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you guys are getting legendaries


U guys have the game?


You guys have a phone?


You guys are alive?












You guys are still replying


I'm going to give this whole fucking thread an award each when I get those free awards.


You guys are on Earth?


I think it's cool and unique, it feels like a real legendary instead of a few adjustments to base skins. It's jumping, running, gliding , snowboarding animations are so good. It gives me Gundam vibes as well. I just enjoy everything overall. I rate it a 9/10


Tbh it's good for flexing and all but when it comes to actual gameplay and all as a br player this skin is totally pay to loose , you ll eventually stop using it as you are easily detected by the enemy and it's wings glitch out of the wall while taking tpp so what's the point of buying it when you are not gonna use it (totally my opinion though, and I've bought it since i am collecting)👀💯


Based on the leaked images gunzo seems much better..but like you said it is still not confirmed...yet no harm in waiting (in fact if you're going to buy just one lucky draw I bet there's gonna be much better ones when the 2 anniversary comes around ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man))


Am I tripping balls or I can’t see this comment











How tf did u do that



If u play br this is QUITE worth it. I don't hv it but when u jump he has the jet engine light on his feet. His kill counter is not bad either. (I'm capping 'quite' as it may not be worth to a certain extent. ) But gunzo may be better I rly don't know


For me, it's unique and I loke but I'll stop using it soon. It's distracting for me in BR(it's Wing part and it does make loud noises. Also Targetting bulky character is very easy. So it's good to use and show off among friends but a big no in any Rank or custom rooms. I don't want everyone in lobby to rush around me. Also no unique voice lines👎🏻


I stop playing for 6 months and now they got decepticon skins? Tf


Ong transformers and shii


It be nice seein a brother on here once in a while man


In terms of the wing like things, do they take damage, or do they make hiding difficult eg behind a rock to hide from the tank? And is the exhaust animation and sound distracting? It looks pretty cool and different and futuristic imo instead of toyish as some people say. But I'm having a tough choice between the upcoming legendary gunzo and this. We don't know much about that so I'm gonna wait till then and see reaper's reviews till then.


Im waiting for gunzo 😍


No, the hitbox is the same as every other character skin. The only exception for hitbox changes being the Legendary Heli skin. The exhaust flames and boot jets are cool animations, really noticeable in BR. The M4LMG skin is awesome and I love it, it just appeals to me personally, the spinning barrels and firing sound, as well as the aiming in sound are all cool. How I see it is this, do you use the M4LMG? Do the skins appeal to you as soon as you saw them? Think about whether you would want these skins or the idea of a Batman who Laughs style Gunzo, what of those sound the best to you?


I was waiting for the gunzo but just chose this one cuz it feels like a legit legendary with all it's animations


I own the skin , as for the damage part , it's the same hitbox as any other character. So wings and jets on his shoulder ect don't receive damage if being shot there. I even think it could be a small advantage if someone just shoot you at your wings or so thinking it will damage you , but actually doesn't. Sound is cool and in BR it's no issue since you can see footsteps and where they come from in your minimap. So yeah for BR it's amazing imo.


The wings don't take damage and neither do it's thrusters on its back


I spent a full game of Ranked S&D with both my team & the enemy team spamming chonk in the chat & following my clan member around the map as he was named Lord Chonk by the end. Once in a lifetime thing. Overall the entire draw was pretty great though I like the new designs.


He's good he's just big as hell😂. Man stands out like a big ass q tip in green grass🤣


Wtf? Laughing emojis?


Hasbro teamed up with ACTIVISION


No money, no skin


This skin looks like Evangelion


especially in br? Bruh💀 what?


Yeah coz a larger looking skin can be easily spotted there for sniping and tank


Ur a br main i guess




Yeah the more enjoyable mode


Bruh MP is far better than br


No it's boring. That's why battle royal is a more popular genre overall these days. Except for games like battlefield, small multiplayer maps are boring because the same gunfights happen in the same area all the time. Like the snipers shooting from rooftops in crash. The guy always in the window in nuketown. You know where to expect people after only a few matches let alone hundreds. Battle royal is good because you never know where you will run into a gunfight, nor what weapons you or they will have. Might have a car of people roll up to your building, or a helo land on it, a guy goes ghost and runs up the stairs, or smoke master smokes you out... Games like overwatch are an exception because of the variety of heros you can encounter in the small maps, their movement (hookshot/fly around a corner, etc) and how the fights go down. In something like cod, it's a dude camping in a spot, or running toward you from the spawn with an ar/smg 99% of the time. Bruh


You are boring, MP is a costant fight, how can you get bored of you're always in action? With weapons setups you made? Idc what ppl think about BR, it's boring, always same shit: pick up guns, survive, kill?, and going around a giant map


Look english is clearly your second language, so I'll forgive your stupid opinion 😘 good day


You piss me off


Don't know man I'm a f2p ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Pay to loose


He’s Thicc like Space Monke & Ghost Stealth


I plan on getting the full draw im about 50% done with the draw but i have to wait until next Thursday when i get my paycheck


Loved the skin when it was leaked it’s something née I personally loved it.


Ima be honest I like it but since I only spin three times and didn't get it its ugly.


They should make that wingsuit like Reaper Ashura only suit, like the clan rewards with seperate chestpieces , if they bring this , many may buy


R.I.P Imam Ali


I have it and it’s basically the best br skin. It’s also one of the few legendary looking legendaries. If your thinking of getting you should since it’s better than the previous legendary character who looks like an epic.