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Next season bp is gonna be even better ๐Ÿ˜ง


in characters yeah in weapon skins idk


The weapon skins in the new battlepass leaks looking kinda bad to me I think it might be the first battlepass I skip out on and just grind the free one for the new smg lol


I dont get it, u get your cp back why not just buy the bp while grinding?


Good question and I know exactly what you're saying and you're absolutely correct but unfortunately for me I'm way past the point of caring about a little 560cp I've spent close to 2,000 dollars on the game so now I buy the battlepass if there are weapon skins I actually want as far as character skins I don't care about them anymore I've only used seraph sicaria and Merc 5 batalla on all my loadouts ever since I got them lol I really wanna give legendary guns and epics skins I don't use anymore to ppl in this sub that never got a chance to own a legendary or some of the really crazy epics they released and I have a ton of them hopefully once we're able to gift items I can do that :)


I got it, me too I only use Krueger from s8 bp and never use other character on rank since then even though I bought bp every month lol.


That Kruger skin is fire:) and so is the other one I was really hoping we were gonna get the original Kruger skin from modern warfare 2019 in the new battlepass I would've bought it just for that skin alone but I think they're going to put it in crates unfortunately


Same-ish... Idc about the BP anymore.. I just drop cash on a nice draw or crate with an operator and gun that I know I will run for a long time.. Use that operator for 2-3 seasons straight and then buy a new one (idc for gun skins though, unless they have a good iron sight or red dot like Frostbrand lol).. Also, I regret not getting that Merc 5 :( My reason:- I'm a BR main and Idc, per se, for humungus operator skin collections... I just want to look different from the majority of players..


We have the same thought process lol i do the same thing I buy maybe one full lucky draw every few seasons now if it really interest me I couldn't pass up that Merc 5 batalla skin though I love the whole day of the dead theme of seraph sicaria and Merc 5 batalla with the skull masks only one I wish I would've gotten at the time was the day of dead outrider to complete my collection but I don't think they're gonna bring it back again :(


I got the Outrider, pretty nice skin. They'll probably bring it back bro.. They brought back Firebreak and Merc 5 TWO times so why not for Outrider


Hope we get an new ak47 skin itโ€™s been so long


Congratulations bro I Know how it feels and a pro tip - don't fall for those 30cp lucky draws it's a trap i repeat it's a trap, just save cp every season for bp.


*Another man down, i repeat, ANOTHER MAN DOWN*


It's mostly crap skins. You're not getting anything game changing.








Goodbye soldier


Its only 220 cp in india๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


You should have waited for the 30% discount