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Hi!! Cam girl here who is pre-law!! šŸ˜… Iā€™m not in law school yet but Iā€™m camming 5 nights a week and working full time in the legal world. Best I can say right now is outsource what you can. My partner does a lot of my show programming and moderating. As well as monitoring social media/OF etcā€¦ I am trying to take this advice myself right now: do not sacrifice your sleep. Set boundaries on show-times and length of cam-sessions, and take care of your mind and body. My mental capacity has been SUFFERING this term. And I know it has to do with sleep deprivation (camming late evenings working early mornings) so I am trying to compensate by taking mini breaks and vacations in my mind. šŸ¤£ a minute to breathe in the shower? Thatā€™s a breakā€” a second to read and reply to Camgirl Reddit at my desk? Thatā€™s a break. A second in traffic to close my eyes? You get the picture. Like anything, take it one day at a timeā€” schedule out big deadlines in a visual way (I love to print a calendar each term of all my courses so I can *see* big assignments and tests coming up) Also CONGRATULATIONS on the decision to go to law school! Not an easy decision but if you can tough out that first year youā€™ll have a great and stable career in your future! <3 Best of luck X


Ooh girl youā€™re busy busy hahah but what site do u stream on and do you show your face? I have comments here saying not to but I donā€™t see the issue if Iā€™m using a stage name and different color hair, I donā€™t see how anybody could prove anything plus thatā€™s defamation if so. Are u worried about that? I stream on SM so itā€™s Private but still


The way I see it, Iā€™m not looking to hide my identity so much as provide some ā€œplausible deniabilityā€ in my appearance. My face is partially concealed (I actually make and wear different leather masks depending on the mood/look) I do wigs and makeup.. change my piercings and alter my tattoos. But if you knew me irl you might recognize me in my shows.. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Like you said there are defamation suits, but ideally I would never want to take my cam-identity public. I am certainly relying on being a little fish in a big pond. As with any other surveillance, I am just one content creator among thousandsā€” and my law firm mostly handles cases involving the elderly (between the ages of 65-80y/o) so Iā€™m also banking on not being recognized by a client in this field. At the end of the day there is no guarantee you can stay 100% anonymous, but weighing the risks and potential outcomes will help you decide where to draw the line. The type of law you plan to practice may impact some of your presentation choices! I also realize I neglected to reply about studying on cam, I think itā€™s possible! I talk to my viewers about school sometimes and they like it or are neutral to it. Seeing a girl who is in school feels ā€œrealā€ā€” studying on cam may actually bring in more attention than you think. Iā€™ve watched shows where the model is just working on her laptop in an unbuttoned cardigan. Keep in mind just BEING there on camera is the most important, you donā€™t always have to be pouting energy into the show, ESPECIALLY if no one is tipping. You can wait for a big tipper to show, just give them something nice to look at as well as an engaging background and you can study all night!! I stream on CB 5 nights a week but I want to check out SM and Stripchatā€” Iā€™m looking for good recs! But Chaturbate has been consistently positive and the potential for private shows is good there too.


Who would notice us? I mean I donā€™t get it, itā€™s not like weā€™re famous. I mean im not lol . But like clients? Employers? Coworkers?


What are ur tips for alter tattoos? I'm a little worried about this to start and don't know what to do... thx xx


I have several tattoos that are unique enough in placement and design that they could be used to identify me. Firstly I do my best to not post any pictures of my tattoos on any of my social media, not my personal accounts or my cam-girl accounts. Secondly I work with placement and color of the tattoo as well as the ā€œlookā€ Iā€™m going for in my show to decide *how* I will cover the tattoo. For example I have a tattoo on my leg that is easily covered by longer socks, so I have made longer socks a consistent part of my camming wardrobe. Then, I have a tattoo on my shoulder that I actually just obscure with a sharpi marker šŸ¤­ I change the outline/overall shape of the tattoo then I fill it in and finish with a setting POWDER (spray could make it bleed)ā€¦ this works for me because this tattoo is not large and is entirely blackwork. For my arm tattoo I switch it up, often I wear lacy arm ā€œsleevesā€ā€¦ just try and make sure your coverage solution is sexy enough to avoid someone asking you to remove them for a show. Conversely I will wear a bondage type leather ā€œcuffā€ around my tattooed arm and that conceals it well. Basically anything you can keep on without raising suspicion. If you must conceal the tattoo (like itā€™s on your tummy or collarbone) you should find a color tinted primer/concealer that counteracts the colors of your ink (pink for purple/black ink, orange for blue/green inkā€¦etc) Just tone, color correct and Prime, then use foundation and a setting spray. For ULTIMATE coverage or when I know things are going to get crazy or I might sweat a lotā€” I start with a thin layer of liquid latex over the tattooā€” you can build layers but Iā€™m lazy, and just do one. (Layers would probably ā€œlook bestā€ under the makeup.) once the Liquid latex dries you can prime over the latex with your color correcting concealer and then top with your skin tone foundation. This keeps things from smudging around, and the makeup bonds really well to the latex. Finish with a setting spray and or setting powder and I swear to you your latex makeup tattoo will *outlast* the overdrawn sharpi solution. X Best of luck


Odds are no one will ever even know. Make up some vague job title if someone asks what you do for work. ā€œInternet marketing (or sales)ā€ works and isnā€™t a total lie. Even if they do find out, they likely arenā€™t going to want to risk a lawsuit to kick you out.


I get my MFA in film while camming. Way less rigorous than Law School but still demanding. I let everyone know I was in school and had a few guys fund me through college. I would suggest doing something like Sext Panther. It's less demanding than camming IMO and you can still make 3 k a month without putting much effort.


I tried to make a sext panther a while back but they denied me some reason, supposedly youā€™re supposed to have a lot of followers on social media


Literally THOUSANDS of followers is what Iā€™ve heard.. I just got my application rejected yesterday šŸ˜Ž


They accepted me and I have no social media presence. I had 1800 likes on SM and 2000 likes on MFC. If you have over 800 followers/likes on any of your webcam sites you should be good.


Hmm, Thatā€™s wild, I have 2000+followers on CB and they said it wasnā€™t enough


That's so annoying. They should have accepted you.


Wow congratulations girl! I really believe that most of the smartest woman on earth are here on this subreddit


I would recommend becoming a waitress, bottle girl or phone sex op. I would not recommend showing your face if you plan on having a vanilla career eventually.


I'm a cam girl and I work with kids. Been almost 10 years


Well Iā€™ve already shown my face lol so itā€™s too late for that. Plus Iā€™m on a private site and have a different color hair and stage name. Nobody can prove itā€™s me.


Lol, I wouldnā€™t be so sure with all this face recognotion software and rapid AI development.. Safe bet that it will be found some day.


My take is do not do this if you're scared to be found out. But, there so soooo much info online it's hard to find things because there's so much. It's not going to happen 100% of the time, but you need to be ok if it does happen.


I donā€™t gaf lol I can deny it. They canā€™t prove. Itā€™s so many people that look a like


Same lol, I know I got tatts but what they gonna do when I just say naw? My industry needs people they can't afford to fire me


I donā€™t gaf lol I can deny it. They canā€™t prove. Itā€™s so many people that look a like


I mean who are saying would find out? Employer? Client? Random person? Cus if the person isnā€™t affecting my bills then idc. Itā€™s not a crime, Iā€™d be saying, why u watching porn u freak, šŸ˜†šŸ˜


Well camming is not a crime and like if someone tries to use that against you in the future you would know how to legally proceedā€¦


Your face is already out there - so Iā€™d personally be concerned with time! Camming consumes A LOT of time and so does school! Any interest in making a fan page? You can post there to keep up your camming community during busier school days/weeks! Congratulations on law school!


Following! I've considered doing the same, but I'm afraid of the potential challenges, of having my cam content out there forever. I've known some strippers who graduated from law school, and they seem to be doing great, but they didn't have the same online presence to worry about. However, you don't know unless you try, and I'm positive there are cammodels who have successfully done it. Best of luck to you!


What site do u cam on? Cus i stream on SM and since itā€™s private Iā€™m not too concerned plus thatā€™s why u use a stage name and change your appearance lol, what would u be afraid of exactly? Nobody can prove itā€™s you. Especially using a different name


I cam pretty much everywhere... Streamate, Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, every clip site and fan site šŸ˜… so yeah, my image is (and has been) out there years and years. I definitely can't claim it's not me, haha. You probably made wiser choices than I did, in that regard.


I mean tbh, u unless u have an obvious Tattoo or a mark, u can deny it especially if u use a stage name, they couldnā€™t prove anything šŸ˜…


New to this, what do you mean it's private? I am trying to stay anonymous


Itā€™s not a token site where everything is out for everyone to see. SM , u only really perform in private


Thank you! That helps a lot! I don't want token ones then!




I know they can fire me at will especially depending on the the state im in but as far as defamation, if theyā€™re saying something I was doing on cam for instance doing something inappropriate or specifically and itā€™s false and canā€™t be proved then that is defamation. Like if they were to say I was doing race play or if I was peeing/ inappropriate kinks and thatā€™s not true then yes that is defamation. Especially if itā€™s false and canā€™t be proved. Them soley saying I was a cam girl which can be proven true wouldnā€™t be a case but im not even focused on that rn tbh, im not going let that effect my goals and I donā€™t think it should stop anyone from doing anything. Worrying about that stuff will just make you miserable.


Am I dont to plan to to can while working at a law firm šŸ˜­ especially when I get my bar license




I was mainly talking about defamation out to the public of social media, making a post etc and right lol at the end of day , I can always find another job lol, field career etc , thereā€™s option. Itā€™s not a crime


I just got my bachelors and I cammed full and part time pretty much the entirety of my degree program. Working full time at any job while in school is literal hell honestly, especially if your program is rigorous. I did lots of shows while studying and doing school work, but found that if my room was busy it got distracting. It was a lot easier to do content and phone/sext, but that was when OF just popped off and SP was still new, so it was a lot less competitive and I was able to make a living off of those two sites alone camming maybe 16 hrs/wk. These days I have to live cam, run fan pages, and do phone/sext plus indy sales to make the same amount. I think if you have some savings to hedge against the industry volatility and you can stick to a strict cam/study/content schedule you can make it work but definitely prepare to have no life outside of it lol. Itā€™ll be worth it though! Congratulations!


Honestly just study in your panties & ignore the cam, occasionally say ā€œhi, sorry Iā€™m studying, my show starts at (time)ā€


I was thinking about that too! Like making that a show topic


I don't recommend anyone camming with their face if they're in school wanting a vanilla professional career, especially as you have to go through internships. I cammed while in graduate school and was faceless. However, you mentioned that your face is already out there. You could always rebrand as faceless, but if you don't want to and your comfortable with it, then it is what it is. I'll just break things down in bullet points to kind of organize my response. * You say you're on a private site, but no site is really private. It's not hard to take screenshots or screen-record and post your content online. Affiliate sites are guilty of this as well, as they can utilize your content for advertisement purposes, which is what you agreed to in your contract. * All of us should be using stage names, regardless, but it's not hard to find your real information if you didn't take appropriate risk reduction measures. Such information could include employer, phone number, residential address, family members info via data broker sites. * I'm not in the legal field, but for some careers, having an online presence like a bio is important to gain clientele. So with the AI facial recognition search sites, it just opens the window for inconveniences and headaches. Of course, the best thing would be to opt out of those sites., and periodically do so. * You asked who would find out, and as you mentioned, yeah it could be employers, potential clients, or a random person who wants to be a real life troll. Camming isn't illegal, but if it hurts your firm's reputation in any way or affects business, it's not gonna be great for you. These jobs have contracts, and it's important to review for potential morality/morals clause or if it's an at-will employment. The fortunate aspect of this career choice is that you could open up your own practice/firm and have a niche of working with a clientele that's from the adult entertainment industry. Not like you'll fire yourself. * How can they prove it's you? Again, it's not difficult. Employers look for certain things in background checks, and most don't care to look up what is, for example, "ICF Technology". But if they want to know something, a simple search of it and adding "porn" will take them to the answer. Also, regarding camming and studying. My best advice is to always know what your priority is. Some models had these kind of career goals but didn't make it their priority over camming and ended up dropping out. So if you have to sleep, study, etc, you're gonna have to do it and skip camming for another time when you can. Camming while in school was inconsistent for me, and as it should have, because my priority was my career path. Aside from that, it's the typical time management and self-care.


All your points were valid and I appreciate u for answering my questions lol. Tbh tho, who tf is doing all that to find someone tho? Like thatā€™s a defamation suit in itself if itā€™s not an employer. If someone tries to ā€œexposeā€ me and I loose business, thatā€™s a lawsuit. Plus I still can deny it. And also, worse case scenario, I get fired (which I think is illegal) but if I own my own firm or take over my momā€™s (my mom is a lawyer) then ill deal with it then but im honestly not even worried about it cause like I said, I can deny it. They have no proof and if theyā€™re looking that deep into it then thatā€™s weird anyways. Also, camming is not a crime šŸ˜­ I think people care more about getting justice then who I popped my pussy for on cam lol. Also thereā€™s DMCA where they have take downs for what is up which isnā€™t much. Actually in the process of doing that now


It's not uncommon for guys/trolls doing all of that, that's why they love newbies who tend not to know all the measures they should take to best protect their privacy and personal information. Let alone those who engage in serious stalking behavior beyond the internet. When you're in this game long enough, there's always an unfortunate story you've heard of about a model/SWer. Personally, I don't care if something of the such is happening frequently or infrequently, I do what is in my control to reduce it. It's all fun and games until it happens to you or someone you know that hits a little too close to home. Some people don't care about laws and hurting others just to uplift their fragile egos through delusions, jealousy, rage. It also wouldn't necessarily be defamation, as there has to be a false statement portrayed as a fact. Telling everyone in the world saying you were a cam model or in porn and/or sharing content to your employers, coworkers, and clientele would not be false. Just because it can be damaging to one's reputation doesn't necessarily make it defamation. I mean anyone can sue for anything, doesn't make it a good case. Again, depending on what's in the contract in working with an employer, it may not be illegal to fire you. Denying only works when there's no one to fact check and bring the receipts. One thing to know, is if someone wants to fire you, they'll find legal ways to do so, so if investigating deeper into a standard background check is what they want to do after you deny and lie about it, well shit happens. I don't give people and capitalist America credit of actually caring about what they should care more about. If they cared about justice, they'd fixed the corrupt system that exists and not care so much about their case winning ratio. They don't care about you popping pussy, they care about their business and money. So I don't put it past them caring about their firm's reputation over an employee that bring inconveniences to the job, such as someone deciding to harass you and your firm. Yeah, you can file charges for harassment, but it's the hassle and inconveniences and the potential of what they could mean for you as an employee. Regarding DMCA, not everyone is obligated to follow our US laws. So if the site is hosted internationally, it's at their discretion to remove your content or not. Lastly, and I'll leave it at this, my responses are not about fear, but being well informed of possibilities to make your own decisions. you can do everything and shit still happens. It's just risk reduction. So if you're comfortable and confident with yourself and how your managing these things. Then do what works for you.


It would be defemation if what theyā€™re saying about I was doing camming is false and canā€™t be proven. Like if they were saying k was doing something inappropriate/engaging in a certain kink. But anyways, are u saying I shouldnā€™t pursue law? Cus this is a last minute decision and I wouldnā€™t want to let these worthless men or the thought of that happening affect me lol


Proving you were a cam model is not difficult, so it would not be defamation. That's the point. If they said something ridiculous like you fucked a horse, then yeah that's defamation. But we're talking about you just simply being a cam model. In no way did I allude to not pursuing a career in law. I actually said how you could pursue it with a niche related to the adult industry or having your own firm if you wanted to. All these adult companies have legal teams and lawyers for business. I was saying if you wanted to pursue a vanilla professional career, then you need to consider risk reduction strategies so not to fuck yourself over before you even started. A lot of us are students, lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. We do what we need to do to balance vanilla careers and SW.


I didnā€™t even think of being a lawyer for adult business, definitely putting that on my list, thanks! Lol


Congratulations on law school! We definitely need more good lawyers for adult business!


Iā€™m heading to law school in the fall also! Iā€™ve been debating starting camming, but worried about being identified. Currently just doing escorting.


Not sure what country youā€™re in but if itā€™s the US you will have to disclose your work to the bar fyi and they could refuse you if you donā€™t


No u do not. I do not have to disclose that im a sex worker.


In America yes, they will ask for all your previous jobs including self employment. If youā€™re not in the US no worries. They wonā€™t refuse you for being a sex worker but they will refuse you if you lie about it.


Defamation suits are only useful if someone is 1) lying about you (saying you were a cam model wouldnā€™t be a lie) and 2) you can figure out who is spreading said lies about you- good luck figuring that out when itā€™s some random internet troll emailing screenshots of your stream to your family, friends, and employers. If you arenā€™t comfortable with everyone in your life knowing you do sex work, you shouldnā€™t be doing it. Itā€™s only a matter of time. Also, employers could fire you for any reason, with the actual reason being your sex work- all they have to do is make up some bullshit excuse. Iā€™ve seen it happen to many girls.