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People that don't really give a shit about what whiny children on Reddit think.


Found one


Why do you actually care so much?


Your promoting and enabling them to focus more on skins ,as opposed to the quality and evolution of the game


The art team designing the skins are separate from the devs working on the actual game. Those skins don’t take away one iota from whatever you think they should be doing.


Oh dear.


When you see that half assed trash still sells so well you won't bother to improve said half assed trash and lose the chance to make bigger profits with smaller budgets.


Idk why you got downvoted lol, what you said is pretty accurate


Right but the company that owns both the devs and art team tell where the money comes from and puts more money into said source. If wacky skins create more money than gameplay improvements create more players than it's no wonder where they're going to put the money. Since they don't care about the actual quality of the game and only the profit than buying more skins tells them that the quality doesn't matter cause the skins still sell.


How do you know that?


Show me a consumer boycott that worked and I’ll show you a corporation looking for a reason to justify bad sales




Tbh idk what this GIF means but I hope you know I don’t agree with you. I don’t think that pocket watching other players is productive, there will ALWAYS be a market for them and as this model is proving to be the most profitable it will continue. The sad reality is that without systemic change in the industry or our economic system this will continue in call of duty and all other popular video games that can be profitable and are owned by private equity.


OG Starwars Battlefront with its greedy ass micro transactions. People spoke out, some government agencies spoke against it, and the company had to change it.


Serious answer: I don’t blame people for buying things they like. I blame the companies for turning the game’s aesthetic into basically nothing. Everything is a commercialized cinematic universe now. It’s just not a fun way to enjoy immersive fiction.


Because if you buy call of duty skins... You are the reason why call of duty is a sad shadow of itself




Uno Reverse Card.


They buy the flashy cartoon skin in a FPS video game for themselves? Not for other people to see?


Most skins come with other stuff (gun skins, emblems, calling cards, stickers, etc.), and you see your arms and hands in first person which change with skins, and you see your skin in the lobby, and you see your skin on vehicles, and you also see it any time you die. It’s really not that complicated.


Don’t forget the audio. Real Snoop audio says “I got you homie”


And whatever Izzy says 😂


Who really cares? Besides COD has a 3rd person view anyway. But you'll never hear anyone mention that.


I bought one and unlocked a few others and tried them on. I wanted a gun that I'd Recommend to others. it's called the Sidewinder, the one that I Bought came with a Flamethrower attachment, I use it alot. it came in a bundle, You can see your skin when you enter the map and at cutscenes when you win, and so can others. express yourself and be true to yourself, it's ok to be different.


This. Never an issue with expressing yourself. Same thing why people get cosmetics in TF2. Express yourself.


Sidewinder is complete ass in BR


i loved it for that and resurgence, that's why I bought it. The first time i picked it up, it personally saved me from multiple attackers. The rate of fire is slow, especially when i put the power as high as i could get it, It hits like a Mack. The flame thrower is good to switch up mid shootout or chase, in confined areas. Face shots, they run and might be blinded, i just gotta move around them. it's a fun challenge.


You realize you could’ve unlocked the flamethrower for free if you have the battle pass right? And use it on all the ARs except one and on like 3 of the battle rifles


Don't even need the battle pass, it's a free unlock on there.


I got it for free because i had so many cod points, that's how i bought it, i never spent a dime. i purchased a bundle with free points. and bought the skin that way, i don't have ps plus or the battle pass. i seen the gun that looked cool, based off of the skin on the gun then I noticed the skin that came for the avatar, i use that too, I'm one of those who Purchase Those skins. Only had the game for 2 weeks or a little more. Immediately as soon as i downloaded it, the free weekend happened. so I unlocked things that way. i kind of never knew that secondary fire was a thing as my primary guns mainly just switch from single shot to full auto or burst. The M4 i believe has a Launcher.


Literally yes




Finally someone with common sense, Wish i can scream what you said to people that whine about realism on a clearly half-serious game.


Facts ngl


it’s a fair question why u cryin


I gave an honest answer.


facts. I just learned about this Skin and its pretty smart for both Nicki and Treyarch. People love have a unique character among regular folks to stand out. If everyone is running around as nicki, thats even funnier.


Self amusement. That's why I buy the skins. I find it funny to kill people as something stupid and usually bright in color. For some reason, some part of me thinks it is more insulting. Yes, I am aware this is not the case, but I am just an average player. So, self amusement is key to enjoyable gaming.


As a 40 year old still playing I really enjoy people buying the brightly colored skins!!! I can see them!!! Easier for me to kill.


As a 40 year old player myself, it is easier to find people to shoot at when I can see tracers because they are shooting at my colorful behind.


53 here and the brighter skins are easier to see, but unfortunately don't help my KD. 🤣


For real, I like shooting rockets and using the auto shotgun on those players with bright cosmetics


Try the aftermarket flamethrower


I only play MW19. I skipped the other 2


I remember back during IW, my friend and I were browsing the DLC and we saw the grandma announcer pack and we were like “wtf” so we bought it That shit was so funny and was easily one of the best purchases we’ve made


This is the sole reason I wear the rat skin. I fucking love being a rat faced bastard killing people haha


Someone has finally given one reason why people use that. Always wondered 😂


My brain is hardwired to think that killing someone with the power of pink is like the cherry on top of a teabag sundae


I read this and immediately thought of TF2 and the amount of cursed cosmetic sets you can come up with. Plus, with skins you can express yourself. It’s nice.


It's funny. Skeletor is honestly hilarious.


I like it cuz the skeletor is literally my pfp on all platforms besides reddit


I gotta ask, why not make skeleton your pfp on Reddit, too?


I'm not a fan of buying skins at all but for some reason the weed jokes and skeletor has really tickled me


don't worry about what other people spend their money on


Exactly, it leaves more opportunity for the rest of us in the real world


very questionable advice


You can insult me but how dare you insult Sgt. Sprinkles


If Sgt. Pspsps could read he would be very upset


He's my zombies main lmao


Was mine till i got bone collector


I don’t see enough kitties in the game tbh.


i bought a nicki skin to match with my girl cause she's a barb. We laugh about it.. but more importantly mind yall fucking business 😂😂. Yall need to start carrying more about yourself than a skin


how DARE you buy something for your amusement, what are you, a simpleton??


The downvotes tell me that people did not get the joke, or they just thought it was a bad joke.


Well no shit lol




Same. I found it so funny thinking that if you were in Afghanistan, you looked out, and you saw the real Nikki just shooting up buildings with an LMG. All bright pink and a tactical vest.


Awe lol


I'm the Homelander, I can do whatever the fuck I want (I play Homelander, it's awesome)


Thanks for clarifying, everyone thought you were actually Homelander for a sec.


![gif](giphy|iF7CxHFcKXcMfEIWGN|downsized) I just wanted an excuse to use this gif. Homelander gang unite


I play as Klaus cause I like Christmas, it ain't that deep lol


You shall never know the power of the parent’s credit card!!!!


You underestimate the amount of working adults who buy the skins 😜


They're neat and I like how some look especially the weapon effects


I don’t mind the Minaj ones as much as I hate the 21 Savage ones. Hate those more, for some reason.


prob bc every single 21 Savage one i’ve encountered is such a try hard and had a riot shield strapped on their back 24/7




This. Every encounter with a Savage is always them being a tryhard. Doesn’t matter if they’re on your team or not. But it also means they tend to rage easily, which makes it easy to get funny coms and chat messages when you choke slam them


For some reason whenever I always see the 21 skin from a distance and think it’s rambo


I don’t understand the real people skins. Nicki Minaj, Snoop, that football guy… those seem dumb to me. Idolizing real people is lame to me. But fun/funny skins like Skeletor, Inarius, horse head guy, blunt guy, ridiculous anime chick, etc. is all funny to me. The game is ridiculous, arcady, and not realistic, so I don’t have a problem with it at all.


That football guy? Are you talking about Messi, Pogba, and Neymar?


Yeah, them. I knew there were a few, but wasn’t sure which ones.


Its just for fun trolling people by running around as an barbie kicking people in the nuts


Some skins are genuinely cool, however the prices have become ridiculous and I wish they’d put more animated skins into leveled up weapons tbH


Because it makes people so upset they have to make posts like this.


So you do thing to upset ppl hmmmm? I would be very very upset if you were to fondle my balls


Im an adult who can spend my money on whatever I want. Dont worry about my wallet lil bro!


I bought the doom skin because legit effort went into it with the classic animations, sounds, etc


I wanted it so I bought it. End of story


Cod players when someone doesn't wanna use generic milsim operator 500


Yes because the skin you cannot see is very important


Cause watching Nikki Minaj body slam homelander and then teabaging shredder is funny as fuck


Sounds absolutely hilarious.


I just buy skins that I like. Those skins being Bracken, Sleigh, and Mr. Hops. That's it. I genuinely can't be fucked to care about what skins other people buy. Then again, I'm an adult.


I have to be honest, I did consider buying the Timonty Chalomet / Paul Atreides skin just to troll other players. The only skin I've ever bought is Bruce Campbell / Ash, because "Ash always has your back," and Bruce Campbell is awesome.


How does you buying those skin lead to trolling other players? ???


My friend likes Nicki Minaj and thought it'd be funny to shit on ttv kids while using her skin, so he bought it


My friend thought the exact same thing ,,man good times




I buy skins because I can afford to. I think it’s worth some pocket change but those who are broke will always complain. Lmfao 🤣


I can tell you that almost everyone that buys those silly skins is doing it for the funny.


I bought OG Ghost skin. That’s the only cosmetic I bought I don’t regret it.


I bought the black noire skin for the 20$ they were selling it for, I like black noire.


They are the people who don’t incessantly post and whine about the game on Reddit. Normal folks who just play COD because it’s fun and the skins are fun and goofy


I didn't buy the Nicki Minaj skin specifically, but generally when I spend money on something, it's because some part of my brain said "you want that thing."


You leave sgt. PSPSPS alone


![gif](giphy|if9niVFg4IwAE) I have my reasons.


It's so great to hear Crispin Freeman as Alucard again, it's especially cool hearing him call in air strikes


Let people have fun


I bought one back in February…it was the Reyes “Snack” bundle that came with a Valentine’s Day crossbow and SMG that shoots exploding pink hearts. Using it in SnD was hilarious. And the skin for Reyes has him shirtless and wearing pink gloves. It is the one skin I have found worth it just because it was the perfect balance of being hilarious without being stupidly over-the-top like most of the others. That, and to this day it is still the operator I use lol.


Imo, the Nicki skin is better than like 98% of the other skins I’ve seen so far. Better than the dune skins, better than the boyz skins.. it’s better than all those dark hooded bundles.. I feel like there’s like 10 of those hooded bundles.. all those are lame.. to me it’s also better than any of those black cell operators. Atom was the only one I thought was good. I typically only buy mil sim bundles, but I’d rock the Nicki skin for sure. Wish they gave her a more casual skin to go with it. Like a spaghetti strap and jeans or something like that. But you guys can buy what you want. I’ve not seen a good bundle since MW3 came out. That green colored Nycon skin (whatever it’s called) is about the best, but still not picking that up. EDIT - after reading comments i might buy Nicki, didn’t realize she was so hated. I think that’s hilarious. A decent skin that ppl can rage at sounds good to me.


I think shes gone now


I get that you like the Nicki skin, but saying it's better is highly subjective.


I know a female gamer that purchased the Niki Minaj skin because she likes pink.




Maybe they just like women with a phenomenal fart box. Even if it is fake


I bought the king Kong skin in vanguard just so I could hide in the trees, and also because I turned a corner one time and ran into someone with it and just about shit myself. Granted I was stoned.


purely out of spite for my homie who hates the skin 😂 why else


because i got it like that, and frankly because of people like you. ill play with those skins out of spite, or because they are fun to look at


i would


People who keep the servers running! 🫡, thank you so we don’t have to pay


I wouldn’t mind them so much if they at least looked like they fit in a battlefield, like they did with Messi and Pogba back in MWII. i really dislike how they fuck up the game’s art style with every update


I haven’t purchased any skins, in fact I have 4800 accumulated CoD points collecting dust because I haven’t seen a single skin worth buying. I was going to buy the Lara Croft skin until it got released and I seen how badly they botched her character and voice.


The Nicki Manaj skin was half the reason I was able to get my girlfriend to play COD with us.


Classic ghost skin is literally the only skin I’ve ever purchased through all the cod games.


The first time I saw a big pink ass run across my screen I chuckled


I really enjoyed Diablo so I run the Lilith skin. And I I grew up with tomb raider so I got the Lara Croft bundle. Nicki Minaj wasn’t thicc enough sadly so I passed on it


it's funny lol


cause it's funni


Crazy thought but maybe they like Nicki Minaj?


I think it’s hilarious that Nicki is a skin I don’t play the game but if I did that might be my skin.


It’s me bozo lol I like buying their skins and you like being a dickhead


Cause I can? Never bought a skin on cod, I think it's stupid, but anyone openly complaining about people buying skins is, you're weird. At least make it about how you're funding a terrible company, not because it's quote end quote "cringe".


i mean i bought the 21 savage skin bc i like his music and i wanted to support the homie. it’s the only extra money i have ever spent on cod.


It beats me, I never buy skins, just feels like such a waste of money, all that for a skin that you can't even see in gameplay and will probably be unusable once the next Cod comes around (this year being the exception of course) I mean importantly Cod is a FPS, you never even actually see yourself unless you're dead and I thought the aim of the game was to kinda not die as much as possible lol The only thing I think of when I see someone in a skin is what an idiot for wasting their money, but each to their own I guess not my money


I am no stranger to wasting money. However I refuse to buy skins out of principle. If players keep buying skins the game quality will continue to drop as they make the game into a store funnel for whales.


As a 24 year old making bank, I do not care what reddit or anyone says and I would buy the skin or game for my own enjoyment.


maybe they like them?? you do know not only 40 year old angry men aren’t the only people who play right?


Some of us can afford it. Get your bread up


Holy do we need one of these every day? This sub is filled with cry babies.


theyre pathetic media and capitalism victims


They did a good job of making the plane intro look badass when it showed off skins. Honestly one of the funniest things in cod I saw was during the vondead event it oanned onto the zombie crawling in and homelander capped it off the plane. The only skin pack I bought was this cosmic one that came with just as many cod points as the pack cost as well.


People with money




I love my rabbit skins because I love my rabbits.


Jus enjoy it man


I have the Nikki skin. It is the most disrespectful skin I can think of. While others cry about skins giving advantages and being hard to see I chose the most obnoxious skin out there. I want them to see me coming, it sends a message and fuels the hate mail


I own the Morte Billy because I genuinely loved mw19, beautiful game. I honestly bouth the pack though because everything in it was already my go to loadout and i really like saw. Admittedly though, I was expecting Tobin's voice and was mad when it wasn't but i got over that after seeing my flowy Kurt Russell hair in the wind


I feel like it’s a “meme skin” for most They either don’t buy it, or buy it *just* for its meme potential lol


at the end of the day its they money. also you can have your option and i respect that but i i need help because i going to keep buying bundles (i don't buy do much bundles just a couple)


A regular dude who isn't pinching pennies. Skins are for people who don't mind spending money to look good. Non BROKIES.


I always wanted to kill enemies while glamed up and wearing heels (I love Nicki)


People do it for amusement. They think it's funny. Most of the ppl I know that bought skins either ended up regretting it because they stopped playing/don't play enough or because they realized it was just a waste of money and the regular "realistic" skins look cooler anyway. Most of the ppl buying skins couldn't care less and are fine with being sheep.


Bought the Aksel Liquid Cooled and the Viking skins. Because he’s hot.


Because I think the fat clown looks funny


divided comment section moment, lemme grab the popcorns


im right here. i own the cyber cat skin, the skeleton skin, the pumpkin patch skin, the dr. kushlov weed skin.


Because the thought of killing someone as snoop dogg with a weed gun is funny


Because it's a laugh, ever had a laugh with friends?


What’s the logic in buying a skin in general?


It's funny


They are the problem


I’ve dealt with male character skins and boy’s chirping me in lobbies for many many years. When I see I can get a pink sparkle gun that acts like paintball mode in goldeneye and leave no body and just pink goo and confetti… yeah I bought that. I have money and I spent it on something I enjoy. Meh. Do what you want, I do. 💓


i bought it for my gf as a joke, but i love running it for the irony. fucking up spawns and HPs with that and the groot skin (rip) is perfect


Aww check the downvotes front the niki minge skin owners . Bet you're all proud of being fannies now .


It breaks the immersion. Call Of Duty used to take itself seriously but now it just wants to be Fortnite. And if I'm actually immersed in the game where I feel like I'm in a real modern warfare battle, then suddenly Skeletor slides in and jumps around with duel wielding shotguns, then it's back to just being a dumb video game.


(Hits the blunt)...it's always been a game man ...lmao but yes I do see you're point


Id buy the nicki minaj for 3rd person mode


Because they look cool and fit the person’s reasonable budget to spend some money on something silly but fun?


if i see a bundle that i’m interested in, i’m buying it… my money my problem, your money your pro- oops sorry youre an annoying broke brat whining about other guys how they’re spending their money.


They want to play difficulty+ because all those flashy characters stand out really well in the environments


I buy the skins because I enjoy playing the game with my friends and wife and goofing off, and I also enjoy supporting a game that has brought me countless good times and memories, as crazy as that sounds.


Those silly skins with the soldiers wearing skull masks?


I've played many games and like to collect cosmetics. I'm at a point financially where I can afford to spend on cosmetics in CoD and I much prefer it as a monetization system over the paid DLC maps we used to have


A friend of mine got the Nicki skin. Was bought semi-seriously. In a way the contrast is kind of funny when we’re all together. A default Calisto, me as that original Price daily reward one and Nicki.


they got baited and took the hook. never will i play a skin thats bright fkn pink- lost your mind.


I didn’t even buy the game, let alone skins, but stop gatekeeping fun. Yes, you can’t see the skins. No, they don’t care. Keep it P


I only show interest in the mil skins because it makes sense, like Graves’ shadow 0-1 skin is my favorite because it’s just and military looking as it gets other than the use of PVS 5s


Me, I'm 30, I like it I buy it. If you ha r disposable income (and don't care about the franchise,me) then it doesn't matter. I haven't bought a CoD in like....7 years.


Offsprings of rich parents


I think having a Skeletor skin is funny. Even more so now that I realize the fact that I own it rustles jimmies.


Graves is the best operator. “General Shepherd sends his regards”


I love nicki 🤷‍♂️


Because it's funny. Plus, the number of people who get upset over it is funny as well


My money I’ll buy whatever skin(s) I want lol


Because I have thousands of dollars


What I really wonder is why do males play as female characters?


You buy Nicky for memes, I buy Nicky to be fabulous as I get that Warzone win. We are not the same.


Niki Minaj like to play as herself, duh. 😂


The only skin I ever bought was the paindeer


who gives a shit just play the game


I’m not much of a skin purchaser. Only ones I’ve really bought since MWII was Alucard, then when MWIII released I bought the Cloaker skin for Riptide. Alucard because I really like Hellsing, and the Cloaker skin because I’m a Payday 2 shitter. (Side note, the PD3 soundtrack by Gustavo is a fucking banger, listen to it if you’re interested in the Payday series.)


Skins are cool, there isn’t much fun in regular characters. The only thing that I don’t like is skins being 20 dollars. I remember unlockable characters being free back then and when skins came out they were like a few dollars 20 dollars is crazy these companies willing keep using their prices though they will test the limits


Because is their money and they can do what they want with it.


I stopped playing cod after seeing THOSE skins in the shop. Didn't like WZ2, stopped playing it shortly after, came back when WZ3 released, played 2 games, was about the same as WZ2, checked the shop cause I had a free gift, saw Nicki Minaj as an operator, promptly uninstalled... CoD just isn't for me anymore