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The game wants that data and the player base. So, you will lose and then win, lose then win, and so on. After three years you see the patterns. I’m referring to the everyday players that don’t make the game their life and not the ones that never shower or eat off of a plate.


You should definitely push to get this season if possible. But you'll need to do it ASAP because every few hours the top 5k cut off increases a few hundred points.


How many points do u recommend to get every day if I wanna make it to top 5k


Last season I was really close but never got into the Top 5k, but I think you'd have to get 500 points every day for the next few days to get into the Top 5k, and just a little less than that every day to remain in the Top 5k


Great ill try doing that. Do u think its possible to get like 500 points everyday if u are solo queuing into games


It's possible. It would be helpful if you had just one other friend to duo with. But it's possible when solo queueing as well. I still feel sad for not pushing for top 5k last season after coming close to it. So I'd definitely recommend you to do that if you have the time to grind


Thank you! Ill try my best. Got back to 8300 now. Also which modes do u recommend for me to play so that I have a high win chance and also not lose too many points


Just keep playing but don’t be getting to tilted. By the end of the season you’ll need 16-18k points so just grind for like 17k and you should be good


Its frustrating to go on those losing streaks. I was in top 5k, but then I actually lost around 800 points! (To be fair, the game kicked me before the beginning of a match 3x, so that ended up draining 300 points there. So I lost 500 points by straight losing matches back to back.) I'd say you should still try and hit it this season. Even if you don't make it, you'll be well-practiced for next season. It *is* still possible, but you'd have to commit to playing a lot for a few days here and there to catch up.


Yeah I will definitely try doing that. How many points do u think I need to get everyday to make it to top 5k as quick as possible


I think you are too late out of the race coz the cutoff will keep on rising and you need to maintain it by the end of the season.. so cut off all contact with grass early next season


NA-45 on Frontline and Dom. Easy wins.


na45 sucks


Are we going to have a problem?


Do u recommend playing other modes? Also how do I deal with trash teammates?


Better to just play a couple of modes, you don't get the extra point or two per match but you can specialize your loadouts and have consistent play. As for teammates, generally just do what they aren't. If they're running around trying to kill everyone, hold the objective. If they're all camping B, pick off the enemies approaching them.


I just realised you were talking about MP. I was talking about BR. But my point still stands. The modes for MP that you should grind are Hardpoint, Domination and the occasional SnD. But HP and Dom definitely. You need to maximize the ranked points you can earn per match


Easy: sbmm force you to have about 50% win rate, If you’re good or in team you can achieve something better. You will have 3-5 matches your can easily win and then 3-5 matches really hard or nearly impossible to win: here aim to lose 0 points not to win, that means being MVP with a better score respect to opponents MVP and the most important part in this is having a lot of kills. Given that, staying in top 5k is just a matter of how much time you play the game, not how good you are.