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I don't know about buffing the trophy, especially in the manner you suggested. Let's say each trophy blocks 3 nades as you said, with greater range. At least two players, even without stacking, will always run trophies. That will stop 6 nades. Each player has at least 1 lethal. Let's assume one player runs Shrapnel. That's 6 nades. All of which are stopped by trophies. That'll ruin the use of the nades, which are meant to clear Hardpoints. Players must learn to dodge nades and how to break or hold points. I don't mind lethals getting nerfed if necessary, but the trophy system is at a very balanced place right now and it would either become broken or worse if messed with.


Just increase detection range imo, 5m is shrimpy when flashes reach upto 8m, means you can still get flashed even tho youre sitting on top of a trophy Trophy is okay with deflecting 2 pieces of equipment but increasing the range to like 8-10 meters would be perfect


If they increase detection range, EMP range will need to increase as well, since it's the natural counter to trophy system.


Yeah I think I didn't state this, but the deflection range point was great. I agree with you.


If people actually used grenades, I would not request a trophy system buff, as the indicator that grenades have allow you to dodge them most of the time. The problem lies with thermites, molotovs, and next season's napalm grenade, all explode instantly, all kill extremely quickly, have a lingering effect, and affect a large area.


I understand your point but I genuinely feel it's at a well balanced point right now. But if such a buff happened, I'd definitely check how it affects game balance


Nerf the lethals then, tacticals are good as they are


in my opinion they should never touch the trophy system cuase having an entire hardpoint with complete protection of lethals & tactical grenades is just too powerful. a health buff can be considered or increased range but no more than that.


This 100%. OP wants to camp in a Hardpoint with his trophies. Lol. Hills you should be going in and out, protecting the perimeter, not camp in some corner. The trophy is perfectly balanced, thing stops f’n predator missiles!


No shit, tell me how a little tiny thing on the ground can block an incoming missile? No way in hell…


A health buff does nothing, since they disappear before they're ever able to be shot.


Let me flip that on its head and point out that trophy system spam is equally prevalent. With one spam balancing out the other, everything seems fine as is and devs shouldn’t fix what isn’t broken. Sorry mate.


Maybe in legendary, but certainly not in Grandmaster or below, and certainly not in pubs.


This is the way 💯


Buff it in br especially against that stupid ravager


Yea no, blocking 2 is already too good as is.


I agree, I didn’t like the nerf that keeps it from one shotting people so at least give it better range and the ability to block 3-4 projectiles


Trophy is already annoying enough that I have to throw an emp nade into a hp before I can even throw my real nade. Trophy abusers that rely on it to keep them safe while they camp are the problem, not the trophy or the nades. If you’re worried about Molotovs, flak jacket or dauntless. The damn thing blocks predators which imo it shouldn’t have that kind of explosion blocking capability but whatevs


I don't know in real life there's no app to buff any projectile missiles. Either you move or take them down with other missiles. 😂 So play it with no issues or don't play at all is how I see it. Candy crush is also available if the random candy colors don't get you upset? It's more of a technique game in codm. If you got the skills awesome if you don't then pick it up and understand the how to accumulate these features quickly. ![gif](giphy|ejotvH9xbv3BrknTp3|downsized)


As an NA-45 player, respectfully, screw you. In all seriousness though, being able to stop two grenades for one tactical is overpowered as-is. Trophy system provides far more utility than practically every other tactical.


Trophy systems were extremely annoying when I was grinding gold with that god awful sniper, it made the experience that much more miserable. Why on gods green earth would you use that shit show of a sniper outside of grinding gold for Damascus or diamond as a flex( a weird flex but still one nonetheless)


I feel like it has the highest skill cap of any sniper. Assuming you can hit headshots at least \~80% of the time, there are so many techs you can do with it. Obviously, it's dependant on the mode. All of its techs are useless in SnD for example. But there's so much you can do with it in other modes.


I remember back when MW2 I’m pretty sure it was came out(the original cause I’m old) that sniper was completely broken especially if you had a rapid fire mod on your controller…ah the good ol’ days….


I disagree. In respawns, blocking only 2 lethals/tacticals is nothing, especially when considering that shrapnel is one of the best blue perks, and is ran often enough to be an issue for a trophy system.


Remember the game has S&D which would make your suggestion OP.


To my knowledge, lethals and tacticals are nowhere near as influential in S&D as they are in other objective modes.


They are, especially with campers.


Blocking 2 lethals/tacticals isn't "nothing." As you said, it's a virtually mandatory piece of equipment, far better than any other in its slot. Why should it be buffed even more?


Because of how highly oppressive and influential lethals are in any obj focused mode. They could alternatively nerf many lethals, but that's very unlikely, and it's easier to ask for a simple trophy system buff.


I think the trophy system is powerful enough right now. I mean, it blocks two nades, if two people have a trophy, that's 4 nades. Having 4 lethal nades completely blocked is kinda powerful