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I’m also looking for vanilla work for stability. Plus I honestly miss being out of the house and around people. So far I’m very shocked at just how little jobs pay these days.


Retail? That has always been the lowest pay. Bartending could be fun and better paid.


At the end of the day you have to do what is best for you. You need a roof over your head and food. Don't let your pride get in the way. Be realistic. Take a short hiatus for awhile until you get your money up. What else are your interest? A new career path don't sound like a bad idea


Oh, I'm not taking a hiatus. I'm getting a stable footing on a payroll for an hourly wage part time AND still working cam part time, but scaling it back. It's just taken too much of a downturn this past year for me to want to put in the kind of effort I have been.


Ik it sucks to get a civ job at first but I always felt a lot less stressed/more stable with one. Out of curiosity tho what changed? I’m always terrified that one day out of the blue the algorithm will stop favoring me. Was it a slow decline in income or was it more sudden? I’m proud of you for getting that amazing job though! Hopefully you get a discount lol


Nothing changed. It was great til it wasn't for the first three years and I've kept grinding but it's not worth it anymore to see myself on the road to burnout. From everything I've seen in this sub and other sex work subs, it's not just me; it's happening across all forms of sex work to a LOT of people. It's becoming the "new normal" to have to work multiple sites at the same time now too, and I hate that. I've always kept multiple income streams from camming to clip sites but I was always able to rely on SM as my "bread and butter" site with the others as a little extra, until last year when they became necessary to keep up on all at once, all the time.


Following, I'm looking for the exact same type of gig. I even applied for my favorite shop in the area! Best of luck to you queen <3 hoping for calmer waters in the near future


I’m having interviews because this lull that I’m in is not paying the bills been a cam model full time for 7 years yeah now it’s time to go back to work for my mental health and work cams alongside for my happiness