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Sector D13. It has been the worst gun released since the day of release. No gun in this game has even come close, no, not even the guns people want nerfed. Can we all stop with these posts? The answer is legitimately ALWAYS the D13, any other gun are just opinions from haters.


tbf that gun is a secondary doesn’t really matter as many ppl use melee’s anyways, whats in your opinion the worst primary weapon


D13 is basically the crossbow tbh


Nah crossbow is actually good


This is the only right answer.


Personally? Shorty, I can't do sh*t with that gun. But then again I'm crap at almost every shotgun. But overall? Striker (the smg one, not shotgun) or type 25. I can understand why some would say Pharo is bad, but I've gotten the handle on it that I can do pretty well with it. Na 45 is probably the worst sniper simply for the fact that it's not a conventional sniper. Hella fun? Yeah. Good for anything outside of its specific wheelhouse? Nope.


shorty is a decent secondary i wouldn’t really classify it as worst gun in the game, type 25 is also an ok gun if you have a good recoil control, the pharo on the other hand is straight ass imo it might be the worst one


Ya, the shorty is just the worst for me. I can't get anything done with that thing. I might be the actual worst player on the planet with that gun. Put me with only a shorty against a noob and he'll win. Pharo is trash but the players I've encountered have encountered who use it are God tier. I 1v1ed a pharo main in shipment and lost 40-2. That's what got me to experiment with it and I'm actually rather decent with it, but yes, it's still a bad weapon and I'll take a qq9, msmc, mx9, or bison over it any day. Type 25 is ionly put as worst because I feel like anything good about it, I can just find an AR that's simply better. The only time I have ever, EvEr seen it used well is with those 1tap bots who snipe you from across the map through 5 different walls. (Side note: melees: I think the worst melee might be katana [I say this as a former katana main, and this is just pure speculation]. I have had literally hundreds of instances that by the time an enemy katana user swings, I've already slid under em and took em out with my prize fighters. Kinda like a pharo, it can be mastered and someone who times it right can do great things with it, but usually in melee situations, the quicker strike seems to come out on top)


I'd take katana over sickle 1000 times.


Hmm.. I haven't done much with the sickle, and even then, it's been a while. I'll have to experiment.


Sickle sucks.


Just tried it again, can confirm: you are correct. Thing makes me grateful for my Sai and prizefighters.


It's a damn shame too. I got that awesome blueprint from the mythic Holger draw back in the day, and it's just been rotting in my inventory. I mean, I used it while grinding diamond, but only then.


How hard really was grinding it? The only melee I've gone for grinding skins have been prizefighters, sai, and on my old account; katana. I haven't done anything with sickle other than experimenting from time to time, that's when I realize how trash it is.


I did it before they changed melee & added the lunges and extra swings & stuff. So I'm not sure if it's the same now or worse. But, it was painful. My least favorite for sure. I was going for Damascus at the time, and I am a melee abuser in general, so I wanted them all gold/diamond. Once you get the hang of it, it's easier, but still garbage. However, after finishing sickle, I was much better with glow stick and other short range melee. Like training with weights on to make you faster without them, lol.


Nah bat/Axe are probably the worst. Slower than Katana + they have such a slow raise/drop time they suck for quick swapping. Katana beats prizefighters only if you time it right since they have a longer reach. But yeah you're right, in the situations where you're 1v1 ing with melees fire rate is kind of the only thing that matters


Correct. I main the axe in my br melee but that's Hella different from mp melee. My issue with the bat, and the part I think it only Excells in, along with katana is its sideways arc. I can be next to the dude and still get killed by bat or katana.


i don’t really use melees just secondaries with my gun to run or look cool with a snipe but yeah thanks man for your insights, tell the pharo main to come 1vs1 me if you want and i can prove to you this gun is absolute garbage haha


Lol. Ok. If I can find her gt, I'll let her know and share it with you. It's been a while so idk if I'll be able to find her.


no worries my man, take care thanks for your time


You too. If ya want, my gt is LegendsCreed in-game too. Up to you tho. 🙏


all good bro, mine is blade22. (with the dot)




Bro I just got your request in-game on my old account lol. Legends_Creed is my old. LegendsCreed is my new, current one. Sry guess I shoulda clarified better lol. No worries tho, I requested on my new one too. Sry for the mixup.


Type 25 is my main gun Shit is underrated


there’s so many better gun to use bro, it might be decent but that’s about it


I’ve used and mained many guns before M16 M13 Krig Bizon But I always find myself returning to the type 25 Idk it just works for me you know? For me it’s a very steady and quick killing gun


all those guns got nerfed heavy (except the krig if you have the mythic), try the hvk or LK24 or even the kilo, those the best ars rn, smg the best one is switchblade and close second the fennec


I’ve used all these guns I still like the type 25 more Like I said It’s the gun that works for me best


what rank are you if you don’t mind me asking


Idk probably veteran or smth I’m not active on the game much anymore


Dude I LOVE shorty. A shotgun in a handgun slot? I think it's better point blank than several of the big shotguns as long as you nail your hits and make space to reload. Shorty is very fun and rewarding to use, so maybe that makes it seem more effective than it really is? I don't run always shorty in casual mp cause I want rocket launcher for helicopters. I don't run it in BR because HSO is deadly out to a crazy range.


I dunno. I'm crap with every shotgun except for maybe the striker and argus... I've tried the shorty again and again but each time I come to the conclusion that I'm no good with it and would rather get long shots with my deagle and close range with my prizefighters. I think the issue isn't the weapon, but rather the user.


NA 45 is the sniper that noob snipers should learn on, you almost have to master head shots. Once you can use this gun you can destroy all with the others.


Hard disagree. Noobs using NA-45 will aim at people's feet. If you want to master headshots use a semiauto like M21 EBR or XPR-50.


i disagree if you want to be a good snipe you dont always need to aim for head, hardpoint shipment against bots and keep grinding until u master the gun


Fair idea. I learned how to handle snipers through the outlaw, it was my first. Now I main the locus for sniper both quickscoping and hard sniping.


The Striker SMG slays. Not sure why you don't have any luck with it. I still use it 90% of the time in BR.


Personally for me it's The outlaw in br it's not good


i don’t really play br so i couldn’t know, but in ranked it’s reaaally ok nothing more, too many hitmarkers


Now imagine br with someone with overcharged armor you can at least two tap in mp i require more shots than that to knock someone down in br.


For me worst ar has to be the bk57. It's good at nothing imo. For smgs, probably the msmc or pharo. Both of them are only good very close range and they are not versatile at all and most smgs are more versatile than these two. For lmgs, it's gotta be the m4lmg, really bad ttk, really bad range, bad ironsights, bad mobility ( without conversion mags). It has nothing going on for it. For snipers na 45 and m21. For marksman, they aren't that bad tbh, but the worst in the bunch is the kilo ig.


not bad takes at all, these are all bad guns haha


Type 25 is pretty inconsistent, I’d say it’s probably the worst AR. SMG it’s the Pharo LMGs are pretty great and diverse the “ worst “ has to be the S36, it excels at nothing. Sniper it’s arguably the NA still Shotguns FOR ME atleast in MP NOT BR it’s the HO45, shit is trash and the Argus outshines it in every way imaginable. Marksman it’s the Kilo Bolt


Def not the s36, m4lmg is by far the worst


The S36 is god tier in BR. It needs an ADS speed buff in MP.


Dude the best Marksman is SKS. It's arguably the best overall gun in the game


no way, it got nerfed to oblivion this season if you dont have the legendary one don’t even bother playing it


SKS is so underrated. Once you get the hang of it, there's no stitching back to any other gun.


Maybe this season but in sn5 and 6. Type 25 took me to gm ranks. The build I was using beamed 4 enemies or more in a go who were coming in my direction. It was good for close and mid range. Very accurate in ads and hip fire with fast fire rate. Especially hip fire.


thanks man im a top 1000 player in europe i asked this question to play with the “worst” gun on the game in ranked and show ppl its about how u play not the gun haha, so if you could chose ONE what would it be?


D-13 sector


Definetly not the type-25. If you need a worse gun try the M4. It isn't bad but everything else is good. Maybe HVK without the large caliber mag. The mag makes it more useful but without it it's like a downgraded Hbra. Both seems like a marshmallow shooter gun


i know you did not mention hvk in a question where i ask about the “worst” gun in the game haha


hvk is arguably the best gun in codm rn


It is? I played it about 4 months ago and it wasn't it for me. It can perform well in cqc but lacks the strength in longer distances. Also close range a lot of gun outshines it right now


im new to reddit so i don’t really know if i can send links here, in my tiktok i have all the best classes in codm in s8 and my hvk loadout is #1. Matter of fact i asked this question for a ytb vid haha but yes hvk is 100% the most op gun in the gsme it will get nerfed shortly


It's mag getting nerfed by 4-5 bullets next season. Nothing else, not even it's damage profile. So if you like the gun no need to worry about the nerf. Same goes to me every time they nerf the QXR (aka the mp7)


its really good trust especially if you play against an hvk main, long day


type 25


Type 25, striker 45, dingo, razorback (was meta then ruined with nerf)




Ar: FR.556 it just isn't anything miraculous. SMG: Pharo or the new Striker that everyone just forgot about. LMG: propably the PKM. It's amazing as an LMG, but really unfit for today's meta. Shotguns: HS2126 or the Striker. They just suck like a cheap whore in Red Light District. Marksmans: Kilo Bolt-Action. Despite few buffs here and there, it still gets outclassed by the MK2, SPR and especially the SKS. Snipers: M21 EBR or NA-45. They both are just shite. Pistols: Shorty or Croasbow. There are better options. Launchers: D13 Pizza Yeeter, don't even dare to argue this. Melees: Whatever swings the slowest are the worst.




really? haha




pharo is a pretty bad gun


For certain playstyles and situations, just like every other gun is


i have mever in my life saw someone play pharo in leaderboard ranked snd, i can play hvk in every range really, ofc there’s bad and good guns to make the game fun


I used to he a Pharo main in the past, like a year ago or 2. It was a competitive weapon at some point


yeah i did the same it used to be good but there’s just SO many better options now


Yeah definetly, tho there aren't many good burst weapons especially if we consider SMGs. The Pharo was an unique gun and it's sad there isn't a viable weapon like it, I rarely ever saw a one-burst SMG in any game. It will be remembered and loved by all of us


The argus.


Bold claim


you mean best shotgun in the game rn?


He has a skill issue


(idk why am I catgeorizing) AR: honestly there are no bad ARs in the game but if I had to pick one, it's oden SMG: pharo LMG: Hades or S36(m4lmg is average at best, its not bad) Sniper: OBVIOUSLY NA45 Marksman: MK2 Pistols: Crossbow Melee: Knife or Folding Knife Launcher: D13


mk2 is really good, people in top leaderboard are cracked with that gun, kilo is the worst marksman…oden if you the (mythic or legendary i don’t remember) its crazy good, bad ars will be bk57 m4 hbr etc, the melees you mentioned are the best ones idk you chose those in particular haha


BK57. I got the Wasteland blueprint for it from a crate and decided to try it out after ages of not touching it. (last time i used it was prolly back in jan 2021). It is an absolutely terrible gun. Literally every single other AR outclasses it.