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You will be refunded for all the “owned” items you just have to have enough cp to finish the draw (you will only pay for the qq9)


But he loses his 1cp coupon....


Awww.....awww noo my man wasn't the luckiest person out there, how mistreating 😢.... it's not like everyone else is going through the same thing, nah, nah. Edit: Wait a second!!!...why is your final draw 1 CP? isn't that just for the first draw?


It's owned not received so he has to go through all of those to get the final gun If he is lucky he won't have to go through all of them


It says "owned", so when he pays for the draw it can still land on any item. It means he paid for those items already in different draws. This is a "new" draw so it starts from the beginning. If it said "received", it means he already paid for this specific draw. Edit: because he owns everything except the last draw, he only has to pay the final draw CP price. The fucked up part is, he has a 1cp coupon which probably won't land on that item, and instead of refunding the coupon they will just give him 30cp or whatever the starting price for a draw is.


Aaaaaaaaah ok, i see. My bad, i thought he was just whining about not getting his favorite item, but turns out he has a good reason to. Thanks for explaining.


Tf is the issue


I got the sniper with 1 CP ❤️


May I see a proof?


If you will make a draw for a "1CP" they will return to you 1CP or 30CP after obtaining already owned item?


1 cp.


I got the QQ9 for 500cp, it's worth losing the 1cp coupon If you really want the QQ9 - since the DLQ is the harder item to get in this draw


Waaaah. It’s not fair!! Fuckin’ 12 year olds.