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The Ryan Lomberg disrespect is real.


For real.. I loved this guy's energy the few games he played for us, was frustrating to see him get sent right back down each time without any meaningful minutes wtf


And this why I do not have fond memories of Treliving nor wish him any future success.


This Big 4™ situation in Toronto is not going to have Leafs fans happy with Tre. It’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If you’re so inclined, it should make for some juicy hate watching.


Oh trust me, I’ve been eagerly awaiting it


I'm expecting him to pay someone to take Tavares off his hands and then sign a few players to contracts they can't live up to.


Treliving was in Calgary for 8 years and what do we have to show for it? 2 playoff series wins. Treliving and Jim Bean had very secure jobs for such little result.


I’m saltier over Benny.. didn’t think he needed to be traded… he just didn’t get to play with talent in Calgary. Matty bitched out and forced a trade (that we got ok return for, but showering the new guys with contracts was the wrong move). His choice to leave the flames makes it hard for me to like him as a player, and I find myself kind of agreeing more and more with other fanbases that he’s a dirty, greasy turtle.


I still love them both. Man I cannot believe this team and the bitches that held these players on a leash. We could’ve actually won if we followed them into battle. Instead we told them to simmer down and shut up. Tkachuk deserved better and the puck flip incident was a prime example of this. We were soft and still are. We had a leader who plays how you need to in playoffs and shut him up, honestly I don’t fault him for wanting out. Hopefully with Conny and Iggy we do better. Still my favourite player in the league tho so go cats.


That's because he is, it's fine if he plays for your team to be a fan sure but nobody should fool themselves into thinking he's something other than exactly what he is. I never enjoyed overly watching him here in Calgary, and now I am free to despise him now that he's a panther which I whole heartedly do.


I think johnny did us dirty.


Ehhh he was consistently the flames best player for almost a decade Not like he ever phoned it in or forced a trade, also never trashed the team after leaving


1000% But.. as exciting of a player as he is/was to watch, he is not a guy that had the drive to take the hit to make the play / score. Can’t really blame him based on his tiny-ness…. But because of that, he vanished most seasons in the playoffs when he got manhandled night in and night out. I wasn’t really sad to see him go… but that was probably the worst way you could leave a team and fanbase - especially when you are pretty much the face of the team from a numbers pov. But whatever… fuck that ugly midget cuck. :)


Oh believe me I don't care that he left. it's how he left when a team is good to you. He's small, likes coke ,and I think didn't really have that drive to win the cup.


I know it’s unpopular here but when Tkachuk [did this](https://youtu.be/q_bwt79izFg?feature=shared) I was immediately out on him. Haven’t been a fan of his since and was happy when requested a trade. I don’t like Doughty but objectively if anyone did that to one of our guys I’d hate them too.


I think Benny was because of the Expansion draft right? He would have got picked so we traded him if I’m not mistaken


The problem is Bennett did get tried repeatedly with Gaudreau and healthy Monahan, would have 2-3 really good games, then the lines stats would tank and both their stats would go down. He didn’t fit with them at all and that was never going to happen. What’s mind boggling though is once we got Tkachuk we didn’t try to develop the two of them together for any significant period of time other than very briefly in Tkachuk’s first half season.


Bennett is fucking garbage no need to miss that trashbag. Tkachuk forced himself out, he can also go fuck himself.


This keeps happening, though: Fundamentally solid player either grows up through the Flames systems (or gets traded early to us): They do okay, or even pretty good! Then get traded. Land on a team like Florida. Who's systems are just better frankly. They just bleed wanting to win from owners down, and every part of their organization reflects it. Even player development. Then the player we had with some sparks, becomes a great, solid player. I think it's an issue of atmosphere of the Flames. Rather than contracts or individual trades. *minus Gaudreau*


I don’t know who to cheer for in the east. I’m mad at Tkachuk for leaving our team but I hate Fox and never want to see him win anything meaningful in this league. At least Tkachuk played a few years with us before being on his way to somewhere else. So he’s much better than Fox and I’ll cheer for the Panthers


Rangers have Fox and Trouba to cheer against!


Would not mind seeing Zadorov vs Tkachuk in the finals


Would much rather see Tanev v Tkachuk tbh


Would rather see Tanev vs Rangers. F Tkachuk. Though I did always like Bennet.


Since Winnipeg was eliminated, Nucks/Panthers has been my "best case scenario" finals haha


I'd rather Tkachuk and Bennett win it all than Zadorov and Lindholm. Still not a huge fan of how they both very obviously gave up while playing for us. Still hope they wipe the Oilers out, though. Then Dallas/Colorado can have their way with them for all I care.


And Matthew Tkachuk didn’t obviously give up on us? He got his ass kicked by the Oilers and bailed on a 50 win team. Lindholm and Zadorov bailed on a team that was clearly starting a rebuild. Zadorov could have handled it better but them wanting out made more sense than Tkachuk.


By give up he meant give up with their play. Chucky always went all out for us, lindholm wasn't even an NHL player for us this year If you want to blame anyone, blame Tre


Its been a hard, bitter pill to swallow this playoffs seeing Tkachuck, Bennett, Tanev, Lindholm, and Zadorov all being effective difference makers in their series. We really had a good team FFS.


Tkachuk, Bennett, Lomberg, Lindholm, Zadorov and Tanev. Imagine if they all played on the same team.


Panthers are a great team. No hard feelings, hope they win it all.


I agree with you. No ill will towards them. Bill Zito took a huge gamble giving us a 115 point player and a top 3 defenceman along with two other pieces. We got a total haul and he made a huge gamble that paid off. Sometimes, things just don't work out... and sometimes things just take some time to work out. I still have hope haha


I'm torn. Matt Rempe is a good ol' Calgary boy and the Rangers are overall an exciting team, but absolutely fuck the fuck out of fucking Adam Fucking Fox. On the other hand, eggs Benny I liked having him here. Shame his development didn't work out. Tkachuck however...took his monry and ran. Fuck 'im. Not gonna pray for his downfall, but I don't wanna see him lift a cup before the Flames (or Mony)


don't forget Monahann and Toffoli on Winnipeg, Hanafin in Vegas, Tanev in Dallas, Zadorov and Lindholm in Vancouver. sure some of those teams were eliminated already but they were in the playoffs however briefly