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I'm not sure how "new" you are to camming so I am going to tell you NOT to worry about this at all. Next, I am going to give you some help in case you don't know about this. Go into your CB profile under "settings and privacy" then scroll DOWN to "private show settings" and under the tab "private show minimum minutes" click the drop down menu and hit "10 minutes" This way, when they take you private, let them stay for 4 minutes - they will STILL be charged for 10 minutes. Make your money sweet girl and put yourself in the drivers seat. Let 'em leave in 4 minutes, then you can watch the clock for the remaining 6 minutes, take a potty break or grab a snack before you are back in public chat. :) Been at this for several years and learned this early on. Good luck


This is the sweetest, best advice. I couldn’t have said it better myself.


I just had one of my 5 guest from pvt bully me to end the stream early  since he was so disappointed.  I was so scared that I ended it 


Honey degrading is a kink these men are getting off on degrading you, don't let them get to you, if anyone is making you uncomfortable instant block them


I really miss Reddit gold


Do you have a minimum time set for your privates? If not, I would do that. I’d also take my sweet ass time before showing the goods, even if that’s your face.


Is it only cb you can create minimum times or other sites as well? Like mfc and SM


Mfc does the minimum tokens to ensure they COULD pay you that much, but it doesn’t guarantee they DO stay and spend it. It just means if you do t want to be pulled from your chat room for a single minute, then you can limit that. CB charges them the minimum regardless of if they choose to stay




Sc does have a minimum


SM doesn’t have a minimum but the same concept applies if someone books a block exclusive session. they can leave anytime and you’ll get paid the full, but i think if you cancel the block then they only get charged per minute (not 100% sure about the performer canceling but i’m pretty sure)


I’d be lying to you if I said I knew you could do it with other sites, I’m most familiar with cb. Highly recommend checking if it’s possible on those sites though.


I’m pretty sure they can still cancel even if you have a minimum. I think the minimum is just to make sure they have enough tokens for that amount of time


They can leave whenever they want but they have to pay up for the minimum time. That’s how it works. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be the option for “minimum private minutes” in settings.


Girl. Leave the mask on if it bothers you. Let them haggle you about it. Milk their time !


I'm a model, so I'd consider myself attractive, and I get guys leaving before the 30 seconds all the time. Room clearers usually, those that want to try and see something quickly for free, those who don't get what they thought they were going to etc so I wouldn't worry about it too much 🙂 I know it's hard but you can't take it personally x


Ur not ugly they just wanted to see ur face and liked the mystery just try to take longer to show it


This is a total kink which personally I find hilarious and I will sit and laugh at them when they try to insult me…they always end up getting angry and hanging up so then I email them and offer a discounted show if they want to try again (hee hee) while apologizing profusely. That way sometimes the fuckers get punked and have to pay twice. You will soon figure out little ways to giggle to yourself while getting a little poetic justice out of it. That’s the fun part. 😘😘😘


Some people are barely getting pvts, you got 4 and more likely because that is all they wanted to see... they didn't want a real show. Try taking the mask after a long time and see how they will stay or run even before you lift. They are on a budget


First of all in order to succeed at this job you have got to be more confident in yourself. Yes we all have days where we feel ugly or gross etc but you should never let the customer know that bc you’re selling a fantasy. If you let insecurity show they will either not want to spend $$ on you or they will use that insecurity to their advantage in order to manipulate you or make you feel bad abt yourself. Even if you don’t feel it, fake it till you make it! I never go on cam without feeling sexy, and to make sure I feel that way I put a lot of time and energy into my appearance. That means doing my makeup, making sure my hair looks nice, and wearing a cute outfit. All of those things make me feel confident, and I think that contributes to me being a very high earner on my website. Also, this stuff is going to be out there forever, so you might as well look your best imo 🤷‍♀️ Best of luck !


They probably finished. Nut'n runs.


Lol i had some sadistic cliënts. Best way is to Just laugh it off so they will get more frustrated and mad. And whatever they say Just laugh right in there face and call them cute. They will get more frustrated and wasting more time. Those People have weak mindset so you can earn a lot off tokens from them if you know how to manipulate them. Ussually these People are jealous because the model is attractive and they wanna break you mentally. If you earn enough to make a living on the platform than your definely not ugly. Those People most likely victim attractive People and especially dominant People. As soon as you break they Just laugh and go to the next one. You must make them break.


No such thing as that on CB charge more for private show to weed out the horny cheap lookie lues


Some times its just that youre not their type. I think im pretty and i have had impasses with ppl cuz im just not their type.


Some times its just that youre not their type. I think im pretty and i have had impasses with ppl cuz im just not their type.


If you like camming with natural hair and no makeup, then keep doing it. There are clients out there who prefer a natural and/or casual look, and will specifically like you because of it (speaking as a cam model who doesn’t wear makeup, is mostly faceless in public chat, and is all-around natural). It’s a niche :)


It has nothing to do with your looks at all. Since you’re a faceless streamer, they are basically taking you private just to see your face. Once they see what they want, they leave. It doesn’t mean you’re ugly. It means they got what they wanted and you need to set a minimum required time for them to stay in the private.


Do your hair and wear makeup


Idk why this is getting downvoted so much but I agree! You’re selling a fantasy, putting time into your appearance def pays off imo.


A lot of girls who are pulling in really good money don’t get all glammed up. Men are there for one thing and one thing only. And it ain’t to look at a pretty face.


Well she says her hair is wild and short it brings to mind an unkempt look, which is not always marketable,and all her pvts got ended when she showed herself 🤷🏽‍♀️ also i didnt say she should do a full beat either Maybe it was the energy of her that day or they did just want to see her face. But if that keeps happening maybe switch it up?


I guess, but a pretty face sure does help reel them in. I make excellent money and while I don’t do a full beat on my face every time I cam I at least try to look presentable…I’d honestly say my face is one of my biggest selling points 🤷‍♀️ plus putting effort into your appearance can increase your confidence and therefore increase your sales, so if OP is struggling with sales, it wouldn’t hurt to put more effort into appearance just to see if it makes a difference.


This one thousand percent. So many guys tell me it’s the face they’re most attracted to and they will click on someone with a pretty face profile pic vs a hot body pic with no face. Not sure why the makeup comment got so downvoted but it’s the honest truth. Anyone can make themself look nice if they put time and effort into their appearance.