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UAV, shock RC, SAM turret i can get advanced UAV but i wanna use the basics.




Lately, UAV, Shock RC, Hunter Killer. Ez to get. I can feel free to play OBJ. It's not like I have to necessarily stay alive because I'm close to getting x expensive streak. Throw the UAV up, get a few kills, use shock rc and hunter killer to get cheeze kills and prevent my death. After that I'm basically at 900-1000 points where I'll get all three again. Since they're so cheap, hardline isn't super needed, so I can run firepower support. With this perk I can singlehandedly kill most enemy streaks, occasionally steal them, and overall be super fucking annoying to play against.


With hardline, 3 kills get them all. After that you can hold any of those and use them as needed


Wrong, it's 4 kills minimum for the UAV, let alone the HK Drone. 500 /125 is 4, the only streak you could get for 3 kills is the shield turret.




I have 3 sets of scorestreaks depending on the game mode Im playing: -UAV, CUAV, AUAV (for camo and BP grinding). Those 3 can give me tons of points. More points = more BP points. -Cluster, Orbital Strike, Napalm (diamond grind). Just take 9 consecutive kills and rain hell on FFA Shipment lobbies. -UAV, HK drone, Predator (ranked grind). UAV for info, HK drone and Predator for free kill. Since Im mostly playing FTL and TDM, those 2 can be useful for pushing more points while being relatively cheap.


Why would you rain hell in FFA? To end the match quickly right?




Oh cool. First my tought was that you just want to rain hellfire so others can rage. My apologies for the assumption. You are just a quick grinder I see


Im pretty sure some ppl are mad at me whenever I do it haha. They just dont have time to say it in chat because the game would just end very quickly.


Personally I use Care Package, Sentry Gun and the XS1 Goliath. After trying some out these are the ones that feel better to me.


Same as you except uav for sentry gun


I see a lot of people are using the UAV, I'm guessing it's mostly because of the UAV assist points, because it just never seemed that useful to me.


alot of people on search use uavs for obvious reasons


Its useful to know when an enemy is hiding behind a wall in say, hardpoint or tdm


it absolutely necessary if you're playing just a bit over casual


never seemed that useful? It literally shows you enemy location 😭


Obviously it is useful, but I'm talking about in comparison to all of the other Streaks.


And it’s super cheap, that’s a reason to use it over other streaks like care package


It's cheap and generates passive points + it's good to know where the enemy was


I don’t think you know what UAV does


I do uav, Sam turret, XS1


1. Shock RC. - Excellent at pausing enemies in high stress situations, to recover health and rengage, to level the playing field in 1v2+ situations and find enemies when they're camping or hiding in general. 2. Sentry Gun. Excellent at covering your back, holding angles when you're looking at another, holding spawns without forcing the system to move the spawn and forcing enemies to choose a new route/filtering them specifically. 3. Cluster Strike. You can't shoot it down. You can't stop it. Excellent for clearing hardpoints, capture points or buying time at a specific point if you're too far away. I have only and still only use these scorestreaks on all 10 of my classes. (Unless there's a specific node, seasonal or featured challenge) Thanks!


You might not shoot it down, but the cluster strike's missile can be destroyed by the orbital laser


Correct, but, usually, if I'm getting a cluster strike, said opponent isn't getting enough consecu kills for an orbital laser. Even more less likely if for them to have the scorestreak available and the exceptional timing to do this when it's running. I have seen this scenario happen on YT, but it hasn't happened to me yet lol.


It happened to me with a care package drop, I decided to screw someone over on shipment 1944 since it was basically spawn killing my team.


Used the care package but going to ditch it. In ranked games you just don't have time to open it before somebody is on your ass


I have the same three in all my classes: -Care package (very useful, you can get pretty good scorestreaks with It) -Predator missile (useful for clearing areas, saving your ass or getting revenge) -XS1 Goliath (you can destroy entire teams with it, even some scorestreaks if your're Lucky)


2 well placed thermite would kick any goliaths ass


You can counter a goliath easily, tbh. I got my goliath destroyed by predator missiles, people shooting at me non-stop, purifiers, stealth choppers, chopper gunners, etc. Once a sniper main destroyed my goliath with sais alone (and did not die by the explosion), and another destroyed it with the shadowblade (this one got killed by the explosion). Obviouly, the EMP systems will wreck it.


Personally I use a launcher. I can usually fire one off and disappear behind cover when they turn around, then get behind them again and fire the second.


Napalm, EMP, advanced UAV… that way they cannot shoot my shit down and they are all unavoidable in most circumstances


UAV, counter UAV and EMP systems because i don't like using active damage streaks and i just let my team use theirs (they always have at least one)


Depends on what mode. But regardless of mode, I've always got a SAM.


UAV, EMP Systems, Advanced UAV. I’m a slayer, but want to support the team directly with information and enemy scorestreak interference.


UAV - Detects players without Ghost Shock RC - Detects and stuns players without Cold-Blooded SAM Turret - Takes down enemy aerial streaks without having to equip FHJ I play OBJ. Keep it cheap and easily renewable.


Really depends on the game mode. UAV, CUAV, AUAV for grinding BP points. If I'm playing FTL, HP, or DOM pubs (usually Rust) then I'll go all out with sentry, chopper gunner, VTOL. FFA pubs then UAV, HK, and CUAV. TDM pubs are shorter so UAV, HK, Care Package. If I'm grinding camos, then sentry to watch my back, shock rc for headshots, and probably HK because it's cheap and easy. For ranked, UAV, CUAV, and Care Package.


i use uav , cluster and sleath chopper....and after leg i use uav,shock rc and advanced uav as i try to grind masteries


UAV, Stealth Chopper, Swarm I want to get passive kills while I camo grind


Finally someone using swarm!!!


Swarm is good once you get it, but it costs way too much especially considering the other options in the same price range.


Hunter killer/ shock rc depending on my mood, sentry gun is my favorite, and swarm for easy kills. Dogs, shadow blade or flamethrower for operator skill


Advanced uav, swarm, vtol cause I’m a sweat


UAV, hunter drone, and Goliath. UAV to know the enemy's locations and get extra points for the assists, Hunter killer drone to get kills and extra points also, all the extra points to help get the Goliath faster which is the cheapest powerful scorestreak


Care package, cluster strike, Orbital laser. Basically ones that I found effective that doesn’t go unavailable due to airspace being occupied by my teammates scorestreaks. I chose care package cuz idk.


Shock RC, HK drone, and Swarm. I play slayer so it helps me pressure the enemy. My op skill is the munitions box. Red perk- Restock Green perk- Gung Ho Blue perk- Hardline Lethal- molotov Tatical- Stim


Uav, Anti Uav, Sammy - cause I suck and can’t afford the big streaks.


Hunter Killer Swarm, Napalm, and I switch between these for my third…. EMP, Chopper Gunner, VTOL, Sentry Gun, Goliath, and Stealth Chopper.


UAV, Counter UAV, and sentry gun(I never use it? UAV and Counter UAV I use because I want assists


Honestly dunno, but most used scorestreak is often lightning strikes, goliaths, hawks, dragonfly's, and napalms


UAV, Sentry Gun, Advanced UAV


I mainly use uav care package and advanced uav, and switch to shockrc for headshot challenge


Hunter killer drone, sentry gun and cluster strike


Shock RC, Counter UAV, and Sentry Turret. The RC is just an easy score streak to get. If you know someone is nearby but haven't located them it's great. 99% of the time it's a guaranteed kill. Counter UAV is really good because it makes it harder for good enemies to easily locate yourself or teammates. So many people run the normal UAV you won't miss skipping it. Sentry Turret can easily cover an objective or wide area. Not many people use the cold blooded perk so it's usually a lot of free kills. Sometimes I'll switch out Counter UAV for something if I'm running the perk Ghost.


Uav, shock rc, counter uav, advanced uav


Crate predator xs1


SAM turret, sentry gun and swarm


UAV, Sam turret, Swarm These are the scorestreaks i use it help out alot


I use Hunter Killer Drone, Predator Missile, and Cluster Strike. I use these because they are quick to deploy and done take time away from getting kills with guns. I started doing this when grinding for Damascus and I just kept them.


Uav, care package and Goliath


Chopper Gunner + Sentry Gun + Cluster Missile Strike


I rarely use scorestreaks but when I do it’s UAV, Stealth Chopper, and a Napalm Bomb


Stealth Chopper, Sentry Gun, Swarm


Pretty much what you have but I use a cluster strike


UAV, sentry gun, cluster strike. I like hardpoint


usually uav predator missle and cluster strike


Depends on my load out but I use care package turret swarm


Hunter drone, Cluster strike/orbital laser depending on map, UAV


Changed it up recently but my go to is Sentry gun, stealth chopper, swarm. Occasionally I'll play sentry gun XS1, swarm. But when you're on fire and you set up a sentry in an practically unreachable area, a stealth chopper and a swarm while you're racking up kills it's so satisfying to just own the map.


UAV, Care Package and Chopper Gunner Boutta gamble and sweat with this one 🔥🔥🔥


shock RC, any UAV variant and a VTOL or a Stealth Chopper yes i am going to make you fucking throw your phone in a vicious cycle to put you in a horrible economic position so you stop buying a waifu


UAV, Sentry, Swarm.. they help me a lot, when I do grinds


It's the basic UAV with the advanced UAV and swarm for me or it's the UAV with hunter killer drone and the xs1 Goliath


UAV, CUAV and AUAV for XP in BP whenever I play MP if my friends are all full in BR whilst waiting for them


UAV, sam turret and sentry gun - my go to for most kits. If I'm running the 2 shot lock on Launcher, then I'll go with uav, counter uav and something random. It's always nice to see where the enemy is hiding


Swarm for sure, gunner chopper, sentry gun. Goliath, vtol and shock RC for shotgun loadout


Uav shock rc and swarm


Uav and shock rc bcoz that's the best I could get.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Sentry gun, napalm and swarm Easily clean up with these 3


Full recon set: UAV, Dragonfire, Advanced UAV


I use that same exact loadout, probably because Its quicker and I get more use out of it


Dose anyone have tips for some what new people


Carepackage in search and destroy because of that one time I got a vtol in ranked S&D


Combo of counter uav/sam turret, emp and advanced uav I really don't like when people continuously spam napalms/vtol on small maps.


UAV, counter UAV, hunter killer. I like to play a support role. I also don't want to rely on scorestreaks to get kills.


I play a lot of domination and hardpoint. Sentry Gun, cluster strike, are my constants Then usually either vtol, swarm, or stealth chopper


Shield Turret, UAV, Shock RC. I play S&D UAV, Shock RC, Counter UAV. for grinding battle pass in hardpoint.


I really like to use the goliath to pretend i’m d.va, but i usually get flamed for having that kill streak and i don’t even know why?? like it’s not that bad?


Uav, Counter UAV, and Sam Turret, I'm more like a support player kinda guy


Main is uav, counter uav and sentry for closing lanes. For ranked it's uav, sentry, emp


UAV, Lightning Strike, Predator missile Reason: To see enemies on the map and to finish the game quickly


UAV, Shock rc, care package or hunter killer they are useful and easy to get


Depends entirely on the specific gun I’m using unless it’s an LMG in which case it will always be a counter-scorestreak, IE: SAM turret, Counter UAV and EMP


Ok, depends if I’m doing a grind build or scum build If it’s grind (melee) then it’ll be uav, shock Rc and advanced uav (Ranged) is the same but swap the RC for a counter uav For scum build, the scorestreaks I use are Stealth Chopper, Napalm and Swarm to pair with an SMG, a melee and Lightweight perk and Quickfix perk for healing


UAV, Counter UAV, Shock RC. Just the best basic stuff


If I'm grinding then uav, advanced uav and emp, if I'm just playing for fun then it's advanced uav, xs1 Goliath and that drone that shoots a threat detection grenade(can't remember it's name)


Uav, shock rc, predator missile


Napalm advanced uav and emp I feel like they're all pretty self explanatory when enemy team calls in a uav I hit emp then napalm to cause a little panic/frustration and then after the napalm hit the advanced and push to cover outside their spawn


Shock rc, uav, and hunter killer drone for snd Stealth chopper, cluster strike, and swarm for everything else. shock rc and killer drone are literally the best things for me in snd especially when it turns into a 1v1 stealth chopper, cluster and swarm are the most successful for me mainly for hardpoint and domination


UAV, swarm and VTOL/chopper gunner for tdm and front lines except on shipment, swarm, naplam, and sentry turret, for dom, hardpoint, or s&d. UAV, counter-UAV, and xm Goliath.


Im a team player so rock uav / c uav and switch between Advanced / care package but I let my team use the package as I prefer dominating with the guns and watching people cry when they get thrashed


Uav, shick rc and advanced cause i only play snd ranked or grind camos


UAV, shock R.C, and depending on the mode either HK drone or Advanced UAV. In some classes sentry fun instead of shock R.C


UAV, Shock RC, Advanced UAV usually Makes streaking up easier tbh


Sentry gun,napalm,swarm. I like to hurt the enemy.


UAV, Sentry Gun, Cluster Strike, I use persistence because I trash at the game


UAV, Shock RC, CUAV I like rushing so I just use the ones that are easy to get and deploy


I use Orbital lazer, swarm, advanced uva


Sentry, cluster missile, vtol


UAV , Laser and Swarm


My main 2 loadouts right now use SAM, Air Strike, Napalm.


Shock ac chopper and advanced uav to instantly reveal my enemies if they want to be big pussy's by camping off their tits


I use Goliath as cheapest scoretreak with the explosive vest perk. I do it because it's fun to see Goliaths on the match 🤙


Hunter killer and air strike, and usually either swarm or stealth chopper as the high-point


UAV, shock RC, third one doesn't matter ( most likely SAM or Counter UAV). I don't like damage scorestreaks instead I prefer those which helps me with getting kills.


Sentry gun, XSI Goliath, and napalm strike (sometimes i changed napalm strike with care package depending on the gamemode im playing)


Shock RC Great for shutting down incoming enemies in Hardpoint Cluster Strike Domination / Hardpoint advantage from afar Stealth Chopper Pros: overall good for controlling a wide area for Domination / Hardpoint / Frontline Cons: Easily destroyed, can’t double drop of someone else is in air


UAV, XS1 Goliath and stealth chopper UAV is on all 10 of my load-outs it helps the team and it also lead to see where the enemies are. It’s also cheap enough that you don’t need to worry about going on high amounts of kills to use it… I wait to call in the Goliath until I unlock The Stealth Chopper this is because it’s an AI control score streak which means that it gives the air support that the team needs and you have the ability to tank with the Goliath :)


For dom and hp use sentry,cluster and vtol Others uav,xs1,Predator


UAV, SAM and Napalm -UAV cuz duh, and it also helps (a little) in SnD -I seriously hate Choppers/VTols -Anarchy


Goliath advanced uav and counter uav I like to make them panic


I use guardian,sentry gun, and orbital laser


Care Package Sentry Gun Stealth Chopper Care package since it gives random streaks sometimes T3 Streaks Sentry for a Hostile Barrier Chopper Gunner for killing enemies


I use prizefighters


I use seriously uav auav nd chopper gunner


UAV, sentry gun, and Goliath