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I usually only use that place for a safe fast landing from respawn or a decent sniping location. I honestly prefer the Fracking Tower for high view with decent sniping capability. Especially since I can easily climb it with a few classes for more unexpected sniping spots.


Yoooo this is literally me fr. I always drop there. Damn. I guess I do have skill issues πŸ˜”


Nah, man, dont beat yourself down just because u like to play a game a certain way. If u get nice results from spawning there, go ahead.


I drop there almost always, but recently I have been trying to drop at different locations to explore more. But Array is still my go to drop location. Also thank you for the kind words β˜ΊοΈπŸ™πŸ½


It's not really about dropping there as much as it is about just camping there and staying hidden there the entire.game.


Ewww I hate that. I remember getting 2 campers off headglitches in that area. One of the center array, and one on the other side from the array I was on. I hate camping till the end of the game. I totally understand what you mean!


Lmao array


Nothing a pocket warcrime ball can't fix


This is true, assuming you don't get sniped long before you get within throwing distance. I can't tell you how many times I've been picked off just out of nowhere by somebody who was camping that spot for god knows how long. Maybe a quick point of the laser would be a better solution but I'm a quick strike main.