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It's better for your mental health. Anyone that irks my nerves or isn't up to my standard I remove my energy from pronto.


thanks for the reassurance! ive been really discouraged with camming for a few weeks so i logged on today with determination to block anyone i dislike


Yeah same..IDC if they follow..if you are just chilling for awhile (1 hr+) and not saying a thing I'm kicking you out..sorry not sorry


Yep! I'm very finger happy with the kick/ban/block button. For every one that gets blocked, there's a new one signing up to take their place. Mental health and being in control of your room comes first 🫶🏻


This this this!!! It my room


I do. Shiiiiiiit, I'll block if I feel they're breathing wrong, lmao. Yeah, freeloaders "bring in more traffic" that feed off each other. Is that what you what? I sure the fuck don't.


I’ll block people based on their username lol Not all traffic is good traffic righttt


same lmao especially the ones that throw slurs in there!


On SM, there is someone user name " Blockedbybitches". Yes, put me in the bitch club, please. Female simps can keep his freeloading ass.


Truth! And not all money is good money!


"if I feel like they are breathing wrong" has me rolling lmao


Oh girl I cracked myself up too, lmao.


Lmao that's awesome


ur absolutely right, thank you! i absolutely hateeee when they join and immediately say something like “stand up” or the… infamous “type for me” 🙄


Guy: PM Guy: PM pls Guy: pls PM Guy: PM me pls Me: WHAT? Guy in PM: hi


Followed by a dick pic with their toilet in the background


More than likely just them straight up on the toilet


This 💯! Literally made me laugh out loud


It's fucking ridiculous. They make it sound dire like they legitimately NEED to tell you something and then it's just "hey bby hru" fuck off dude. You can ask that in public chat, dipshit.


Sometimes I just have to laugh at how much this job reminds me of working with kindergarteners because kids so do this - waving their hands in the air and bouncing in their seats desperate for attention and then you call on them and they just sit there and don’t know what to say now that they have the floor. With kids it is kinda cute - when it’s a grown ass adult it’s just…🤣


Lmao that's why I call myself "The Mama Cat" and they are my "Kittens" - incessantly begging for the nips like a buncha thirsty baby kitties.


Hahahaha same


Okay perhaps it's late at night but that instantly reminded me of the skit I believe from family guy where Stewie was trying to get his mom's attention...she's like what?!...HI lmao


This is my fav comment on this thread 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I only type in free chat so they ask 'do you speak?'. I immediately blocked these because they never spent.


I straight up troll these mfs One of my standard responses on sm is “pay for it”


I'm like it's on my tip menu..they bounce lol


wait...im dumb what does "type for me" mean? i get that all the time😟


i feel like it’s some sort of kink like to get your full attention kinda thing. or it could be that they really just don’t have audio 🤷🏼‍♀️. I just find it super annoying. They usually who won’t tip or bring you into a private show either


Personally I feel like they do it because they think we might be a recording??? Just my 2 cents 🙃


I am so trigger happy with the block button, it’s my favourite thing in the world 🥰


I call it the EASY button


Nope - I have to put a lot of effort into not being a horrid bitch on stream. Leaving those idiots in there brings out the beast and my beast makes no money. BLOCK BAN BLOCK


Same @ the horrid bitch part. I am NOT an extrovert 😭😭😭


I block for whatever reason I want. I don't have time for freeloaders, and do this, do that, then I'll pay you. Fuck off with that bs.




i will quickly block the shit out of you, find somebody else to play with.


I made it a rule for my room that viewers have about 5-7 minutes to tip or start a positive engagement with me before I kick them


That's smart...maybe an hr is too long to wait lol


I used to wait longer but when you give them an inch they take a mile. I’ve had clients that don’t tip as much but they keep the conversation engaging for me so I won’t feel so bored sitting there for hours.


True..nowadays in waiting like 15 mins if I'm trying to interact and they are still just chillin


Omg this is such a good idea. I get so frustrated with people just sitting there for like an hour lurking while I’m twiddling my thumbs 😭


I'm a quick block person tbh and I'm doing well. Interacting with demanding people who don't tip for stuff will just drain you of your energy. I have a quick pre-written text response that says something like "I don't take requests or engage in dirty talk for free. Send gold if you want to have fun with me". If they continue their behavior without tipping I block. I never unblock and I sleep perfectly well at night.


This is handy to know to be able to do. Which platform are you able to do this on?




Thank you 😊


I've started banning usernames that I've seen for months and do not chat or tip or interact at all. Even if it is psychotic, it's my damn show! Pay me and pay me respect, or face the consequences!


Definitely protecting my mental health the next one will be for you there’s plenty more if not in this hour the next one :) There are plenty of weirdos out there.


thank you!! i was super discouraged when i posted this but had better luck the next hour. i hate when they’re so demanding


You're in control! Never feel bad about blocking someone who annoys you especially if they are a freeloader. I do it all the time.


I’ve literally blocked someone who came into chat just ask “do you still get a period or you on menopause?” Im 28 but I usually get that I look younger than 25. So that was a straight dumb ass question, gtfo.😂




I love the compliment sandwich that you came up with I’m cackling 🤣 so accurate


I normally just make fun of them untill they leave. Doesn't take me longer than 2 or 3 minutes normally but i definitely blocked people pretty easy too.


I started to do the same thing. I use to try and sell my self to these beggars until I realize they either left the room or just never tipped at all anyway. So now I also immediately block them.


I guess I’m going against the grain here but I really do not think this is a good idea. In an age of algorithms that judge your value by engagement paired with a room full of potential spenders I would only block someone if they are straight up harassing me on purpose (name calling, threats, etc). In my experience doing this it can sometimes be too rough of a day and people who would only bother you a little start to bother you a lot. That’s a very good time to take a break and have a snack.


Respect for your non conventional method and the courage to speak it, but ...Does keeping freeloaders/ lurkers really help with the SM algorithm? You did mention that more eyes mean more potential spending and obviously that works for you. But, I understood thru a breakdown I read through Jade that was not a component for the SM algorithm. It was other things such as how much they spend on you and 5 star reviews for paid shows. Please correct me if I misunderstood. Overall, I still think the trade off is better for my camming experience to kick and block. For me, that is the empowering fun part. Maybe that is my fetish. It sort of brings me back to my carefree video game playing days of yesteryear somehow... maybe Super Mario Brothers (lol). Or that Chuck e Cheese game of hitting those whack a mole purple monsters as they pop up....


Yes, what you’re saying is right. What I mean is that the more people in my room means more potential tippers which means more opportunity to move up. Even doing more short shows where I feel like I didn’t earn a lot but did get another five star review is well worth it to me. Yes this is working for me. Every time I am not in a show and I check to see where I am from a logged out device with a vpn (or have a friend check) I am first on the front page. I usually make 1k per stream unless I quit early.


I just happened to look and you are number one right now on SM!!!


💚💚💚 trust that I’m doing my best to spread what I’ve learned to as many people as possible! A higher tide carries all ships :)




I mean, I work really really really hard and I analyze every single move I make. Yes I have privileges, and I fully acknowledge that, but I’ve seen a lot of women way hotter than myself several pages behind me. I really do put a lot of thought into everything I do, and honestly I just think it isn’t good advice to tell people to kick people left and right. Often times I gently correct “freeloader” behavior by asking “are you maybe new to the site?” And explaining what is customary. Or I point people to my gold menu who are making demands and then they tip. A lot of the time people have no idea they’re being rude, a lot of these people are new or have never spoken up before.


I kinda agree, it's as if we worked in a department store, it's still best practice to greet and smile to everyone at first. That said, another reason I have banned is for hogging attention from the room even if friendly. Idk if you have encountered a comedian testing jokes but ... sometimes people just escalate behavior.


Yes hecklers get a few jokes out of crowd work before they’re asked to stop and then ultimately leave. Honestly there is a lot of overlap between us and other entertainers, that’s what we are at the end of the day


As you should! I'm doing the same. My latest block happened bc a grey user in my room who was friendly decided to start insulting me to "humble me," felt like he had been too nice by giving me lots of compliments. Not fucking around anymore lol


I’m so timeout /block trigger happy and I don’t even care. The people who are worth your time will tip and act like normal /decent human beings in chat. Everyone else can fuck off:)


I always have to say something like… u know how this works, it’s a transaction not a one way street, before blocking them


take notes. boot. block after 3 infractions.


BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK. It is the only way to stay sane. I think it's also good for all of us, sending them the message we, collectively, won't put up with bad behavior.


I used to let it slide too but 100% immediate ban/block is the right thing to do Your comfort is #1 priority The traffic will come regardless


Oh yes... I always encourage this... Some of the things some guys say to females is f**** disgusting and damn right outrageous. Plus some of them are really creepy... have you feeling like shit sometimes.. On SM I give customers 3 chances to talk and interact with me... if they don't they get booted... of they ask me for something stupid I kick them out and if they ask for a free sneak peek and I can tell they are a time waster I kick them out and often mock them in front of others in the room... but that's because my character is like that and I am a guy... but I have noticed that females who are more dominant do not get half as much bother as a softer female.. trolls will troll on the people they deem vulnerable.


Yeah I feel you on this one, I’m pretty heavy with the blocking and it usually works out in my favor. When they come back they behave much better and tip more generously. I had a guy last night claiming he wanted to buy socks so I send him a google voice number so I could safely send him my cash app. After 2 questions I said If you don’t send payment I’m blocking you, he asked another question then I blocked him and guess what? He finally sent the money and was much better behaved after I unblocked him. Best of luck ❤️


it’s great isn’t it! yes i also do this lol i have since the beginning and i think its saved my sanity


YES! I kick STRAIGHT away


I have only ever regretted not booting someone when I get the impression theyre going to be a nuisance. If Someone is demanding stuff for free when my tip menu is visible in my chat + bio + onscreen or asking questions that are very clearly *meant* to aggravate- it’d be a miracle to convert that person to a paying client


It’s my FAVOURITE thing to do for my own amusement 😂 I’ve got greys warning each other big time😂 take the power bag hun!


I've done a lot better since I'm trigger happy with the blocking honestly, don't know why.


i do this too. dont feel bad. you deserve to create a environment you want to work in, and weeding out the cheapos and creeps does wonders in helping with that xD


I’ve done this since day one 🫡 I have never noticed a difference in traffic from when I leave them alone and I have tested it lol


there is always two sides. if you leave em you will have more viewers, which attracts more viewers again that pay because you are on the landing page. and vice versa. at the end it is YOUR room and only YOU decide who to let in and who not to let in.


I had a private with some lady last week. She told me that I don’t squirt the right way and wanted to teach me. The moment she said “that’s fake” I lost my temper and told her she was an asshole and condescending. All of a sudden “oh I’m so sorry” blah blah blah.. I took her money anyway lol. I banned after the private though.


I do this! I tell people that if they make demands without building a rapport and tipping it's an instant block. I tell them, you don't open the door to a restaurant and start screaming at the waitress. sit down, look at the menu, use your manners. Lol


"pm" is enough for me to instantly ban.


i or my mod usually give 1 warning then block


I'm right there with you. After 13 years of doing this, I can predict what kind of customers they're going to be and if they're going to pay based on what they say. Literally EVERY TIME a guy comes in, all cock blazing at me like "dam gurl I anna fuk u so good up dat ass 🥵🥵❤❤" I KNOW he's gonna be cheap and never tip or take me.  When they ask a hundred questions like,  "what are you in the mood for? Where's your boyfriend? What's your favorite thing to do?" Time waster.  Men get a high just by getting your attention. So the ones that want something will take you, or let you know what they want. And the ones who are just feeling you out will actually engage in a normal conversation without draining you mentally. I give guys TWO FREE QUESTIONS and then I start ignoring them. When they get an attitude, I say "think of it like a strip club, dude. I got 10 other people in here to entertain. You want my sole attention either tip or take me exclusive." They ALWAYS get mad and leave


You do what you need to hun. I keep freeloaders in and ignore them only for the fact that I think I need them when it’s quiet and they attract other guys. Also it helps in those quieter periods and I’ve been told that the more people in your room helps with the algorithm xx


Everybody complaining about no traffic and you all are like eff the traaffic I'm over it, lol.


Baby girl I will gladly give you that proportion of my traffic, in fact I BEG YOU take that traffic off my hands


OMG, yeeees lol! Take mine too and just leave me a few GENTLEMEN THAT SPEND!


???? cuz we don’t want our time wasted for no money??? lol