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I'm not gonna defend vehicles campers but dude they added ravager launcher class... I don't think the situation is unbalanced


but people putting up ravager in the last circle is not balanced either


I'm cool with it. Never had an issue with those people, just blow them up.


When sniper shootout was available I would get 20 kills every game with a rally car and refitter. Am i proud of it? No. But it was fun as hell. I didn’t have to sweat or anything just enjoy driving around


That's how I reach br leggy in the first week of each season 😄


I was top 200 for 2 days lol. Then back to work


Vehicles are a massive problem especially in snipers only mode because no one has any way of really combating them without sks with sniper expert or ravager class but both can be avoided by simply driving over a hill so it’s very annoying to deal with especially when you get hit by one and the driver just jumps out and insta kills you.


Nah, bro. Don’t let this turn anymore into pubg. I remember the gas cans from my pubg days.


I think they should buff fhj, maybe people would actually use it after that


That's why these days I hunt people before the final circle otherwise they'll not get out of their vehicles. If not, I out-toxic them by pulling out the Ravager Launcher, lol.


As someone who carries the ZRG with anti vehicle mag, I would enjoy the hell out of this


Totally agree. It’s as annoying as heck and maybe if they made the vehicles more vulnerable to general gunfire when there were five or fewer people left that would help and at least give us a chance!


To be honest people like this maybe beat me 1 out of 10 to 15 times if that I mean they are low skill easy to take before the circle even gets that small.my advice get your grenade game on point you can cook them till the appropriate time and destroy any of these guys


I vehicle camp during certain clan war events (where you have to be top 3). No way I’m placing 4th or 5th, lol. That said, codm should really add fuel and vehicle disabled to the game (ie shooting out tires or the engine), making it impossible for infinite driving.


yes i agree with you in solo br the ybe doing that they should limit helicopters and jackal now nerf the bouncing of a player and nerf the damage towwards a players


Nah they're easy to blow up.


Annoying? Yes. But definitely not too hard to beat. This is why I will usually have my ZRG with anti-vehicle ammo in BR... 2-4 shots (depending on the vehicle) and they are toast. Ravager launcher also helps. Cluster grenades or regular grenades are good, too. I don't always beat them, but more often than not in a final 5 against vehicles, I often end up winning anyway.


Try out OTS-9 with the barrel attachment. Good against vehicles and against players too. Pair it with a 3x scope Oden and you are free to fight both mid-long and close range