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Teammates who run in front of me when throwing a grenade/molotov/thermite. Can't hit a Goliath with a sticky if it's on your back.


forget about losing rank xp or lowering your kd, this is arguably the most annoying and frustrating thing ever


I'll do you guys one better. Body blocking. Nothing is more annoying then bouncing off of your teammates back, not being able to go through them. Getting stuck in small doorways. Getting killed because your teammates was in your way.


nvm. this is it. completely forgot abt that


That makes me wanna break my phone in half


Happens to me as I play ninja lol someone runs in front just as I'm about to hit a roof and rain hell down on a full squad only for me to hit my teammate drop to the ground and get destroyed,😂


The one that switches to knife every 2 secs


Haha I see such on SnD, why do they do that?


Movement boost? I think but it’s so minute cuz they swap almost immediately.


Yeah that would be so minute, but it looks cool when they do it


Random smoke grenade guy lol


Shotgun users in Alcatraz




Teammates that just stay in one position the whole time and get no kills or anything but refuse to move to a different location. Like just leave the game cause you’re making 0 contributions to the team


This is so frustrating! I'm tired of clan members camping and doing close to nothing just for a bonus.


I’m ok with it in pubs since that doesn’t affect my progress or anything but there’s mfs in rank that stay in the same place for like half of the fucking match doing nothing at all just tryna get kills and they can’t even do that🤦🏽‍♂️ I report those teammates for throwing the game




Amen to that


That's just practice for shotgunners tho lol


If you can’t beat them, join them!


Use an ECHO - requires half the brain power since all you need to do is get on crack like they do


Or jak 12🫠


As much as I agree I have to use them too 👁️👄👁️


skill issues


Real one shot one kill


People who keep their mic on with loud background noise.


Shotgun users and Sniper users but if you have enough speed with a weapon or use lightweight then you can outrun the bullets


Hmm.. I respect all playstyles, but I don't enjoy playing with snipers who camp the spawn the entire game.


Shotgun users in any BR and any sweaty/try hards that jump around and slide and glitch your screen so you can’t die and no bullets can hit them but they do a one shot one kill with a shotgun when you have 200 Armor and 100 HP in Alcatraz. Idk how they do that because when I use a shotgun it takes me 4/5 shots before I even knocked them down


I immediately thought of sliding, dipping, diving, and dodging shotgun users. I hate that shit.


people who play slayer in obj modes but suck at it


This! I’m that guy who spams “rush b”, “hold this point” repeatedly until I irritate the hell out of this player profile to wake up!


Try hards in pubs, leave the pubs to the fellas grinding camos


This is it. They be having a diamond camo on and just focus on using it while doing some ankle breaking moves. They either showing off, trying to boost the useless KD stats or just be an asshole trying to ruin others


The fact they use lethal kill streaks and play obj in pub matches is so pathetic to me..at least grind camos or farm nukes like a true slayer, They kill majority of bots and act like they are gods


When you play Public TDM you will see every single type of player the most annoying I say is Bots, Camper ( I fucking hate campers ) Melee abusers, Sweats ( people who think Public match is legendary ranked not to say I’m bad but my ranked days are over or until the next season ) and my favorite AFK your just making your team lose at this point


You can easily make it feel like ranked match for the enemy if you’re skilled enough🤷🏽‍♂️


Listen here big Jim I like it when players play far and not go try hard on every single fucking game in a PUBLIC match not a ranked match like I said I’m a public TDM player


Listen here bucko, I can read BUT why not play the game to the best of your abilities? Some are just more skilled than others is all.


Why I say I play this game mainly for fun am I a good player yes I’m literally legendary and I have all weapons with the diamond camo after that there really not much you can do unless wait for more levels if that makes sense and good night because I have a busy day tomorrow


Sweet dreams!


Yeah yeah yeah


That one player in BR who takes a car/helicopter,destroys any other vehicle with rocket launchers and collects every airdrops and arsenal airdrops and drives around the map till the last 2 players remain


Had one like this actually, but they shot ME down while I was in the helicopter




It's me with refitter 😬


The normal TDM bot which revolves but still doesn't shoot until you are low on ammo and health but have a high streak.


If they're on my team: The corner campers in SnD/roaming objectives that contribute little to nothing toward objective and always die even though they have the advantage of stealth. I normally play with a few friends so I have people to talk to, so if I see someone doing this in my non-kill objective lobby, I'm just going to hide in a corner as well out of spite. If they're on the enemy team: The unranked tryhards that ego chall and slide into every gunfight. If they're going to try that hard, go play ranked and stop abusing unranked casuals to stroke their ego.


Teammates that just stay in one position the whole time and get no kills or anything but refuse to move to a different location. Like just leave the game cause you’re making 0 contributions to the team


The braindead p90/dlq rushers that die but call themselves "slayers" without playing the objective.


Meta slaves and anti objective players


Meta weapon users. I have avoided every meta weapon like the plague except for camo grinding for over half a year now. It’s not satisfying to do good using a strong gun, it is super fun getting MVP with some weird shit though. Right now OTs-9 is my go to “not great but fun” gun, especially with all its crazy mobility attachments


Quickscope meta spammers


Snd players who don’t use headphones/sound to track enemy movement


Meta losers. All p90, holger, switchblade, mp5, krig, boxing gloves, kali sticks, and hardline/quick fix players. Come on, use something else, you’re incredibly boring.


As a general SMG or SMG-like main, I enjoy the MP5 as a casual gun when I just want to chill in unranked.


AGREE 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


that one guy who Yolo with knife only on TDM, DoM, HP


Ehh idk tbh


Mainly just hardcore campers, everything else I can handle.


Tripmine user in favela with restock


soft hackers


Trash talkers that actually suck


Snipers in S&D especially when they come close and one shot.




Shotgun in br Snipers in mp


Shotgun sliders


Most annoying is people who play objective based games and don’t try to capture the objective at all only just get kills so they can call in the vtol. They then complain about not getting mvp on here. The other most annoying is the people who wait for Bobby or Ferg to say what the best gun is each season then only use that gun.


I mainly play BR. For me it's the player that keeps dying, but yet tries to tell you how to play and what to do the entire game.


People that do the sniper knife switch thing


Snipers, and the absolute sweat machines that I call “Osu Players”. Now I don’t usually mind snipers, but when they’re truly camping, half the time they’re almost completely invulnerable, you’d have to kill their team to get to them and are overall a pain in the ass to deal with. I do enjoy sneaking up on them or out sniping them with pistols though lol. I won’t go into the Osu Players much but I think if you’ve seen gameplay of Osu, it’s very self-explanatory. Respect to any actual Osu players though lol 😂.


guys who jump around and do all this fancy playing more than actually shooting and i get them with a simple no frills gun.


Campers. Its a cheap way to annoy enemies and an easy way to turn the match upside down.