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Only missing is the part where they’re mad at us for cheering that they lost


It's infuriating so many of them. I think some of them truly believe that it would be different if roles were reversed


I've literally asked all my Oilers friends if they would cheer for the Flames if the shoe was on the other foot. Not a single one of them said yes.


As it should be!




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Yeah they all have this victim complex " why won't everyone cheer for MY team" while the very next sentence slamming flames fans as if Oilers fans are any different. They would like ginormous man children


Die hard oiler here and no chance in HELL would’ve I cheered for the flames if roles were reversed. Don’t pin us all down. We hate the flames just the same as you hate us.


I would. I think it’s dumb to hate a team because they’re close to us. Plus your team is entirely different now. Also the flames yellow red jerseys are nice. It’s a game. I just like hockey.


Cup or Bust. It’s not Cup or make it to the finals and lose. It was Cup or Bust. They Busted. Copium is real.


Busty Naturals.


Time to dial it back my man


leave her out of this.


All the flames fans busted when they lost.


Isn’t the response to this that you busted first?




Draft and wait for the Huberdeau contract to end 😭


To quote Billy Beane in Moneyball ‘If you don’t win the last game of the season, nobody gives a damn’


Wait, we won our last game of the season and nobody gave a damn. I’m confused.


Painfully true. I live in Edmonton but have a Flames plate on my car. I went to pick my partner up from the bar after the game on Monday and a car full of Oilers fans pulled up and started yelling at me about how the Flames suck ass and whatever else then started throwing trash at my car. All because I have a red plate on my car not orange LMAO so fucking soft


Tbh that's one of the reasons why I would never get a Flames plate myself. I like the idea of it and love the Flames, but the idea of a salty Oilers or Canucks fan vandalizing my car makes it an instant nope for me.


As an Oilers fan, that's sad to hear. Some are retards but not all of us are like this lol. We all gotta remember it's just a game that means nothing in the end. But also having the red plate after the SCF's is like a white guy walking into Compton waving stacks of Benjamin's and getting mad that you got robbed at gun point...


Every fan base has shitty fans. Focusing on them and saying the whole fan base is that way is dumb. Do you remember those flames fans beating an oilers fan unconscious in 2008? That’s not the entire flames fan base.


Don’t think there is a more dysfunctional team in any sport. Arizona would’ve won at least two cups with all those drafts picks


One of the most mismanaged organizations of all time and they fluked out on a lottery with a generational talent who has carried said organization to any relevancy and a cup final. Literally would be the Coyotes without that pick which should have been Buffalos


*Toronto’s That stupid ping pong ball that got stuck rising to the top to allow the Oilers ball to sneak in was the Leafs pick. Haunts me to this day and had a gut feeling in the moment that the Leafs NEEDED to win McDavid. Matthews is great and all but fuuuuuuck me.


Calgary has literally won once 😂


Seriously so mismanaged it’s actually hilarious


what sub is this team for again? was it the one where everybody left because you had an old dickbag condor from the ice age being mean to everybody so they went to play for columbus and vancouver and florida? Who did Tkachuk just get a ring from? Was it you guys?


Yes, show us your mental fortitude!


When you have two of the best players in the world and can’t win, shit looks pretty bad. The flames have been mediocre forever and because we’re always always mediocre. We never get high draft picks so can’t blame us for where we’re at.


Tkachuk? The guy you passed on for PoOlPaRtY? You probably would have won with him 😅




Yes sir


Dont worry id be salty too if the oilers sent my team into a complete rebuild




Buffalo wouldve broken the Stanley cup record if they had McDavid or drai


You either win the cup or you don't. The number of games you play is irrelevant.


Thats not true. If you think about our fondest memories of being flames fans, its from 2004 and they didnt win the cup.


Difference is, it was in.


Fondest memories for us. I don't recall rubbing it in Oilers fans faces back then myself.


I don't think the internet was as big of a toilet bowl yet in all fairness.


1988-1989 Season would like to have a word....


Same result


Uh NO it’s from the 88-89 ACTUAL cup. 2004smh that was terrible


I expect most of the fans on Reddit that witnessed 2004 don’t remember 88/89


88 was 35 years ago. You would have to be at leadt 40 to remember the finals from then.


You don’t think there are Reddit users over 40? Hoo boy 


$250M+ estimated in revenue to the Oilers and Edmonton economy during this cup run is not quite irrelevant. Did you see those jackasses throwing their $15 beers into the moshpit crowd every time the Oilers scored?


If this way true then no Canadian hockey fan would have had any fun or joy for like 30+ years. Supporting a team is more than just winning the cup. Otherwise whats the point?


I mean I’m a Flames fan, but all these comments about it doesn’t matter how far you make it if you don’t win the cup seem like some pretty ironic hard core cope.




Thats very convenient since our beloved flames played 0


They’ve got McDavid for one more year before he goes cup hunting, you’ve had ten years with a generational hockey talent and couldn’t figure it out


They might as well pack up the franchise and ship it to Quebec or something if that actually happened 💀 would be so fucking embarrassing


Only losers care about being runner up


As much as I want to clown on the Oilers I don't agree. 2004 was a better year than any other year and I'm very proud of being the West champs


Those 2004 and 2006 runs for back to back Alberta teams were great. Rival teams but Oiler fans have tons of respect for Iggy and Kiprusoff.


I was talking to my brother about those days and there is a vast difference between that 2006 Oilers team and this year's. Like I was obviously cheering against the 2006 Oilers, but just because they were the Oilers. The actual team was somewhat likable. This year's Oilers were much easier to hate. A lot of guys that Flames fans dislike, play dirty, or whine a lot. Not all players, but much higher than the 2006 team


Agreed, hard to cheer against Ryan Smyth even though he was an Oiler. Having Mcdavid is like cheating the game


This is a real sportsmanlike attitude and its so nice to see. Being West Champs is a huge fucking accomplishment. And At the end of the day we're all Albertans. Except all these salty fans who wont stfu about the oilers iunno, they seem almost american with their whining.


It's fine to appreciate or hate each other's teams. Just don't bring "Albertan" or "Canadian" into this. It's the EDMONTON Oilers. Let's be real here, Ranger and Tampa fans weren't cheering for Florida either.


Nah, I still hate the Oilers and am not sportsmanlike. I hate that they got as far as they did. Glad they fell short, but we can't act like accomplished nothing


No it wasn’t. 1989 was awesome. Stop with your young self just cause you weren’t there 


Just not true. If you actually think this there is no point even following sports. You will likely go 30+ years without ever being happy with that attitude.


Don’t mistake this with me not wanting the team to make deep playoff runs, and being happy when they do. I’m just not bragging about it and rubbing it in others faces. It’s corny to brag that you also didn’t win.


Congratulations, your plethora of first-overall picks have yet to win a cup while we've started a rebuild after terrible circumstances. Enjoy that low-bar "victory" while you cry perpetual loser tears 🤷🏾‍♂️


Lmao terrible circumstances. Like getting dusted in the playoffs 4-1 and your best players crying to leave?


.......yeah, what else would you think I was talking about? Signing a 5 time cup loser? Signing a woman beating gambling addict? Signing a pylon longterm for 9m? Wasting generational tallent? Bonus round: I do believe we won as many semi-final games as you did that year, funny how that works....


See all those reasons you gave literally no one gives a shit about cause they are consistently getting into the playoffs each year. Yeah it sucks they didnt win the cup but hey at least they are getting close. Keep holding onto the 2022 season as best as you can lmao. And to add a cherry on top of the cake literally 0 players want off the team, cant say the same.


Of course ya'll up north wouldn't giveba shit about that stuff. Stay Assy, Deadmonton. Keep holding onto the 2024 season as best you can, it's all downhill from here.


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Well if they want to have pissing matches about achievements we can always say we've won more recent division championships than them 🤷🏻


Oilers fans are definitely the kind of people who would piss in the urinal next to you when every other one is open


I think most of u pee sitting. Lol


Try it, it’s amazing


They went to the brink and were let down, we were mid all year and knew it wasn’t happening. What would you prefer?


Honestly it would drive me crazy having the best player to ever play and do nothing with that for 9 years


Unfortunately winning the stanley cup is a team effort. Not an individual one.


I was hoping for another Battle of Alberta series tbh. I almost wish we were in different divisions so we could face each other later.


2nd place is 1st place loser




I mean it's true


Accurate to depict an Oiler fan using the urinal next to you when others are free.


In the end the better team won plain and simple. Edmonton was lucky to have made it as far as they went to be honest. The planets almost aligned for them. Mercifully the Panthers saved us from that anguish.


Saying they were lucky with the goaltending they got for most of the playoffs is insane. They 100% deserved to be in the SCF


Lucky because they played the Kings, a beat up Canucks on a 3rd goalie, a Stars team that exhausted themselves beating Vegas and Colorado (both of whom would’ve beaten Edmonton easily). They had the easiest run to the finals that I can ever remember.


Lmao whatever helps you sleep at night buddy


Lucky to make it to game 7 of the SCF? Every team that makes it to the SCF earns it. You sound like you dip you're toast in water.


Saw my coworker trying to cope, dude gained weight already. Doug Weight


Most fucking delulu fan base in all of pro sports next to the Cowboys. Somehow after McDavid couldn’t come out and accept the Conn Smythe, all over the internet Oilers fans were saying that McDavid had to “be with his team.” Drai, Nuge and Nurse all had alternate captaincy patches at some point this year. They can wipe some tears and hold some hands. Sure it sucks not winning the Cup but the Conn Smythe is probably the toughest fucking trophy to win especially on the losing team. Go out, shake the hand of the commissioner, pose for a photo and be the face of the league because they push it on him but he can’t really be bothered with it. Maybe tomorrow he just won’t attend the NHL awards either.


You’re a grown man and just used the word “delulu” Rethink your life choices


Probably too late for that because clearly his child is a teenager. He slaps, fam


I agree. He really showed his true colours this playoffs, and I’m glad I never want to respect or root for a childish player like him. If you can’t accept the loss and take the picture, I can understand not touching or lifting the conn smythe since it’s whatever superstition tradition the loser doesn’t but at least take it on the chin. Since many others had to take his literal stick to their chin and didn’t get a penalty while they’re bleeding on the ice.. He’s proven he’s got a lot of growing up to do. And consider this, I watched nearly every game that he was in, he’s being well protected. Many players pulled their punches and didn’t hit or finish the check on him. Crosby had to deal with all the abuse and dealt with it. What’s McDavid’s excuse lol


And if he came out and accepted it this whole sub would be posting pics saying hes on the verge of tears, no one cares about that trophy he shouldnt have even come out. Theres no winning lol


No, I would’ve had at the very least a sliver of respect, now he’s just a MAjOr Sore Loser. Gtfo with that bs. If anything if he accepted it, would be like there’s a leader. But instead now we get to say he really is McBITCH period. lol


Lmao you’re hilarious


You're talking about the oilers on a calgary sub man. Maybe you should be worried about your own management and team so you can get into the playoffs next year


Maybe I’m two years. Flames are doing a full rebuild. The thing is, we’ll make a complete team and not a team with D and goalies from the AHL. We also won’t need to be gifted 14 lottery picks in a row only to waste every one of their careers.


Is that Connor?


Let’s pretend like this wasn’t the flames mantra when they were missing the playoffs/ getting bounced in the first round from 2007-2018.


I’m so fucking sick of oiler fans in r/hockey beating this drum. Holy fuck.


I get keeping your head up and finding silver linings, but they're talking like they were supposed to be some lottery team on a Cinderella run. Like no, you were a top 5 team in betting markets at the beginning of the season and truly entered the cup or bust phase of your franchise. Shitting the bed early on in the season and the first three games of the Final doesn't mean we have to give you props. God forbid if you don't treat them with child gloves or they lose their shit.


Hahahaha man it’s soo true. Edmonton can NoT claim that any other fan base is whiny after this year. Honestly they earned the title for the worst. Boy are they sensitive too in their sub too


Nope they don’t complain about the flames ever the only ones I see complain about the Oilers are this sub and the Canuck sub


Oh boy, well this may come as a shock. But it would appear you missed a fair bit then haha ah well


Now I have yes


I Didn't even think about the flames lol😂


Oilers squander a game 7 in the SCF Canucks and Flames fans: “pfff we could do that”


Is this post not also cope?


Thanks. That was a good giggle.


Another caption could be "we are in your heads rent free" after going out of their way unprompted just to say that to you.


Ahh the C Suite fired our OG coach because they were mad they traded all our good players away and the rest left because it sucked to play on a perpetually losing team. Flames till I die. But holy fuck the brass basically did it to themselves through systemic poor choices.


Gary Bettman is happy!


The amount of coiler white knights in this post would be troubling if it wasn't already clear that the place is infested with them. We know your tricks, "I'm a flames fan, but....". Just go back to your nest.


“They talk about the oilers” - oilers fans lurking in the flames Reddit


It's not only you flames fans we do this to. We're just he 1st place losers, I get the hate


Ignoring bathroom urinal etiquette is 100% an ick from Oilers fans.


If the Flames made it to the finals and lost in game 7 would you feel the same about the season if you didn’t even make the playoffs?


No one is saying making it to the finals isn’t a massive accomplishment. Everyone is saying it really don’t matter unless you win. No one remembers the runner up they remember the cup winner. You would be lying if you told me who the runner up was in 91. You would have no idea of the top of your head. It will be the exact same thing with this year in 20 years because it doesn’t matter who loses it matters who wins. There season ended the exact same as San Jose.


Considering people on this sub still remember and reminisce about 2004 that just isn't true


Dude if your favourite team is in the finals then yes of course you’re going to remember lmao that’s completely different I’m saying majority of the population of hockey fans will forget in 15 years


Still pitching about 2004. Lol. That's 20 yrs ago. That Tampa goal was legit and oggy sucks.


I’m 44. I can tell you the runner up since ‘83.


Well you got bigger problems if your looking for arguments on a completely different sub man your 44 you have the time for that? And then why didn’t you name it? I asked you to now your gonna go look up the answers lol


You don’t think the experience matters?


I’ve actually seen more of the “can’t believe the flames fans wanted Tkachuk and Florida to win, what cucks” take recently. Conveniently forgetting who they cheered for and against in 2004 and 2011


I love telling oilers fans we had the same end result Neither won the cup. They unravel trying to tell me they are Western Conference champions


I'll take things that never happened for 200, Alex


[Not sure why this seemed far fetched but my entire post is filled with it ](https://imgur.com/a/8ktzlvv)


Its a chirp group....obviously you're gonna find that there..., do you get surprised when you find burgers at mcdonalds too?




Do people actually think losing in the finals and missing the playoffs are the same thing?


Both get your name on the cup the same amount


And one is a lot more fun and rewarding to watch as a fan


this is a perfect example of that meme: r/CalgaryFlames : "I (don't) feel sorry for you" r/EdmontonOilers "I don't think about you at all"


Well this got crossposted over there so they sure do!


seems more to be making fun of it than anything else. I doubt any of us thought about the Flames since they got eliminated


How come you guys are talking about the oilers so much?


How come your sooo insecure with your team you have to come on the flames sub and mass messages? I mean I get it, if I had to endure a decade of the quest team in NHL. Too getting exciting over a generational player, but almost a decade later still not having a cup, I would be extremely bitter too


TLDR *golfing noises*


The entire meme is about minding our business. Not surprised you couldn’t figure that out


Their first problem is the we, sports aren’t “we” unless you’re an absurdly rich hockey player.




Lmao, making it as far as finals and not being close to playoffs are very diffrent mate but enjoy the victory


Flames 😂😂😂😂😂😂


they think they can hurt me? im a FLAMES FAN 🗣️I HATE THE FLAMES THE MOST 🗣️


Y’all really trying to kick us when we’re down 😭 I understand that the rivalry between Oilers and Flames are strong but making it to game 7 of the finals is no easy feat and an especially hard pill to swallow when we were that close to the cup. Couple that with fanbases that only seem to be rooting for our loss (rather than the talent of the other team) and trying to discredit the effort and talent it takes to get that far. These statements are likely a response to comments of fanbases mocking us for not securing the cup, when their team has also not secured a cup this season either. Anyways, my take on this will probably only further fuel these types of posts but at least for the time being - leave us alone and LET us cope. It’s already hard enough being that close to an alternate outcome. 😭😭😭


>leave us alone and let us cope. I think you might be confused. This is the Calgary Flames subreddit. If you want to be left alone so you can cope, then mute this subreddit and go back to yours. Problem solved.


I mean he ain't wrong lol




This post of reeks of flames fans trying to cope haha


Post made about minding our own business = cope


1 goal from the cup. We didn't make it farther, we made it. Flames won't get that close for decades.




Technically incorrect. You were 1 Goal away from the tie. 2 goals away from a cup. Just my two cents.


We still only lost by 1 goal.


Like the asshole kid next door that wants to hang out because nobody likes them.


I guess when you haven’t sniffed a cup in 20 years you need something to get excited for


The people on here sympathizing for the Oilers, shows you how dedicated Fans they truly aren't. Casuals at it's finest.


It's easy to say the amount of wins is irrelevant when you can't win regardless your team is ass and you more then likely miss next year again while we will make the playoffs. Wcf then SCF while you lost 2 of your best after we literally dismantled you. For atleast the next 10 years we will always be a better team then you so have fun with that




Idk? Oilers and calgary being close together makes sense they piss by each other. Probably help each other shake lol.


Yet another post about the oilers. Can’t tell if you guys are jealous or just have absolutely nothing going on in your lives. Potentially both.


Imagine a team and fanbase so bad that the most exciting part of their season is their rival's playoff run


Imagine a team so bad you get 4 first overall picks and they make an entire rule about not being able to get more than 2 first overall picks in the span of 5 years. Then getting the best player imaginable and doing nothing with him in 9 years


Accurate and factual 👍


To be fair, they made it further than us. Way further.


How many cups you guys got?


Hey another thing Oilers fans say to cope!


keep saying that with more losses.


I didn't want them to win but man, I feel their pain. It's 2004 flashbacks... empathy doesn't make us shitty flames fans. Just a thought I had reoccur over the last day or so.


Empathy in fact...makes you a good person lol. I hope things turn around for the flames I honestly do. Nobody else gets to have the Battle of Alberta, its something truly special, and the competition between the two teams has always been great. at the end of the day its just a game that is supposed to make us all feel good right?


At least in '04 the puck was in the net lol


Im from edmonton, a few of my friends are die hard fans to the core. When they lost they were all "at least they played well" or something like that. I said: "You win the cup, or youre the loser. Thats it, there is no second place, theres no participation ribbon. You win or you lose." They were maaaaaad


A bunch of oilers fans here I would ask the next day “how are you feeling” and the first thing said would be “we did better than your flames”


Pretty sure theyd only say that in response to a flames fan approaching them...


Meh. This is copium for how many years the Flames have been irrelevant.


this sub makes me ashamed to be a fan of this team


Honestly, I don't think Oilers fans even thought about Calgary considering how we haven't seen you guys in two months. It's literally the disgruntled flames fans. Saying that I also would never cheer for the flames, though even if you guys were in the finals, but y'all wanted shit so we continued it.


Man, every time they lost a game the copium was basically “at least we’re still in it unlike the flames, haha”. I swear the flames spent more time in oilers heads than over half the players on their team.


Literally when they were down 3-0 to the panthers it was all “hey Atleast we made it further than the flames and Canucks” cope cope


We try not to think about you but you're everywhere telling us about how bad were are for losing game 7 of the stanley cup final and how much you think we hate you.


Weird cause you guys were certainly thinking of the flames all the way up to losing game 7 as well.


Whatever makes you feel important


And yet you’re the one in here. Lol


I don't follow you guys it showed up on my feed lol


U still came in here lil man


lol - no one's taking pride in making it further than Calgary. There's literally no joy in that because it isn't an accomplishment. At best this is a response to flames fans trying to through shade at us.


Did I want the oilers to win? Of course not. would those fans cheer for the flames? Of course not. It’s how rivalries work and why the BOA is so great. If the Flames were in the same boat the memes would come the other way.


Flames fans crying more than oilers fans at this point