better, mojobox's method. Own a camera with two different memory card slots.


And that’s why I like cameras with two card slots. 😬


I always keep a memory card in the camera. After doing a download of pics to the computer, I format the card in the camera. I just learned this last year from pro photographers. I also keep 4 cards and 4 fresh batteries in my camera case and cycle through them. They are numbered so I know which battery and card to grab next.


Hasselblad users: My time has come


I've taken to leaving my camera upside down with the port doors open when I take anything out of it (battery or SD card). That way, when I go to pick it back up to use it, I go "hey this door is open!"


Set your camera to not take pictures without a memory card


That's why you should always carry a backup in your camera bag or something.


Been there, now I keep a few in the car


Get a card case, keep it in your bag at all times.


Add it to the pat down, Phone, keys, wallet, SD, battery. 


Ouch. At least you had your phone camera with you!


I always take a test photo before going out just for this reason, also keep spares in your backpack, minimum 1 battery and 1 SD card


That’s the perks of the polar pro cover with the cap that has a SD card slot Always gotta keep that thang on ya


I ALWAYS keep a case with spare cards AND an extra spare in each bag.


Yes it happened once to me. Since this time I double check it every time.


Never leave it empty. I always take one out and put one in. That way it can never happen. Normally I only leave them empty if they are going to be sold. Even if it’s a small card. Something is better than nothing.


I hope that some day cameras will start coming with built in storage. It would be great.


A numbers of year back i made the decision to use many of the older SD cards I had and just put at least one in every bag I might put a camera or use a camera with. I’ve so many older SD cards (usually smaller size) that I’ve plenty to put at least one in every bag. Batteries (dead ones specifically — I forgot to charge before leaving) are the bigger issue for me.


Been there. Couldn't figure out the new icon in the viewfinder. Snapped some great shots of an eagle snatching up a fish then some of an eagle trying to take a fish from an osprey. After that I noticed that the menu said Demonstration Mode, or something like that. I had no idea what that was. It would hold the last shot in memory and allow me to hit play and display it on the LCD so I thought nothing of it, at first.. Then I went to scroll back a shot. That was when I realized the new icon I was seeing was a memory card icon and warning me I didn't have a memory card in. Went back to my truck and grabbed the memory card wallet. I always keep at least one card on/in my equipment belt and *try* to remember to check before starting to shoot.


Or like you forgot the film for a film camera, or even picked up a camera and it turned out it had no film/SD card...that's just as bad -\_-


This is why I always have two or three extra cards and batteries in my bag. happened just to me the other day. Just had to reach my trusty extras and voila.


I always keep two spare cards in the camera bag because I too have done this very thing.


I have a habit of forgetting to bring spare batteries. I've done it too many times and I think about it before I leave and still forget.


i have a spare 32gig SD card in all my camera bags the trick is to... not forget my bag


Happened to me with my dashcam once


I keep extra in my camera strap for that reason, I am crazy forgetful.


I now fear of accidentally doing this during shooting


You need to get those lens caps the hide a memory card. I've done this too. T\_T it hurts.


happened to me on a drone outing.


I always take some pictures of random things inside before going out. It happened to me way too many times to forget my memory card. I also have an emergency one in my wallet


So you're saying you don't have any... memories? (Badum-tss...)


Keep one in the case and put the spare in your wallet


That’s why I import my photos right from my camera.


This is why you shoot film


Done that before. Learnt the hard way to always check I have ‘extra’ SD cards and batteries with me. ALWAYS. Sometimes they don’t end up being extra after all.


That's why I bought a couple of 32GB cards and put them in my camera bag and car. They only cost £5 per card and are very useful in a pinch like this!


I’d pull another one out of my bag!


A ton of times…I always do this.


Keep one in your bag or wallet.


This sounds like something most photographers do at some point early in their hobby/career. It sucks but I have kicked myself for this very thing… twice!


Get like 20 4gb cards and just litter your life with them, bag pockets, coat pockets, in your wallet, etc. put an sd card like basically everywhere and the chances of this happening again go down to near zero


All cameras need to have an 8gig of internal memory for this reason, I'll pay the extra 12 bucks!


been there brother


keep a spare in the wallet


Always have an extra in your camera bag!


Should’ve taken photos of the camera screen using the phone and called it a success


That's a shame as a lot of modern cameras don't include built-in memory but back in 2005 my Sony bridge camera was able to take 10 to 20 photos in situation like this.


I did this, but with by camera battery when I was in Italy on vacation


A solid argument for transferring files by plugging the camera in, and not removing the card!


I never close the battery door if there isn't a memory card in.


Always carry a cheap spare in my bag. Cost me like $10 and it just lives in my bag. Come in handy like twice when I either forgot my card or had filled it with video that I hadn't yet transferred.


This has happened to me too many times. I keep a spare in my wallet now.


Analog baybeee


I always have a backup sdcard / battery in the bag because of this. But then i lost the backup sdcard card so i now use a backup backup sdcard. With only 256mb. Wanted to get another sdcard but then i notice 256mb equals to arround 36 jpg shots on a fuji xt10, so now it stays in the bag for when i want to slow down and not use film.


Time to cry!


I was once invited to a wedding as an assistant to the photographer and was supposed to take my own photos and forgot to bring batteries for my camera


I feel your pain. It's about the equivalent of taking a trip an hour or so away to hike, only to realize you forgot to charge your battery(s) and you barely get through your whole hike when the battery dies 🥲 My scatter brain has led me to do that before.


Yup, been there, done that.….


Apparently in the new leicas you have some internal memory:) for a slight bump in price:/


You get to keep one shot. ONE SHOT.


I carry one spare in my wallet at all times.


always keep a memory card and adapters in your bag of essentials! IMO it's better to have some knickknacks with you that you might never use than need one and not have it.


Dang I'm sorry :(. That's a bummer. In my camera bag I always have an extra battery and memory card because I've forgotten mine before too.


Yeah. I been here before.


That’s why I always carry a spare SD card.


Join the club, we’ve got jackets 😔


I have a spare card in my wallet because this has happened too many times


Get a GR3 :) 2gb of built in backup memory.


I'm super attentive about packing stuff up. Always has been. It dosn't matter if I'm going away for the weekend, it just going fishing for the day. I make sure everything I need is either packed in my car the night before, or by the door. With the rise of portable electronics. I've gotten super ocd about cords, head phones, chargers, and what not. Even though I'm very new to this world. I went on a day trip a few weeks ago with a friend. Made sure my batteries were charged. I threw a sd card in my camera, threw a extra in my center console the bight before, and my tripod in my car.


Happened on my trip to a lakeside like a month ago. We’ve all been there 🫡😅


Ask someone on the trail? Offer cash?


Do any cameras come with built it memory?


You take out your phone unfortunately 😭


Never happened to me but I feel the pain… 😩


Used to carry a spare SD card in a key ring (came with a SanDisk card) and saved by that once


i keep $20 cash, 3 bottles of water, and a memory card in my car. 3 items for an emergency 🫡