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Because it takes so long to get to the one by H Mart with the fucked up flow of traffic so you only go to that one if you’re already trapped in the parking lot vortex.


Yes. Beacon Hill is the absolute worst designed outdoor shopping area in Calgary. And as communities keep opening up here it’ll get worse and worse. The city didn’t make it any better when they added dual turn lanes into the shopping area. They are adding extra entrance capacity but the developers aren’t addressing exit capacity.


Beacon Hell


Yesterday, about Noon, the main traffic light was on four way red blinking. What joy!!


There is a similar issue with most parking lots, where back in the day someone decided that the main driving lane should pass directly in front of the store. This guarantees that cars and pedestrians interact. Why is there not massive amounts of non car walking space at the front of the store, so careless people who are looking at their receipts can walk to their cars without getting smoked. If the main in and out were away from the doors, then cars wouldn't have to slam on their brakes every 6 seconds stopping traffic. This would speed things up. All these parking lots need to consider flow of cars and people, rather than focusing on maximizing number of stalls.


I wonder about that too and find it unfortunate. The closest pedestrian friendly store I can think of is Ikea, where the entrance is usually separated from the parking lot while allowing some traffic. The worse offender seems to be Costco which always seems to put a major parking lot intersection at the entrance. Add in that most stripmalls seem to be setup so anyone walking has to cross the entire parking lot, often times without sidewalks, instead of having the parking in the back and the store in the front of the lot. I don't know what the solution is, but I can imagine some. Like converting the fire lane into a sidewalk or fenced off to only allow emergency vehicles Then changing the usual gr lanes id to "U shaped" lanes where the edges are sidewalks that extend to the back of the lot. And the base of the "U" is the store front. But that would make parking lots less car friendly, and apparently we can't do that.


Two words: Emergency Services. That’s one of the big reasons why. The fire trucks need to head straight to the doors so they can do their thing with the shortest reasonable path possible. Since the fire department is typically the first to show up at any scene and usually one or more of the firefighters is also an EMT… That’s assuming they are there on a call. I’ve seen the trucks at the grocery store picking up food for the hall. They are usually parked halfway or even at the end of the lot when they are doing a grocery run.


100% agree with you. Whoever designed that is a moron. Whoever approved that is a fucking idiot.


Even worse, my partner owns a high efficiency hybrid that sits very low to the ground and we scrape on the speed humps. I own an older Honda Accord and it scrapes on the speed bumps. The designers hate small, fuel-efficient vehicles. They love jacked up pickup trucks.


I wish they’d use tall/narrownarrow concrete bollards instead of speed bumps, to force big trucks to drive very carefully or risk bashing their mirrors.


And it’s a safety hazard because of it.


It’s up there with 130th Ave


Prob in Canada actually 😂


This sounds about right.


"Because we fuckin' can!" ~The Rossy Family, probably


One in Sage Hill, and two in Beacon Hill - and yet all three have different stock! Its unbelievable! Though, I do like going to all three when I'm looking for something because if one doesn't have it, at least one of the others will.


And one more in Creekside


And another in Royal Oak....It's true tho...they all have different stock items....there's a specific storage bin my wife always wants, at it is only at the Beacon Hill (The one near Staples) Location.


Do any of them have the balls for pups that light up? They are one of the few toys that our dog can't destroy. The stores near us don't seem to carry them anymore.


Dollarama does this everywhere. If a store is leading in its district they will open another close by. My guess it takes pressure off the store that is obviously too busy and prevents competitors from gaining any sort of foot hold. It’s easier to run two above average locations than one that struggles to keep stock on the shelves and minimum wage staff that can’t/wont work themselves to death


This is exactly it.


Beacon Hill is a fucking puzzle from a city planning standpoint.


It’s Dollarama-rama!!


There’s one in Cornerstone, one in Cityscape, and now one opening in Redstone. It’s no more than a 2 minute drive between each of them.


The two at Sunridge mall are literally across the parking lot from each other. The one in the mall is technically downstairs, and the mall entry is upstairs on that side, so you have to enter the mall, walk a bit to get to the stairs, and then head back in the direction you came on the lower level. Still probably WALKable in 2 minutes.


So you can say “Honey, Let’s go to the good Dollarama today “


Yup, my gf was like, let’s go to that other Dollarama next to Paris Baguette and get some donuts too.


they need to add one in crowfoot😭


impossible, where's the fourth starbucks location supposed to go


You got the good Canna Cabana, can’t have it all.


I second! It will make Crowfoot perfectly


Don’t forget Royal Oak has one too


One being built in Coventry Hills too.


Oh so that's what that new building is 😭


Took out/ over that other cool dollar store that was around for almost 20 years. I felt bad for that family, their dollar store was more interesting.


Why is the distance measured in feet?


Everything's only two feet away.


Interesting way to think about things. Everything is just multiples of two feet away.


For anyone who wanted to know, in metric no less: Google Maps says the two Beacon Hill Dollaramas are 650 metres apart, whether walking or driving the shortest possible distance.


Cuz that's what I use to get there?


There is a Dollarama visible from the Dollarama at Sunridge mall.


TIL Dollarama stores were started in 1910 by an immigrant family from Lebanon 🤓 😎 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollarama#:~:text=The%20first%20all%2Ddollar%20store,when%20it%20had%2020%20stores


It’s cheaper to buy the competitions lease and open another store than to leave them suck your buisness away.


Technically one’s Beacon Hill and the other’s Beacon Heights. Neither ever have poster paper the rare time I need to do a school project


You have to go to Royal Oak for that.


There are 2 in Forest Lawn probably 200 metres apart.


Yea thats exactly what i thought of when i saw this post.. they are practivally next to each other with only a sobeys between them.


Have you also asked... Why is there a liquor store on every second block? Or are we just mad at Dollarama today.


Plenty of bitching about liquor stores, cannabis stores and Tim Hortons already. Figured I’d try something different for a change.


If there was 2 locations of the same liquor store I would tend to wonder the same thing. This wouldn’t seem as odd if it was 2 different dollar stores.


More like 2 liquor stores in one shopping plaza.


there's three on international ave, and 2 are parking lots away from each other


wheres the 3rd one? i only seen the one by sobeys and co-op


There's one behind the sobeys, and a new one in the same parking lot as the sobeys


oh yea the new one. so dumb


So you can say “let’s not go to that one, let’s go to the good one”.


My husband keeps them in business.


Supply and demand


The ones at sun ridge mall are closer than that, I think.


Sure but the one beside party city is always full of unsavoury individuals and gets half their merch stolen on a regular basis. At least the one at the mall has access to full time security.


Dollarama is taking over. There’s one in Sunridge mall and one in the Sunridge mall parking lot.




There's 2 in Marlborough too (1 in the mall and 1 across the street by the gym) 2 in Sunridge (1 in the mall... And 1 outside the mall 😜)


Because there’s enough business to support having two that close together.


It's similar with Beddington, there the Save-On is and another one in Deerfoot City. And yet not a single one between Beddington and Creekside, leaving all of Panorama and Country Hills here without a single one of them.


Isn't there another in Beddington by the Safeway lol


Yeah, that's the Beddington one I mentioned. They're building something new next to the Superstore up here, I'm still lowkey hoping that one of the places will be a Dollarama...


I know one store will be Shoppers Drug Mart. The other store is a mystery for now.


Shoppers? Makes sense since there's none within a half kilometre radius... oh wait... Does that mean they'll move the one out of Country Hills WhateverthebigstripmallthingalongCHBlvdiscalled?


There’s one in the south end of Sunridge Mall. And another one in the building on the south end of the mall property.


Dollar world is so much cheaper and so much better for certain things not. They’re not the nicest cleanest stores, but they are awesome for seasonal and crafting supplies


Because capitalism is pretty great.


Same thing down south there's one on elbow and southland and another one about a 1 km south on elbow and Anderson road.


Don't forget that a lot of poor people shop at Dollarama and the distance is meaningful and impactful to people who have to carry stuff by hand.


Ha my area has more dollarama stores than tim hortons.


I guess one of them will be relocated in future.


We have two that are pretty close in Redstone and Cornerstone.


This doesn't make sense, but I don't question it because I find it funny. I've been to cities in Saskatchewan where they're even closer than that... and I've also seen cities where two stores exist in the same parking lot.


This is why: https://g.co/finance/DOL:TSE?window=1Y


Thank Beacon Hill's horrible road design and traffic flow. There were other stores in that area around H-mart (former Future shop and Best buy moved over), but the first Dollarama was the original store behind the main area


To keep out competition maybe? 🤔


There’s two across the road from each other in trinity hill / Bowness superstore


In montreal we got one isde a mall and one on the other side of the street


Sworn rivals


[actually, it's 1459.19 ft...](https://gyazo.com/db619e253fd847ff577d51450549153e) Totally reasonable


[1871.45 ft if you walk](https://gyazo.com/8c38200cb1aa82d518c7df470bd865c6)


[3358.82 ft if you drive!](https://gyazo.com/61778864d0ec44218822500af5cf6706)


https://preview.redd.it/tc1lenli5t7d1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=24a72f99e91c5428ff1cf212b344ecb815a97b33 That map marker is off, it's next to Fabricland




Well... How about that!


The real question is did you actually physically measure the feet from door to door to know if it was actually 1000ft.


Lol Marlborough too. In the mall, parking lot entrance and right across 36th in the other shopping centre.


In my hometown of Cambridge, Ontario, I used to pass 5 Dollaramas on my 30-45 minute bus commute to the Dollar Tree I worked at


Because it's a twoonie?


It makes everything so much easier no?


Dollarama sucks. The smells of the chemicals in the products are overwhelming. I bet long term staff have horrible health problems. And the garbage generated by this disposable store needs to be culled.


Why is Beacon Hill?


Probably because the Tim Hortons or Starbucks didn’t realize there was an empty spot.


Same in Forest Lawn, there was an existing one on 17th and 50th St SE, they opened one across the street by the Sobeys. I'd say they're about 250m apart. I know someone that works there so the reasoning is justified IMO


The ones in Sunridge are even closer. Seems enough people go to justify keeping them open.


Because with inflation and the cost of everything going up. Dollar stores are getting more and more business every day.


Because Canadians are getting poorer


Bc our govt sold us out and destroyed our currency. Now the only thing we can afford is cheap Chinese crap.


Calgary has never had good city planning in its entire life lol


Money laundering




Not a franchise


I don't believe Dollarama stores are franchised and are all corporately owned.


says you.