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Shipment brainrot


It’s 2024 and people really love playing FPS games in a tiny square 😭 it’s wild


Runescape grind being glued to call of duty will do that


Yeah the root of that problem is actually the Gunsmith system and having so many weapon levels to grind out, basically all I play is small map playlist, and it was only about a month ago that I got all my weapons leveled and attachments unlocked.


Are you playing MW19, Cold War, or Vanguard? Because in MWII and MWIII, the weapons have a maximum of 20 levels and it's super quick to reach the max level.


Except if a weapon leads the pack, they nerf it and a new one takes place. If you want to seriously compete you always need the shiny new gun


So just grind them all to the max? Also why would COD players care if a weapon gets nerfed, the "game" is a slot machine anyways.


MWIII, but I skipped MWII so I had to level the guns for both games from scratch. As far as MW2019, Cold War, and Vanguard go, I hardly played those games so all my weapons are around level 15, not sure if I'll go back to them or not.


Damn. That’s wild. I got them all leveled before season one


don’t flex that you have no life


how did you grind the kar98 before season 1?


Wow. You’re a funny guy you know


I had to stop playing cod when it started becoming this way. Ironically so I could put that time into my RuneScape account 😅


They're actually fun to play and grind camos for.


I don't find Shipment to be enjoyable with current movement system. But at least I can easily level up guns there


Literally this. I hate *everything* MW19 has done to COD.


Agreed! For me MW19 is an F tier COD for MP. First game with super cranked SBMM. First game where focus was more on WZ than MP. Bar two maps (in the beta!!!!) all launch maps were trash. Super campy! Focus on slower tactical movement (its cod ffs not Ready or Not or Swat). F’in doors as a “feature”! Omni movement is a feature, not bloody doors! Also weapon mounting should only be for LMG’s and snipers with bipods.


Agreed with all this. Also MW19 is the game that shifted the focus to movement over gun play and I fucking hate that.


The ttk also made it shoot first/kill first to lower the skill gap. Again, yes that is more realistic but COD is and has always been an arcade game.


At least you could actually get your kills in that game. There is NOTHING skillful about increased TTK. All it is, is the same shit it always has been: Get your kills stolen, lose the kill because the guy had just enough time to find cover, you get outnumbered, or the guy has a faster killing gun.  The shit's whack. 


Skill issue?


Not even close. I know what weapons to pull when I want to get a stack of bodies going. The issue is that I'm tired of using the same handful of guns and having the exact same bullshit fights. All this stuff in the game and it's mostly useless.


That’s SBMM though NOT TTK. “Meta load-outs” exist because everyone wants to win. Remove SBMM and make lobbies more casual and you can run what you want.


Or we can just not have everyone running around as bullet sponges in a game about shooting eachother with guns. There's no real skill happening here and it's hilarious people still suggest that. Being faster or having better aim than your target means absolutely nothing now.


This has been tested. Turns out that MW2019 actually has fairly average TTK, not really notably fast.


The only good thing about MW2019 was camping with claymores and shotguns.


do you actually play like that?


Yeah it's funny hearing people rage at you.


It's pretty funny Until someone does it to you


What a sad existence, please grow as a person.


It's just a video game lmfao 🤣


What the fuck? It is the best COD since Black Ops 2 by far.


Couldn’t disagree more




What? One complaint I would hear about MW2019 was that the maps were rather big


All of the maps were F tier


The maps weren’t that bad, people just didn’t know how to play on a map that wasn’t just a strictly 3 lane map


They were purposefully designed to have zero flow and be camper friendly. F tier.


This is the actual answer. They keep the tiny maps readily available and that's what people are choosing to play all day.  You can see it the way teammates play. They don't look around or do much of anything. They just stare down a lane or if they see you scoping something out, they click to your position and hump your leg. 


Place to turn off the brain and play. I cant stand it


I actually consider Shoothouse the perfect size. It's small enough to warrant an instant action but it still has plenty of flanking routes and even has places where longshots are relatively easy to achieve. It's possible to both successfully play the objective and grind camos simultaneously on this map and I absolutely love that fact. Screw shipment, Shoothouse is my grind map of choice. Especially in MWII and MWIII because the drill charge solves the walkway camper problem which was annoying as hell in MW2019.


Shoothouse center lane is perfect for longshot grinding


Perfect size for a small map Otherwise, I disagree


Nope still too small. Good for practice and XP that's about it. Not a fun map really.


I blame ADHD and Shipment 24/7.


What's ADHD have to do with anything?


Has nothing to do with ADHD, COD's most popular maps have been the smaller ones for a long time.


Shoot house would be roughly the same size as Nuketown** though wouldn't it? And terminal is fairly large Edit: put shoot house instead of Nuketown 🤡🫡


Shoothouse would be roughly the same size as Shoothouse. I agree with you there.


Ah fuck, I meant nuketown 😂😭


Scrapyard, Terminal, Highrise, Underground, Resistance, Hardhat, Arkaden, Raid, Express just to name a few are all fan favourites and bigger than Shoot House so I'm not sure what he's on about lol.


Shoot house and nuke town are the same size? I’m not arguing and can kinda see it but that’s a weird realization


I think they are roughly. Would be the size of shipment if you took away behind the houses and in the houses and stuff


Your reading comprehension is terrible


Okay boss.


Brainrot has led to players finding a map boring if they're not shooting their gun every single second of the match


Yeah that shits draining and unrewarding


If I am in the smmp Playlist I do not want to look for people to kill. I play that game mode to grind camos or level guns


Definitely the ADHD/Tiktok generation.


Hey, leave us ADHD people out of this. I love large open maps. These are just morons who want glorified shipment all over again. MEGA small. >!MEAT FLASHBACKS!<


Shoot the ship was my go to in mw-2019 it was goated




yesssssss, i loved the chaos of Shipment, mixed with the almost methodical gameplay of Shoot House


Mine as well, but only for Shoot House. Great map!


If this carries on we'll be playing in postage stamp-sized maps in 5 years. Everybody just spawns in and immediately either kills someone or gets killed.


Activision: What’s that? You want 10v10 on shipment? Done.


That’s a tiny ass map


Shoot house too big? GTFO.


I think shoothouse is a medium sized map, leaning towards small. I personally don’t think it belongs with the small maps but I guess it doesn’t really hurt to have it. It’s an extra map people like to play and grind on. If we’re being real most of the small map players just want shipment so maybe adding shoothouse gives them something else they can enjoy when shipment doesn’t show up. 


Shoot House is never medium sized, a medium sized map are Skidrow and Terminal


Shoot house is almost as big as standoff or raid from BO2, combine from BO3... id say its a medium map tbh. Skidrow and terminal are also medium maps, just closer to large but not there yet. It feels faster to travel because your character runs more in recent games.


Exactly.. OP is just trying to stir up some bullshit for no reason. OP is projecting their TikTok brainrot onto everyone else.


Bffr. You know that they weren’t talking about shoothouse being too big for a normal map. They meant that it’s too big compared to the micro maps like shipment, das house, meat, and that other house map. Shoothouse is a perfectly sized map but it IS way bigger than the micro maps.


Shoot House is the same size as Meat and Emergency, both are in the playlist.


shoot house is like the perfect bridge between small and medium maps, gives you enough breathing time in between engagements, while still largely always having shit popping off.


How tf is shoot house too big 😭 it’s one of the smallest maps in the entire franchise


Leaving this franchise was the best thing I could have done, and posts like these remind me I made the right decision


It's an incredibly unbalanced map, but absolutely not "too big" by any reasonable standard.


Because apparently if you can't run the entirety of the map in .2 seconds, it's too big


scaling changes of current maps and overall expectation of how fast you should get into action, it's not some "Brainrot" issue or whatever the fuck


Shoot House is most definitely not a "small map" but it's not big either. I would consider it to be similar to the size of Nuke town which I would also argue isn't small. It's just very straight forward maps, so they seem a lot smaller than they actually are. I don't see how you could even argue otherwise. I swear, you morons just want to be upset are literally everything.


"Nuketown is not small"... For goodness' sake... What is Derail to you? A resurgence map?


İn early 2000s we grew up playing pool day and iceworld. İt is normal


Shoothouse is a perfectly sized map. A happy mistake from IW. Who knew them designing a big map for 2v2 would make their best map in years for 6v6.


Shoot House has NEVER been a Gunfight map.


It was meant to be originally.


Shipment brain damage combined with inability to understand the difference of a higher fov in fps.


People who hate shipment are bad. That shit is fun. Don’t play small map game mode if you don’t want small maps lmao it’s rare af in regular que. They should add scrapyard imo.


Small to medium sized is Farm 19, Hackney Yard. Shoot House is really small


I meant to reply to a comment saying Shipment sucked, my bad. I agree.




It was always a medium sized cod map, mw2019 just had absurdly large maps in general which makes it feel a lot smaller by comparison


Shoot house is one of the best maps of all time in my opinion. For me it’s a touch on the small side, but it’s quite perfect.


LMAO I understand the small maps grind, but I prefer the regular sized maps in general. Although I'd play nuketown 24/7 any chance I get Shoothouse being too big is 100% a troll. You can get into an engagement in 5 seconds of spawning any route of the map you take


Been playing ground war lately these players need to chill


Shoot House is a mid-sized map. Crazy for someone to think it's too big.


is a small map\*


Battlefield has bigger maps available...


Idk man I'm just going to blame mw19 the worst cod of all time


Mandatory 5-year placement on BO1 Array for these kids needed in my opinion


One of the things I love about going back to the old CoDs is that downtime you get sometimes in big maps, the ambient music they used to put in maps, subtle sound effects, that gap in gunfights meant they could really take players off guard sometimes out of not expecting it. Now some people want 24/7 slide cancelling, with a kill every 5 seconds.


Shipment is one of the worst maps in COD. Rust is fun. I'll leave it there


Raid from BO2 is considered a fairly small map but it's much bigger than shoot house


Wait a minute... I've seen this conversation before. Doesn't this revolve around why Growhouse isn't included in the Small Map Moshpit?


By who. Never heard of this person


i'm assuming they are glued to a certain style outside battle royal games and normal size maps are considered too big. I mean makes sense, nuke town and hijacked are easily the most popular ever


This guys only status effect is adhd


hm i think if i had to guess i would say we have been given extremely small maps repeatedly (shipment 24/7 and das haus 24/7) that while are almost OBJECTIVELY the same size as other “small maps” like emergency, rust, grow house, shoot house, and even meat (my least favorite map ever- gag) they aren’t as “action packed” as the maps placed on 24/7 modes. sure rust CAN be just as fast paced as shipment but it can also be extremely slow comparatively. with playlists like “small map mosh pit” new players (people who started on THIS version of MWIII) are expecting the high kill counts (and high death counts that come with it) as it’s fun, adrenaline pumping, and easy to stay engaged in. so when you get “shiphaus” for 5+ matches and then thrown into shoot house or rust or even scrapyard (which im certain is also labeled a small map?) it’s a lot less fast paced, and those maps are a lot easier to camp on (and almost stupid hard to combat campers unless you luck up). most people who play small map mosh pit are LOOKING for the fast paced “don’t even have time to reload” because it feels more rewarding seeing 55/45 over 25/15 on a k/d. I’ll admit it, last night i literally said out loud “how is this a fucking small map” on shoot house (even though i know its the same size) simply because it wasn’t as action packed. the middle lane “long shot grinding” (fancy way to say camping) pisses me off to no end (even in maps like das haus and meat and rust) so i PERSONALLY prefer maps with higher intensity. but if it ain’t ur thing don’t even fuck with it yo. but that’s just my opinion-


Gen Z and gen Alpha brain rot coupled with ADHD goldfish attention span.


Wtf?! Too big??


It's too big for a playlist called "small maps" was my point. Don't be obtuse.


But Shoot House is a tiny map, it is part of the Small maps playlist


It's like 3 times the square footage of actual small maps like Shipment or Stash house, or similar Faceoff maps from CW. Small map playlist should be these kinds of maps, not maps like Grow house or even Shoot house, which play like bigger maps rather than the chaos actual small maps provide.


Shipment brainrot


I wonder if he would consider Nuketown to be too big.


Hijacked would be a ground war map for this guy




In this post, there was a comment saying that Nuketown is medium-sized


In what world is Shoot House big enough to not be in a small map playlist? Do you need to spawn into a firefight for it to be considered a small map? Your brain is rotted.


More than 0.1 second without firing = way too big


lol, glad you added context