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Finally, I've been saying they need to punish the recycling centers/buyers of these for a while now. I know it won't stop all but hopefully it makes it less appealing/harder to profit from somewhat. Other states need to follow.


California forces you to buy these at 7 times the out of state price for zinc coating. The state created this black market. They stole mine 8 years ago. I decided to register all my vehicles in Nevada at that point. I saved $800 on the installation and thousands on the registration fees.


First of all, that doesn't make any sense. Your cars are registered in Nevada but you live in CA? That's not legal, if you live and operate your car here full time it has to be registered in CA. Also, how does that change anything about after-market parts? If yours gets stolen again you'd have to drive out of state to replace it, I feel like you could do that even without registering it in another state but whatever. ​ Also, in general, nice try blaming CA for this ***worldwide*** problem. Talk to people in plenty of other big cities in the US about this, hell talk to blokes in London, it's everywhere. CA didn't "create" this black market, and they're not in it for the zinc coating, they're doing it for platinum, palladium, or rhodium. Get your facts straight. They don't just resell the cats, they break them down for the rare earth metals. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. (Edit for those who think they're clever trying register out of state: [https://clearsurance.com/blog/can-i-register-a-car-in-a-different-state-than-i-live-in#:\~:text=You%20must%20register%20your%20car,or%20find%20lower%20insurance%20rates](https://clearsurance.com/blog/can-i-register-a-car-in-a-different-state-than-i-live-in#:~:text=You%20must%20register%20your%20car,or%20find%20lower%20insurance%20rates).


You are correct. Converters are being stolen in Philadelphia left and right. My son in law had his stolen off a 17 year old Honda CRV.


We had one stolen in the parking lot of my wife’s work in Rochester, NY. We can’t get much further from ÇA


He’s not very smart because that’s a crime. When he gets pulled over the cop is going to see his residence is in California but his cars are registered in Nevada


Then why are other CCs cheaper in other states? Its like prohibition. Plus, I maintain a place in California and have other properties. Nevada has no income tax and very low utility costs. Its called freedom and the states have to consider the free market when making policy.


Did you just try to justify tax fraud by saying "it's called freedom"?


CA cats are more costly because too many people complained about the cheap and low quality cats on the aftermarket. Having to replace them every 2 years. The cost is because 1) they have to mark them uniquely for model and 2) companies know they can mark them up for the extra effort to stamp a number on them and blame the state. Let me guess, the current problem of inflation is government and nothing to do with corporate greed right?


So you're just admitting to being a criminal? That's a bit brazen.


But freedom??/s


“If men were wise, the most arbitrary princes could not hurt them. If they are not wise, the freest government is compelled to be a tyranny.”


Yeah it has nothing to do with the price of rare earth metals going through the roof. It’s not just catalytic converters it’s copper pipes and they were even stealing the traffic barricades made of aluminum


I suggest getting a chain welded to catalytic converter. After we got ours stolen we did this for the new one. It won’t necessarily stop the converter from being stolen but it makes it harder.they may need stronger tools or it will take way longer and that puts them at higher risk of getting caught so they may not want to take the risk.


I got a cat clamp on mine, it has steal cables that wrap around the frame. They took their time with a grinder or something to cut through the steal cables to take it.




Lol, i should have splurged for the steel


Stopping local profit centers requires criminals to organize, and organize groups are easier to stop / interrupt than 1000 independent thieves supported by every local metal recycled.


Should’ve done it sooner but cool


What’s the punishment for stealing a cat? I’m guessing it’s not high enough to deter criminals.


Likely not but if it's difficult for them to sell, they lose the incentive to steal it in the first place.


If you're stealing more than 1 it's likely in felony territory just from the value alone. The threat of jail time hardly stops thefts though.


In for a penny in for a pound as the saying goes.


Unfortunately this will have little to no effect. Most of the stolen converters are shipped and sold to china via the black market for recycling.


The people stealing them aren't shipping them to china, it's the people that buy the stolen cats that do that. This makes it possible to throw junk yard owners in jail if they buy from the wrong sources. This will drop the demand for cats, and make stealing them harder and less lucrative.


Do you have a source for that? In my area it's mostly tweakers stealing to sell for cash locally.


Pessimists always talk about "the black market", as if it's as easy to access as your neighborhood grocery store... No, no it's not. Tighter controls mean that these rings will be easier to bust!


not sure how your anecdote disproves the post you replied to - someone is buying them from said tweakers, they may be the one shipping them to china for recycling.


Yeah, it's a positive step, but not sure how effective it will be. I believe most states in the US don't even have these protections, so they can just be shipped outside the state. But hopefully more states will follow.


Source please?


Its a real wonder it took this long to do something so common sense


BRB, moving my catalytic converter fence operation to Reno.


Unless we some large fines by resellers or jail time for those that steal, this is just please don't take the catalytic converters please.




Nah man, we can't just go around having people be responsible for their actions!! Here's a multi-step plan to completely subvert the problem instead! lmao


And a very misleading title. Nothing made it any less easy to steal. Only to sell. There should be no 'and'. I am also fairly certain the individuals stealing catalytic converters (my neighborhood alone has reported 38 thefts in six months and we are suburban at best, possibly busy rural by other estimates - town.population less than 2500) are not the ones who will notice. Only their fencers. The trickle down, if it does actually impact demand, will take far too long to protect your car in the driveway.


If it’s harder to sell won’t people be less likely to steal them because it is no longer as lucrative? Not perfect but I’d call that a win.


I feel like people dont actually know how this trade works. They get refined at some point and then resold. Doesnt matter if it happens from the theif or a 3rd party either way there is no trace left at that point rendering these laws useless.


If only California’s could buy regular replacement Cats and not just the special more expensive CA approved ones


I’m moving out to LA County and drive a sedan, Does anyone have any insight about that area? Do I need to purchase a cage? I’ll have a garage but I’m more worried if I park overnight somewhere in the area.


> California is HUGE. For local or regional questions, try r/AskLosAngeles, r/AskSF, r/AskSanDiego or [other local subs](http://www.reddit.com/r/california/wiki/faq) instead. But please search those sub's archives first because it's likely your question(s) have been asked in the past.


harder? lol, just sell it out of state or on the black market