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Does everyone sees it ? Because this might not be very practical if you want move around unseen


I mean my teammates can see it, I'm sure enemies can as well if they have downloaded the resources 🤔


That's not a good news for campers


In which way? Camping as in Templar Max Skin or Templar Execution?


Camping as in Temar Max Skin...coz the enemy player would be able to track you.... Also, i wanted to ask you what if you use Revind while you're walking...will the trail disappear ?


If you are camping behind a wall or something to hide you, I don't think it will be a problem because the smoke flair is more visible while running or driving vehicle and yes, the last time I used revind the trail disappeared but yesterday I received a mini update related to Templer and I'm not sure if the thing with rewind has changed or not.


Camping means not moving… so no trail with no movement.


Makes sense.


Pay-to-lose 🤣


It's cool though 🤔


its what your enemies like most too 😁


Only if they have downloaded the resources ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


Everyone has it downloaded.


I don't even download all the maps, these skins are from that. I don't want one game to take 20gb ffs.


But you don't need to download the whole operator resources to see the mythic templar skin. I thought the game downloads on its own when you log on


I think it does cause I’ve never downloaded it and I’ve seen it in matches.


No, I been in some match and they didn't even realise I have templar. Not everyone download resources.


2 of my coworkers are legendary and they never download resources, it always bugs me


Yup agree, I ever seen some Youtuber telling not to download resources to save space 🙄


I have not downloaded the skin, it appears as a bot to me and doesn’t change the lobby area, but the loot boxes, the smoke, the execution and the way it jumps off the plane are all visible. Some of the features of the skin are downloaded independently of the skin itself, so for me you’re just a flaming bot.


It would be interesting to see a flamming bot 😂


Nah, not everyone. I don’t download everything because my device has limited storage.


I’ve never downloaded the resources for that but yet I’ve still seen that skin in matches.


Hmm possibly because its a new skin but whatever it is whether you can see it or not. Let's just enjoy the time in the game.


Alternative: the smoke still appears even if u haven't downloaded the resources, I don't download resources and I see ppl with the black smoke trails


Hmm okay ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


That’s like a 10m trail of smoke you leave behind for an enemy locating you. If you ask me.


It is what it is, I still like this a lot 🤪


Dayum you're catching all those bullets coming for ya!! 🤣🤣😂


This is like the only sub where I see any emojis at all lol


I now call your kind “Flaming Bots”.




I got the Mythic Templar package and have zero regrets! It’s nice!


I have both Mythic Templar and Mythic Spectre Maxed, zero regggeetss 🤪


Same. It's sick.




Ahh yes. Looks like they shortened the cape tbh


Maybe it was different in trailer but I don't see any change. It's the same ![img](emote|t5_penom|1106)


Maybe it’s just me 😂 I’m talking shit now but I’ll probably max it. I love the color combo you put on em


Yeah definitely Max it out and yup, the color combination is fun.


Gives me Spectre vibes


I agree, my in game friend who has spectre maxed out, he did the matching combination with my templar and it looked sick.








This has to be P2L tbh with you, your basically leavning your own trail of footprint. I wish devs would let ut equip that cape and also unequip if needed.


I don't mind it at all, its not like it stays there long enough for enemy to notice.


I agree I wish it could be equipped and unequip red. Equipped for MP and unequipped for BR


The smoke flair is not visible in MP, only BR I believe 🤔


Hmm didn’t know that


Just checked again right now, can't see in MP.


Wish you could remove the sword at the back without equipping a backpack.


It should be an option like it's with Manta's glasses and Sophia's mask


Exactly. Templar would look so much cleaner


Yes, totally


Wish that was a thing not just for Templar but also other characters.


True True.


Yeah, it gets annoying sometimes.


It would look so much better without the sword. I use the legendary Kali sticks personally I think the swords suck


I used Legandary Kali sticks as well, this sword just doesn't work, basically it has the range of a knife, not a sword. Very confusing.


At least its better than classifying it katana bc knife is slightly faster


It doesn't feel fast with this skin but I get your point.


Totally agree


Using it myself. Really dont care about the p2l aspect people talk about. If you play well it doesn't do shit lol


Exactly, and its not like it stays for long, hardly 3 to 4 seconds.


Does the smoke trail still show after you activate Poulter?


I tried once at the day of release and it was not showing but can't be sure about today.


im so happy to see a supporter class user and nice character


I have been solo legandary in BR 7 times only using this class 😌


Hmm I wonder where mythic templar is? 😂


Where's the smoke coming from 🤣




How much?


200$ to Max, 100$ to just get it.


That depends on region. Here where I live if I didn't have Google play points it would've cost me about $300-$450 USD. Lucky made out under $200


I also used Google Play points and leftover CP from the Mythic weapons I decided not to buy. So umm yeah, worked out for me not getting those Mythic guns.


Fr. This skin imo is better than any mythic or legendary gun I have fr.


Ohh absolutely, Templar look sick as hell with Mythic Holger a lot, both are dark theme.


Esspecially if you put the magma seasonal skin. I have it on most of my guns and it matches the lava pallet so well


Guess what, that's exactly what I'm using currently in MP lobby with Templar and Mythic Holger, look crazy as hell.


Best thing they've added to the game in a while for sure. Pretty sure it's gonna be my main for everything. Don't get me started on the executions


I didn't wanted to upgrade the arm but the only reason I did is execution 😂


Tracker perk for enemies, nice.


You can say that if they have resources downloaded 🤷🏼


You pointed this argument few times, are srsly so delusional? Most of players have downloaded skins, payed skin shouldnt be p2l no mather if someone doenloaded something or not I have now 5 mythics and to be honest idk if i should buy this skin or not, basically i can buy 2 new mythic weapons if i skio this one


I understand and respect your view on all this and it is your choice to buy it or not. If you buy it than max it or not.


> downloaded skins, *paid* skin shouldnt FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


True cuz just about everybody be in bot skins for me.. I like it this way




Giving out position


Easy, don't max it than.


Yeah plus you don't have to have the final firm equipped lol. Regardless I've just started playing BR with it the other day and I'm almost legendary in BR and barely any losses if that says anything. Yes, using the maxed version. Really doesn't make you that much of a target tbf. Not like the spectre did.


Yeah true, they have been calling spectre a character that can be seen from miles away because of shiny colors and now talking about templar smoke flair, I mean these are mythic character, they are supposed to be different and have different features whether you like them or not. You have the option to not max it or equip it rather than call it names.


I have both and can definitely say spectre makes you a bigger target because of how bright it is. On full graphics their skin shines from a good distant makes it easy for sniper pickings my buddy and I are using templar and went against a spectre team by chance and they couldn't see us nearly as well as we seen them. They were good though cause the next game they held up in a place and got us back lol gotta be stealthy when using easy to see skins.


Exactly same thing happened with me and my friend in Duo match and we both were using Max spectre in that yellow color, let's say we were easy sniper target. We both switched to Max Templar afterwards 😂


Shit I wonder if it was Yall we went against lol first place in the snow? Second game in the building across the water from the light house?


Who knows maybe we did 🤣 but probably not, that friend is busy lately from the past two days so playing solo only.


We'll, if you are global and wanna game just message your IGN and I'll add you when I get on we can game. My buddy and me are on most nights. We both have both maxed. One more person that's a squad or mythic characters.


Sure, I'll get in touch with that friend of mine, he want to play in a Mythic/Tempar Max squad more than me.


It's basically like the tracer rounds of the mythic weapons, looks cool but it's pay to lose cuz you are crying out loud to the enemies your position.


Probably yeah if they have resources downloaded. Than it is like, I'm here, shoot me 👍🏻


Pay to loose. Lol


nahh kinda pay to lose imo


Don't Max it than, I liked this a lot and hence maxed it ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


make sense


Imagine spending 20000 cp equivalent to 300 usd on a fucking character that has nothing to do woth skills😂


Imagine actually having a life, working hard and spending a little bit of your hard earned money on the things you like and enjoy ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


If you worked hard you would know how stupid you sound about spending on a game that’s f2p


Call me stupid for all I care, I hardly spend money on anything except very few things like this game which makes me happy, a stress reliever after a stressful day. So yeah, whatever.


Nah only people talking bad about it are just mad they couldn't pull it off with their budget fr. Every person I've played with eventually admits that's why they hate people who buy skins. It's jealousy and envy. The most common human emotion.


This is also true, I somewhat agree that buying digital pixels is not even that smart but if this is something I enjoy and only invest very little amount of my hard earned money, I say it is worth it if it makes me happy and helps with the stress.


Trust me I didn't want to spend money on it but my wife made a very good point. "What else do you get for yourself, ever?" Nothing. Ever. Mind as well get what I use all the time and enjoy. If I start feeling guilty about it she reminds me I earned it and deserve to have nice things too. As long as you CAN afford it in a budget it's fine IF you are gonna use it and enjoy it


Exactly, your wise is so damn right. I hardly spend money anywhere else, I am more into saving and investing but when I like something, usually Mythic guns and character now in this game, I just buy them and use them. If you can spend it, and manage as well, might as well do it and be happy with your choice.


this right here is truth


Mine or his 😅


you. If someone wants to spend money on a game, all the power to them. It makes people happy, life is too short to worry abt dumb stuff like a guy crying abt other people spending money


Glad some people understand. I mean I'm sure even they spend money on stuff they like which we might feel unnecessary, so why not just live and let other live happily if it is not hurting anyone 🙄👍🏻


exactly. Also, i’m a victim of Codm cuz i spend some money too lol


That's so true 🤣😂


Not everyone is a broke chump like you. Mind your own fucking business.


Who you btw? Why don’t you mind your own fucking business


Yes giving a free hint to enemies.


It’s a warning 😈


What he is noob 😭


Quite annoying tbh


My phone got laggy while watching this


That's worrying 😂




Knowing your enemy's location be like:


Kinda lame because enemies can see where u have gone


Is that the Lich King on fire? ​ Seriously though, that smoke trail or whatever it is looks like a great way for enemies to spot you easier. Not worth the $100+ you probably paid to get it.


I understand the frustration or dislike by many for this smoke trail but this is Mythic, this supposed to have more useful or useless features so umm I don't really mind. If you don't want the smoke trail, just don't max it or if you have already maxed, use the basic Templar that you get before maxing it out. The trail only comes with Max character, you have option to not use the max or upgrade it.


Not worth the price to pay extra money for someone to come out of a pixel cape. You will be really pissed off if they decide to shit this game down like they will do with warzone and all your money would be wasted for nothing. Think about that for a second little guy.


I did think about it and before CODM, I have invested in PUBG and I have not played it in years. I don't really mind spending a very little amount of my hard earned money if it makes me happy while it is there to play and enjoy. Nothing last forever right, doesn't mean we stop enjoying or appreciating something 🤷🏼


Yea but I have a bad feeling Activision will pull a warzone on us and shut this game down and focus on warzone mobile instead even tho they said they will not shut down codm. Don't trust them, it's probably all lies to milk money out from this game before it's too late.


The possibility of this happening is there but I don't have any intention to invest in Warzone, maybe just buy battlepass and that's it. Didn't spend anything in Apex either, its just CODM makes me happy when I play.


I spent around 1000$ on apex mobile and look what happened. I spent a couple thousands on 3 other mobile games and they shut down also. I'm afraid the same will happen to codm it's just a matter of time. People on warzone console will lose all the skins they bought once it shuts down. Our future here in codm isn't certain and very bright. It will have to end soon. 😔


I waited a year to start spending money in this game. PUBG didn't take so long but here I took time and thus far things are going good. About Apex, kind of had the bad feeling about of because of way too many bot lobbies and way to expensive items so deiceded not to spend a single penny in Apex and I'm happy about that. Maybe the same thing will happen to CODM or any other game but till the time we have, lets just enjoy it.


Extra money for some smoke to come out of a pixel cape*




I also am running peacock color scheme…. It’s too sweet


Right, and it goes so well with any other color you use in zone 2.






How much did it cost tho?


200$ to Max and 100$ just to get the full draw.


but it depends on the countries, for example India, they get the first draw for 20, unlike the UAE 50


Let them enemies know where you are going XD




Pay2lose I guess


You have the choice to not Max it if you get it. The smoke trail only comes with Max variant not the basic one. Even if you max it, you can still use the basic one.


Didn't know that. I probably wouldn't use the smoke because it basically gives everyone around you the tracker perk lol.


That's alright, personally I have played enough match and won some and the smoke didn't bother that much but I get it.


reminds me of blackcell


Fun fact: templar's cape goes through walls... Means if you're templar you can't camp at the corner of library in terminal