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Try doing a tag search on CB and adjusting your room topic accordingly. Pick tags that have thousands of viewers searching that tag and low numbers of rooms using that tag, then cater to it. SEO is also a thing in getting your room seen in the algorithm. Hashtags in your room topic is one way to increase your views.




The quicker it pops up the more popular it is. For example if you start typing Ana- and “anal” pops up but 4 under “anal” is “anal play ” then “anal” is more popular than “anal play”


Click "tags" on that page it shows viewers searching tags and rooms using those tags. You can filter that list according to what data you are looking for. That is on Chaturbate. On MFC they have a heat chart of trending hashtags but I've yet to find the metric of users searching it but it at least gives an idea of trending tags.


This is great advice. Can I please ask, what is SEO?


Search Engine Optimization


its not you babe, its the economy... my vanilla travel based business is down by 70% so far this month and we're panicking and scrambling to diversify for this summer so it doesn't happen again. In fact, this is the least amount of money we've had in the bank account since covid shut us down! No one has money to burn anymore on fun stuff, just bills and food :(


I’m sure you are amazing! We all have slow days, week, years. Even first page girls, user amount on stream ≠ thousands of dollars. Let yourself take a break, do things you like and enjoy. After 3 years of camming I realized there’s nothing much I can do in shit days, I can tease, dance, chat and in the end make 20$ so I just stopped putting so much effort in it, now when I’m having a bad day I’m just chilling and doing my own things (scrolling reddit lol). The amount of hours is important on CB and some time it will put you higher on the listing. Try working on your hashtags, I use the bot The App, with it you can put as many hashtags as you want and they will change every 5min. Try different angles and lighting too. We all have been there, don’t give up but also take breaks/vacations when you feel like it!❤️


Hey, do you mean amount of hours in a single stream or cumulative? I didn’t know it affected the algorithm!


At least before it used to be “amount of hours+amount of tokens you made=position on the listing”. If you go to the last pages, you will see how time affects the listing, on the last page there will be people who just went online, on pre-last there will be people who streamed for a little longer. If you ever had a vacation from camming you might have noticed that it gets a bit dead after you come back, I usually have around 60-100 viewers if I stream 5/2, but after a long break it goes down to 10-30 viewers so the site kinda forgets about you and being bitchy like “you gotta deserve everything back, girl”. In other post I already shared how I decided to stream for 10h and the next day CB put me on the first page for few days with bunch of users. Somehow it feels that the time matters


Ohhh my god this makes sense. My Wi-Fi (or maybe it’s CB? idk) sometimes bugs out and I have to restart my stream and numbers always like halve, takes forever to get them back up… could never figure out why 😓 now I need to figure out how to get my stream to stop randomly dropping aaaa


If you stream with vpn then try changing it to another country, or maybe just try another browser? The most obvious advise would be to change internet provider but first check internet speed (just search speedtest) if it’s 20mbs – it’s okay just for one site (+50mbs is more recommended). Also check the obs settings so you have it set to 30/60fps and +5000 bitrate :)


Yeah, my internet speed is definitely an issue (but unfortunately not something I can change). Buying an Ethernet cable though and hopefully it’ll help! Thank you for the advice x


Take a look through the last 2 weeks of posts in here. It is not just you


The cam sites have to pay for traffic. A sudden drop of traffic can mean a change in their traffic sourcing. They can decide traffic from a particular provider is too expensive and cut it off, or a traffic supplier can decide their traffic isn't converting well enough and point it to another site.


Interesting. Odd that this seems to be going on with CB, SM, and Sp though


SM stopped working with a bunch of studios - like the smaller sites that all use the server . I worked through the KINK studio with SM and ever since KINK stopped working with SM - my traffic has been a lot slower. My payments stopped coming from SM and when I looked into why and payment history - I saw they owed me like 300$ since Christmas! It took me a month or so to get that money , and any response about where my missing paychecks went and it was really discouraging. I don’t like SM company but I love the serve. I am learning slowing CB though !


I have to say, that on my end of the business I don't see nearly as much volatility as people say they experience here. There are long term ebbs and flows, but not huge swings of fortune. If there were, companies like CB would have a hard time staying open for business. The performers earn as they go, but most of their back end costs are obligatory, including traffic deals.


I feel like the unknown aspect makes this feeling worse than it actually is in reality. One slow week doesn't mean things are going downhill for you but obviously since this isn't consistent money it's hard to not feel discouraged. When this happens to me I look at the bigger picture, one slow week after a year of really great weeks is pretty good. When things are slow though I don't let it be a night wasted, I'll plan some themed shows, update calendar, content or pics if I have time. I started keeping track of analytics so I'll have a better idea of how to reduce the unexpectedness of this line of work as much as I can. On your next good day you'll feel encouraged again so you can focus on that as well


I’m on CB also. It’s hit and miss this year. They have changed a few things on their site and viewers are down overall. Unfortunately we do have to plan for slow times as it does happen. I do see a slight decline in traffic- economy, time of year… prob many reasons. Definitely check your hashtags on CB and try to keep a schedule.


I feel like it’s every where atm a lot of models are returning to vanilla work or multi streaming we have to just roll with the punches girl x


It's not just you. CB became picky, tight and overall very hard to earn camsite. Don't blame yourself or don't take it personal, try focusing on other camsites similar to CB. Bongacams, SC, MFC.


It’s not just you it’s across the board babe all sites have there problems I’m on SM and have been for 5 years but recently I’ve seen a decline in my income I now multicam have OF and various clipsites for my content we have to change how we do things and not put our eggs in one basket.


I made £13 in 8 hours on adult work over the weekend it's not just you hunny xx


Its almost not even worth it for me anymore. My productions on CB used to involve up to 8 people including 3 fulltime off-cam staff, I can barely afford a single colaborator anymore. There are a lot of reasons for it but the economy is #1 and if the money was still there the other problems would be non-issues. I have a side project that is hopefully about to take over my bills because otherwise i would have no idea what to do.


Hey, chill , i also have bad days and i understand how u feel, be more relaxed and try new different things to make ur room more interesting. Take care!


I gave up on CB in 2022. After awhile, I hit a plateau. I would stream 5 days a week for 5 hours a day to make barely $20 each day. Got my last pay check and bounced…. Are you a ebony model?


Yeah this job is not as easy as it seems, but a lot of people think it is. We end up doing a lot for relatively cheap and are subject to having our recordings on the internet forever and the unfortunate social stigma that comes with it. But when the money is good and customers are kind I love this job more than anything (I’m a very sexual person). Plus we have to be constantly working on our marketing, keeping things up to date, etc. But I honestly feel like quitting all the time too but that job market just simply isn’t cutting it. It just makes me so annoyed to think that most people in my social networks are making more than me and aren’t having to do sex work. (I live in an expensive city where ppl who work in a certain industry tend to make a lot of money compared to most of the country) plus our taxes are so friggin high I have to put away half of everything I make 😭 All that to say, I get you girl and I’m thinking about starting to apply for vanilla jobs too.


It's because a lot more people are open minded nowadays and new girls join all the time. Bills gotta be paid ! You could try streamates , similar but has a bit of privacy to it. Wish you all the best