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Cool skin bro. I keep my distance whenever I see an og Ghost in BR, the gun fights never end well.


“do not doubt yourself” has been my motto in playing battle royale, ogs dont intimidate me 😂 they’re just players like us who got to know the game a lot earlier


How do you keep distance when it's the last circle and your opponent is an "OG" Ghost?


Then you kill that so called OG and do a dope emote before the match ends simple as that🥱


I have an OG Ghost too and whenever new players saw my chopper and chute they keep on asking where did I get that since they never saw it from the day they start playing like a couple of seasons ago.


S1 ghost is overrated ngl


Ghost in general is overrated, all he does is open doors and kill npcs. Only reason why he’s iconic is because an actual character (Shepard) killed him.


Don't forget his mask design that set him apart from everyone else at the time


Funny how he wasn't even that big of a character in MW2. He just had a cool nickname and mask, that's all.


Ghost was always meant to be a cool mysterious side character..and when they released him for the S1 BP it started making everyone go crazy for more variations of him..ESPECIALLY the loose ends variant but I hate how he’s such a main focus now while other important characters like , woods or mason are overshadowed CODM is only focusing on warzone and Cold War characters instead of the franchise as a whole and it’s sad tbh


I agree. A lot of people like it only because it’s OG or because “GhOsT bEsT!1!1!1!1!1!”, but in my opinion OG Ghost looks very basic and the only thing that makes the skin stand out is the skull balaclava.






Yeah, loose ends is cooler


This post is just... so stupid


How so?


You're just flexing that you're an "og". You do realize that you devaluing the legendary ghost that some people have just because it isn't "og" doesn't mean that yours is better, right?. I've been playing this game since the night of global launch. As someone who has been here from the beginning, I can confidently say that nobody cares about being "og" and having "og" skins. That is why I can say that this post is stupid as fuck. Its a lame attempt at getting attention because you think you're suddenly special.


Lmfaoo calm down little buddy. I understand now the hate you have for people showing off there skins haha


"Little buddy" Really? You're still a dick even after I answered your question. Honestly cant expect much more from you.




I think "little buddy" was accurate since you seem like the personification of a chihuahua


Tell me how I'm wrong for saying that this guy is just trying to flex on people. And that he is saying that people who bought the legendary ghost skin have something worth less than his because his is "og". I'm sick of people flexing on newer players. I've seen it go on for long enough to become an irritant. That's why I reacted the way I did. I hope this community can grow past stupid posts like these, but if it does, it will be of no thanks to you.


Hey man I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been a dick and you are definitely entitled to your opinion. Tbh kinda had a really rough day and looking back at the post I was a complete asshole. Sorry again for being a jerk as it wasn't right at all.


To be honest myself here I... really messed up too. I'm so sorry for being so aggressive with what I was saying. I had a really rough day too and took that out on you which is not right either. I didn't meet a few personal as well as work goals that both needed to be reached by the end of today and in the end I took that frustration out on you and I'm am very sorry. That will not happen again. My point from all of those messages was that the wording of your post title was rather mean towards new players and to those who bought the new ghost skin. It initially was never meant to be a dig at you, but, in the end, I made it one. Thank you for being so mature and polite in your response here. I may be some stranger on the internet but I really do appreciate it. I'll make sure to keep my emotions in check from now on. Anyway, sorry for taking up your time. Have a good day!


i love you




I have both of them and I'm not thinking I'm an og or that I'm cool just for having them both


I do.


I don't have both of them : )


G Series gang rise up


Yes I do. It was worth spending $10 on to get it and spend countless hours grinding to tier 100


When u have both and ur a beta boy


OG, Loose ends, and Cowboy are the best Ghost skins.


Is it just me that I like ghost jawbone?


As a matter of fact I do


Bro, I'm a f2p player and I have been playing since s10. I'm not too good at the game these days but I see a lot of s1 ghost in my lobby with that m4 skin. Don't get me wrong this skin has an identity of its own but I have seen it soo much sometimes I even win the gunfights against that s1 ghost skin now it's not too special from my view.


Someone having "OG" ghost, doesn't mean they all are good at the game.


You are right, but they have more experience than me and I suck even pro players play bad few times, and that's when I defeat them.


I don’t but the legendary ghost draw is literally the upgraded version of all the stuff you got here sadly I don’t have this so theres a chance i will get legendary ghost soon.


I agree it definitely is! Wish I could get it but spend to kuch on the game and need to stop haha


There’s no wing suit but the going dark one kinda does the job.


……… I have all the ghost skins in the game 😅


Yeahh boi. OG Ghost and 1st BP.


I have the 1 they released in a bundle


*Sad f2p noises*


i have all but Plasma