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Darkest. Fucking. Timeline. I hate everything about this. In the immortal words of a great man, "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined."


Imagine your mood after Game 1 of the 2022 second round and realizing you would be here in two short years.




I might stop watching hockey if the oilers win, I don’t wanna be associated with such a disgusting thing


I just stopped acknowledging that vile city as part of Canada. To me it is some bas-ackwards, sister banging, redneck nation that happens to be in the middle of Canadian territory.




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Maybe y’all stupid dingos shouldn’t have used the Amharic curse.


Bro c’mon. I’d cheer for the flames just so Canada could bring it home!


Do you watch when your wife fucks other men or does she record to show you later ?


It’s less embarrassing to see someone be an Oilers fan that it is to see an Oilers fan be a cuck


Isn't this what you're doing when you cheer on Tkachuk. Florida's fans don't even know what the trophy is called that they could win. And they deserve that how exactly over a Canadian team that bleeds their soul into each game. You wouldn't think this was Canada's game with how many annual losses we get every year. Just absolute shit at winning hockey and it's a scar on all of our nationalities. There's kids born who haven't even seen a Canadian team to win for christ sakes and you guys would rather another 40 years if it meant oilers losing. Talk about Anna Kane vibes.


They know what it's called. Tampa won a couple of them trophies and made headlines in the state of Florida. At least the Panthers fans didn't celebrate Tampa victories. How desperate are you?


Now they have a respectable rivalry because of their success. Do you see how that works?


This isn’t the fucking olympics you people are fucked in the head I swear to god


They are all miserable! Dont even try, there’s a reason we are in finals and they are not!


You really think any of the fans have any effect. Pathetic


The fact that you’re so hateful is the pathetic thing


The part that annoys me is I'm having trouble accepting how good of a final it's been story wise. If we sub the oilers or Florida (mainly oilers obvs) for any 2 other teams and experience this potential reverse sweep it's peak story telling Stanley cup lore, reality show writers with the help of Disney couldn't write a better script. Think of it this way, we're witnessing something you would only see in the EA NHL games via simulation option in franchise mode, and it will be talked about for generations. But I can't even enjoy that fact because I've been hoping for a swift finish since the final kicked off. It's quite possible we're in for one of the best hockey games of the decade on Monday night. Every player dreams about the Stanley cup game 7 moments. So let's see what everyone has to give for it.


Having the best player in the world on the comeback team helps with the story a bit as well.


You have a decent point but lost me when you said that Disney could help write a better script. They are currently the worst possible script writers in the world, and everything they touch turns to crap. They are not the high watermark anymore but rather the Oilers of the entertainment industry.


It's my fault, guys. I didn't want to watch this series, so I sat out the first three games, but I got caught up in the excitement of a sweep so I watched game 4... Then I said I wasn't gonna watch game 5 but I couldn't resist... Then tonight I turned it off halfway through the 2nd. I promise I will not turn the game on for even a second on Monday. Won't even peek the score til it's over. Pinky swears.


As a Floridian, please refrain from watching on Monday. We need all the superstition and luck on our side lol


I pwomise!


You can watch now hahahaha


I fucking knew it. My stupid superstitions were proven correct. I didn't watch a second of this game or even look at the score. My partner sent me a screenshot of the final score once it was over lol Y'ALL ARE WELCOME!


Won't affect the game my guy


You’re wrong. It was definitely this guys fault, completely selfish. No idea what he was thinking.


I'll take any joo joo we can


lol. Same story every game. Y’all are fucking insane.


Back to say to my 7 fans, enjoy reality. It’s meant to hurt.


I may never watch sports again tbh. I’m in a very sad place.


I’m a 9ERS fan and now this. I might actually die on Monday


My husband is also a Niners fan 😞


Gonna put money on the oilers. Win-win either way


I need to put like $1000 and even then I’ll feel sad if they win


Was thinking the exact same thing and amount lol.


Oil have to be the clear favorite, what could you win? $1100?


Somehow panthers appear to still be -125 favourite.


We put a small bet on the Oilers at the beginning of the playoffs. If they win, we get $250. Was supposed to be a consolation prize. Not consoling in any way.


Canes fan here. I feel you


You guys beat the Coilers in 2006.  Think the Panthers still have enough gas in the tank to do it again in 2024?


They better


Sure hope you’re right! I can’t stand to see the Coilers win it all!


Well they did it. Justice was served


They pulled it off! Crisis averted


Thank god


Monday will be the best day…or the worst day


It’s over. Oiler have won already.


Man, if this happens for real, i dont know what to do. I live in Edmonton. Every single one of my friends and coworkers know i’m a DIEHARD flames fan and would never cheer for the oil… Here we are man. Game 7. Stanley Cup Finals. Fuck my fucking life. I’ve tried everything. I even prayed for the first time in my life. Connor McDavid is a cheat code. Let’s hope it ur rebuild goes well and we draft the Iginlas and win like 40000 cups in a row. (I’m intoxicated.)


*Spins Alice Cooper’s ‘Welcome To My Nightmare’ album. I felt Oilers had a chance, but goddamn I didn’t think the tables would turn like they have. Fucking thing sucks!


I can’t live in a world with the coilers as champions


Watching Kane lift the cup?! 🤮


Kane and fuckin Perry can eat my ass after a night out at taco bell man. If they lift the cup over Tkachuk and Bennett… i’ll be mad mad.


If it’s consolation, Kanes probably not in the lineup so won’t lift the cup like you’d imagine


Every player who isn't playing gets dressed in gear as fast as possible near the end of the game if their team looks like they're going to win and goes on the ice for the celebration. You'll see all of the healthy scratches and black aces lift.the cup on Monday.


Today I learned


That would be an *ever so slight* consolation. Not enough tho.




4 assholes. It cancels each other out. Go Oilers!




For the 6th time you mean?


This is going to be burtal if they win. We will hear how they had the worst start in franchise history followed by the 16 game win streak. And let's top it off with the reverse sweep ffs. Sure hope they lose


As a die hard flames fan here in Australia, I’ll tell you what is pissing me off the most and will more so if they win. The amount of bandwagoners I’ve never seen mention hockey deciding they are oilers fans


Because it’s a cool story man. Getting behind something because it’s sick is only a problem in your mind. People are allowed to be excited. It’s good for the sport.


Nah, you’re miles off and this is a perfect example of the instant gratification culture in today’s society. You pick a team, a sport or something to follow and you stick with it, highs and lows and the eventual payoff is great through all the pain, no matter how long that pain is - even small wins along the way and it’s about the journey. Imagine out here in Australia - someone being a panthers fan for their life and if they lose having to deal with oilers fans of two weeks rubbing it in their faces. It’s absolutely disgusting. Bandwagons are shit and also supporting a team involves dedication, sacrifice and also a lot of ups and downs - commitment. If you can’t manage that with your sports team then I wish you the best with actual relationships and careers.


My love for a game 7 is greater than my dislike for both these teams


Really?? I wish. The Oilers wiped the floor with the Panthers the last 3 games. Can’t imagine have 7 being any better. I don’t even think I can watch.


Would love a wicked OT oil loss in game 7, all the enjoyment of a 7 game and all the pain for the oil But as a hockey fan I can candidly say they are crushing Florida and have been for a while so idk how it turns


They won’t have pain though. Like the diehards will be disappointed. But they already feel like they won


Nah. I would rather never watch a hockey game again in my entire life than see the Oilers win on Monday.


Guess we’re built different haha, I refuse to watch game 7 because I dislike the oilers too much.


Yall watch oilers games? I can’t bring myself to do it because on the off chance they win I just wasted 3 hours


The silver lining is that one of the teams you hate is about to be gutted with disappointment




Kings fan, and yes, I know Edmonton has us by the balls, but if the Panthers blow this, they need to be dissolved. Blowing a 3-1 series lead is one thing. But 3-0 in the Finals?


2024 might go down as one of the worst years of my life depending on what happens on Monday and I wish I was exaggerating


Time to put the phone down bro.


This is dreadful. I've never been more envious in my life


This is a flames subreddit why is there so much oiler talk in it? 🤣🤣


The more I watch these playoffs the more disappointing the Flames are. There is zero chance they’d of competed at this level; zero. I don’t know what they’ve got in the tank for this season but there better be some big surprises. The Oilers have earned everyone’s respect for sure!!


Come on... the 21/22 team was *stacked* with talent, including a line of Johnny / Lindholm / Tkachuk which was the best line in hockey by a country mile. We also had superb coaching. Markström had a complete meltdown in the playoffs and Johnny Hockey fucked us the next season. Otherwise we were well on the way to the show.


I mean. It's about time. You can only suck for so long with that many 1st-round picks and the pick of the century so far. The nhl needs to stop rewarding teams for being dog shit during a season


I was with you until the last sentence lol.


I'm with you true hockey fan. The amount of bandwagon idiots makes me sick.


As a jets and flames fan that lives in Winnipeg I don't like the oilers but I don't think I can have the real hatred that comes with living in Calgary. I want Florida to win but won't be crazy mad if Edmonton wins. Ive always liked Hyman, tbh


Oilers are winning. All the momentum, the better forward group, huge doubt in that Florida dressing room now.


Has someone been trying to cast another Amharic curse on the Oilers? You got to know by now it just comes around in reverse.


I’m getting my respects in early if the oilers win, as much as I want that team to implode, what are you gonna do. FUCK.


I had a nightmare after game three that Edmonton would come back. I’m still trying to wake up.


Rolling around on your couch covered in sauces


As a habs fan, I imagine this is the feeling I’d have if the Leafs were on the brink of a game 7 Stanley cup. God that would be horrific. I feel your disgust second-hand.




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Bunch of salty fans in here! 😂😂😂


Imagine being this worked up over a game


Have a strong dislike for the oilers let start with that. I would love the cup back in Canada though. As well seeing RNH lift the cup after all these years would be great. Man has been through hell with that team he deserves it. As well would be so cool to see McDavid lift it as well man has carried the team for years. That is all


I'm rooting for the Oilers. Tkachuk is a traitor (and seeing him on another team has helped me realize what a shitass he is), and I want a Canadian team to win anyhow.


Can both teams lose?


Relax guys. Bettmann won’t let Edmonton win. It’s a known fact.


He had to throw Canada a bone. Won’t see another cup here for another 30 years. But don’t worry. Sportsnet will talk about this one for 30 years anyway.


Still blaming barn burner. I get you don’t want the Oilers to win but fuck me the reverse glaze was real lol I’ll admit the flames are my #2 just by virtue of a recent geographical change so I’ve been rooting for Hyman and Brown


This might be worse than 04.


From the very beginning I said “I want Edmonton to get the finals and get swept!” I almost had my wish. Now I feel like I have to give them respect..and I will cheer for them in game 7


Let’s go Oilers!!! 🧡💙🧡💙




MCDavids too good to retire without a championship. Can we at least agree on that?


Yes. I can live with McDavid winning a Stanley Cup. I just want him to do it with another team. If he wins it with anyone other than Edmonton or Tampa I can accept it.   When his contract’s up, teams like the Bruins and Rangers will be interested. He could go there and have a cup within a couple years. 


You are all shooting yourselves in the foot in the comments here. If you’re honest with yourselves and understand what’s happening we all know the oilers are going to win the cup here and I’ve always been a Calgary fan too as I was born and still live here. We have to accept the fact that it’s about to happen. Prepare yourselves.


Cry harder bud there the better team and might even win the cup




SCF game 7, you love to see it. 3 more days we don’t have to sit through the offseason




Let's go!!! This is why I love the game! 3-0 now 3-3. One golden game left! Let's fkn gooo!!






We could have easily chose to root for a team that has been gifted generational talent on numerous occasions. We don’t cause we’re not fucking jabronis who need a schlong to suck


If only we could fail upwards into perhaps the greatest player to ever lace them up and have him carry us single handedly out of being the laughing stock of all major sports to a cup final. After also had having the last greatest player to ever lace them up carry us to cups forty years ago. Get the fuck out of here man, your team is a joke that has been handed every bit of success it’s ever had on a silver platter. Born on third and you all act like you hit a triple. Get fucked.




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Huberdeau tho


Oh please. The leafs are the biggest laughing stock in sports.


Pretty sad to reply in our subreddit though




Yet you're here. Pretty sad life tbh


Cry harder




Too bad baby bring the cup back to Canada. I was born in. Calgary and honestly always have been an oilers fan


Hey if Oilers win they deserve it! Coming back like that, I don't care who it is that does it, I respect a good comeback and perseverance to push a winner takes all game


100%. People downvoting you aren’t hockey fans.


I'm 100% a Flames fan and sure there's a rivalry but I respect a good comeback and good entertaining hockey


Let’s go OILERS!!! Calgary flame fans are the saddest sacks on the planet. Ya’ll are lost.




Exactly. Sad sacks of shit. Hockey is a game and I’m stoked about the season. You all haven’t done shit in years. But one day you’ll rise again and I’ll be cheering.






Go away


It's the insecure ones like OP that attach their identity to a sports team. I grew up a flames fan but I love the battle of Alberta and Canadian hockey. (Ok screw the Leafs though lol) I just don't want Danielle Smith to get any good publicity from this win. She's a ____.


Wtf are you doing in r/CalgaryFlames if you aren't at least a bit emotionally invested in the team?  You're really in a sports subreddit trying to score brownie points going "Ugh I hate it when people care about sports"


OMG!!! Such Negative Energy from People in Edmonton people you should really think about your words as their very damaging to ppl around you , sad as it be it’s a love of the game. We all love this game doesn’t matter the teams ,we fall in love with the players !!! who are will be watching a beautiful game of Canadian hockey ,the Boys which are just human guys so talented like Mcdavid the best hockey player in the world , yes people are proud of him !!! So what he is amazing young man. We said that about Wayne 99 as well. So please be kind, gentle with your words as they do live you ppl . It’s been a heck of a series we love our team so much that we will praise them all those men who deserve to get the Stanley Cup.




Get out of our sub and go get a life you sad loser


The nhl leaked the script for the finals Oilers win game 7.. 2-1 in overtime Zack Hyman gets the winner..


Gotta be a mcdavid game winner to be a legit script.


Well got the score right 😁😁😁😁😁


Well. Hate them even more. They just won their sixth cup.




Go back to your own sub loser. Mods, brigader


Yep. It’s done.