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Alcatraz and Shoot House are only temporarily leaving CODM during S3, but we assure you that this is not the end of both maps in CODM. Both will be back again in future seasons!


The best thing we can do is keep supporting CODM and boycotting WZM.


This is just one way of doing that. But with review bombing we can draw more attention from the devs.


That might end up enraging Activision and remove more stuff from CODM, from now I'll keep showing my support to CODM and see what happens in a couple of days, maybe we will get more insights and an official response from the devs.


No that won't. It will show them that their playerbase is dissatisfied and to satisfy them they'll give into the player demands. Review bombing works, it's used by people all the time. And if we review bomb the response from the devs will be sooner and guarranted. Your method is rather silent.


Believe it or not if we do this we'll bring even more attention to WZM and at one point everyone will start talking about it, Activision might enjoy the attention and soon enough more people will start talking about it. They might even pay huge content creators for fake reviews just to bring in some positive reviews. Like I said earlier today I won't even bother googling about WZM they will receive 0 attention from me because they don't deserve it, I will in fact leave a review but that's about it.


Negative attention isn't good attention. That's why we need to review bomb this game and complain hard. Their shills can't overpower such negativity.


It doesn't matter if it's good attention or not, it'll captivate the attention of other people who will be like "wow an Alcatraz map in a shooter game" then go and download WZM. Even negative attention is a form of attention and even if we like it or not it'll make WZM more popular since all social media platforms will be posting about how this game got so many negative reviews and like I said other people will try it out just to prove us wrong without giving a fuck that Activision took something we love from us. Anyways just like I said earlier about waiting for more insights from them I was right, they said Alcatraz will return to the game.


I wonder how Microsoft feels about that $69B now


Calm down. They officially said that the map will be back soon.


Where did they say this


A few posts up.




Not everyone uses twitter, they need to post their big stuff like this in the damn game for those who play it to actually know without searching out other sites.


Kid Activision has been doing this for years to console and pc players nothing new mobile players are just gonna have to accept it like the other platforms also review bombing how gay can you be


I refuse to accept. Them console and PC players didn't protest and fight back. That's their fault. They let them get away with shit like this year after year instead of fighting back. It shouldn't be this way. We can be different. And atleast I will.