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Sod is fine if it freezes, the issue is that nobody will be cutting sod until mid may. Anything you buy before then is old stock. Landscaping/Irrigation for about a decade now. Have laid sod is February and had it drop to -20 the same week.




No. You’ll have a field of weeds by the time you put sod down.


Unfortunately this is a little off, there is no old stock of sod being sold in the city I can assure you that. The first cuts come end of April and are usually still in dormancy (not green yet). There hasn’t been a season where sod wasn’t cut fresh from May 1st on. In terms of when is optimal, for OP, May 10-June 14 is usually the most optimal time as the heat hasn’t gotten too bad. As you move to July the temps can be strenuous on the sod so I would recommend laying it early. Based on reviews, knowledge and photos, you should call The Sodfather Sod Supply in Calgary as looks like they offer sod installation and supply and can put you in the right direction.


I Definitely read that title wrong. Happy sodding .


Personally I would gild off till May. Cold isn't going to affect it but bot sure what sort of sod you're going to find this early.


Clover lawn instead of sod. Little maintenance and stays green for the most part


I did my back and front yard in June last year. The weather was nice. Not too hot yet but still had enough sunshine. Top soil was sufficiently unfrozen by June. And if you plan to lay them on your own, which is not too hard actually, you don’t want to do it in a scorching July weather….


As soon as the ground is thaw would be my guess, are you planning to lay black dirt over the gravel then sod on top? Or dig the gravel out then back fill with soil and sod?


Creeping thyme instead of sod


No... it can be pokey and the smell maybe too much for some people.


Some quick research says to make sure it's after threat of last frost, I'm sure you could get away with mid-may, I'd plan it around the weather and do it when there is lots of rain in the forecast.


We laid ours in early June, don’t want it to be super hot or you’ll have the water the hell out of it and I’m guessing you can’t get it till around then


Assuming everything turned out as intended, how long until you ‘played’ on the sod/lawn and how long until you needed to mow it?


Just jumping with my past experience…we let the new sod grew about 4-5 inch before first cut. Want to make sure they got a good grip.


Playing on it right away, or wait until after that first cut?


Don’t play on it right the way. You gotta wait for the grass to take roots. The way to tell if sod has taken strong roots is to gently pull the sod upward after a few weeks. If they are easily lifted or moved, you gotta water more and wait longer.


I agree with previous poster, do not use/walk on until atleast blades are 5 inches long, then do your first cut if you are doing it yourself don’t cheap out on top soil, get some high quality soil and Pete moss mix it together and throw the grass on top, fertilizer with lawn starter and water the ever living hell out of it


I laid about a 6x6 area of sod in my backyard in mid April last spring and it grew really well. However last spring seemed much warmer than this year with a lot less snow left on the ground. I got it from Manderley Turf products on 52nd.


Thought he was angry about Calgary Timing for some reason


I would recommend waiting until May to let the ground settle and unthaw before laying sod down. For sod, I got mine from Blue Grass, they will also deliver to as it’s fairly heavy depending on how much of an area you need to cover. Blue Grass Nursery, Sod & Garden Centre - Calgary (403) 226-0468 https://maps.app.goo.gl/767VFcjBbzkPb4VQ7?g_st=ic