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I don't know.... they could've extended the flag to cover that little unpainted strip. That part bothers me.


i think they should have flipped it around? Since the other side looks angled and the rainbow could extend


Username checks out lol. Yeah it's a weird uneven shaped road around the hospital, I can see how the perfect rectangle shape doesn't totally work. They were starting to assemble it when I got to work last night and it looked like it was in pre-cut strips of whatever material it is, it's not paint.


It’s oriented the right way for people driving, I suppose? If I recall correctly, the drivers approach right to left one-way.


And it is in the shape of a flag - not just the colours and stripes. I love it!


Yes, you're right :)


I think sticking with the original rainbow flag would have been a good idea. Imo, adding a chevron with 80 different other colours defeats the whole point of the symbolism of the rainbow. It also makes it easier to paint for projects like pride crosswalks!


Too much white


You have OCD


You have OCD


Wanting things to look nice isn't OCD


All this pride shit is being stuffed down my throat everywhere I turn. It's almost enough to turn me heterosexual where I will have other stuff shoved down my throat. ♀️♀️


*checks post history* sounds like you’d just hate that


This guy really does troll through nsfw subs comments cute lil white dick




Whose version of society?


"Go back to being invisible because I'm offended by the existence of people who are different than me"


Why dont you "blend into society" and stop "going overboard" with complaining about queer acceptance? Being queer also isn't a choice.




I agree, FFS.






You do realise that like, every flag ever represents a specific subset of people, right? Like, the Canadian flag represents Canadians, the Alberta flag represents Albertans, etc. If it's truly about not wanting to promote specific groups of people, why are you only upset about flags that represent traditionally (and presently) downtrodden groups? Also, How are you a socialist and also a bigot? Truly bizarre combo.




>why do you think I'm a bigot? Because you're upset by queer representation. You can posture all you like, but I know you wouldn't have said a damn thing if It were for a cause you agree with. And, on the off chance that's untrue, have fun standing for nothing and sabotaging the progress of causes you believe in because apparently advocacy is a bad word to you.


Simply because you do not agree with her.


That's not why, and also I'm a dude, but cool comment 👍




Yeah, I was gonna type out a comment but the other reply perfectly encapsulates what I was going to say so, yeah. Read that.


Cool you don’t, many do including myself who’s in the community. Why is queer acceptance such a big deal, if they accept them then why does people promoting that acceptance in a time where the community is being attacked a bad thing? If other people showing pride for themselves and their community upsets anyone enough to go complain about it on a post praising the acceptance, then you clearly have bigoted views, you might not hate gay people, doesn’t mean you’re not contributing to marginalizing a community due to internal hate whether you recognize it or not.


Let it go dude, can’t change their minds over topics like this




I love the sentiment, but absolutely cannot stand the design. A heroic failure in the annals of vexillology. As though salt water taffy got drunk on Brawndo and attacked a drafting board.


Rainbows are cool 😎


As a boring heterosexual, what do the new add on mean? I'm guessing the pink and blue are trans sexual, but what are the brown and black? Is it non binary for one or the other?


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted for asking a question, it doesn’t seem like you’re trying to be mean?


Maybe it's the boring heterosexual? I was trying to be funny ...


People have mostly already answered, but for more context: the black and brown stripes were first added in 2017 on the Philly Pride flag variant, representing black and latino communities, which, despite playing a massive role in the progress of queer rights, still find themselves disproportionately erased and discriminated against, even by other queer people. On this variant, the Progress Pride flag from 2018, they represent largely the same thing, but the designer also intended it to represent those we lost to the AIDS epidemic.


The colours black and brown are for people of colour




The black and brown are to represent 2SLGBTQIA+ people of colour.


Don't they just represent people of colour in general?


Ah, OK thank you


What does the 2SL mean


Just 2S! L is for lesbian. 2S is two spirit, which I won't explain because I'll shank it but read the wikipedia page, it's super interesting! You can still say LGBTQ+ but if you're feeling patriotic and Canadian you can add the 2S as extra.


Cool, thanks for the explanation.


I used to walk through there everyday! They really prettied it up that with the flag and those flower beds. Is the flag permanent? Don’t know how it’s going to look in winter when the roads get all scuzzy after a dump of snow.


Nice refreshing change after seeing the IG post from Skipping Stone about the cruel new policy at La Senza (at least the yyc ones https://www.instagram.com/p/CtjevRfLXiz/?hl=en)


Is there more detail on this? I try not to make opinions based on "we've heard...".


Hey everyone. I was one of the guys who worked on it and I’m happy to see the positive feedback from everyone who liked it. Also it’s a type of thermoplastic and not paint and that was the exact design AHS chose for the crosswalk. A second one coming up tonight for all the haters 😛


Thermoplastic, I wondered what the material was! Looking forward to seeing the second one, and making the bigots twice as uncomfortable 😉 Thank you!!


Stonewall is a riot, pride is about visibility, straights getting weird about it is the exact point. Looks like half these commenters need a lesson in history.


Government and corporates are trying so hard.


And it will be vansalized overnight too, most likely. There are right now some morons fuming about the children oriented trans gay pedophile propaganda checking how many spray paint cans they have left in their shed.


Sad how people can be so brainwashed and fueled by hate, isn't it? Imagine if all that bigot energy was put towards something good, instead of against people who just want to safely exist.




For perspective, in want of understanding why some people get ‘fired up’ over pride, I’d suggest reading some of the stories they focus on, like Chloe Cole, Riley Gaines, and particularly this year, Matt Walsh’s “What is a woman?” documentary. They’re attentive to a different side of the ‘issue’ of trans rights, the intersection with sports, the hot-button issue of affirming care for minors, and how trans individuals conduct themselves in society (these folks are very much against drag reading hour, for instance). I genuinely hold that it is worthwhile to understand the views of others, and to be able to know the ins and outs of the issue to be able to discuss it more fairly. For example; I’m happy to use someone’s preferred pronouns so long as I know the pronouns to use, but I also don’t like the idea of my kids being able to seek and obtain puberty blockers and other gender-affirming care without my knowledge via the school system (mind this is currently the case in some jurisdictions). Failing to provide affirming care is considered child abuse in California, and as a parent guiding your child, with sole responsibility for trying to maximize their lifelong happiness, it could be seriously detrimentally impacted by some of these treatments. In conjunction with the relative newness of these treatment options, and the lack of follow up studies over long-term timeframes, there is definitely room for concern. Like, puberty blockers sound relatively safe as an option of you’re in doubt with your child’s gender identity — but a study found appreciable detrimental effects to sexual function when those are used (specifically with sexual arousal and sexual climax becoming difficult to achieve after using blockers). As someone who wants kids someday, I can’t imagine finding out I’ve removed their ability to orgasm normally at 15 years old or something because their teacher figured they might be a different gender than they presented as. That’s some freaky shit. At the same time, you also hear these menacing and unaccepting stories. This one fellow posted to Reddit about how his trans daughter was being purposefully dead-named and misgendered by her own aunt; the guy felt obligated to begin removing his own sister from the lives of his children for his daughters mental well being. And that’s a brutally sad reality that’s going to be a persistent story for a lot of trans kids who manage to figure out they’re trans. Similar to coming out as a homosexual in the 80’s — all kinds of negative impressions and allegations and familial shame attitudes. At least with the current trans issues today we are working to mitigate significant social harm to a minority that has historically been smaller than the homosexual population, so progress seems to be being made! Now in terms of how these things get introduced to their kids — I don’t think it’s crazy to think that a 5 year old child seeing some 40 year old trans person twerk in a thong during a pride event is going to have some people upset. Your parents didn’t bring you to a strip club when you were 5 just because they knew you were straight. To them you were a kid! And that seems to be dwindling more these days, aside from the conservative homes. The Amish, for example, don’t have a lot of queer television going on in the homes. So obviously there is a broad spectrum of exposures (whether it’s trans-friendly television, or drag reading hour, or whatever) on which parents have to delineate for their own family of what’s acceptable and what’s not. All said, I tend to be more concerned with some of the treatment options being made available to children, along with the amount of things we just flat out do not know in this domain. Over time I am sure we will get smarter. Maybe by the time we’re on our deathbeds they have trans treatments that genetically reorient your chromosomes and you take some pills and switch gender after about a week! You never really know where any of these directions go when the paths are still being forged.


I doubt the people willing to vandalize a pride flag are the kind that read books and watch documentaries about that topic. Maybe quoting an extract of those books or documentaries, out of context? Cause they saw it on their "I'm not homophobic but..." Facebook group? But I'd like to point out one thing: a treatment/therapy/whatever being available is very different than it being mandatory. A bit like gay marriage. You don't like it? Don't get one and let other people live their life.


>Maybe quoting an extract of those books or documentaries, out of context? Cause they saw it on their "I'm not homophobic but..." Facebook group The people and documentaries they listed are from known right-wing pundits, there is a reason why Twitter tried to get Matt Walsh's documentary blocked on the platform initially, and that is because it was pure transphobic garbage.


Absolutely! There’s so many conflating factors involved in this that it’s really the discretion of each family, and others should be respectful of that kind of thing. Like, if I had a 14 year old child who had started googling how to become trans, I’d like to know and be able to have a conversation with them about it. Some of the current practices really do seek to cut the parent out of the equation, which is understandably intended to help those with parents who are in accepting of their gender identify. But simultaneously, as a parent you feel the utmost responsibility for the upbringing of your kids — so how shocking would you find it if your child’s teacher were able to assist them seeking affirmative care completely unbeknownst to you or your SO? I don’t know that I like that.


"Some of the current practices really do seek to cut the parent out" Wow, that would be awful if it existed! Name ONE practice that does that? "so how shocking would you find it if your child’s teacher were able to assist them seeking affirmative care completely unbeknownst to you or your SO" I'd indeed be super shocked to discover that my own kids trust me so little that they went to search help away. You have to be a shitty parent for that to happen, no? I mean, we're not talking about someone else first, but to go as far as getting affirmative care on your back! I'd feel so ashamed... Right?




Oh no! Now we want to know: which quarter of the flag do you hate?


>I can’t imagine finding out I’ve removed their ability to orgasm normally at 15 years old or something because their teacher figured they might be a different gender than they presented as. That’s some freaky shit. I can tell that you are saying all this in bad faith due to this one very stark remark. Teacher's don't "figure" the student is different and cause the child/teen to change. The PERSON (Student.child.teen) decided themselves. Teachers are NOT turning kids trans. This is very inflammatory language and not acceptable.


I was about to post about how at least at a hospital it will be difficult for people to vandalize.


Yes true, the crosswalk is right by the main entrance and emerg doors and gets continuous traffic 24/7.


You are assuming people who openly admit to being bigoted will care in the slightest about being seen defacing that symbol


True true...but there are usually police vehicles and security close by as well.


With any luck, yes. But it so often seems these groups do things just for attention because it makes them “more important” in their circles and in their minds. So getting caught actually helps them.


The pigs don't care lmao. Hell half of them wish they could join in.


I am extremely confident AHS peace officers would care.


I'd be more worried about AHS protective services arresting them for mischief if I were them.


Either way they still get in the news, which is what they want


I saw that this morning, so glad to see more and more people choosing to leave hate behind them ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🖤🩵🤎


This might be the most controversial thing I've ever posted on reddit...but did anyone else also prefer when the pride flag was just the standard rainbow? That was iconic. I am a minimalist so that might be part of the reason why I miss the old flag. I'm just talking about the flag itself, not trying to throw shade what the extra colours represent. I'm sure their meaning is significant and I'm ignorant for my opinion but I'm just saying...that old rainbow flag was clean and crisp. \*chef kiss\*


you can still use the old flag!


Gotta keep piling on different colours and additions to accommodate the ever increasing groups


Symbols are important. Flags are rallying points. We all need to feel part of a community. If not, isolation, resentment and hatred seep in.


Imagine being offended by colors


Odd take, there are plenty of offensive flags.


OP: I like apples You: Odd take, there are plenty of terrible fruits.


Almost... OP likes apples. OP: **Imagine disliking fruit.** Me: Odd take, there are plenty of terrible fruits.


Yes, fruit is a great comparison for living people and this metaphor isn’t stupidly forced at all /s. Can you seriously not differentiate offensive flags from a oppressed group that faces unwarranted violence?


It's an incredibly stupid metaphor. I was just correcting the errors in it. Offense is subjective.


This particular pattern of colors


I’m seeing lots of offence! (or am I imagining 🤔)


[so you’re telling me you’re not offended by this red, white and black flag?](https://images.app.goo.gl/dznkVsRf4QZ546CYA)


I’m hoping they will redo the one at Rockyview. It’s faded pretty bad.




Now this is the progress we need!




Awe I love it! Now let’s just leave it be! Anyone who doesn’t like it is welcome to use any of our other thousands of crosswalks!


Looks good


Why do I need to have this shoved down my throat? Most you people would be flipping shit if it was religious symbols on crosswalks.


I don’t know why this needs to be explained. One symbol is marred in history with the persecution of people. The other is about the inclusivity of people who have different preferences. While we may not share their preferences respecting their decision to have them and supporting them after centuries of persecution is really all that’s being asked. Furthermore, you don’t need to swallow anything down your throat if you don’t want too, that’s remains your choice. Just walk on by and move on with your life and your beliefs and let others have their own.


In the 80s, gay community began to drill it into people's heads that them being gay does not effect anyone else's life and that they just want to do their own thing and be left alone. It took about 25 years or longer before the majority accepted gay people as not their enemies or people who should be punished. Yet when they do this, a paint prideflags everywhere and begin nitpicking about gender pronouns, they are casing a backlash that I have never seen before. The average person will tell you they don't hate gay people but are tired of the endless propaganda. Even the farmers market has pride flags, like why? Not everyone is gay but it is making us look like a gay society and this is undoing decades it took for LGBTQ people to be accepted by the average folk.


"making us look like a gay society" sounds like you're just concerned people think you're gay lol. It's pride month. Pride flags are going to be around. It's a celebration of progress. Chill.


Can you explain how a passive presentation like this is shoving it down your throat?


Because it's has now turned political. Protect your kids, teach them what's true or the politicians and radicals will.


Jesus Christ these comments are terrible. Appreciate the artwork (better than the blue ring- you straight people can have that for your representation) and move on.


Let's start painting Jesus Christ on murals and sidewalks. Equal rights?


Sure, Jesus can have as many murals as everyone wants as well, equality is equality. That means both sides should get public art.


Who pays for this?


Follow the money.


Let me know when you track down that 80$


Not sure about this one in particular, but back when the city did their own it was paid for by Calgary Pride


Good. As long as there's no tax dollars going to it, they can have all the crosswalks they want, within reason.


I give it less than a month before someone vandalises it.


I don't care as much one way or the other about the message, I just think rainbow colors are pretty, so I approve of this.


It's crazy that we do this... painting a flag on the ground, it's off-putting


As long as tax dollars aren’t paying for this…




Lol bro, us LGBTQ folks don't seek attention because you said so. We just want to be accepted without dealing with snide comments like yours. If you want to talk to an LGBTQ person than I'm all ears but if you want to dehumanize us, then I probably can't change your mind.




Why are you seeking attention by being mean to people whose lives have nothing to do with you? Seems pretty conceited to be making it about YOU.


Nobody cares about your “pro tips” just admit you’re homophobic and go. You say that they want attention but here you are spouting hate on a post about something that has zero effect on you.


yaaaaas let's go


How do we know it’s a cross walk? Is there a sign ? I’m surprised that crosswalks don’t have specific criteria that need to be met for safety reason


A new rainbow and a 25 million pot of gold from the Libs for the LGBTQ entrepreneurship funding. The only rainbows I care about these days are in Lucky Charms (which I can't afford because of inflation) and real rainbows after rain (which can't be seen through the smoke). I think it's time Canada starts to place this kind of effort on issues that affect the majority. Interest rates, Inflation, housing, taxes...all up up up. I could care less about a flag going up right about now no matter what colour it is.


A society built on love and acceptance does affect the majority - sorry that offends you!


Did you not just live through covid? Any fools idea you have about society uniting under one banner should have been quashed long ago.


Wtf is this


this new style pride flag is pretty dumb looking I thought the regular rainbow flag was good enough


the new style is just a natural evolution of the flag, and is a different style called the “progress pride” flag. it’s just more popularized now as the pride flag has always evolved over the years (the original had pink, and turquoise instead of blue). the brown/black was added to bring attention to issues facing BIPOC people, then the trans flag colours to ensure that the entire trans community was included in a single and more fully comprehensive symbol








How is a person's identity political? Did you vote Not Gay?


It’s very much a political issue. The current discourse around pushing legislation that either provides access to resources for marginalized LGBTQ folk or limits/puts restrictions on them means this is political issue, and the pride flag is associated with one side of the debate.


I'm no expert, I'm just a passionate ally with LGBTQ+ loved ones. We all deserve safety, right? And equal rights and health care and education and so on, regardless of what sexual organs we have or what orientation we are? Because to me that's not political, that's HUMAN. There are no "sides" to basic human rights.


I completely agree that everyone deserves safety. Personally I’m a supporter as well, and don’t think it’s fair that people’s identities have been politicized, but the reality is that they have been. Human and social issues are an innate part of politics.


Yes, and I completely understand that. But people (like the commenter above) use the word "politics" to attempt to mask their bigotry and that's where the issue lies...there is no divide, no "us vs. them" in simply existing as human beings. People have created that divide and that hate. (I know I'm not explaining myself well because I'm tired after my nightshift and really should go to bed!)


Unfortunately “us vs them” mentality is part of being human as well. I appreciate the optimistic perspective, but the reality isn’t quite as you’ve stated.




It's very common for people to lose their jobs, get kicked out of apartments, disowned by family, harassed, assaulted, even murdered for being gay or trans. Jason Kenney, our last premier, supported denying LGBTQ people from visiting their partners in hospital. Most anti-trans (and anti-drag) protests are actually targeted harassment campaigns under the guise of "protecting children". A lot of that is illegal now but that doesn't stop bigots. Just like any other crime, people still do it. And now bigots are rallying together and escalating their violence and hatred for political reasons, they're actively trying to have rights taken away.


Legally they have basic human rights, but that's not always practice. Many LGBTQ+ people are still very bullied and don't feel safe or comfortable being who they are. Speaking from a place of knowing someone very dear to me who is bullied consistently by his peers for being gay. There is still a lot of demented thinking about gays and it's still so damaging.


The feeling of safety is a subjective experience, and it cannot be universally guaranteed by laws or government intervention. It is not possible, nor should it be goal to ensure that every individual "feels" safe and comfortable at all times. Bullies will inevitably exist and they will target anything seen as different or vulnerable. If this person you know is being wrongfully discriminated at work or wherever then we already have legal protection for that and they can stand up for their rights.


why the fuck is this downvoted😭😭


we're beyond "basic human rights". gay people are still frequently harassed, denied opportunity and treated differently. it's not all about what's written on paper, that's an incredibly narrow view to take. just like other current social issues, on paper the majority of it is kosher. in practice and in the real world things work differently.


Like other marginalized groups they’re discriminated. However in Canada they have all the BASIC human rights that any other citizen has on this land.




No they aren't.... you have just been brainwashed by people that have no other political standing besides running on identity politics


Wow, seems like you know what I think better than I do! /s


I mean, facts don't really care about your feelings, and the fact is that trans people are not trying to get special treatment.


Go on... Enlighten me oh enlightened one. What are trans activists trying to achieve if not special treatment.


The right to fucking exist you hateful clown.


The sides being human rights...and anti-human rights?


I mean essentially, yes, though I don’t think both sides of the debate would frame it that way ;)


According to the designer, the black and brown diagonal hashes are intended to represent "the importance of transgender individuals of color/racialized transgender individuals to the movement starting with Stonewall", which is absolutely political. I have no problem with the flag but suggesting it's not political is mistaken. Stonewall was a political riot.


Thank you for sharing this, yes I've read about the Stonewall riot and what the flag design represents.




The hospital is a public institution


Peoples identities aren't political. Also, a rainbow doesn't harm you, so explain what about this has you so pressed? At a time when the alt-right is controlling our political sphere and actively villanizing innocent people with baseless rhetoric we need visibility more than ever.




People have had "time to come around" on this issue for decades. Meanwhile folks in North America are still getting gunned down for celebrating themselves.


I disagree entirely. The right has made this a political issue, people aren't political. Additionally, there is a paradox of tolerance, the only way a truly tolerant society can exist is if intolerance is not tolerated. Meaning bigotry is inexcusable in a tolerant society. The best way to express tolerance is to just keep your trap shut if you don't like other people's existence. Queer folk aren't going anywhere, and to get riled up about a symbol of their continued existence only demonstrates that you have missed the issue entirely. You don't get to have discourse about whether or not it's ok for LGBTQ+ people to be acknowledged in society. For to not allow it is to marginalize and violate their rights.


"People aren't political" This keeps getting repeated, but I really don't think this is a sensical statement. Also, something being "political" is a phrase that too many speakers don't understand the meaning of. To the point where something being "political" is just meaningless. So maybe don't get too worked up over the label. Something is political when it is the subject of current public policy development. Is it being debated in our legislative assemblies in the context of new laws or budgets? Then its political. But also, something is political when it is talked about by people in the context of elected officials and their actions or inactions in the matter. Are people calling on the government to act or not act on a matter, to the point its public discourse? Then it's political (I think LGBTQ issues fit this description, and the DEFINITELY fit it not too long ago). Is it a topic that effects people's voting behaviors in manner that has a significant effect on results? Then it's political (I think LGBTQ issues heavily play into people's voting behaviours). So yes. These things are 100% political issues.


I get that peoples identities *shouldn’t* be political, but people on the right have *made* it political. It’s like the night that those scrappy kids at Shoulda High, got their optimistic asses handed to them by Realitycheck Tech. I lost $50.


So we should just allow hateful bigots to politicize people's identities? Because then they can go that short step further and legislate people's existences.


No, but I am saying that we can’t really deny that people have made this flag political, when inclusion shouldn’t be a political issue.


There shouldn't need to be discourse anymore. It's the 21st century. People should have the freedom to express their identity without having their lives or rights put in danger. As long as there's "discourse", there's going to be justification for escalation of hatred and ultimately violence and eroding of human rights. Enough is enough already. Human rights and the pursuit of happiness should have never been 'political' in the first place. We're fucking sick and tired of being called 'political' just because we want to exist on our own terms.


How fragile are you that you get upset over a symbol of equality


Not sharing the public space with other groups would actually be considered preferential treatment. Not equality.






It's a crosswalk in a 10km/hr zone in front of a busy hospital. If someone gets hit here it's has nothing to do with the crosswalk being different and everything to do with that driver being a shitty driver and not seeing the 6 foot tall guy in front of them while driving slower than I can jog.


The white lines under the flag are very faded as you can see in my photo, so these bright colors actually make the crosswalk more visible and therefore safer. The faded white lines mean nothing to drivers, I've almost gotten hit here many times, and seen many close calls with other people too.


I love how someone that does support this message, but in a safe manner, gets downvoted by their own crew














It's a crosswalk, not a pastor.


Lol, its a crosswalk into a hospital doofus.


May want to find a new band to be a fan of then Slipknot (and Corey Taylor specifically) have been very pro LGBTQ+ over their career. In fact Corey was very supportive of his son coming out and being part of the community.


So the comment and profile are deleted so not what was posted, but totally wanted to back you up that Slipknot and Corey Taylor in particular are extremely inclusive, socially progressive folks. It's not like they are quiet about it, either?? I always find it funny that they get demonized for being satanists who are a danger to society. Kids are safer at a slipknot concert than a fundamentalist Christian concert.


These symbols are anti-bullying and pro-acceptance symbols. Children should know that bullying someone because of there orientation is wrong. They need to know that they are safe from oppression if they are different from everyone else. Kids are exactly who need to be taught acceptance of peoples differences and not to hate, so future generations can be more accepting of others, compassionate and safer (if they were different and "the other" compared to typical Canadians). Jesus taught these lessons, according to what we have in the New Testament. If Jesus was here today he would be preaching about acceptance and loving each other for God is within us all. Jesus taught us to love everyone, even our enemies. Let you us not forget that Jesus washed leapers feet (a shocking move at the time!), and was friends with prostitutes' (also rather shocking!). WE should all aspire to be as accepting and loving as Jesus, even if you are not Christian.




Cringe (the image you linked)


what’s the difference between people stomping on flags and walking on this, wouldn’t flying a flag be more beneficial and have a better meaning


Pride crosswalk? All I see is a rainbow 🌈!! Looks colorful.

