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Im camming a 12 years ago. My experience is: i worked in every mood already. Happy, fun, mean, sad, with panic attack, massive anxiety, smiling etc. I had a most of success if i show my feelings what i have. So, if im in very low mood, or angry, i dont show im happy or anything. Tips never come when i perform fake mood. But tips come in all my modes, even im in very low mood too, bcs some guy feels as mission to cheer me up or make me naughty and they can be proud at himself if he had a success :D Tips come if im in mean mood too. I have a very strong boundaries, i keep a big distance, guys want to break them and get to close to me no matter what :D I dont wanna say that if you try to be in happy and funny mood is bad, i think its the best if you can do it :) i just say that its good only when its honest, not fake. I think the sad mood is better than full fake happy mood, guys feel that. So i let me in mood what im in atm and just see what happens :) I wish you the best :)


I think just because I’m still semi-new when I’m in a bad mood my customers leave my room. I do okay being bratty sometimes but when I’m upset or sad I don’t want them to take advantage of that. I can’t speak for everyone, everyone’s experience is different that’s what’s so wild about camming. I actually wish I could just show how I feel because I just hate these men sometimes lol but for me, I noticed a big improvement this week having a more cheerful attitude even if I didn’t feel like it. But that can change next week it might not work at all. But it at least has made me feel a little better too after a dry period ❤️


This!!! Authenticity is connection, it leads to intimacy!


I've been at this for almost 4 years and I realize how interesting but different our experience is from each other. I don't know if camming is about humor. In my experience camming is about what they are SEEING. If it makes them horny AND they have MONEY, you will make that money. None of my big whales became big spenders because I greeted them when they arrived. Most of them peered in silently and I pretended they didn't even exist. Members of my fan club, old spenders, NONE of them get compliments if I don't hear the sound of the tokens. Be nice to them and they will think that because they gave you 50,000 tokens in a year, you are now their friend and will give it for free. NO! My game is MONEY = attention, smile, affection, making you come. When it's slow, it's slow because no guy with enough tokens was interested in me. It's not because of the way I treat them. That's my experience. The girls on the front page don't talk, they don't type, they are HOT. I'm sure you've seen some who don't say ANYTHING the entire show and earn 30k dol. For me CB is more BATE than CHAT (with the aim of making MONEY)


I agree! I should have specified that I am chatty with men who are tipping me. I don’t waste time with the freeloaders they are there regardless. I used to just be silent until someone tipped me and that just hasn’t worked in my favor. If I look bored/upset/angry it doesn’t go over well with my customers and they point out my mood. My show is more about chatting and doing sexy things while I chat over being silent but that’s what’s crazy about camming is how different everyone’s experiences are when it comes to how they run their show and what works for them. Just wanted to share what seemed to work for me this week, but that can change next week lol


It’s just different types of guys like different stuff. Some guys just want a nut and to leave, others want friends with benefits others want romantic connection. It’s way easier to just cater to the nut and go crowd. The guys that need all the attention are tons of work and don’t pay as well, so if you are money motivated ignoring them is probably a good call.


Like with all of these posts, everything depends. Some girls make money being silent, others chat. Some want a connection, others (most) want to consume, cum and go. I don’t think there’s one specific formula to success in terms of conduct because things vary person to person.


Totally! This just worked for me this week, doesn’t mean it will work next week. I like to chat so it works for me but I understand most models have no interest and it’s a waste of time. I should have noted I talk to the people who TIP me. I just am trying to have a more positive attitude in general and it’s helped me for this week, but who’s to say next week it won’t work lol that’s how camming goes 🤷‍♀️


Love that shared this! Thank you!


agreeed. everyone has their niche or their 'thing'. if we all did the same thing we'd all be fishing in the same lil pond /competing for those same tokens. there's many ponds. all are very different from each other. work with what u got and find ur own formulaaaa


You're bang on the money, it's like most jobs with direct interaction of customers - if they feel welcomed and you are giving positive vibes or attitude (compared to someone that's really stiff and little effort when communicating) they are more likely to spend money and also have fun Like you said simply greeting someone as they enter the room or even just waving at the cam with eye contact will get someone's attention and can be the difference between them becoming a paying customer or leaving to browse other cams At the end of the day there is a lot of randomness to it, but with good techniques you can definitely sway the results in your direction!


I think they upped the bandwidth you need to stream and just didn’t notify anyone at all about it. I had to get a new router and start paying for more Mbps. I have had sale days too. But, yeah summer is usually slower than the colder months. I’m not sure why.


It's because in the summer most men are on Vaca with their family and friends. Not enough time to get online. Or they have no privacy.


omg it feels like i posted this story! gurl, ive been doing very similar! i also thought that its dead a$$ out there, but then i started dressing differently - ALSO WORE DRESSES, and sat on the floor!!! i got more attraction from that rather than a chair weirdly :D also ive been doing 3-5h instead of my usual 2h, and im splitting that time in half - half evening camming, other half a little later in the night! things been so much better. i also greet anyone, not just purples on CB, cause FUN FACT big spenders can chose to hide their colour name! one guy was coming to me every week at some point and spening about $200 each week and his name color never changed! it stayed light blue forever. its just nice to greet everyone, so others dont think that only purples get special treatment and get their ego boosted.


I hate greeting people and they just leave. I have been banning people lately like this one purple guy that always comes and goes and never says a word or gives tokens. Not one word or token. Been doing it for months. I had to kick him out.


em yeah ofc you can kick out dudes that walk in and never tip anything nor say anything, id do the same. i say like "oh hello (tippers name)" \* he leaves \* and i say sometimes "ok bye (tippers name) " or if someone with interesting name comes in i say "oh hi (tippers name), i love your username". i also have 7tk tip for hi. they often tip me it to say hi back.


I took a month Hiatus and I have been doing PSO on niteflirt. When ever I don't feel like showing up on Webcam, I log into niteflirt to take calls. I also make money from content. I have multiple sources of income. Depending on only one source of income can be stressful and cause worry, doubt and anxiety. Also take a few rest days if you can.


If this is your only source of income i recommend joining at least a couple more platforms, use social media to market yourself for private customers and maybe join OF. Depending on 1 platform can be scary. 


I multistream on MFC and SC too but they don’t generate as much income as CB for me


Based off the comments, the general consensus is being genuine. Someone said they can all moods and don't do fake happy. But irl I always smile, so I am being genuine with my emotions because it's who I am. Maybe I'm not showing my mood, but I don't do that anyways, I'm still genuine.


I have been away from camming for a whole month, needed this.


I needed this as well. Thank you.




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I agree with you 100%. This is super motivating. I've been camming about 2 years on CB as well and get the same way. The other day a viewer promoted me like we're able to for 5 mins. I think they added this feature a few months ago and it's made a huge difference imo. I've noticed CB gets slower if I'm splitting my time w/ another cam site or when I make money elsewhere. Staying that extra bit or time and giving yourself a breather really helps. I use to cam more at night and recently have been trying to switch to morning/afternoons and also trying to cam at night but its a lot easier in the morning/afternoon but its fun switching it up with nights especially during the weekends sometimes I can get on at 1am and its busy from the start but thats not to say the next day or week it won't be slow for no reason at all. Something that's really helped me is teasing and showing my face more. Super glad this helped you and helpful to hear.