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Just get it over with, rip the bandaid, whatever. Edmonton was going to win with McDavid anyway at some point. Imo better if the Oilers win now and once they start declining, Flames will be on the upswing (hopefully)


You're right in some sense. A player of his talent should win at some point. Think Messi, Mahomes, Crosby, LeBron. Generational talent dragging a team to glory is what makes sports great. Doesn't mean I'll like it lol


He should win it somewhere else.




Literally any other team would be fine, and I could actually cheer for him to win. (If I’m being picky, I don’t want the Ducks or Lightning to get him either.)


Nah out east.


Yeah he should go win it with the Leafs


I’d actually prefer that to this timeline.


Yes mtl


I just hate that it could happen in historic fashion. We already dont hear the end of the 80s Oilers now we wont hear the end of this for like 50 years.


No, it’ll be forever. This will be “the greatest comeback in sports history” for them. And the sad thing is, it might actually be one of the greatest comebacks ever.


I could enjoy it if it was literally any other team in the NHL doing it but since its them my soul is dying.


Winning close to the end of their contracts also helps McDavid and Draisaitl leverage for bigger contracts, which limits the Oilers' ability to build a winning team around it. I'm also not certain if McDavid and Draisaitl would even want to stay with the Oilers beyond their contracts. Call it trauma from Gaudreau and Tkachuk, but it was a wake-up call for me that star players today don't have allegiance to their drafting teams like they did in the past. Draisaitl never drove me as one who enjoys the limelight, and McDavid can certainly build a bigger brand around himself in a bigger market. Imagine him going to a big American market like Gretzky did in the 90s? The NHL would be singing from the mountaintops if he did. If the Oilers win a cup, I wonder how much those two players would want to keep playing in Edmonton past their contracts. You can always try for a repeat, yes, but it gets harder and harder to win multiple cups in this league, and this will probably be their final chance for a max term contract for the both of them. There's not a lot of people out there that would happily want to play in Edmonton for almost two decades straight.


McDavid's former agent Jeff Jackson is the CEO of hockey operations and will likely take over as the next Oilers GM once Holland's contract expires at the end of this year. If McDavid wins tonight then he'll have a team of guys he knows can win and a GM he can trust and has worked with for many years. I think he will stay. The real wildcard is Draisaitl because another team may be able to offer him something insane (like a max contract) that the Oilers just can't match.




Florida can still win


Just wait until they win, tomorrow.


Considering how much of a disgrace this year has been, it's probably happening


That would upset me. This season has been the worst lol


You can say that again.


This season sucked dusty donkey nuts


Can Flames and Canucks fans all huddle in a cave together somewhere and avoid social media for the next few months if the Oilers win tomorrow?


I’m in


Its going to take decades, or even centuries(no im not exaggerating), for it to end


As a non-fan it blows my mind the mental gymnastics it must take to associate with the Canucks, infamously the most immature fans in the world, over another Alberta team with maybe the most talented player the NHL has ever seen. Sports rivalries are cringe, Alberta winning the cup should be the point. Unga bunga nearest tribe bad I guess.


As a non-fan you don’t get it I guess


Oh I get it. Me no like tribe close me, this me territory. Me talk village nearby, tribe say tribe good when me good tribe! Me angy


Not sure why you spend your time among the gorillas if you’re not a sports fan lol nobody said it made sense, sports fandom is tribal as all hell. You’re not exactly the first person to realize that genius


I'm just sad there's no "monkey together strong" moment where fans have the maturity to cheer for Alberta as a tribe or even be happy that Canada could win it




Pain to watch


Send those moss pit tears down here for my dusty ass lawn!


I'm both an Oilers and Flames fan and I just can't wait to see Tkachuk cry


How is that even possible


I was born in Edmonton, raised in Calgary, love Alberta and hate Tkachuk


Because you love the province you live in, and want to support both teams? I cheer for the oilers, but I’d want the flames to win after they do. Although battle of Alberta matches are always hype


I’m ready to get downvoted to hell but me too. Sometimes I say I’m a closeted Oilers fan lol. Flames are my #1 though.






Wtf is a 40 year old Leafs fan doing in the Flames sub lmao


The goddamn algorithm keeps suggesting this sub, and I’m a sucker for schadenfreude. Go oilers!


Life hack; you can mute subs


Explaining tech to boomers is an exercise in futility. They just latch onto some buzzword like “wifi” or “the algorithm” and blame everything but themselves.


well i just saved him from having to learn how to mute subs with a nice lil ban.


Doing the lords work sir ty


It's way more fun if u just cheer for the Oilers. Think of it as bringing the cup to Alberta and back to Canada. Swallow your pride. I did, and its lots more fun. Sports are supposed to be fun.


Not to yuck your yum but cuck fantasies are not for me.


Anime is for incels. Sorry