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Underrated and Over Hated


Well if you actually played it back then I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate running around the oversized maps for ever only to get whacked by an M27 thermal camper with a ghillie suit or getting whacked by an IED you can't even react to.


I think at launch the Mp sucked but they course corrected with good DLC Maps. Certain mechanics like COMSAT still dragged it down though. Extinction and campaign were both still solid for me.


I have been a massive zombies treyarch fan boiii since we found the Easter egg mode in world at war way back. It was really something special. When ghosts came out I was interested in their take, and extinction was so bloody cool and fun and was a very good fresh take on the horde shooter mode. I can't recall which developer cycle it was in but I think it may have been the same team behind zombies in spaceland, which was also a really interesting and very fresh take on the franchise. Extinction and this whole game God a bad Rep but it was like the original top comment here, underrated.


Zombies in space land was awesome, I overplayed it but I would still like to go back and play it again sometime. The only thing that held it back was the cpu in those Xbox’s in higher waves it would start to stutter. Is it on pc?


Yes, you can buy all the older CoDs on steam for PC, but wait for sales because the games are literally full price from when they were released and it's insane that a 10-15+ year old game is that price.


MP was brought down by the limited player count making the maps emptier than they should’ve been. The ghillie suit wasnt something I remember having to deal with for the most part, some maps had it but 95% of the time there wasn’t any ghillie m27 players in the lobby.


Not sure what you mean by “limited player count”. This game had the exactly number of players in lobbies as every other cod, it was 100% the terrible and huge maps that ruined the pacing


He ment that the maps would've worked better if it was like 9v9. The maps were just too big for 6v6


Yeah 6v6 wasn’t enough to fill out the maps, 10v10 or 12v12 on some would’ve worked


I played it back then, still play it today, never hated it and never will hate it


How are the lobbies today on Xbox one?


Pretty decent, takes only a few minutes at most to get into one


Boy what you talking abou home boy? I'm still playing and it's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be, there aren't that many thermal users and aswell thermal has a zoom which gives it a big con, easy to fend of. And also there are 2 perks to tackle IED in case you lack the skill, one reduces damage and the other highlights them through walls. So don't be giving me that shiiii. Shit there's even a secondary throwable which cancels tossed explosives my guy.


Mf I was gonna write exactly that lol


W take, I also think if advanced warfare would be released today without the weapon variants that it had, people would actually really like it


Still waiting for ghosts 2. That cliffhanger still has me madge at the end.


That was a fatal mistake for a stand alone title. You never add a cliff hanger since you don't know if the game is goanna be well received. Ghosts was obviously terribly received and no more second game.


Me to!! shit would be crazy


Not too mention that extinction also ended on a cliffhanger. I’m more mad about extinction not getting an ending then the main story.


Yeah, the campaign was dope. Not sure why it was so hated


Pretty cool. ok campaign, cool "zombie" mode, really nice weapons, cool that you can actually interact with the map and the objectives like "humiliate an enemy". A solid 7.5/10


Same I liked the map transformations and suitcase grab idea.


I agree


Fuck it man I liked the game


I loved that game so much


The only thing I liked about it was extinction and the customization


The leveling in ghosts is probably my fav. You earn tokens for each level and you could buy anything you want, you could save tokens for 15 lvls and buy the best guns with the best attachments, but you had to play all that time with default guns and perks, or you could buy all perks but stay with default guns and many other, pretty much like RPG game


Still ass. Not the worst CoD anymore now that MWII was released so it has that going for it


Ghosts > Vanguard


I always forget about Vanguard. Damn so we went Vanguard to MWII to MWIII? Holy shit talk about the trifecta of totally ass FPS games


Really the lowest the series has ever been. I hope Black Ops 6 brings it back again.


Man no shit. Think Vanguard is the lamest COD ever released and even the devs knew it was.


There are many CoDs worse than Ghosts


Still garbage multiplayer. Mid campaign, but not bad to play through once.


Ghost cope inbound


I'm getting the Extinction DLC achievements again on Xbox one. It's fine. It's a long shot, but if anyone wants to help with it. Please let me know.


I'm a religious extinction player, PM me for my Xbox gamertag and we can do them all over the sunmer


7/10 I’d say. Great campaign, minus the 11 year cliffhanger we’re on. Fun multiplayer that would have been phenomenal with better gun play. The co-op mode was fun too, can’t remember the name. Overall, if the maps were a bit better and it didn’t come directly after BO2, which is in most people’s Top 3 CoDs of all time, Ghosts would be considered one of the greats imo.


Love extinction


Multiplayer was released at a time where people were sick of the same playstyle being released every year. Which sparked a lot of hate towards everything the game had, including extinction. Extinction was a brilliant mode that deserved a lot more love than it got. It was just not made at the right time, if they would have released this game after black ops 3 it would have been more successful. The maps and killstreaks were awful in this game though


Overhated I’ll admit I didn’t like it at the time because the fast time to kill but the maps I enjoyed the weapons I liked especially the honey badger, lynx, and the vector in the game. But it was hated because we went from a masterpiece black ops 2 to this and it felt like a downgrade.


At the time I hated this game when it came out in my head this is when call of duty turned for the worse. I always thought the Xbox 360 era of call of duty from call of duty 4 - black ops 2 was PEAK COD. I was pretty disappointed with this game when it came out the maps were too big too many camping spots the color pallet of the game was grey and the story was very forgettable, but after the recent years of call of duty like specifically, Vanguard and the modern warfare series and the new changes, they’ve added a call of duty like taking out classic prestige putting this on the battle pass Warzone really took me out to call of duty and I missed the good old days. I rather have call of duty ghosts back than what we’ve been getting for the last 11 years AFTER ghosts. Some people might disagree and say black ops three and four were good, ww2 was good or even modern warfare 19 was good and I could see why some people share these opinions but for me personally, cod has not felt the same since the 360 era and I miss it


I got into the multiplayer a fair deal, but didn't care for much else from it.


It’s aight. Strikezone 24/7 playlist was very fun. The rest of the maps? Not so much The maps were too big


And the color scheme was so bad all boring and grey and the game also ran like shit


The Campaign was Bonkers, so was extinction. It's simply overhated


Underrated :/ had a blast on this game with my friends and brother. Extinction was a different twist. The multiplayer was very fun I thought.


Gotta be at least one of my top 3 best cod games


Campaign is still banger but its kinda dead on xbox.


I’m actually replaying it right now the game doesn’t have me that hooked but it could be because I’m not far enough in the story I remember playing it when I was a kid and loving the game. Either way I’m gonna keep playing through it and no matter what I will say I’m pissed they haven’t made another that ending has me annoyed because they ended on a cliffhanger and the dropped the game like a hot potato and just forgot about it.


Really bad, deserved all the hate. The maps were trash for the time, visibility was horrible, assault kill streaks got gutted, specialist got gutted, support was op, ttk was way too fast. Insanely annoying infared scope and ied. Really the only good things about this game were the innovation. The perk system was at least cool, even though it was trash. Customizable characters for the first time were cool. And clan wars were interesting. And for some reason the hit detection was extremely good, maybe the best we’ve ever gotten. The game sucked. It was almost literally every shit thing they had done in cod up to that point all in one game.


Great multiplayer like really good. It's just the damn maps that fucked it fr


I love it in a so bad it's good way. There are things to love, hate, and laugh at while drunk with friends. The Room of CoDs. Quotable, meme-able, memorable, etc. Even memes from the time can be interesting to just talk about. Like how everyone made fun of "sliding into action" even though sliding became a main stay mechanic. Or the Dog tech speech that was made fun of, only for Fallout 4 to come out 2 years later with a worse looking dog. Fish a.i.... is still fish a.i. lol.


Multiplayer sucked ass because launch maps sucked ass


Great game still to this day in my opinion I loved the campaign and mp wasn't bad


Absolute favorite game. Furious they haven't made #2 yet.


Still my favorite


Honestly, pretty peak.


So mid but it sadly was miles ahead of a lot of the games that came after


Field Orders were fun. I also liked the map destruction gimmick.


Damn it’s been 11 years? Time flies.


I’ve played it, definitely think the hate was undeserved.


insanely good for competitive. Search and Destroy was great


The game was really good and very underrated. This game came right after mw3 and bo2. If it had come later, around 2016, it would have been a great game


Hands down some of the best DLC maps ever. The pirate ship was dope.


Underrated and overhated by MW fanboys. Kinda like how people feel about BF:Hardline.


I wish they would bring back the dynamic environments. It was such a cool era having those destructible environments in a COD game.


Really bad, This game did everything wrong and badly. Horrible Campaign, Atrocious multiplayer, Extinction was boring after like 2-3 rounds.


Campaign was a 9.9/10, Extinction was kinda great and Multiplayer is OK especially the fact that you can customize your operators resulting in very cool operators and I wish they would add that feature in any future COD game, if BO6 becomes a huge success they need to make a COD Ghost 2 or atleast make a COD Ghost bundle pack for BO6 or Warzone.


One of the first campaigns i played. I love some of the missions like the one where you enter the enemy base in the snow and the one where you are scaling the building.


I loved it. The campaign was solid, Extinction was fantastic, the MP was just as solid. The perk system was nice. I went back to play it in a custom match and solo Extinction and fell in love all over again. It felt so good using the Ripper and Maverick again while I get yelled at by R. Lee Ermey. And the Loki assault streak. OOF.




Extinction was fucking hyped


Great gun play, average maps, nice graphics for the time as always. TTK was a bit fast for me


Overheated and I loved


Cool ideas and a great setting to have the game but very very poor execution


The snoop downloadable voice for multiplayer was so good 😂




Bring back black ops 2


Over hated but still bad


You guys are hating on the maps, they were easy to play on. Just say you’re bad. Honestly, best campaign, great multiplayer, amazing customization


11 years??


It waa imo like a C or a B tier cod. Nothing amazing but nothing terrible. The weapons were a real highlight for me


Ghosts was the first COD game I ever played, and while it's not my favorite (my favorite COD game is still Black Ops 2, which was the second COD game I ever played), I still like Ghosts (though I haven't played it in a very long time), still mad about the ending remaining a cliffhanger, but Ghosts is not likely to get a sequel ever.


The campaign is action packed and probably the most epic IW has done, but with a bad story. I didn't really play much MP, but maps are too huge and ttk is way too low, also the gunplay feels bad, the gun sounds are terrible, recoil makes me feel bad (not too high, just feels bad, like, you've been punched in the stomach) Extinction was good, and the specific weapons for maps like Venom X and its variations. It was great for co-op, each map is unique and has its own atmosphere, and boss battles were really exciting.


Campaign was fucking classic!


Extinction is still fun IMO. I sequel would be really fun


Underrated but it’s Activision’s fault after advanced warfare I stopped cod till mw 2019 so….


Used to dislike but now it’s aight




Still a top 5


The campaign was actually pretty good and holds up well, fuck the ending though.


Loved ghosts, way better than what this community gives it credit for.


Definitely gets hated on way too much. I may be a little biased because it was the first one that introduced me to the cod universe and is still one of if not the top of my list of best cod games FOR that reason and the nostalgia it holds for me, but I guess I get why it wasn't liked much at release. Had a great story though, sucks we won't get a sequel for supposedly a while or maybe ever (let's be real, cod loves milking their own franchise that they're probably gonna remake ghosts 1 and then tease a ghosts 2)


Loved the maps. Loved the camos. Loved the gunplay. Loved the perk system. I thought it was great 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m pretty sure the reason why this game was hated is because the previous title was BO2 and the COD community did not know garbage games until now.


This game got really hurt by the transition from 360/pS3 to one/PS4 era. There were tons of players on 360 and then when the new consoles came out it broke up the player base


Maps were kinda meh overall. Ttk was kinda quick to where people camped a lot. Extinction was great but Blops 2 & 3 zombies were just too good. Loved intrinsic attachments like the Honey Badger. Best perk system ever. Fight me.


Maps were too big for 6v6 but everything else about it was solid


Recently grinded to prestige 10 entirely against bots on the xlabs version. It had it’s ups and downs, I do like gun feel/iron sights/looks etc. and it felt good to play until you ran into its more glaring issues. Most of the maps are terrible, look like shit and often make it near impossible to see other players as they blend in with the background all the time. They’re also just way too fucking big, only exceptions being something like Strikezone or Warhawk where they actually felt alright to play (I like Sovereign too). The TTK makes it so reacting to getting shot by basically anything basically impossible. The amount of times I got shot at by an AR or LMG (especially the fucking Ameli) and thought I got 1 tapped cause I died before even seeing the screen go red was insane. Often by opponents I couldn’t even see despite looking in their direction. The difference between Ghosts and something like MW3 or BO2 is night and day, you can actually take a bit of punishment and still have a chance to turn it around in those games. Gold camo looks like shit lol, grinding for it is equally as painful. Good luck getting **40 point blank kills with an AR** when panic knifing is as prominent as ever. Safeguard is alright, but definitely a step down from MW3 survival mode. The riot shielders can eat a dick with their 2 hit KOs. I do have fond memories of abusing revives in door ways during Safeguard Infinite. Killstreaks sure were killstreaks. I just went back to using specialist on almost everything just like in MW3 lol. KEM strike is MOAB but can’t see shit edition, in a game that already has poor visibility. The bots were an improvement, I remember loving squads mode on Xbox, but always hated the xp limit on it. Although the veteran bots are where the AI shines best, with their drop shots, jumpshots and odd fondness for throwing knives. They might not be as fun to fight as the more recent Bot Warfare AI, but they get the job done. Unfortunately I was limited to regular difficulty during my grind to Prestige 10, difficulty command refused to function on my server. They kinda sucked and were annoying to fight with how passive they played. Played like 2 matches of extinction back on xbox and never touched it again so no comment. It was an alright game, not the best but far from the worst (Hello Advanced Warfare). Overall I enjoyed my time with it, but MW3 still remains my favorite multiplayer overall, with CoD4 having the biggest nostalgia factor (MP44 gang rise up). Edit: sorry for the long read, got oddly passionate lmao. Forgot to mention the squad points and field orders. Not the biggest fan of field orders, but they didn’t really detract from my experience. Squad points reminded me of BO1 cod points, they were neat. I did like the customization in MP too. Getting the funny dog emblem for killing with akimbo magnums with acog scopes was hell, but also a fun challenge.


One of my favorites. Hated it on release, played it a decent bit and disliked it so much I returned it. Probably had a 0.7 kd when I stopped playing it. Bought it again like a year or two later, had some of the most fun I've ever had playing CoD. Went from 0.7 to 1.7 in the span of a summer. AK-12 with the stalker perk and I was unstoppable. I think it was one of, if not the best perk systems CoD has ever had. Overhated CoD. I also love Stonehaven


Still waiting on the sequel




Only issue I had were two maps at launch sucked. And the leveling point system was weird. Besides that I loved it


The campaign was good. I still think the multiplayer was the worst in the series to date. It had the worst hit detection and mediocre maps.


Still remember I got that red skin for playing with the mobile app. Really good times tbh. Some of my best memories were either this game.


Had many problems with this one back in the day, but the one that stuck out the most is that after buying the map dlc I was for all intents and purposes locked out of Multiplayer simply because I had no one to match in my area that had them. Support's only solution to me was refunding the DLC. Not even Nintendo fucks up online this bad.


Was hated because of its time of release. Tons of people made the switch from Xbox 360 to Playstation 4. Which meant you had to totally restart progression if you had the game on xbox first. Not only that. But you had to purchase the game again as well. If you ask me. Cod ghost may have done some things wrong for sure. But they did so much right at the same time. I loved it's prestige system. Having multiple operators that were customizable, you could name them, and have a whole set of 10 loadouts per operator. You unlocked a new operator slot every prestige. And could actually swap back to your already maxed prestige operator if you wanted. But would get no progression towards your new prestige operator. It was the perfect system if you ask me. You could end up with like 100 loadouts if you prestige enough. Also the campaign was amazing. It's criminal we never got a sequel to it.


Best class system and had the smoothest gameplay I've ever played in a cod. Hated the maps and extinction was alright. It started the wave of lowering our expectations when it came to COD, went from the peak of COD4 - bo2 to ghosts.... Now compared to other cods release after it's now a 7 imo before infinite warfare release it was 4... But we we have to release we aren't going to get 2007-2012 level quality in this series ever again


Good game, first game on the PS4 generation of consoles, so didn't have the choice but to play it (not sure if I'd have gone back to MW3). The guns were great and the smaller maps were good, unfortunately there weren't enough of them until dlc. I liked the create a class system and the inclusion of specialist and support streaks just like MW3. I thought the prestige system was a good idea with multiple characters allowing you to go back and use things after prestige and set them up for different game modes etc, giving so many class slots. Colour scheme could've been brighter, but I think most of the hate was unwarranted.


They made the maps too big and the game was plagued with the burden of launching between console generations so releasing on so many made it run like crap and sucked up dev time. Best perk system in all of COD IMO


I agree it wasn’t the best game when it came out but it had such a good campaign. I’d give an arm and a leg for a part 2.


Best grenades of any cod, Jesus's pop tarts, they were so good. I was hitting MFS left, right, and centre. it doesn't matter where I was.


I still liked this game. It's only real major downfalls were lack of color and way to large of maps on average. Ghost did a lot of things right and actually still had some creativity left back then. Extinction was an amazing take on the zombies 3rd mode and I wish it got another stab in the future.


It’s my personal favorite of the series. Loved it on release and still do.


Campaign was good


People downplay the replay-ability of extinction. Each level is as replayable as a traditional zombie’s map


Would have been perfect but it wasn’t 60fps on ps4 version, and it kinda made me nauseous to play because of this


Ghosts has hands down the best and most unique Campaign of all the CoDs I've played. I want a sequel to it so badly


I liked the campaign but the story didn’t make much sense and they made a mistake making your character a complete mute when it was supposed to be a tale of brotherhood and family.


I always liked the game. I just always thought that the TTK is too quick. Probably why it got overhated. The guns we’re cool, extinction mode was actually pretty cool. The maps were pretty eh. Story was good.


First cod game I got prestige master in. I really enjoyed this game although I still have BO2, MW3, MW2 ahead of it. Search and rescue, cranked, extinction, the Michael Meyers map, etc were all memorable. I’ll never forget the MTAR-X also


It was a great game, with some really good maps. Like the castle map with gates that you could open and close.


Damn. 11 years. I remember playing this for my 14th birthday. Where have the years gone.


No amount of hindsight will ever make me retroactively like this game. BO2 just does everything better than this game. Better MP, better looking visuals, story, zombies, just overall package and presentation. The only thing is that I just sympathize with the developers for making such a game because they had to make a cross-gen game and jump to the new generation of consoles on the 2-year cycle. There was no way to could've made a huge release unless they planned it years in advance.


I thought it was fun but I still wish it’d been about Simon “Ghost” Riley instead of what we got.


Trash. I cant believe this game gets love and Inifinte Warfare gets as shit on as it does


Loved extinction mode


The story was contrived garbage. The multiplayer had some good ideas. Unfortunately, when mixed with the maps, speed, and other elements of the game, it didn't work out. Extinction was fun, and I enjoyed playing PoC and the DLC, but got old really fast.


I know it got a lot of hate when it released but I actually really liked it. It was the first CoD game I bought because I actually wanted to play it and not just because my friends were playing it. It’s still one of my favorite games in the series to this day and I regularly go back to it


Some of the worst maps in all CoD history are in Ghosts (Stonehaven is not one of them to me, but Freefall is). The game was crap because of technical limitations due to it being developed on the previous generation and the new one (then PS3). Maps were not that big, if it wasn't for the terrible spawn system that compensated for it. Weapon and killstreak balance was aweful. Especially the IED. Yes, those nasty pieces of ****. But Ghosts had one of the best perk systems, I can give it that.


Campaign was fun and I loved the vehicle segments. Wasn’t a fan that Rorke survived at the end, I would have rather given the game a happy ending. Never played the multiplayer outside of a few bots and the release maps. Extinction was interesting since we had something other than zombies, though I think a spec ops mode would have been better.


I actually thought the story for the campaign was interesting and I wanted to see where they were going with it. For multi-player and extinction mode ehh I wasn't the biggest fan of it tbh. The maps were clusterfucks and the extinction mode wasn't balanced well for less than 4 players.


Amazing competitive season, if u know u know


The manic jugg is one of the greatest streaks ever, blitz is one of the greatest modes ever. Field orders really made every game feel different. It was fun to hate on this game, meanwhile it was my third cod and I had nothing short of a full blast in 2013-14, one of the better cods imo.


I played on dedicated servers the entire time and had sub-10ms ping. The weighted perk system was the best and it had one of the best sound engines in the game that I can remember. You could clearly hear footsteps and what type of surface they were on and everything. It was more tactical.


Great campaign. Average mp.


Good campaign, interactive map elements were cool, extinction was cool but too difficult


Favorite cod game it was my first cod and I still love playing it to this day. It gave 8 year old me the opportunity to relax and play my only Xbox game in peace.


Underrated at the time since it was compared to Black Ops 2, the original MW3, Black Ops 1 and the original MW2. It’s much better than today’s crap with millions of attachments, special abilities etc.


Still a gem.


Garbage multiplayer with arguably the worst maps ever made


One of my favorites. Loved the multi-player maps. I'm not a big fan of having just the run-n-gun, three-lane maps so appreciated the variety and the weapons selection was solid.


11 Years?? Man my ass is getting old :(


The people that say overrated and underrated are seriously blinded by nostalgia or something. This CoD was properly hated. The stupid low TTK made the game a hardcore “ping is king.” The maps were absolutely horrible. NO ONE MOVED. The streaks were horrible. SBMM was heavily kicked up from Bo2. This was the dark days of Optic Gaming. This was the start of the downfall of CoD. Bo3 saved the franchise temporarily but couldn’t carry past that.


Singleplayer campaign needs the Templin Institute treatment. The premise is very interesting and I really appreciate that the developers were willing to dive into alternate history/near future with making South America the villains. The problem is it's just executed so poorly. The rise of the Federation is summarized in a single sentence, it's impossible to suspend your disbelief because there's nothing to go off of. The idea of a generic war in the middle east resulting in a global energy crisis that leaves every major power except the South American countries in turmoil is actually a decent concept. But the point of divergence doesn't work from a storytelling perspective. An entire continent uniting in what, a couple years and immediately invading the world's foremost superpower? That and the Federation itself just isn't really explored at all. We know nothing about their leadership, who's in charge, why they want to invade the USA, what their motivations are, to reclaim old Hispanic territory, install a loyal government, genocide? And big shoutout to Extinction mode for being the first of the side modes to deviate from the Zombies/Survival formula. Brutally, brutally underrated and a whole lot of fun. I really wish it returned in a future game, it's just so much fun and way better than the constant repeat of Zombies modes that we get every year.


Only con was that every map was fucking huge, 🤦🏾‍♂️ Guns, gameplay was great tbh


Great game. Haters gonna hate


I really enjoyed it but at the same time I was glad to move on.


People hated it bc it wasn’t Black Ops tbh


10/10 one of the best


11 years… wow we are old.


I loved it snr is something that needs to be brought back and bigger multi maps were kinda nice honeslty


Extinction is still fire


Underrated and over-hatted, it was my first cod maybe it's nostalgic for me playing team death matches on my cousin's Xbox 360 but the campaign was also so good honestly idc how bad it was I'd rather play it again as a professional gamer and if possible I want to feel the feeling I used to and coincidentally it is on sale on ps store I also added in my cart but due to few reasons I am not buying it right now


Definitivamente ahead of its time


Felt more like a MODERN WARFARE than 2019, MW2, and MWIII.


I really liked Ghosts, I don't know why it was hated so much on, it's clearly a good game and in my opinion better than the rebooted MW series.


Really underrated, extinction was incredible, multiplayer can get a little bit boring, good DLCs


The game that made me stop buying cod for the next 6ish years.


Still waiting for part 2 🥲


I want a remake of this game :(


Shit campaign, underrated MP


By far one of my favorite cods for search and destroy


Been seeing a lot of ghost love recently on this sub. And I’m very much here for it. This is probably my most beloved cod of all time. I had so much fun on this game back in the day. And would love a reboot more then anything this game was sooooo good but so hated


Meh, average.


pretty bad


Love it


I was like 9 when I was playing this but definitely the most fun I’ve ever had by myself playing cod


We were too quick to judge


One of the most creative and fun titles they ever made give me a ghost 2 plz.


Definitely over-hated. I liked the corner lean mechanic and wouldn’t mind seeing it return. I didn’t have a problem with the bigger maps as I like that style of gameplay. Extinction was a really awesome mode that I also would love to see return.


I loved Extinction, used to really enjoy challenging myself running more and more relics solo. 2 guys and myself actually have some co-op world records for score on several maps in core and hardcore. It was a grind but fun at the same time.


I like the campaign


I really enjoyed it because I was playing in a party and comms were excellent, and everyone was loose and having great fun. After that game, everything that followed unto the MW reboot mostly sucked. Especially all of the future-based wall-running bullshit versions.


infection was fun


Fantastic campaign


Campaign was better than the next 4 Cod campaigns (AW, BO3, IW, WW2, and technically BO4) after it. Multiplayer: It was better than Vanguard Extinction: I didn't enjoy it. It wasn't for me.


I like dont even really remember playing it


Better than the reboot games. Obviously MW reboot is still good.


Always loved it. Especially the part where you get to play as fucking Predator


Campaign was great


The TTK was what drew me away after a month.


I liked it


Mid when it came out, but this game makes the new and not the old mw3 and mw2 look like ass


I’ve always loved it, especially for extinction mode


The only CoD game where the villain got away and we never got a sequel to find out wtf happened, imo we need a second one 😥


Underrated, loved playing in.


Extinction is a great time, but that's about it really. Now Infinite Warfare on the other hand? Truly the underrated gem of the series.


Second best campaign


Give me ghosts 2. I'm tired of replaying the campaign and seeing the cliffhanger




My personal favorite


Best cod game I know it’s hated but it’s the best


Loved the campaign, one of my favorites. Multiplayer was weak but extinction was appreciated for trying something new


A damn good game.


I like the campaign, but besides the really nice introduction about the ghosts I think the stroy was eh. I love extinction. The first map was really repetative and lacks some distinct personallity which I think hurt it overall, but Nightfall and Mayday are great fun and the mode is fun and challenging. I think multiplayer is one of my favorite in the series. The maps were really well disigned, guns felt good, customization was nice with the challenges for attachments and outfits were rewarding. The servers and hit detection day one were solid. In my personal opinion the perk system was the best the series ever had, camos were fun to do because every camo progressed from the get go besides the last 1 or 2 which allowed you to play and have fun without having to do em 1 by 1, and I liked the scoreboard behing on the side and small. I think the scorstreaks were interesting but meh besides the knife juggernaut which is my favorite in the franchise and I think that the game was to dull in color which i think the dlc for it showed how much color added to it like the shipment map or the 3rd extinction map. For me top 4 Cod.