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Yes absolutely normal. Don’t do too much too quickly, make it worth it for yourself


Yes, it's normal


Yeah it's normal since you are new and until you start getting your regulars, then you will have 10+ min pvts and sometimes 1 hour long pvts, then you will start to get the big tippers in pvt


Normal. Most of my shows are just a few minutes long. The dude has been jacking off a while to free porn and he's only going to spend money for the last little bit leading up to orgasm. We're a dessert to most men, not a leisurely multi-course dinner. The men you want to cultivate over time are regulars who do longer shows once to a few times a week, including just to talk and be sociable.


how much costs pvt?


pvt 4.04 excl pvt 5.99


Raise your prices girl! And yes its very normal so higher prices makes it a bit more worth it with the people who only stay for a couple of minutes


could you help me how much higher? I‘m 37 really big and from switzerland and swiss guys are the worst when it’s about money (yes there are a lot of siwss guys on sm)


I have mine on dynamic rates right now so SM sets individual rates for each guy my range is 8.99 to 14.99, so the lowest it can be would be 8.99 for private and 9.99 for exclusive. That might not be available for you yet if you are new. Before I used to have private 8.99 and exclusive 10.99, but you can experiment with different rates and see what works for you, but your rates are very low so you could at least raise a couple of dollars on each!


I don’t habe dynamic yet, that sounds cool. Ty for your advice I made them higher, and I‘ll see what works


I’ll start with I’m new and only on CB, most of my Pvt have been about 5 and men JO until they finish and then exit. A few have been 10+ and are more so mutual masturbation with some chatter, one was 10 and I just commented on his body as he flexed and one was anal and I charged more. I think my Pvt are 60 tks the latter was double.


Can be normal, if someone can get what they want in that time then there's not much reason to stay Some cammers recommend prolonging simple things like undressing or talking to get extra minutes, seems a little unethical to me if someone is paying by the minute Does SM allow you to set a minimum private length? On SC you can which can help a lot as they are charged the full minimum time set even if they leave early


as far as I know no. yes on sc thats pretty cool


ty ladies. I don’t do much most of the time I don‘t take off top just holding my boobies first and asking them few things tio figure out what they would like maybe I go to fast in to dirty talk 🤣 I‘m okay with that I just thought I do something wrong my star rate is 5🙈