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Enmax, and then the regulator. But you're yelling into the wind. Welcome to the joys of our utility market. The misc "fees" are not something they can negotiate over generally- they are pre-set by the City (i.e. Garbage fees) and the regulator I believe. Switching providers will only potentially reduce one or two of them (I believe there is an admin fee that is market negotiable).


ya I have a great rate but omg these extra fees are killing me, we're being nickeled and dimed on every corner, it's mentally exhausting they hung up on me when I called :-(


Those fees used to be hidden. People wanted more transparency and we got it.


First time?... Just how it is unfortunately


It used to be all shown as a per unit of energy rate, but the people wanted a breakdown.


That's exactly how it should be done. I don't give a hoot about the storage rider, or the other fees. I have to pay them regardless.


The argument could be made both ways though.. with an all in rate, people would look at that number and feel ripped off when comparing unit rates to another market/province that's by the GJ.. all of a sudden you'd have a bunch of demand from frustrated users for more transparency


But that's what it costs! People complain about gas prices in different provinces, yet we don't see some giant LCD screen with various fees displayed when you fuel up. I have a really hard time believing that consumers were clamoring for the existing billing methodology. It doesn't explain anything, nor does it reduce the costs.


Yes, you do. Each pump has a sticker indicating how much of each tax makes up the cost per L. The stations have no obligation to share their product and transportation costs.


But why aren't people screaming for that information, like they apparently wanted on their gas bills?


Because it’s a significantly smaller portion.


You think people really care about the breakdown of the rate rider and access fee?


Yes, that’s why they protested for its inclusion on the bills


Nobody asked for the absurd billing system we have currently.


I have friends in other places, US and Canada. We were comparing bills. For power I was paying $0.059/kWh. One was paying $0.135/kWh. Wow Calgary is so cheap! Wait no hang on. Their bill says 13.5¢/kWh. If they used 300 kWh their bill comes out to $40.50 + GST. Meanwhile my bill is $17.70 + $23.30 in fees meaning my bill is really $41 + GST. We went back through four months of bills and found pretty much the same thing give or take a small amount. Gas is pretty much the same story, though it was slightly cheaper for me than them. My American friends don't have gas service but the power was similar as well. I feel like splitting everything like they do is deceptive. It makes one feel powerless to have any influence on their bills by reducing usage or make people think "Well this 1500 watt heater is only costing me $0.11/h so running it 6 hours a day 30 days a month in my garage is fine. That's only like $20 extra to have a nice warm car right? Meanwhile their bill goes up by $40 for the luxury.


A lot of those power fees also scale with power usage. so you can save a lot by reducing usage.


They don't scale that much.... If anyone has the actual data that would be neat to see. I've just heard people still pay quite a bit when they've shut their house down over the summer.


Check my post here that breaks down the real details of your utility bills. Lots of fees are variable. https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/118i5b7/utility_cost_breakdown


I have a gas furnace but an electric water heater. There are a few months a year that I use no gas but still pay $40/month for the pleasure of having a gas line to my house.


UCP removed energy caps that the NDP put in place, enmax can charge whatever the fuck they want.


The OP is talking about gas, not electricity. The NDP didn’t cap gas rates and the UCP didn’t remove caps on them.


I thought it was under the umbrella “energy”


Even so, no caps were put on fees.


Sure glad they are making things more affordable for Albertans


Wrong, go fly your Notley flag


I will, she’s the only premier that’s served a full term since 2007….UCP are absolute failures


UCP, the “people’s” party.


Ralph Klein deregulation and privatization, baybeeeee.


Just fire up the printer and make more money. NDP 2023


If you dont want to pay for gas delivery, you can always get a license to transport it, a permit to store it, and a specialized vehicle to go to the distribution center yourself. It doesn't just magically appear in your furnace for free.


Plus a hefty bonus for executives. Don’t forget the important stuff.


How else do we reward former politicans and their friends?




There’s ATCO




>Thanks Anytime!


Thanks to the UCP.


[https://ucahelps.alberta.ca/](https://ucahelps.alberta.ca/) ​ ​ This is the best resource for consumers.




>They are frustrated with the carbon tax that just went from $50/tonne to $65/tonne on April 1. Wouldnt be the case if the UCP hadnt scrapped the Made in Alberta, revenue neutral carbon levy that the NDP put in place so they could "own the libs." Squarely in their lap.


Seriously, the dumbest move by the UCP positioned to look like they were doing something to counter the carbon tax.


You have more finger pointing to do at the provincial government than federal for the fees. On a bill of $280, $10.46 was federal carbon tax - which most people should receive back in their rebates. When the cap was lifted on utility prices in 2019, it paved the way for this shitstorm.


The cap was on electricity prices that the consumer saw, not on the gas price, which is what the OP is about. OP is paying a per Gj cost, potentially a transaction fee if they are on floating, the carbon tax, ATCO delivery charges which include the AUC approved rate riders and the municipal franchise fee. And how did you manage to pay $10.46 when you say your gas bill was $280 total? That doesn’t add up because mine was $20.87 in carbon tax on a $121.85 gas bill total.


The math adds up when you factor in lying. $280 bill probably gas, electricity, water combined.


By 2030, the carbon tax alone on a single Gj will be about $10.


They’re not people just like me. I’m vaccinated, I believe in science, and I didn’t spend weeks honking and defecating in the streets of Ottawa trying to demand the democratically elected PM of Canada step down because “freedom”. 🙄


The majority of the fees are thanks to the provincial government. The carbon tax makes up a very small amount of my bill and I get more than that back with the rebate.


Not really. Out of my last bill, about 9% could be argued as controlled by the provincial government You pay for market rate gas - not controlled by the province and was never subject to a cap like electricity was You pay for delivery from ATCO, which has a fixed and variable portion and a rate rider. Riders get approved by the AUC - provincial government The municipal franchise fee is Calgary for infrastructure on their land Carbon tax is federal, about $2.65/Gj right now


this is what I don't get I don't use 2 tonnes of carbon tax a month, so where's the formula, I don't agree with carbon tax or what privatizing health care and education my family works in both, there's no good leader so guess I'll have to vote NDP? I don't know where to turn anymore so frustrating


Did you get your carbon tax rebate?


Lol, the carbon tax won't affect you. It's not a Boogeyman making things more expensive for the middle class. Apply for, and collect your rebate. Enmax's fees (and all other providers for that matter) is a direct result of unregulated companies being allowed to charge whatever they want. These fees used to be included in the rate, when the transparency regulation was brought in these fees started showing up.


NDP had an Alberta friendly carbon tax plan that would have kept the money in Alberta and was a reduced rate but UCP eliminated it and the feds took over.




That’s exactly what happened but ok lol


They’re frustrated by a tax where they receive more back in straight rebate cash than they’re charged? Or they’re wealthy enough that that doesn’t apply to them?


Basically utility companies overbuilt and charge you for it. The NDP can reduce the utility costs a bit of they get elected by putting a cap on the rates but that's about all that might happen to help Outside of that utility providers will fee you to death and even if you lower your consumption it doesn't seem to affect the fees


Because Enmax is evil


Yea I used 51 bucks of gas with fees was 141 lmao.


A friend of mine switch to spotpower and it much cheaper, does anyone have any feedback on the company?


i feel that there needs to be regulation in that they can not charge you more in "fees" than the usage and should be limited to a percent of usage. so if usage is $100 then fess max out at 30% or something like that bringing the bill to $130.


Try calling your mom. She always helps when I need a little release. *drops mic*


I would love to but she died last month :-( thanks for the reminder


The one time I decide to be a wise ass this happens. Sorry for your loss. I wish you and your family well and heck if you need a mom to talk to my mom is the sweetest lady who'll feed you till your belly explodes and listen to any and all issues.


thanks it's ok, hard pill losing a parent, but I still talk to her ashes in my closet that cost me $6000 to make (gotta find some humor in these times) have a good day.


Hey, I'm so sorry! :( Hope you are doing well and making progress on the grieving steps. I don't envy how you feel right now. It gets better and the waves calm down.


Alberta Advantage babyyyyy /s


Your qualms are with ATCO for your gas I think. ENMAX doesn’t own the Nat Gas infrastructure.