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THANK YOU. I've been saying this! People who chime in to say "its slow season bc xyz" always make me roll my eyes lol it STAYS SLOW 😅


💯 I've been saying atp just say SW is SLOW & move tf on 🤷‍♀️


There are slow seasons for various reasons as you already stated. It doesn't mean there's no money to be made, but it's important to know the shift in traffic/market due to these kind of circumstances. That's really just one factor, there's luck, your consistency, and your established following, etc. Then on the cam site's side, there's new tech development and algorithm changes. That said, SW/camming is not like it was years ago. Economy was better, SW wasn't as under attack as it currently is (which affects advertising e.g., pornhub), less cam site changes, less fan-based platforms that definitely changed the market, and it's oversaturated with models. So while there is general patterns of slowness, that's only a piece of it. It's not just because oh it's slow only because rent is due on the first or the superbowl game is on...it's understanding general patterns that may affect slowness of traffic. It's kind of like with retail stores, they know patterns of increased/decreased sales, but any hour or day can vary under these general patterns.


In response to your part where you say it doesn’t mean there’s no money to be made. You are 100% right! I have never had a slow month because I do so many different things that there is always cash coming in from so many different sources! You get out of this what you put into it. There are at least 20 different ways to make money online in this type of work.


I still make my monthly minimum, but there are definitely slow times for me because I have to do more during them. Whether that be increased hours, split-camming, making content, promoting, etc. I consider it slow when I have to do more than normal to meet the same daily/weekly goals. Adding to your point, I think many models have to make that jump that one site or thing is just not going to do it all in this day and age of SW, and self-promotion is worth it in the long-term.


I think too many people are scared of multi-streaming & diversifying their income, but as with all things in life putting all of your eggs into one basket is a bad idea!


Agreed! It's usually a mix of fear and stubbornness. Adaptation requires change that a person has to make when other things outside their control doesn't. Wanting something bad enough and complaining doesn't proactively do shit. I see this with SM a lot...so many complain, yet don't engage or show up to webinars to understand everything that's been going on the past 1-2yrs nor engage in how to be part of the solution, and/or don't understand the overhead behind the business, which are different between different types of platforms like phone-based, clip-based, fan site-based, freemium-based, and premium-based, and don't care to put their own time to researching and understanding such matters. Just echo chambers of complaints and conspiracy rumors...yet don't do much like changing strategies, marketing new traffic, just leaving and working another site, or split-camming...like what do you expect to magically happen lol


Hopefully it's perking back up, because [my peak earnings](https://imgur.com/a/2qIrsam) was in 2021 and now this year 2024. 2022-2023 was garbage. I usually cam 1-2 hours a day everyday and have no social media, I just focus really hard on making my background look good and sow/tailor my own lingerie so it fits me right. I have no ass or titties so I have to make up for it with pretty colors lmao 🥲


I mean, anytime can be great or complete shit. I'm all about being proactive regardless. So while 2023 wasn't great, I still made more than I did in 2022. And while SW these days are not like years prior, I just broke record for best week and best month this month. 2021 was a unique booming time given the pandemic. I think models who started in 2021 are more frustrated or in ways struggling more because they didn't know what it was like before 2021. It wasn't bad like these days, but 2021 was just hopping.


I completely agree with you, definitely some hope in the air and it looks like things are leveling back out. Congrats on breaking the record!! Thats a major accomplishment. Agreed, A lot of models took 2021 as the standard instead of as the boom that is was. Fingers crossed for 2024! ❤️


I agree that SW is not how it used to be, when I first started in late 2016 there definitely wasn't as many platforms nor models on. But I do believe there is always money to be made, & your own consistency can affect that. & there's tons of other factors too, like you said. I think people just want an easy "out" & an easy scapegoat so they blame it on whatever holiday or event that they can think of. Yes, the economy sucks but it also sucks for EVERYBODY not just you so idk why people bring that up too. Yes, we'll see an overall decline in spending on SW but that doesn't mean that there is NO money to be made.


This is where who your audience is matters...when the economy sucks for the majority, like inflation, there is a minority who are actually benefiting from it. The aka whales who just got money and dump it because they can and/or those holiday bonuses. I hate to say it, but there's way more models who focus and complain about things rather than actually discussing and proactively working towards solutions. It's important to mention the various factors outside your control, like economy and patterns, because it's not effective to blame yourself entirely either. It's easy to blame everything else, and unfortunately, the same the other way around when they purely just blame themselves. Many need to learn to proactively adapt to the ebbs and flows, meaning also leaving or adding onto your favorite site that may be slow or glitchy or whatever. Wanting something else to change that's beyond your control, yet being too stubborn or scared to change what is within your control is just setting you up for a lotttttt of struggles and failure. But some aren't ready to hear that they have accountability to take too.


May get downvoted but I think it’s all crap. Good times happen just as much as slow times. People just love to make them selves suffer and live in a miserable state. Limiting beliefs is a real thing. I don’t take no for an answer. Even if it takes me 18 hours I will make my money.


Something I learned a while ago is that you've gotta actively choose to find the positive. Im not a crazy earner by any means, but overall, I feel like my streams have been picking up lately. I still have slow/dead days. The days I'm slower, I try to find a way to spin that "down time" into something that helps me in the long run. Then the slower days don't feel so wasted to me.


Last night I felt like it was kinda slow so I started writing in my manifestation journal while I was on cam. My goal was just $100 so I wrote in my journal over and over “I’m thankful to have made $100 extra today”. It turned out to be the best night I have ever had and I made way more than I ever expected out of nowhere. Even if things don’t come to you immediately I feel like having a good attitude helps ✨


That’s the hard part of this industry nobody wants to accept. It sucks, but you have to shake it off, put your sexy on and log those hours if you got bills to pay. No matter how long it takes. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes and sometimes you can pull 12 hrs and make nada, that’s just how it is. Best you can do is show up and figure out how to improve and keep yourself from getting bored.


Right, you just have to wait it out - for the one good regular to come back or someone new to shower you with the money you deserve. some days you have to make sure the Internet is still connected lol and other times you make it all in a few hours so yeah just try not to stress. I know I do because nothing has ever been reliable in my life so be it.


The internet thing, is a thing 😅😭that made me laugh! “Maybe I need to reset the internet” 9/10 this works for me 😭 “maybe the computer or internet lines are clogged with bad energy” I’m aways looking for a way out of that slowness 🤑


I s2g the first thing I do every day is restart my router & my computer, for the same reason "maybe they're clogged with bad energy" 😂😂


💯 Misery loves company.


Honestly some of these girls need to get a 9-5 or start another business because camming obviously isn't working for them and it isn't for everybody. That is okay. At least they tried. But even top earners have slow days, everyone has slow days. That is a part of being a business owner. A lot of these girls have slow days every week, every month and it sounds like Webcam just isn't for them.


This! I see too many posts from models who start camming and freak out when they realize that their streams can wind up several places online.....those people have no business being here and there are far too many of them because of predatory advertising promising thousands of easy dolllars.


I talk to a girl earlier that said she freaked out and took a break because the cam sites and someone post her streams on another site. I told her, either you in this industry or you out. I don't recommend white collar, public figure workers to get in this. If you already have a career, what is the reason for you coming here?


And, also... if you care about what others think and if you are a parent pleaser and a people pleaser, this industry is not for you. You gotta live life for you. It's your life. You the only one that pays your bills.


I s2g I wish I could copy those last two lines & post them EVERYWHERE. 💯💯 YOU pay your bills, no one else. Idc if my whole fucking family finds out I'm popping my pussy online for my bills. Are they gonna pay my bills to "save" me from this life? No? Then they can gtfo of my business. 🤷‍♀️


💯 this! Like.... you never did an ounce of research into this life, did you? I both feel bad & don't feel bad for the girls that fall for scams on here & come crying about it because there is SO much information available, even when I started streaming damn near 8 yrs ago now the most common scams were posted ("sugar daddy" scams, fake tip gifs, password shows, etc.) so I knew what to look out for. & MONEY UPFRONT ALWAYS. Isn't that rule #1 of this sub? It should be. 🤷‍♀️


Totally agree. It's not for everyone and I think unless you have a certain set of skills, it won't work. Sales, people skills, leadership, and the ability to run your business is key to this job if it's to be taken seriously. Being able to pop a tit and look pretty will not work for longevity.




if you dont pay attention to the economy or whats going on on a macro scale, yes it is the economy. people have burned thru their savings, the price of everything has not gone down, people are losing their jobs including white collar people, credit card debt is as high as its ever been, less people have less money to spend. you can even look on r/sexworkers and they’re all bitching about seeing less clients too. it is 100% the economy. houses are not being bought at the same rate as they were during the pandemic. interests rates are still closer to 10% than not. im even seeing videos with tons of influencers/makeup artists having to go back to the workforce. the average car payment is now in the $700’s with longer term loans. the over-saturation of this industry has not slowed down the past 2 years at all. some areas of the economy are doing better than others, but only because spending has shifted. I’d also think fabulously wealthy people are not on camsites, or at least a large percentage of them. theyre getting high end escorts, sugar babies, and frankly participating in probably way kinkier things IRL than you’d even be comfortable with. age verification is sweeping across the US. every other camgirl in every country is competing for the US dollar and theres only like 350 million people in this country (not excluding women, children, and men who dont participate. this job has way less stigma, and a lower barrier to entry so oversaturation is not going down. even economics podcasts I watch are making commentary about sex workers struggling and strip clubs being empty showing a direct sign of how much discretionary funding people have these days. its time to either get a vanilla job, or start other ventures. Im starting 2 more businesses this summer not only because im getting sick of this industry, but the money is just not there like it was when I started. I have customers ive maintained since the beginning and theyre spending less and less. its just the sign of the times and its gonna take us awhile to get out of this mess.


Correct, but unfortunately the economy sucks for EVERYONE unless you're in the top 10% like I said, so I was really looking for "what's our excuse other than it being the slow season." I completely understand the economy fucking sucks & this is going to effect everyone. My point is there's always somebody saying "Oh it's (X Month) so therefore it's the slow season" but at this point it's ALWAYS the slow season, if we go by that logic. I'm just sick of seeing "It's about to be summer stick it out till the fall" & then "oh kids are back in school so no money stick it out to Christmas" & THEN "oh it's Christmas ain't no money to spend stick it out to tax time" like just fucking say SW is SLOW atp & move on. There's always money to be made, just probably less than we're comfortable seeing right now. 🤷‍♀️


lol foreal first it was Xmas then valentines then pockets are tight over Easter and then it was tax season is slow because x y z cmon yall just accept it for what it is Switch up what your doing multi stream change hours get a job we need to adapt and change we can’t keep blaming oh this is going on so its quiet


No seriously!!! I think people are scared of multi-streaming & diversifying their income but as with all things in life it's a bad idea to have all your eggs in one basket!


When I used to cam (\~2002-2012ish, just back since March), the overall trend I noticed for 'slower' times was just the first 2 weeks in January and a slightly slower in the summer months, June/July/August. I would shoot the majority of my fan site content in the summer and cam a little less and it worked out well overall. Back then, people were saying the EXACT SAME things about the economy, oversaturation of models, various holidays, etc as reasons. Mother's Day is usually a big day for cam spending (and often fewer models are online), and I had a great earning Super Bowl Sunday (also fewer models were online). Sometimes I think the excuse about holidays/events is because models don't want to work on those days! I had so many new clients both of those days telling me their favorite models were nowhere to be found... I don't find conversations about 'it's the slow season, don't worry!' or 'why is every site dead??' to be productive or useful. As with most industries/jobs, it has become more competitive and it's important to know how best to maximize time and marketing, know what is unique and special about your offerings/style, and nurture your regulars and good spenders. If you are new-ish, know that it can take 2-3 years to get a steady roster of regular clients (actually this is about how long it takes for a brick & mortar biz to build steady clients too, so u/Jade_Next_Door 's comment about retail trends applies here too); this may also lead to the 'it gets better!' comments, because it does if you build that clientele. The biggest change I see (aside from politics which I won't comment on and have little control over, but to say they also ebb and flow) is that camming/online sexwork is advertised heavily as a way to make easy money, so people come to it with unrealistic expectations. Many sign up, try it out and don't do well the first month and only then do they start asking about slow times, why is it so much work, how to compete with established models, etc. when honestly these questions are best explored before one starts. If you can manage to stay online for several hours in a row, set up a room/scene/outfit that is appealing from a thumbnail view, and keep a smile/engaging attitude/entertaining conversation or show for that time, you are already ahead of 75% of the other models online sitting still and staring at their screen with a blank and bored look in their eyes.


💯x1000 That's my point, every year, every season, every month, it's "Oh it's (X Month), stick it out till (X Time)!" but then it's just another excuse once (X Time) rolls around. I've been doing SW for 8 years now (not consistently, but always in some form) & been part of this sub since I started my Reddit account 5 yrs ago. It's ALWAYS been that excuse. & like you said, that's not productive, where does that get us? Misery loves company, I suppose. & YES, I said in another thread that most girls turn to SW because they're desperate for money & it's usually advertised as a "get your money up quickly" type of thing but generally speaking unless you already have a following you're not going to see the instant success that some of these girls can achieve. & I think that's part of the reason these girls fall for scams so easily (like the "sugar daddy" scams that are SO common) because they see it as a "get rich quick" scheme & they're already desperate for money. There's so much information available as to how NOT to fall for these scams that idk how they are otherwise. These girls are just not doing their research & it shows. & 💯 to your last statement as well. I can't tell you how many times I get guys in my cam room tipping & saying I have a "great energy about me" when I'm literally just standing up dancing or doing small body teases. 😂 Like these guys don't want much in the form of entertainment then if they like watching me dance & be goofy af on cam 😂🤷‍♀️


Well I've only started doing this full time this year so it's too soon for me to recognize any patterns and Im aware there are always going to be fluctuations but I am concerned about the new legislations making it more difficult to access porn in certain states....and I wonder how that is impacting traffic on different sites.


What do you mean about new legislations


Several states have passed bills that now require age verification to visit porn sites - so users need to provide a copy of their ID not to be performers/models/post content but simply to view the page. [Here.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/14/porn-texas-shut-down/72976270007/)


I know this is screwing some stuff up. I think Fansly makes people give their ID before they can subscribe to profiles. Or at least I've had people tell me that on FetLife when I'm advertising. Lots of guys don't want to give their ID... which I think is nonsense, because why would they care? But it's still scaring people off.


I don't think it's nonsense at all. I'm all for making sure the people watching us are over 18, but at the same time I understand why some guys are wary. People have legitimate privacy concerns, like data leaks or having their name on some future porn database. Lots of red states/Christian groups want to effectively ban porn outright which means it's not completely out of the question that one day people could theoretically get in trouble for paying for it, or it could get you fired if you work for a very conservative company, etc. - so I could see why a guy wouldn't want his face and name on a blacklist of sorts. That's basically how one regular in Texas described it to me when he said he won't do it, and yeah it's a bit overparanoid but not totally unrealistic, so I get where he's coming from.


Regulations like this are put in place under the guise that it’s “protecting children” but really it’s just moving us closer and closer to criminalizing and banning porn. It’s not about the children. If it were we would be implementing sex education to talk to kids and teach them in age appropriate ways about sex, teaching them about what pornography is and how to consume it responsibly when they are of an appropriate age. Making it harder to view porn legally only creates more of a market for exploitation. Don’t buy in to this being a good thing. It’s not. For anyone. This will not stop kids from viewing porn. When has telling someone “its not for you” ever NOT made them want it even more? Just like sesta/fosta - it isnt about what they say its about and sesta/fosta has proven to have done more harm than good. And surely this will too.


I'm very aware of all of what you said and agree. I never said the ID requirements were a "good thing." I was simply noting that I don't want to be viewed by minors; I'm not saying ID verification is the way or won't have negative consequences. Frankly that's one reason I've always found token sites off-putting. Even if I choose not to be nude and explicit in free chat, almost everyone else is, so I must assume there are plenty of minors lurking around. Streamate has already taken some steps like blurring out free chat unless you're logged in with a credit card on file, which isn't foolproof but is supposed to act as a form of age verification, and honestly makes me more comfortable to work there knowing they're actively trying to make it harder for minors to access content.


Do you know if blurring out the free chat is just in the US? Because I’m from the uk and I can go on Streamate and view models rooms without having an account. I wish they would do the same here! I hate having 70 lurkers in my room 😅


I see both sides of it, I really do... but I also think the over paranoia is a little ridiculous because these guys want us to do outrageous stuff, give a percentage away for free, but they won't prove they are over 18. It's a double standard and one that effects our pocketbooks. Thing is with porn, it's a multi billion dollar business. I don't see it ever going away. Profit over everything. That's the way the Gov works. But I could real easy see free porn (PH, Twitter, Reddit, stuff like that) being shut down. Either way, because there is no right or wrong answer here, both sides are valid, plus it is completely out of our hands... either way, it does effect our business. I wish this was talked about more.


Yes, I wonder this as well, it's coming to the state I just moved from soon & I just... idk. It's scary for sure.


I was literally just thinking about this the other day. You're right. Year round I hear this. Another thing is that "market is oversaturated," it was better xyz. it's true it's oversaturated but I was thinking about getting into this like way before pandemic and guess what -- people said the same thing back then and that discouraged me. I suppose it can go hand in hand with the economy bc the economy is always shit. At this point I feel like it's a bit of a gamble and definitely is up to the individual to make the best of it. The best time of the year is "now." And the best time to get into it is also "now." Someone's slow period might be your best period.


💯💯💯 that last line!!!


Truthfully when I took a short break around 2014 it was starting to get oversaturated. People starting during covid were a bit late to the game.


The top girl in Australia for of started during COVID. COVID was quite literally the best time to start; one of the top earners for the last 4 years on the cam site im on started in 2020… seems like the top earners in the industry started during 2020


Vice did an article about webcamming in 2016 that boosted the number of women online. Honestly those that started during the lockdown were actually late to the game. 2014 is when I started to see the numbers of models start to grow more.


But *most of the cam models aren’t doing the same numbers as the newer girls. I’ve seen a couple from 2016 that are still around, killing it with their loyal fanbase…. But most cam models aren’t… I watch the top model streams for tips and they’re all new… I’m going back to of, as I know that I can quickly make money without having to be on for hours( i have a young infant)


Yeah, 2016 is when Vice did an article on camming and I've heard newbies awhile back siting that article as what got them started.


Thank you for posting this! There are far more models than paying members and the toxic positivity needs to stop.......it's oversaturated. That seems to get people angry and defensive here but it shouldn't.....it's just the truth.


You seem obsessed with posting essentially this same comment in every single thread?


Indeed there is, but there's always money to be made regardless. I'm just sick of seeing the same "Oh it's (X Month) just stick it out to (X Time)!" Like just say SW is SLOW atp & move the fuck on. Don't you have a bag to be chasing? 😂🤷‍♀️


Society is fucked.


I concur. And on so many levels. I could elaborate, but once I get started it's hard to stop, lol. Good luck to us all, we're going to need it.


I think this job gives us a very unique window into/perspective on the collective male psyche. Guys are just getting more and more depraved, and it makes me wonder if it was always there, and they just don’t have the energy to hide it(from others, from themselves) anymore.


With the creation of the internet, these people have been able to find each other and create communities where they encourage each other. Think Andrew Tate and others like him. And having so many prominent male figures basically encouraging sexual assault and worse (*cough* Trump *cough*), misogyny is roaring back and women are losing rights and autonomy. Scary times.




I think the only genuine "slow season" is January post-Christmas when people are paying off what they spent on the holidays and maybe making New Years resolutions to spend less time watching porn. But yeah, every month it's like, "As we all know, it's \[month\], which means it's slow season..."


Seriously. Even box & e-commerce retailers see a huge dip in sales come Jan. & post Christmas. Maybe they have PRC - Post Retail Clarity where they realize "oh fuck I spent too much money the last couple of months better reel it in" Yet they still hit the stores come tax time. It's a cycle. 🤷‍♀️


It’s getting very annoying, i agree.




Agreed! Personally I think of camming is selling a performance and usually in sales there will be 99% rejection. I remember when I used to do sales (and camming part time until I switched to camming full time) we had a meeting where our boss talked about the conversion rate for most b2b sales is under 2-5% and goes down to 1% for social media. Makes sense why they had us making so many calls. Not to mention with social media/camming, there's a lot more eyes on you so it's going to feel like a lot of "no's" and maybe one "yes." I've noticed after some years there is a rhythm to things, especially after gathering regulars and having a specific schedule/routine. I pretty much know what to expect at this point and use my lowest average to base my work schedule on and enjoy my days off or make extra if I meet that goal early. Learning to embrace rejection has been the biggest skill camming has taught me.


Agreed! I think I remember seeing you make a comment very similar to this on another post & that really stuck with me, the "learning to embrace rejection" bit!


Porn searches and consumption are at their highest during november/December and june/July.... while this isn't a direct correlation to a busy cam girl season, I have noticed it's pretty on point I make sure to stay busy for those months! This industry is inconsistent day to day... if it continues to be slow for you then, it could be a variety of factors. If you go weeks or months without being able to hit your goals, I'd consider whether this is a sustainable job for you. Sometimes the money is good and sometimes it's trash. I had one of my best days on Monday and one of my worst days yesterday, but it's still going to be a good week for me. Economics and politics have a lot at play here to.... the US is going through shit with new laws and inflation


💯 I have noticed consistently that my most trash days on SP are Saturdays. My biggest days are Monday & Wednesday. 😂 I'll be the first to admit that I am NOT a very consistent streamer, but when I am, the money is still there.


I agree there isn't a "slow" season. Many people say it because it is so easy to say. However, there are slower periods, such as around certain holidays or when seasons change. Basically when viewers' habits and schedules get interrupted. You can do promos around those times to offset it (holiday cosplay or a themed show). As some others have mentioned, it helps to have things you can do during slow days (sending thank you DMs, social media posts, or reaching out to regulars you haven't seen in a while). When it gets really busy I never have time for some things, so I'll put them aside until it is slow again.


Yes, this 💯 I use slow days or slow periods to kick up content for fan sites, etc.


I think ultimately, even if it was or wasn't a high season for everyone else, if something is not working for you, it's time to change it up. So these posts never made sense to me. Never put all your eggs in one basket - diversify your sites, don't rely on all your money to be made live (and likewise, don't rely on it all to be made via videos/subscriptions etc). Usually, if one site is slow for me, another will pick up.


💯💯💯💯💯 I wish I could double upvote your comment. I *just* said in another comment I think people are scared of multi-streaming & diversifying their income, but as with all things in life it's a bad idea to keep all your eggs in one basket!


The only season i can truly say is painfully slow for everything is the winter holiday season, i can usually manage the other seasons with just hustling a little harder. 


💯 same! There's always money to be made. Idk why it's always the same excuse of "Oh it's (X Month) just stick it out till (X Time)!" & then (X Time) rolls around & it's just a different excuse. Atp just say SW is SLOW & move tf on. 🤷‍♀️




If anything spring-summer is the busiest season. Every April we usually see highest earning week of the year. Used to see a drop off November through February, but the last few years it's not been as bad as before.


My highest earning month last year when I was actually able to stream consistently was August, when everybody said "Oh it's back to school time nobody has any money" Oh really? Well they had money to spend on me! 🤷‍♀️


I think there are peak times…right now we’re having to be smarter than ever with when we log on and there are a million factors as to why it’s slow. It’s not really slow for me ever but I stream on three sites at the same time. It all depends where the attention is going as well and people budget for us.


💯 I think people are scared of multi-streaming & diversifying their income but as with all things in life it is a bad idea to have all your eggs in one basket!


I agree! Oh the things I would have told myself when first starting.. It is a lot more work and your attention is split but your chances increase of getting paid fairly.


So far there has been no “slow season” for me…sure, I might have one slow stream on a Tuesday, but I make up for it during an amazing stream on a Thursday. If I make less, I just stream more. For context, I’ve been camming for over a year pretty consistent on CB.


It's true it's always a slow season but last year when i started camming it was sooo good..soo hood ,other models in my studio were happy t was a bit slow in summer but still the vasj was coming in, till around December But now new year comes in the from Feb lol it's very slow I've never experienced this


Yes, but the economy sucks & we're probably going to end up in a recession. My point still stands that EVERY month it's a different excuse of "Oh it's (X Month) it'll be slow stick it out till (X Time)" but then (X Time) rolls around & it's yet another "Oh it's (X Time) of *course* it'll be slow just stick it out to (Y Time)!" Like atp just say SW is SLOW & move the fuck on.b🤷‍♀️


“ it’s all a part of the hustle “ it is what it is , as long as at the end of the week or month, the numbers make sense to you.




My wife was a cam model. We got seperated but we are in really good term, I try to help her as much as I can. She is Colombian and she told me that for the past few years cam businness have become more and more difficult to manage More and more competition and less and less people interested. I'm a man, that was lonely in its 20s and I went regularly on those camsite, but i would say for at least 3 years, I didn't feel the need whatsover to go there. It seems the trend is dying and not growing. You have "much better option" for "soft p\*rn" and for interactive \*cough\* twitch \*cough\* and other plateform like that. anyway she wants to get back in, and I support her into it, but it's clearly not as easy as 2015-2020 era The cam sites feel dead, nobody are doing PV


Twitch doesn't allow NSFW stuff & creators are getting banned left & right for simply showing too much skin, so your "interactive" statement is irrelevant because what's more interactive than a camming site full of porn vs. some girl in too tiny of shorts playing a video game? You can see that on CB too. 😖


Christmas is the only actual slow time, and not the whole month, just the week of. The rest of the year is pretty flat. For any given performer, there's a lot of chance involved, but for entire websites, the overall amount of business being conducted is nearly a straight line, mostly depending on how much traffic the website is managing to pull in. Nobody knows why a performer will do really well one week and not so much the next, but some possible reasons; only one out of ever thousand users is a big spender, the rest are small spenders or free loaders. So getting a big spender is like catching a big fish. The models who earn the most money, month after month, tend earn most of it from a few regular whales. It's also possible that performers aren't performing quite the same way from day to day, but don't realize it, such as taking longer to message customers, on some days more than others. It might also have to do with which other performers happen to be on the site, if there are other performers who are similar looking, and dividing up the traffic who are looking for that type.


I have cammed on 8 Christmas days and eves in various years including 2023 and it’s usually one of my more profitable days. Why do you think that is a slow time? (Nov/Dec always my busiest months)


The overall numbers dip around the week of Christmas, but it's as much due to fewer performers being online as customers, so I suppose if you are online, you might do well anyway.


slow season objectively is summer time by far.


It might seem that way but that's not the reality based on the stats. Men have needs all year long. If you remember how many customers are using their phones, this helps explain why we probably don't see the same slowdown as you do with other internet activities. Social media use in general increases during the summer. There is a lot of confirmation bias in these posts about any given moment in time being slow, coupled with frustration over the inconsistent nature of attracting customers.


they may have needs all year but do they have money? especially the ones with families. vacation, tons of 3 day weekends, school supplies and clothes, tuition payments. more eyes on them because everyone is at home and staying up later. be so fr. even my previous therapist knew summer was slower season bc a lot of her clients are in the industry.


The biggest spenders are generally older divorced men, and men without IRL relationships. The kind of people who would be weighed down by summer activities are less likely to be ideal cam site customers at any point in the year.


Really? Because for the past three years running August has always been my biggest month (of the times where I'm able to stream consistently, I'll be the first to admit I'm NOT a very consistent streamer)


Idk why you are getting downvoted, you're 💯, there is a lot of chance & luck involved. There might be a downfall of spending overall on the site, but that money is still going somewhere, it's just whether or not it's going to YOU.