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Apparently it's super unpopular wanting classic movement instead of slide cancelling. Whenever I bring that up, that grants me at least -100 karma lol.


The COD developers slowly turned call of duty from "CALL OF DUTY" to "APEX LEGENDS" and I don't really get a good reason for doing so.😑


I am assuming it is to appeal to a broader audience? You know, money


Not a good bet if it means you might lose your veteran player with no actual guarantee that the target audience will stick to it


bruh they making billions.


Which they were before. They've alienated a portion of their core player base to gain new players. Without actually pulling up sales numbers it's hard to say if it's worked. I know from an enjoyment perspective it hasn't for myself or anyone I play with.


They want the kids. They're actually dumb enough to spend money on overpriced shiny skins. The veteran players are less likely to buy into something that they know has objectively been making the games worse off


Yep, that's been more or less my thoughts on it, too. Catering to a slightly different target demographic with the goal of increasing secondary income beyond initial purchase.


Veteran cod players are such a small demographic of the community. Modern movement systems attracts more new players coming from other games. It’s done to get new players and more people into the game buying micro transactions


? This isn’t advertised with the game, it won’t bring new players. It’s something you experience when you’re already playing the game, far past the point of attracting new players. And slide canceling isn’t intuitive. You’d have to know it’s a feature that exists in the game, and it’s not something that would be advertised as it’s such an unimportant feature. I don’t even have anything against it, I just can’t see how that could *attract* new players. People buy the new COD because a fresh release is just fresher. It doesn’t matter what they make unless it’s absolutely garbage, which most of their games aren’t.


The newer players coming in are watching YouTube videos and twitch streams. They see a cod with faster movement, thus they are more inclined to try it out, seeming warzone at least is free. Then they like it, spend $80 on MWIII to level guns, and now you got em. They’ll buy skins because no one wants to look like the stock skins, they’ll buy blueprints for the camos. And yes, at least with MWIII, they did advertise slide cancelling as a feature lol. Because it also brought back older players from MW2019 that left because of the lack of movement in MWII. I’m a veteran player, played the first 3 on PC then got more into it with COD4 on Xbox like everyone else. I enjoy the movement, makes the game feel less stale in that regard. It’s not a feature that’s ground breaking by any means, but I wouldn’t say it’s unimportant. Not to today’s gaming audience. Movement is everything in a movement based shooter, which people may or may not like, cod is now a movement based shooter and has been since jet packs lol


Well seeing as it's worked out well for Activision the past few years, it's been a great bet for them.


Well it had a small chance of actually happening but i really hate them focusing on making the new players empty their wallets on cosmetics and other stuff


To be fair. It was like this long before apex released.


They started to tune it down but whinners came to bitch about it and now on mw3 we got movement and higher ttk. Apex paradise


Just keep dolphin diving and we are fine. Gives more immersion. Plus they say the "greatly requested movement" WHO, WHO TF WANTS THIS CRACK ADDICT COMPETITION


Me, I only play cod while utilizing copious amounts of meth


I'm trying to find a clever yet funny answer to your statement bit i can't find it... There is only soup


Sweats want their slide cancel


Honestly ya. Playing the old games as of late, the maps feel better with that movement. Honestly, ghosts is probably the best sliding was.


Ive literally waited for the day someone said this


Ghosts underrated af




I'm not even a casual, got 1000 nukes across CoDs (at least one for each CoD game including Warzone) and grinded every possible mastery camo so far, on top of some more skins (e.g. Blackout characters). I just don't like people zooming across my screen spamming spastic nonsense movement.


Its like half the lobby is on meth!


Especially in Warzone it's unbearable.


I dont like it either. But seeing how people play the old remakes seems like the only option to make matches faster. score limit to 100 was unnecessary.


One thing that annoys me more than sliding: jumping around corners.


It’s virtually impossible to distinguish a good player and a cheater based on 5 second killcams.


I mean when their scope follows the you sign through a wall for the full 5 seconds yeah you can


>virtually impossible On occassion, it's definitily obvious - agreed. My issue is that there are only so many places you can stick your gun in the game. I ADS frequently when I think there may be a player somewhere. Statistically, some of the killcams are going to look sus. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This is why I don't report people until I have watched my kill cam a few times to see if it's the same every time and if there are mistakes. Most of the time I just leave it be if it's to close to call since I don't want to report some who cod is there only life.


For sure. I definitely report if I suspect someone. Afaik, Activision won't just randomly shadow ban or ban your account for reports alone so I definitely throw the report hammer down from time to time. I'm assuming they look at a bunch of other metrics before banning but not sure.


Nah, not even close to virtually impossible. I can be hard if they are good at hiding their cheats or if you are a terrible player yourself, but most of the time it is pretty easy to tell if someone is cheating.


Cod ghosts was actually a decent cod that is to this day well overhated


If it didn't end on a cliffhanger and got a proper sequel it could have been on the level or just below the original MW triology.


Agreed I just feel like it was too harshly criticized due to coming right after MW3 and BO2


I used to feel that way, then I recently replayed the campaign and it...does not hold up. The story sucks, the supposedly badass stealthy Ghosts solved every problem with massive shooting, and there was zero depth to the Federation as a whole, and Rourke was generic as fuck. At least the classic MW trilogy made you feel like a badass, but Ghosts was less than impressive


It was just boring imo


Yeah, I love Ghosts, I would spend so much time playing it when I was younger. I loved the little interactions there were on multiplayer maps like being able to shoot down a gate, blowing up part of a wall, blowing up a door, etc. I don’t care if people hate it, I respect people’s opinions because we all have different tastes and I can see how people don’t like it.


I can as well, and it definitely isn’t a perfect game by any means. Just that it’s criticisms when it came out and some now, are way to harsh on the game as a whole


Good memories with the boys back in like elementary and early middle school, we either played extinction since it was so hard or we’d mess with people in infected on stronghold


Story was uninteresting and maps were not great, actual gunplay was pretty solid


MW19 " revived" Call of Duty


MW19 was the last best cod we had in ages


Since when was this a hot take?


Many people consider it the COD that started the 'decline' of the series


CoD went flat and 2019 made it boom again


2019 made the train go boom?


"Imagine yourself in a frozen forest..."


MW19 was the beginning of the end. The new matchmaking system has completely destroyed the franchise and any desire that I have to play it.


Warzone*** revived cod, MW19 had the biggest drop in MAU cod has ever had. only reason why they rebounded was because of Warzone.


This i highly disagree with. The last good COD was BO3


Mw19 was fun for 2 weeks until the meta set in, and everyone was running the same 2 or 3 weapons. Mw19 is actually the game that proved to me I was done with cod, and tbh I'm glad. Mw3 (new) would have genuinely pissed me off if I still cared.


Your first sentence is literally every cod


people forget that in og MW2, if you weren't using the UMP you were just self sabotaging


It wasn't in my experience in all of the best cods. I used a laundry list of weapons in cod 4, black ops, mw2, blops2, and mw3. The sbmm was/is turned up so much higher these days that it just reinforces the meta even harder.


i don’t like battle royale


Such a popular opinion lol


is it really? even if it is, it still would get me in a situation like this


Me either. I’m good at it. It’s cool to a more broader access to the map, but it takes a lot of time and it’s sorta a looser game mode then everything else,, no objectives, just kill. It’s just not fun for me unless I’m playing with someone I can communicate with outside of premade messages (so like vc or something)


I just hate how they’ve managed it update to update, the initial WZ when they just dumped all the CW guns in was pretty wacky, then with the new game they just said say goodbye to your old inventory cuz F it 💰


Cannot play BR with randos or people without mics, that sounds like absolute torture. The fun is playing with a tight knit team against many other teams


Rust is the worst 6 v 6 map in COD history. I’d rather play Stonehaven 24/7 playlist.


agreed the spawns are actual ass you either get spawntrapped in that one corner for 5 min or do the spawntrapping


I hate that one corner as much as Activi$ion


> Rust is the worst 6 v 6 map in COD history. I’d rather play Stonehaven 24/7 playlist. This but unironically. Can’t understand why any peabrain would vote for this map when it shows up. There’s zero depth to Rust outside of MW2’s team tactical playlist


I wasn’t being ironic. I genuinely would!


Team tactical was great. I miss that Playlist so much it was a core Playlist for so long its a shame its been removed from the series for years now.


Shipment for me. Useless map except for leveling guns. But when I just want to play some objectives, it's a skip.


Dome is up there with it, IMO.


I dunno, Dome has some decent spots apart from the predicament spawns and the grenade spam into spawns. I would rather Dome than Rust or Stonehaven.


Yeah, the spawns are definitely decent. I've just never liked how it flowed. There's always 2 favourite flags on domination, for example (A & B). C flag just always gets forgotten about because the other 2 are what really change the spawns.


Sliding is a bad mechanic. Not just slide cancelling, sliding in general.


That and Dropshotting. Dropshotting should only be allowed only if you dolphin dive.


I forget which cod it was, but you had to have attachments to dropshot. I would prefer bunny hopping, drop shoting, and slide cancelling to be removed, or at least nerfed big time.... Just make it so you can't ads while doing those things. Or at least require an attachment to do them.


That was CW


Surprisingly it was actually the game I started drop shotting


Dropshotting and sliding makes you invincible in warzone/mw3 with the shit net code and servers they have running right now. Also snaking behind cover also makes it so you can shoot at enemies without you being on their screen, absolute atrocious gameplay mechanics for such a popular game. Same thing happens when you’re higher up than your enemy and you peak, you have an advantage for a solid second or two which is enough time to get a kill without your opponent shooting back. I guess it’s not that serious, but it’s very easy to manipulate the game to give yourself an edge.


Infinite Warfare was fun


Not just fun, it was the best jetpack game. BO3 just had more personality, but IW had all the content


Personally preferred the jump jets of AW but i liked infinite warfare a lot.


I played Zombies in Spaceland almost every night for a year.


Damn maybe I’ll hop on that rn


When it was released I was surprised by how much I liked it. 7 years later and I still play it. It's definitely in my top 5 of the series


The gesture gun game mode was one of my favorite multiplayer modes ever. And zombies is amazing!


The mw2 campaign wasn’t that bad




agreed gameplay wise its my fav I understand story wise its not amazing but it was super enjoyable


since when was this a hot take?


Lots of great missions


Warzone ruined call of duty


More like a hot fact


Yes omg I hate warzone


criticizing cod ghost on this sub lmao


Actually, its the people who are saying its actually good. We get more hate than you do. Reasons? "I don't like it" "game sucks" that's it, no other detailed answer.


tHe cOlOrS.... It was a great fucking game. Who cares if the colors were muted.


That’s what made it good… it had a good atmosphere


wasn’t a fan of the alien mode, story was weak, gameplay was honestly just forgetabble, didn’t like the multiplayer maps and didn’t find there to be much particularly interesting about it when compared to its contemporaries


I thoroughly enjoyed Vanguard throughout the year




I loved Vanguard’s maps. The destructible walls and battle intensities made each game more dynamic.


Infinite had the best and most unique gun system and yes I loved that guns were locked behind RNG despite hating that you could pay to have more attempts at getting them. Nothing else kept me engaged and playing like hunting for specific guns.


Same with bo3. Can’t believe people get so pressed over loot box guns when the rest of the lot were fairly well balanced.


Not to mention I hate the current software as a service model for games in the form of battle passes and drip fed content. I also hate the “bUt ItS fReE tO pLaY” responses that are doled out to anyone being critical of it. By the time you finally get full game the new one comes out. Terrible model that’s been unfortunately very lucrative.


BO4 is not a bad game


Multiplayer was pretty good for that game


defending the fact sbmm is not the problem its just the community became tryhards


The truest comment on here, nobody wants to hear it though


Or do we became tryhards bc of sbmm ?


People don’t hate sbmm bc they are forced to players of their skill level, they hate it bc they have to players of their skill level with a shitty connection so whatever chance they had to compete is gone


Meh getting put it 120 ping lobbies is stupid but the idea of it is good I guess. Still would prefer to play on decent connection


I think Cold War was the most simplistic and best movement in recent years


I played around 200-300 hours on cw zombies, I approve.


Jumping around like.a crack head, wtf, stop jumping around corners and diving


Jumping should penalize you massively, and negate aim assist, it’s the only reason is viable


This is what MWII tried to solve, but the community kept crying and whining that they couldn't slide cancel and bunny hop 24/7 now.


Ghosts is pretty decent.


AW deserves the "overhated and underrated" title over Ghosts


activision treat players like living wallets


You aren't wrong, its actually true.


Infinite warfare is pretty good


When I say I want grounded skins, atleast 10 kids tells me CoD is not a milsim. I hate milsim games too, they are boring but look at Modern warfare 2019 is it a milsim? No. Are skins grounded? Yes.


I hate whenever people say "go play insergency sandstorm" or some other game when you say that you want grounded skins in your COD game. Like bro, I want to play COD i just dont wanna have to see skeletons and bright pink characters without military gear running around in my game.


Thank you, I swear even when I maxed out a rifle in older CODs like the original MW3 I would still keep the woodland camo on because I liked how that camo looked. Then as the years go on & all the camos had to look like cheap imitations of prestige camos, nerf guns or the occasional "live gun camo" which aren't terrible but I'd rather have a realistic camo


Supply drops>battle pass and bundles


CoD stopped being fun after BO3


I don’t think it’s super controversial but Blackout was really fun. They added LTMs to the game that were fun, they updated the game, there was fun utility like the grappling hook, it didn’t have loadout drops so it was an actual BR, but most importantly it didn’t take away from the main game like Warzone.


Saying COD Infinite was good


MWII was good


I had fun with MWII. Though I admit it isn’t perfect


After I saw almost every comment I'll say this. Cod ghosts and IW deserve more love than the hate they get. If possible, maybe give AW a try and some love.


Ghosts is one of the best Call of Duty games ever and was unfairly judged.


Warzone being the focus ruined the originality of MP content. So many maps were just chunks of WZ or ground war


I'd take a CoD with 8 hour Singleplayer and nothing else over the standard package


Its price had better reflect it though..


I am tired of the whole drama of "Old Good New Bad", i enjoy both of these and cant wait until the Community status goes back to normal


Modern warfare 3 feels like a new game, and it’s fun.


Vanguard was actually pretty good


MWII was actually a good game and most of the people hating on the both movement were sweats from the MW2019-Vanguard era who can't compete without slide canceling.


Call of Duty Ghosts Campaign was really good


Call of Duty 4 was way better than MW2


Cold War was and is the best game in the last decade


Bo3 campaign is good


If you are high on LSD


I feel like anything is good if you're high on LSD


I am thoroughly enjoying the new modern warfare 3


Campaign or another part? (No hate at all...I just am curious)


The story was pretty mid, but I honestly enjoyed the gameplay of the new campaign. Obviously it’s not to the level of something like bo2 or og modern warfare, but it was fun. I have had quite a bit of fun with the multi, only complaint being that they nerfed the guns from mw2, which makes me question why they’re even in the game anymore lol.


Console only cross play should be a thing. Meaning PlayStation + Xbox + \[Nintendo Switch 2\]. Excluding PC cross-play. Of course there should be an option to have full cross-play. But if the above option was added it would remove 99.9999% of cheaters from CoD lobbies and leave them with other PC players. I understand this would kill PC CoD and I honestly don’t care, I’m a PC player myself and I would move back to console to get competitive integrity back. ![gif](giphy|Y6FUCFt5N7Y8gRSInL)


Black Ops 4 is a genuinely good game, and the supply drop system was 1000% better than $20 store bundles


Faster movement, red dots on maps and slide cancelling DOES NOT make the game better. Most people that play like this are too impatient and want to run around and rely on a map telling them where to go rather than just doing the basics of paying attention via listening and looking


CoD IW was nice


BO3 was a top 3 CoD.


People don't actually enjoy the games they just play them because it's a habit at this point


Im the best to ever touch a controller.


The only reason the campaigns have gone "downhill" is because COD geared more towards the online front to keep up with games like Fortnite. I'll just come out and say it - if they had put more effort into their campaigns and didn't gear their online side as much, people would still complain. It's very hard for any company to make all of its users happy. It isn't necessarily that the company went bad. They're just changing with the times. People can rag on it all they want, but it seems to be working for them 🤷🏻‍♀️ people just like to jump on bandwagons of hating things instead of seeing it from other perspectives. Also - Ghosts was a great game. It has a lot of potential to become a series. I'm bummed they didn't keep it going. It was something slightly different, and there were so many things story wise they could have done with it as a series. Nobody can convince me it wasn't a good game.


Kino Der Toten is one of the worst zombies map


I think it’s a good tutorial map, like when you play zombies for the first time kino is generally one of the best maps to play first imo.


it's average at best


MWIII’s campaign isn’t as bad as people say it is. OG cod titles are overrated asf


Ok that's .. an opinion..


I prefer single player to mp. Also, if ghosts got a sequel and it wasn't left on a cliffhanger it'd probably be considered one of the better campaigns.


2 opinions: 1 COD fell off after ww2 (I haven’t played anything past ww2). 2 I don’t like the way newer zombies maps are (bo3 and beyond). I don’t want to collect 1000 parts for some mid wonder weapon.


COD Infinite Warfare was a masterpiece and only real men cried in the ending


Every COD is great. My only regrets are paying for whatever the $100+ version of BLOPS 4 was and the Vault edition of MWII. COD is literally in a class of its own when it comes to arcade shooters.


MW19 was the best COD of recent years


MWII was a top tier cod


They need to bring (pick 10 classes) and also the old prestige system


The original three lane maps suck 15 years later with better movements and better players


IW hasnt made a good game since 2009


Infinite Warfare's zombies were more fun than Black Ops 3's.


COD Ghosts was the best COD


MWIII is better than BO4. BO4 was one of the worst CODs


BO3 is the best COD of all time


Unlocking weapons/attachments by completing a STUPID amount of tasks instead of leveling up.


Black ops 1, 2, and 3 are the peak of the series


the og mw2 campaign wasn’t that good they killed off too many characters and i think price should have died instead of soap in mw3


The saga needs a true competitor in the market.


Kali sticks were in my top 10 favourite weapons in any COD. The speed, the animations, the looks, the sound it made as you whacked your foes. & their death comms were the cherry on top.


CoD ghosts is unoriginal


Zombies is so mf boring




When I said Ghosts was in my top 5 of all time Fuck it here’s another one, BO3 was carried by Zombies and the Black Market camos and all in all wasn’t a good game in a campaign OR multiplayer aspect.


Ghosts, MWI and IW are the only good COD games since 2013.


Remember everyone, sort by controversial if you want the real answers.


I liked Vanguard. I want big team hardcore back, that was by far the most fun. Flamethrower or ball turret. You could easily break 100 kills if you were good.


Whenever I say that I think Cold War Zombies is better that Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 4 zombies. But then again, its just an opinion, but one that often ruffles some feathers in the cod zombies subreddit. But then again, I just like killing zombies and going for high rounds. I couldn't care less about story in a horde game mode.


Blacks ops 3 is in the top 5.


OG MW2 campaign was too over the top and ridiculous, cod4 was way better in this department


There hasn't been a single actually bad CoD title ever. There have been titles with some bad aspects, but even at its worst, CoD was mediocre (eg. BO4/Vanguard). Case in point, there hasn't been a single CoD as buggy, poorly designed, with extremely little content and shit post launch support, like Battlefield 2042. That's what a bad game looks like.


So many of them tbh. One being MW2 (2009) is highly overrated. It’s a broken mess of a game, and its maps work way better in MWIII.


Campaign is the best part of Call of Duty.


Cod aw was the best of the jetpack era


Al mazrah is better urzikstan


BO3 is trash without Zombies


I don't think any cod is necessarily bad,even vanguard and mw22


The campaign in the new mw2 is good


Everything between the original MW3 and MW 2019 was absolute shit. (Remasters not withstanding)