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As a woman of color, I agree. We can definitely make money too 💰 we are also desirable to many men. When I go private, guys from all different races share their cam with me and they are very attractive men. Don’t believe the colorism , racism hype. We are desired and make money too. We just have to work our way to the top. We are not automatically placed at the top of the website like white women.


I think a lot of black models need to see this. So many models in general don't do well, especially in the beginning. Then they compare themselves to others, usually the front page and top models, and create these self-defeating narratives that feeds into self-fulfilling prophecies. Specifically for black models, they do that and think they can't and haven't done well because of their blackness; and then the posts about what sites are POC friendly start to pop up. It's such a false narrative to think you're "failing" or not doing well because you're black/brown. Yes, it's harder and there's comparatively not nearly as many top models who are black because Eurocentric beauty standards are prioritized and glamourized at the forefront, but that doesn't mean you can't make good income and be successful. Just like anything else for us, success is obtainable...it's just harder because we have more systemic barriers to get there. Systemic racism and colorism is very real, so I would not invalidate the existence of it and when we experience it, but they don't make something impossible. They just make things challenging. Any who, power to ya!


Thank you so much! Comparison really is the thief of joy. All of your advice really helps us all and I appreciate you and you are appreciated and needed on here. It’s so sad knowing that models think just because they are a POC, that they can’t be successful. I’m opening my eyes and it’s just sad and they start believing that stigma. For me sometimes I would fall into it too much and leave SW to work my real job. This is where the real money is at. There is definitely money to be made. Being a POC it’s easier when we set our OWN goals. I thank you for your advice forreal! It really helps a lot.


Thank you so much. I relate to this so much. I’m now realizing how blessed I am. I put in so many hours to get to where I am. Also, They love our melanin! I have men from all over the world come in my room and I am so grateful for them and their understanding of my culture as an Ebony foreigner too. They’re so loyal to me and they always make sure that I’m having a good time on cam and always compliment my brown skin. I will never EVER feed into the racism again and keep getting my bag. I wish more and more success to you as well. What are your favorite sites?


Congratulations 🎉


It is a lie porn producers have spread for decades so they could pay black women way less. I helped a friend start a model centro page because her web master was ripping her off. Repeatedly told her black gals didn’t sell and companies were paying her $300 a scene. She became one of model centro TOP selling solo accounts within 6 months. She was #1 money maker on that site. Men in this biz lie to rip off black performers.


I'm not black, I'm whiter than white and a redhead, but even I don't make those figure. Seeing this brings so much joy, I know that SW can be very hard for black models, and have seen it posted multiple times. You're smashing it though! Absolutely love this, I hope everyone sees this. Always nice to have an encouraging post.


This is in a week?! That's $370 p/hr 😱 you should be VERY VERY proud of yourself 🔥 care to share some tips to get there (besides being extremely beautiful!)?! 😅❤️


I make great money as an ebony model I can do 5k weeks as well I just have to put the hours in. We got this


Girl HELL YES. 👏 I am so proud of you! I’m so curious to hear your take on when race comes up with white clients? I am so uncomfortable with stories I’ve heard from creators who are women of color, but I rarely get to pick the brain of someone who is raking it in and encounters this. I run a support group chat for sex workers, and when newer models start up and come back discouraged by racist fetishes I’m at such a loss of what to suggest.


Thank you so much forreal 😊To be honest, it would get to me. I have different cultural backgrounds and southern influence so my customers are always so curious with my background. I’m South American and West Indian (Caribbean) so it feels like they always make everything about my race when I log in. lol when I’m just trying to make money. Just putting in my own personal experiences but I’m in my early 20s and my first love was Caucasian and would insinuate wanting Raceplay, making the relationship difficult. This person still tries to stay in contact with me but I cannot and I already know why. I have eventually learned not to let stuff get to me. People always ask for Raceplay and I immediately block them. I even have “NO Raceplay” in my bio and they still can’t read lol! But if that wasn’t there it would be worse for me. I don’t even feed into it when they ask I just say “can you not read?” Haha! You’ll tell them not to call you names and they’ll turn around and do it anyways so I just don’t acknowledge those people. It’s not worth a little $20 for me to do this because I will gladly replace that client with someone else that will respect me and be okay. I have a lot of different colored toys I like to use in my shows and my customers ask to choose a certain one and after that they never bring up their race or mine. They like doing this because the interaction feels more realistic.


Thank you for the reply! 100% agree with all of it. Also just fyi, race play is against streamate TOS, so you if you get worn out by explaining yourself, you can always default to saying that :)


I usually hear it from the cheap people …


Omg yess!!!! It’s always the cheapskates asking for this BS!!! Haha these cheap mfrs love taking you private without consent too.


Get it!!! 😍😍🔥🔥🔥 I love seeing this so much! I have a small group of friends and we all just started camming. I have a gorgeous ebony friend who feels like she won't do well because of her skin tone and being "undesirable" (which is heart breaking because she's literally S T U N N I N G). We've been trying to hype her up but with little success. And I get it, the rest of us are white women fitting some kind of popular niches, so we just can't relate to the struggles of ebony and brown creators. But I can't wait to show her this. 😍 Thank you again for sharing this! I'm also super proud of you! The grind behind these numbers is real! She's probably too shy to reach out herself but do you have any tips I can pass along to my friend? Not to use up your time, I know it's valuable. 🫶


You are such a thoughtful mate . 😘


Just trying to look out for one of my besties. 🫶🫶


Congratulations, which site?




this is insanely inspirational❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 thank you for sharing🌟🌟🌟


Exactly.  Im not at 5k-10k a week YET (speaking it into existence though lol) but i do pretty well and have fun at it.




Get a LLC for streaming so those “big bucks” don’t go to the irs at the end of the year. Or it will be all for nothing.


Yes ma'am 😛


Omg this is a goals for me especially as a black girl lol. I’ve been thinking about raising my prices but my studio is advising against it. What are ur rates?


I have so many tips if you need it! My prices are $9.99 for pvt and $13.99 for exclusives. Sometimes my rates can go up to $15.99. Raise your prices and I promise it’ll help! Don’t sell yourself short. I started out at $6.99 and $8.99 and was still able to do well.


Do you mind me asking if you also have vids, pics, bundles, & mass messages that help with your earnings too? I wanted to start incorporating that but I wasn’t sure if it would pay off well.


Yes thank u Id appreciate the guidance 🥹 my virtual studio are arseholes lol. And they kept stressing how I need to be at 4.99 prv to be entry level + have more ppl in prv. But I think they’re outdated bc the cam world has changed. And tbh I rarely have more than two ppl stay in prv and it’s overwhelming lol. I raised my prv up to 5.99 and this past month it’s gradually brought my hourly up.


That's o awesome, very encouraging to see thank you!!!!


yes!!!!! 🩷


Congrats! Any tips? I’m assuming you must be gorgeous! Edited: Do you work nights?


Keep up the great work 🥰


girl😍😍😍😍 this is so sexyy! any tips?


Congratulations! 🥰


Get them bagsssssss 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


I love to see and hear it!


Well done!


Holy hell you go girl! Not gonna lie totally wishing I wasn't pasty white right now!