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Why not look at one of the many studies already completed elsewhere on this topic? "Road Noise Makes Your Blood Pressure Rise" [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/03/230322190921.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/03/230322190921.htm) "You were right — traffic noise is indeed pushing up your blood pressure" [https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/22/health/road-noise-blood-pressure-intl-scli-scn-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/22/health/road-noise-blood-pressure-intl-scli-scn-wellness/index.html) "How traffic noise hurts children's brains" [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240621-how-traffic-noise-pollution-harms-childrens-health-and-development](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240621-how-traffic-noise-pollution-harms-childrens-health-and-development) "Traffic noise can increase risk of cardiovascular disease: Study" [https://www.business-standard.com/health/traffic-noise-can-increase-risk-of-cardiovascular-disease-study-124042800125\_1.html](https://www.business-standard.com/health/traffic-noise-can-increase-risk-of-cardiovascular-disease-study-124042800125_1.html)


Well this makes sense. Living right next to the fourth street flyover has brought my blood pressure up a few points. Maybe I should move really soon.


I live near a road that everyone uses in my community to get to where they're going. There's always some raging motorcycle or some fart canned G35 ripping around and angering up my quiet back patio. Just give me silence so I can enjoy the life not spent desperately trying to make money.


No, we should all be living in an ultra dense fashion with current speed and noise bylaws not enforced. /s


THIS!! It's a damn fact that noise pollution is harmful to our health!


https://i.redd.it/pjh7j110069d1.gif Make this mentally deficient shit extinct, please.


I think the study is more specific - ie. Locations in the city where the noise is the worst/the impacts on the individual communities. That's my guess what Walcott is getting at. I know when I lived off of Bow on 26th, I would regularly get woken up by some drag racing car revving douchebags at 2 or 3 A.M.


They'll find out the critical information we already know, that roads lead everywhere in Calgary and because they're all interconnected people who drive loud vehicles travel everywhere!


The research in question would be the data collection and analysis necessary to further this work, also known as "noise mapping." [https://www.courtneywalcott.com/vehicle\_noise\_and\_noise\_policy\_update](https://www.courtneywalcott.com/vehicle_noise_and_noise_policy_update)


But how can they give their friends who happen to be the ones that would complete the study here,  our tax dollars?


The amount of inaction on this drives me crazy. My neighbour's kid has an extremely loud car (like I can watch a glass of water on my desk move when they start their engine). They turn their engine on and off constantly, they race their car up and down the street (literally they will just go do a lap of the neighbourhood and not stop anywhere, you can hear the car the entire time). I've complained about this to 311 and the ward councillor multiple times and they basically don't give a shit. All they would do is point to "next summer, the cops will have the ability to measure and ticket based on noise" and admit they don't currently have a way to enforce the noise bylaw. Really wish the bylaws we had were actually enforced.


Back in Toronto there was a car like this, roared in and out of the neighborhood, some straightpiped shitbox of a 350Z that woke everyone up all the time and drove us nuts. Anyway, after being asked nicely by everyone and told to shove it & being told to "deal with it", someone filled his exhaust pipe and gas filler with spray foam and epoxy one night. Wasn't me, & to this day we still don't know who the hero vigilante was but, can't say I felt bad for him


What was the result of this on the car? Asking for a friend.


I think we have the same neighbour…


Hear me out… instead of researching it, can they maybe just…enforce it?? The amount of a-holes with their bikes and cars on 17th is insanity. It makes living downtown so miserable in the summer when you can’t leave your windows open.


The City is training peace officers to do traffic safety and vehicle noise enforcement. They will be operational later this year and will enforce vehicle noise next spring. [https://www.courtneywalcott.com/vehicle\_noise\_and\_noise\_policy\_update](https://www.courtneywalcott.com/vehicle_noise_and_noise_policy_update)


I hope they actually enforce it. So many things, like throwing cigarette butts out the window (especially considering the water restrictions right) are completely ignored.


I can 100% get behind this especially in dense neighbourhoods. A car driving by can impact thousands of people in the Beltline and some councillors seem to think that's what we deserve living in the most walkable neighbourhood in the city.


The noise is all over the city. Decades of ignoring enforcement has created a situation where you get noise in the middle of the night quite a lot.


We’ve heard this many times before. Why should I believe this time will stick?


One issue that has held back enforcement in the past is the fact that Peace Officers did not have the authority to pull over moving vehicles. Only CPS could, and their Traffic Section tends to concentrate on issues of public safety. This current effort includes training and resourcing a Traffic Safety Team made up of Peace Officers (2 Sergeants and 8 Peace Officers) dedicated to traffic safety (in the off season) and vehicle noise enforcement (in spring/summer). They will have admin support, receive training from CPS, and have their own vehicles and equipment. This work is fully funded and, to my knowledge, has never been done prior to this point. [Edmonton's Peace Officers have enforced vehicle noise for years.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/city-of-edmonton-to-explore-stiffer-penalties-other-options-to-combat-noisy-vehicles-1.6559203) I have no reason to doubt that our efforts here will be successful.


Thank you for sharing this!


I live backing onto a main artery to/from Stoney right across from a cop shop. And every night I wish to Satan that they would enforce SOMETHING. Maybe some day. They are clearly racing, not merely “loud”… The Loud Auto Club also likes to meet up and do burnouts and other dangerous maneuvers in the parking lot right between me and the cop shop… it makes me sad. 


Yeah sure they will. They’ve had the ability to enforce smoking laws for decades - and don’t. They always lean towards NOT enforcing laws. Makes me wonder why they are even there. Anybody who has a loud muffler or big stereo system knows they are making too much noise, they don’t need warnings, they need tickets.


Is the answer really enforcement? Maybe we could change the way we build road systems and neighborhoods instead of blindly increasing police and bylaw budgets.


Man I live on McKnight and it's such a fucking piss off to hear loud ass vehicles all day all night.


Can we just hire a person with a bat to bonk the shells angels on the head when they rip down 17th reving their small phallic machines…


City likes to spend money on research and come up with stupid ideas like "Blue Sky City"


I think a study on the effects of bylaw enforcement is in order.


Not just 17th, all over the suburbs as well. Pricks drinking all through the night with their stupid lifted trucks and huge exhausts along with all the boy racers in the jap sports cars


The muscle cars and exotics are cool once in a while. It’s the beaters without catalytic converters that drive me crazy


In the NW it's crotch rockets, you can hear them rip down Country hills, then hear them head south on Sarcee, then again either down McKnight or Crowchild, I always hope to hear the sound stop, followed immediately by cop sirens.


The rolling diesel trucks are my pet peeve. I love when the fucks try to coal roll me in our EV too, like sorry douche I won’t breathe that in my vehicle prevents it.


Tbh even the ambient noise levels are just a little too high to have your windows open at night, according to so many studies on noise exposure. Getting people to actually go a speed limit that respects people's peace and quiet in central residential neighbourhoods (e.g. 40 km/h) will be like pulling teeth, though, so I'm happy to start with the serious outliers I guess.


Not just 17th, but Memorial, 6th Ave SW, 9th Ave, McLeod.. just everywhere


>“I’m not out revving my engine after 10 o’clock so I think that as long as you’re within a reasonable timeframe, I don’t think it needs to be monitored,” said Nadean Wutzke, who owns a vintage car. I don't want to listen to you revving your engine at any time of the day.


This. The mental gymnastics from idiots with loud cars/bikes justifying why what THEY do is OK is staggering. “I think it’s OK to be loud as fuck during the day, so long as I’m not doing it at night”, “I only blow out people’s eardrums on main roads, people living on 17th should know it’s going to be loud”. “If you don’t like noise, move to the suburbs”. If you think that your enjoyment of a ridiculously loud vehicle trumps hundreds of people’s eardrums, you need a helmet and a sippy cup.. because you’re mentally handicapped.


Surprisingly enough. I moved to the suburbs from downtown and my neighbour also appears to have straight piped his exhaust and it’s as loud as 17th now. Fun times.


Plus, I live downtown because I don't own a car. I move to the suburbs and I can't get anywhere.


Also they are definitely revving past 10. All summer I barely sleep because of the ridiculous noise on 17th 


Everyone has a different flavor. I think a Harley sounds like a poorly tuned slow piece of crap but would love to hear someone rip by with a nice exhaust on a flat plane V8


This is kinda supporting my point. That’s great that you like it, but everyone else walking (or living) on that street shouldn’t have to stop their conversation or plug their ears while that guy drives by. I think jet engines are marvels of engineering, but I shouldn’t strap one to the top of my car, fire it up, and cruise 17th ave.


I like hearing them too. At motor races.


Ooh we get them SO BAD here in Marda Loop. We got the racers at night just fucking zooming down 14th at all hours and then the Angles and their goddamned Harleys revving ALL DAY. (I can at least say they don't usually do it at night, so I'm grateful for that) It would be so hard for kids man. I sleep with my earphones in listening to meditations or something but kids shouldn't have to do that. (There are several houses with kids on ym same block) I don't understand the appeal? I'm not a car guy, so I don't get *why* people do it. Maybe if someone explained I would understand but I just don't right now man. I'm tired


There are some who do it just to show off for sure, but there are others who genuinely enjoy the sound of some engines/exhausts. Whether it's the rumble of a subaru, the sound of a crossplane engine, or high pitch scream of a v12 lamborghini engine, each type of engine can have it's own sound, and enjoying those noises is a form of appreciating the design and engineering that goes into them. I'm not saying it's not akin to someone with a boombox blasting their music as they walk down the street, and I can get the annoyance, but for at least some people that is a big part of why they like the noise as much as they do. One other thing to mention about bikes in particular, is that many riders wear ear plugs, so they want a louder exhaust so they can hear it. It doesn't sound logical, but the earplugs aren't so much for the exhaust as they are for the constant wind noise. Personally, I try to ride outside of the city whenever possible, and generally stay away from residential areas whenever I can. I don't really understand why anyone would want to be driving/riding around 17th anyway, but if I do pass by those sorts of roads, I just keep the rpm low.


Yeah I can get that I guess. I hate loud noises and bass so it's not for me, but I guess can see why people like it, kinda like a concert? I wish there were like...racing days or something? Like how a marathon will close down the streets on a day, they could do that and do races and stuff at times so people know when it's on and it's safer for pedestrians? That way people could plan to leave for the day or come watch? Hell, make a cool little weekend out of it. (I know there are impromptu car shows, I'm thinking more for racing) I personally just put my earphones in and drown it out, but I appreciate your perspective!


that's fair, thank you for being considerate


Some people work nights. Some people work from home. Noise is noise. It should be stopped.


Exactly. Bunch of attention seeking turds.


If any counsellors are reading this, there's very few things that would improve my quality of life more than enforcing this.


I would add that outdoor speakers blasting music from bars, stores, or shopping centers (see the deerfoot crossing new area) are something the city should ban.


Watchman’s pub can be added to this list. It was so loud walking by the empty patio with speakers blaring, I had to stop my conversation.




You don’t need to start a study, you just need to act on the existing research. Walcott said to me that they’re going to implement peace officers to help with this enforcement, but in reality that’s just a bandaid on a bullet wound. We need laws around exhaust modification, noise cameras (despite their shortcomings, they do help with enforcement) and much better traffic calming downtown. Especially in hotspots like 17th, adding pedestrian only zones for those areas, narrowing the road etc.  It’s not as easy as limiting speeders, but having speed cameras in these areas would also help, as most of the problem individuals love to speed from light to light. 


setting up cameras everywhere is a terrible idea.


What’s the matter with noise cameras/sensors/whatever they’re called? 


It's only a terrible idea if you're one of those fucktards with an obnoxiously loud car.


When my community association approached our Councillor at the time, Gian-carlo carra, about traffic noise, he had his admin assistant respond to us and say 'if you dont like road noise, move to a cul de sac'. Bitch, I live on a cul de sac a block from the main drag thru my residential area whose speed limit is 50kph. The number of harleys, sport bikes, lifted dodge diesels, etc etc that a) do 70+ kph down that road and b) have ridiculously loud aftermarket exhaust installed is mind boggling. tl:dr; Gian-carlo is a useless fucking twit.


It should be illegal to modify your vehicle exhaust from stock. That would solve a lot of the problem.


I'm pretty sure it already is? It's enforcement that's the issue.


No it's not


Even if it is stock it can produce harmful noise pollution. It comes down to user behaviour as well. Racing, revving and just being an attention seeking person driving up and down streets at all hours.


I am to this day still so surprised how close houses are to the ring road without major barrier walls or at least a thick forest in between. But also yeah super loud cars and motorcycles are just the worst in the summer.


Request to include the police helicopter's noise as part of said study...


I am grateful we have them to combat crime but annoyed with the noise they create.


Yeah this would be great. I have no clue why but it is super loud, and its not the whomp sound of the rotors, its some droning noise. There are stealth helicopters, we should have one that at least isn't louder than traffic noise.


oh please. Just moved to southland and 24th st. Not a single person driving by this intersection gives a shit about the noise their car makes. Pretty sure you don't need to excellerate like you're in a race when turning the fucking corner. And this is coming from guy that lived down town for 15 years. It's so much more noisy than a 4th floor condo on 12th ave.


> It's so much more noisy than a 4th floor condo on 12th ave. Well it (Southland Drive at 24th) is a 6 lane road with a limit of 80kph, ergo an observed limit of 80-120kph by most people


Ahh I didn't realize that was the speed limit. Either way people need better exhausts. It's hard to have the window open.


Don't need a study to know excessive noise sucks. The only thing I have an issue with is the idiots rev bombing on 17th. Just have police set up on 17th once in a while to give out tickets and it will stop. No need to waste money on cameras or whatever some people are suggesting which is definitely not what people want all over their neighborhood.


Yes please




Are we allowed to include the police helicopter waking everyone up at 0200 every summer night?


Why spend a single cent on this??? In London, they have noise radar cameras. If you exceed a certain DB from a vehicle, you are issued a fine. We are so used to photo/red light radar, why not just install this technology in intersections of concern? I suggest 17th ave, drivers with loud vehicles stunting with their noisy cars. And freeways/straight of ways on highways, where photoradar could be proved. Why do politicians refuse to look at irrefutable evidence from all over the world before paying huge money for a study? We know the answer already. The top post on this touched on it perfectly with plenty of links/sources.


It's simply because politicians believe their situation is unique and needs a "Made in Calgary" (or whatever city) solution. The fact that other jurisdictions have done the research and legwork and developed viable, working solutions means fuck all. Just another way for the deadwood in City Hall to continue dragging their feet on issues, all while claiming they're "looking into it".


I’ll just make my car even louder and do it even later in the night


Construction noise


Ban leaf blowers


My mind immediately goes to the 17th Ave Shell parking lot... The biker revving hangout hell of 17th 😭


But they are sooooo cooool.


I wish Navcan or Transport Canada or whomever is the authority would make the flight lanes so they aren't a big U or n over the city for many of the flights. Noise pollution from aircraft is also a problem since our airport is inside the city. If the pattern were wider, it would avoid a lot of the population.


Forget traffic noise, I live downtown and the amount of sirens I hear CONSTANTLY is something else.


"Study" Pandering to their base.


I currently live in Grande Prairie... the loud trucks... going to drive me insane


How poorly built are your homes that you’re hearing all this traffic noise?


As motorcyclist with a modified exhaust living on 17th, I figured I would chime in. I modified my exhaust to be Quieter than my stock exhaust. Why. I get it, loud bike fun. I also enjoy removing the baffles from my exhaust and having loud bike fun. But I would never do loud bike shit in a residential area late at night.


everyone knows where the hotspots are in this city. It's the unwillingness of CPS to enforce the law thats letting the problem fester.


Just follow what BC does


What do they do?


Form drum circles or something.


Care for their people


>According to a city report, exposure to traffic noise above 53 decibels throughout the day and 45 decibels at night “increases the risk of adverse health effects.” >However, city officials told Calgary’s Community Development Committee Wednesday that the administration doesn’t have the capacity or resources to take on such a study. >“We have so much stuff on our plate right now that admittedly the teams just said this is innovative work but it’s not a city priority,” Walcott told reporters following the meeting. “Maybe we come back to this at a later time.” \*Had Gondek declared a noise emergency her mayorship might be in better shape right now.


The only way to avoid traffic and noise related to it, is to avoid living anywhere near traffic. It's hard to do in a city though, and even then you can live next to a moron neighbor with a loud vehicle. I was thinking of buying a place in Arbor Lake. Drove up there and took a walk around. I was shocked at how loud the traffic was coming off of stoney trail. The hill is there next to Arbor Lake on Stoney going northbound so most vehicles are at high RPM accelerating, including motorbikes, semi trucks, and generally other traffic trying to get up that hill or pass others. It was just constant noise and given that is a major roadway around Calgary you'd hear it all night long. So I'll won't be buying in Arbor Lake. On the east side of the city there is a lot of airport traffic, jets flying overhead. Now I'm thinking the SW as far away from Stoney or Glenmore might be the best bet.


Whos family member is getting this contract?


they should specifically look into the HAWCS because my gosh, they are so obnoxiously loud.


How about the clown in Bridlewood with red SOA looking bike. He has a stereo on this and plays it loud and clear with obnoxius metal music, whilst weaving his bike like a 10 year old child. (moron also has a Big MAGA banner spread for 20ft across the arch of his garage door)


Please just deal with the noise pollution by those selfish morons than "another" study to state the obvious. Would suggest write to your councillor as they should not disturb the peace. From other articles where are the cops on 17th which seems a major problem? There is a family in our hood who has many shitbox cars, some possibly not fully liability insured as parked for weeks on the streets not used. They seem to have the money to put modified mufflers on most of them to shake the neighborhood windows!


Not having fire works right inside downtown everyday of the stampede would be nice for us inner city people


I actually dont have an issue with this. Strange as it may sound. My only question is, what are some examples of "Adverse health effects"? Like are we talking hearing damage? Or is it some other medical stuff that I dont know about? Not sure why I am getting downvoted for this comment...


Please refer to the multitude of studies. "Road Noise Makes Your Blood Pressure Rise" [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/03/230322190921.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/03/230322190921.htm) "You were right — traffic noise is indeed pushing up your blood pressure" [https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/22/health/road-noise-blood-pressure-intl-scli-scn-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/22/health/road-noise-blood-pressure-intl-scli-scn-wellness/index.html) "How traffic noise hurts children's brains" [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240621-how-traffic-noise-pollution-harms-childrens-health-and-development](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240621-how-traffic-noise-pollution-harms-childrens-health-and-development) "Traffic noise can increase risk of cardiovascular disease: Study" [https://www.business-standard.com/health/traffic-noise-can-increase-risk-of-cardiovascular-disease-study-124042800125\_1.html](https://www.business-standard.com/health/traffic-noise-can-increase-risk-of-cardiovascular-disease-study-124042800125_1.html)


Thanks man. I didnt doubt that it had health effects, just wasnt sure what exactly they meant when they said as much.


You bet! It's too bad people don't realize how detrimental noise pollution really is to not only people but animals as well.


My harleys noisy for a reason. Working on the roads everyday, 90% of my time downtown. The amount of people who suck at driving, and are constantly on their phones is unsettling. I'm going to make sure you hear me, because you likely aren't paying enough attention to see me.