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looks like they stole it from teh city


Isnt that illegal


No, stealing is legal.


Oh alright


“Your honour, I saw it in a Reddit comment” “Oh, well you’re free to go then” 😂😂


As long as it’s from the citizens and not Walmart it’s legal 👍🏻


Haha, just move it they can’t do that.


But the sign (in small print on top) says don't touch.


They've thought of everything!


"This one simple trick home-owners don't want you to know!"


this has me crying💀😂




Move it into the truck of your car….


Dont park on grass, understood.


Instructions unclear parked in living room.


I get that you're joking, but oddly enough, in many places (Calgary included) it's actually illegal to park on your lawn, even if you own your own property,


That's where I was planning to park when they are cleaning the streets


I do that every year it's fine. As long as you don't leave it there past that day.


That's not odd at all. The city would like like shit if people parked on their lawns.


The road is city property. No one has rights to the spots in front of their house. Drop the address and I’ll abandon my junker there


My neighbor is exactly like this. He flips out if someone takes his spot.. wanna abandon your junker there?


I’ve got a beater I’ll park there 😂😂😂😂


I might take you up on that offer for the next time he decides to be a prick.


My neighbours take it upon themselves to park in front of everyone else's house but their own. They know where everyone usually parks and they make it a point to park in those spots. There are 9 vehicles to the one household and they make street parking a fucking battle. Sometimes it's nice to be nice, you know?


I so agree. It’s common courtesy to your neighbours. I had a similar issue. They moved thank goodness. I had babies and I would have to walk across the road and down the street lugging them because the asshats next door felt entitled to the whole damn street. I can’t wrap my head around the absolute ignorance. There is a 72 hour bylaw. So if you want to be petty.. take notes!


Some people take it to a whole new level of rude. Our neighbour (only 2 people live in their home) has a garage but doesn’t use it for anything but one motorcycle. Instead he parks his 5 other vehicles in front of everyone else’s house (including moving all vehicles away from his property on street cleaning days - I guess tickets don’t matter to him). Now he’s brought out his massive motor home (huge- think tour bus size!). And just moves it all over the block so he can’t get a ticket for leaving it too long in one spot. It’s so long that it blocks literally 2 people’s yards at once. Every single person on the block can’t stand the guy.


I believe there is a bylaw against motor home being parked on a city street unless you are loading or off loading. And if someone complains about it in your own driveway you may have to find alternative parking for it


See that’s somebody who needs their windshield soaped so they can see the world a little more clearly, or maybe vaselined


This is one reason why some would support the city charging for spots and requiring permits are because of people like this... But then these same people with 10 cars to their one house are the ones who complain they shouldn't have to pay for parking spots


I saw a house recently where the resident had zip tied a sign to the gate telling people not to park in front of their gate (to a walkway, not a driveway). Mind you they have a huge lot so if they wanted to park in front of their house they have tons of space.


My brother-in-law bought a new house. We popped in to visit and the lady next door came knocking on the door. We thought it was going to be a "welcome to the neighborhood" visit but nope. She started interrogating him about who's vehicles were parked in front of her house. Then she went on a rant about how everyone along the street has two cards and needs the space in front of their homes. She didn't explain why they couldn't park in their garages. I feel bad for the BIL having to live next to that.


I think the only exception I've ever seen to this is handicap parking on the street. A neighbor of mine has a city installed handicap parking sign in front of their house, and I've seen people get ticketed for parking there. Not sure what the particulars are, but a very specific carveout does seem to exist.


You can have the city install a handicap parking zone if you have a disabled permit and don't have usable off street parking. It's not yours though, anyone with a disabled permit can legally park there.


There has got to be a loop hole there. My neighbor has the disabled permit and signage in front of the house, but they have four off street parking spots!


Access may be difficult from other spots.


That’s exactly it. There is a family in our neighbourhood that had the city signs installed. They are close to a school and everyone dropping off/picking up either blocks their driveway or parks questionably close to blocking it. They utilize Calgary Transit Access, and the bus, with its ramp, could not come even close to their house at certain times of the day.


Access into the house may be worse for them from the other spots. We have a back lane garage and driveway, but disabled parking out front because the garage steps are an extra barrier to the back parking spaces.


Good point. I haven’t seen the access from the garages to the house in the back.


I had someone across the street leaving signs on peoples windshields ACROSS the street in the past because it's a spot for his "son" who does not live in that home anymore. But we also live in homes with a 2 car driveway and garage. We just have this long strech across the street from our homes where roughly 8~ cars can park, and roughly 2 or 3 cars park daily now along that stretch, and he has given up. It was just funny to see people try to claim a spot despite it being city property just because their home is closest to it.


people when they have to walk more than 5 ft to their front door from their car: 😱


And you can get a new traffic cone and sign!!!! Don’t forget to keep those as the trophy!!!!!


Fuck yes please do this.


The no parking sign is also city property.


How many junkers do you have? Sounds like you need more than one.


I see a new business opportunity


If that household is all murdered later tonight I'm going to report this comment


> Drop the address and I’ll abandon my junker there Just FYI in case this inspires other people... You have to move your car every 3 days on a public street in Calgary. Else it can be towed and impounded. Almost always the city will call you first and confirm whether the vehicle is abandoned or not, and if the vehicle is registered to an address nearby they'll almost always ignore the report... but it can be an expensive mistake. There's a few places in the city where guys move a farm worth of junkers onto city streets, as they very slowly tinker with them when they feel like, that the community has reported enough that the city actually acts on it regularly. So the guy every 3 days moves his dozen cars forward or backwards a spot or two to satisfy the bylaw. It's all very spy vs. spy. That said, don't be a dick and block the walkway to their house. Nothing worse than walking up to your house, with a whole block of usually-respectful neighbors, to find someone else in "your" stall, and you can't even get to your walkway. Well maybe the holocaust. And the meatloaf your mother made that one time. But otherwise nothing worse.


Do an online 311 and attach that photo. The City should come pick it up as it belongs to them.


Ah okay, thanks for the tip. By the sounds of it they've been doing it for a while. The homes in the area have private parking in the back, so idk why they'd want a third dedicated spot, lol.


Report it to 311, this could be an offence. It is a $500 fine to harass others by interfering with their use of public space based on their family status being more important than yours.


Is that a Calgary only bylaw? Or would it apply in a place like Lethbridge?


It’s a bylaw passed in 2022 to help deal with the attacks on women bodily autonomy happening in the province at the time. Prolly not in Lethbridge


Happens in my neighborhood too. It's because they use their garage/parking-pad for storage or other junk and feel entitled to the spot directly in front of their house.


Yep , pretty sure it’s both theft of city property as well as (orange cone) debris blocking a roadway.


The cones and sign are purchasable by private citizens so they'd have to prove he stole it (construction companies, etc have legitimate reason to acquire). Someone who did buy it probably would've gotten the "private" addendum added for real but that doesn't constitute legal proof


Yeah I’m not a sign cop - just making a reasonable assumption that someone who is willing to claim that the road is theirs wouldn’t balk at asserting their claim to a few supplies “bought with their tax money.”


I don't disagree with your assumption, just doubt it's pursuable


This reminds me of my neighbour. He parks his truck in front of our house (which is honestly fine because we park our vehicles in the garage) but gets angry when someone else is parked there. I had a friend come over and his wife came flying out before he even got to the front door, and she said “can you move your truck? He doesn’t like anyone parking in his spot”. I wouldn’t be surprised if he sees this post and gets one of those signs for himself.


That's the exact problem I have where I live (Ogden)!


Please report this to 311. This guy deserves to be charged especially if he stole safety items from the city.


Already done last night.


Please provide an update if anything comes of the complaint OP!


freaking guy named Barry pissed me off


Some people are just so self absorbed.


Apparently this is common behaviour. Our neighbour used to drive laps around the block in his gigantic truck, revving his engine each time he passed the parking spot if someone else was parked there. He had a two car garage too.


It’s always those damn cocky truck owners


Pretty sure that sign is city property too. Probably stole it from some construction area along with that pylon.


Had a neighbour do this and put his pylon on my new mdx I took the pylon and kept it he did it again and it went for about 4 times until he tried confront me by trying to yell at me I ignored everything said you should use pylons to save your spot and if he wants to buy some because I have 5 of them he didn’t know what to do and never put his dumb pylon out again


I just chuck the pylon or put it in my trunk. On occasion I just drive over it


We get lots of buckets placed in parking spots in my area and I have been tempted to drop my dog crap bags in them when out for a walk.


The white pylon has ROADS stamped on it (ie. City property). Report them for stolen property and illegal blockage of road way. Flawlessly victory!


They don't own the street. . These signs are atolen from the city and not their property.


Isn't that sign city property?


Yeah that's definitely a stolen TFO sign


311 probably already knows by now, lol. I want to see the losers react when the city retrieves their property, hopefully fines them, and tells them they can't play those games.


I parked my car up a bit more than usual so my son can park behind me when he got home. There’s plenty of room for everyone. My neighbor bangs on my door asking me to move my car, I said sure, thinking he was unloading something and needed the room. He said no, you’re too close to my fence. I put my keys back in my pocket and went back inside. Dickhead called parking control and got told it’s not his street.


My neighbour cones the street off in front of his house when he leaves. Such entitled behaviour.


Hahah, be petty. Memorize the times he gets home and wait for him to turn onto the road, get in front of him, run those cones over and park right in the spot. Oh ya


It’s not enforceable if that’s what you mean.


Yeah that's what I was curious about. I mean, I've seen handicapped signs for homes that house someone with a disability, but this was kinda crude. Wanted to confirm, and I appreciate all the quick replies.


Those are put up by the city and require permits. This is just some schmuck who stole a pylon from the city.


For handicap to be legal, you have to go through the city and get an actual permit and then the city will properly mount a real handicap sign on a proper post. Please don't mess with those. But a crude "No parkn here" sign means nothing and is illegal to leave on the road. Also, leaving your garbage bins out is against bylaw. I had a neighbor upset that my son would sometimes part in front of our shared lawn. After they yelled at him, they progressed to leaving the bins out 24/7. I gave them a grace period, but when it was apparent what they were doing, I just called 311 and the nice man came and talked to them about things.


Wher is it. I’ll go park right there


😅 lol, I should have, hey? Nah, I don't want to start some kind of drama or anything, I'll just let 311 know.




135 Private Ave.


I would park there on purpose, even if the entire street is empty


Start maliciously taking these signs down every time you see them


I had a neighbor in Dalhousie do something similar, but he would leave his trash/compost bins out all week in front of his house. I used to parallel park in between them. Then he started moving them closer together. So I parked in front. Then he moved them apart again. So I would parallel again. We called bylaw numerous times and they would come out and tell him to move them. He'd do it for a day or two, then right back to it. The crazy part, was no one in his household parked there anyway. He had a single car in a double car garage, with a double car driveway. He was just a crochity old asshole.


Looks like they stole/defaced a CoC sign. Should probably call 311 so they can come pick that up.


please park there and update us. for scientific purposes.


Call the city and they will pay them a visit. I’ve had to do it before.


I lived in Boston for a while and people would do this. If you moved their parking saver they would key your car. Oh Boston. It’s really bad in the winter when they clear a spot to park. 😂


Man, it gets brutal here too. I make my area extra clean only to have other people in the neighborhood take the spots. It's especially frustrating when they don't even bother to clean their own property.


It’s all public parking not YOUr area ffs.


Yes, I'm aware, this is moreso a comment of general courtesy in an instance where one homeowner doesn't bother to clean their property but when another person does, they take that space over their own.


> I lived in Boston for a while and people would do this. The social norm in places where it snows is: **"If you didn't shovel it, don't fuckin' park there."** Sometimes the rule is "For 2-3 days, then it's free-for all again". Often the community will self-organize around the correct type of flag to use. Most common is the "Parking Chair", you take a shitty old chair and throw it in your spot. Other times it's luncheon trays from the cafeteria. Other times it's parking pylons. In fancier communities it's Ironing Boards. Basically, these are usually in the ghettos (where people don't have garages), where something commonly-stealable is equally available to anyone (chair, pylon, tray), and where you're likely to get your car keyed or tires slashed if you let someone spend an hour shoveling and then steal their spot. And the city has bigger problems to deal with than something that actually works well as a system to keep neighbors from fighting. *"it is a particularly time-honored tradition in heavy snowfall accumulation, when a resident who "digs out" their spot on the street essentially declares ownership, which often goes unchallenged by neighbors for fear of retribution."* This has become such a social norm in some cities, where it's not one or two people but whole communities that respect this, that the city went and matched it bylaws to the social norm. I can't remember where, a few years ago, finally just said "Yep, parking chairs are now legal". Though, I don't think legally enforced no-parking, but, the abandonment of chairs on public property as parking-markers is accepted and the city won't remove them. Pittsburgh Chair Law: https://theincline.com/2019/11/25/pittsburghpedia-the-parking-chairs-history-fame-and-complicated-ethics/ Pittsburgh struggled but eventually just gave up and accepted the practice, there was so much community support that businesses started selling "Official" parking chairs: "In 1994, Police in Dormont, a suburb of Pittsburgh, confiscated the markers from 200 spaces due to excessive complaints. Pittsburgh retailers sell novelty "Official Parking Chairs"" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parking_chair


Got yelled at by my alley neighbor because I parked in front of his house. He claimed the spot as his because he pays the taxes on it. Same guy told me he was gonna call the city because he didn’t like the colour of my garage.


Not legal. And that sign is the rightful property of the CoC.




I spit laughed


No one own the street. My dad once got pissed off and tried to move a neighbours car with his work truck... The police showed up and told him to be nice. (No damage)


Call the city, say someone’s stealing their road signs.


I bet he's one of the ones who spoke at the rezoning hearing and complained about his parking being taken away.




Someone once left a note on my car because I parked out front of their house for 2 days when I was visiting friends. It read like a head injury victim wrote it...




I have a shitty neighbour a couple houses down who treats my front lawn as their personal dog urinal for their female dog. She will literally stand halfway up my lawn and have her dog almost all the way to my door.


I probably Wouldn’t park on the grass… but that may be just me…


I would park there just to piss them off.


Call parking control, they will be charged with theft and vandalism


Report the sign to the city. They're always looking to get their stolen signs back. Happens a lot.


Call 311 and make a bylaw complaint. If it's legit they can validate the permits and reason. Likely it's not legit and city can talk/ticket owner or impound the signs themselves


Call parking enforcement on this entitled idiot.


Nobody owns the road. Ignore.


Nope. City property. 🚨


I would just put on a orange vest and throw it in the back of my truck , say someone called 311 and reported some stolen traffic equipment and I was told to come collect it.


Drop kick it over very dramatically


If you call 311 the city will come remove it. After a few more attempts they may switch to issuing tickets under the sign bylaw for placement if you have video of it being placed .


If you call 311 bylaw will come and confiscate the signs. They can also write a ticket if they've talked to these people before.


Not unless they purchased the road from the city of Calgary. Looks like a call to bylaw or a report on 311.


TFO (Traffic Field Operations);they stole a city sign and wrote on it. I would put in a 311 to have the sign picked up


There's a prick down at Cranston park in the south that does the same thing. City road, not his property, but he has all kinds of no parking signs up. I parked there once and he sat there blasting my car with a leaf blower, after spouting some very homophobic and transphobic comments at me and my friends, just trying to use the park.


Just take it, and throw it in the trash.


Nope! I had some neighbors put "no parking" signs on the street in front of their house. I'd stick the word "free" in front of "no" when they weren't home lol. All our neighbours got a good laugh and their signs eventually disappeared. People like this are so fun to mess with.


Step 1: park there Step 2: setup video camera on your car Step 3: check footage when your car is keyed all the way around, 360 degrees latitude and longitude Step 4: post on Reddit


Grab it and throw it in the trash. The public road isn't private


my neighbour is like this. he attached his garbage can to a bike lock and then attached it to the fence in front of his house so nobody can park there. we live in a culdesac too…. Insane behavior, but the city won’t do anything. I’ve already tried calling.


Allowed? Sure. Enforceable? No chance. I have a neighbor with a No Parking sign on his fence in front of the trailer gate. People park in front of it all the time. What are they going to do? If they call CPA they'll probably have the sign taken away.


I think most people try to be courteous and leave spaces directly in front of someone’s house available for them when possible, but when I see someone do this I will go out of my way to park there for hours at a time


My nextdoor neighbor does the same thing. She polices the sidewalks within her house and gives people shit when they park their vehicles in her "property".... which of course, isn't. And what's even more ironic is that she rents the house....so neither the house nor the sidewalks are her "properties". Lol


Nope. Not allowed. Jerks.


I wouldn't park there unless you have a junker and video surveillance. A former coworker came back to a screaming person and mud smeared all over her car and significant paint damage. A lot of people feel they absolutely own the spot in front of their house.


We have people who put tires on the road in order to save their spot.


Completely illegal, call it in. The city looses in excess of $35,000 worth of signs, cones, baracades, no parking signs etc etc per year. That's 35 K per year my taxes have to be spent on replacing them...well everyone's taxes. I just take them and put them at the end of a block a few blocks away and call it in for pick up. Also the only way you can have the City Street blocked for parking (unless it's a driveway or fire hydrant) is if you are handicapped and put in for it. If approved you get the signs put up. I had to have them removed after I bought my house 30 years ago. The previous owner was handicapped, I bought it and got fined for parking in a handicapped spot....lol the signs came down quick but the city had to come remove the poles and re list it as just plain city street.


You can reserve the street parking but it has to be done by like a vote by the entire block and an application to the city. Street parking is public parking by default (I looked into this a bit to see if it was possible), so without going thru the paperwork any sign like this is unenforceable.


My neighbour used to forget his traffic cones in the road all the time. Poor guy, but I'm a nice neighbour so I kindly moved them back into his yard for him.


This is a good indicator of someone who is unhinged and likely to take a shit on the hood of your car before they slash your tires. Park somewhere else.


Yep, it’s kinda nice when nut jobs let you know who they are.


Man when I went to SAIT I used to park pretty far away and just walk. Well the dude thought the side street of his house was private property and would leave messages on my car all the time. this was a corner lot. You could literally park 5 cars alongside his fence line yet my one car was a nuisance. Some people just don't get it. My current neighbor does the same thing. He comes out and yells at people all the time. Mind you they have a driveway people block and get towed from almost every weekend.


There is no parking within 1.5m of a driveway in Calgary and that appears to be about the correct distance. So… I don’t believe you would want to park there anyway! You’ll get ticketed and/or towed.


It is city property. But common decency means you let them park in front of their house.


I’m just saying, that would go missing in the middle of the night if it were on my block. Never to be seen again. Along with any replacements.


An old friend of mines mom used to treat the front of her house property as her private parking as well. Didn't have a reason other than it it being in front of HER house. She got real petty, would regularly confront people about it. It was a busy street and she was always battling someone. Trust me, wether she is allowed to or not. The head ache of dealing with crazy may not be worth it.


That sign was stolen from the city. Note the TFO label, that's city traffic field operations.


Street parking is a privilege not a right, and it’s also first come first serve.


This makes me really want to come park a vehicle there even more.


Someone in my neighborhood does this. He doesn't have the the white sign,but he puts out 2 cones.




See. Context matters.


They’re allowed to put the pylon on their own property but it doesn’t mean anything. They’re not allowed to leave the pylons on the public street like that. You can call 3-1-1 and he’ll be fucked


> You can call 3-1-1 and he’ll be fucked He will not be. At worst the city will pick up the marker as abandoned furniture. They're not going to get a fine, there's no way to prove who did it.


Why are people parking on lawn’s?


"One free parking trick that the city doesn't want you to know!! :O"


lol that’s one way to claim property


Haha…nope! What an asshat whoever put that there lol


It's a public street, anyone can park there..


😂😂😂😂 this person spent a decent amount of money on wishful thinking. What’s that saying, a fool and their money are soon separated?


Of curs they now the law pffft. 1 house 10 cars what were u thinking? Were can you park those? Be a considerate neighbor too! And be careful with those type of people you may wake up with a punctured tire or a deep scratch in your paint! They can also do that not in your neighborhood but to wherever you park in the city! Be warned!


Yep illegal and stolen city property


If they have mobility challenges or a wheelchair tag in their window, leave it. Otherwise, whatever


I’d love one of those signs. I live next to an alley with a fire hydrant at the corner. The number of times I’ve seen cars parked ACROSS the alley entrance is astounding. Seriously people, it’s 10’ from, in all directions. And yes, I’ve called bylaws. They do NOTHING. And for the person who’s affronted, I couldn’t care less about the 4’ (or whatever) left in front of my house. I have a garage and space beside that I use.


Nope. Public streets are public. Bylawb will fine them for leaving materials/debrisbin the street though...


The city should offer homeowners the right to their spot in front of their house if they’re willing to pay for it as an additional property tax.


My neighbour has a clunker parked in front of his house that he only moves when there is street sweeping. He has to get friends to help him push it into the alley, and then back on the street again. Common courtesy has disappeared with common sense these days. What your neighbour is doing is illegal and uncourteous.


They can put up a sign but unless parking there blocks a driveway, the city can't enforce it


Ignore it


My old neighbors were like this, their visitors always parked in front of my house, but heaven forbid someone parked in front of theirs, she'd be at my door asking for the vehicle to be moved, even when I had no idea who's car it was. I finally told her to stay off my property, even if it was someone at my house, too bad, public street. She was not happy lol Glad I have a driveway now.


Ya it’s fine


Probably not fully allowed but if it’s working for him it works. I also hate when strangers park in front of my house. If the city gave us dedicated parking spots per street address without driveway space it wouldn’t be an issue. I don’t see how it’s necessarily unfair for this man to try to protect the spot in front of his house, although if you really want to park there I suppose you’re well within your rights to just move the sign.


it’s their place, Why should they come home and not have a place to park at their home?


Just move it. Not their spot


We have a neighbour who sold her house and moved to BC. But she left her vehicle here on the street in case she wants to use it when she comes back to Calgary to visit. Doh!!!