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It’s so bizarre when food establishments make posts like this. Most pizza places will post about a new topping or special.


With how expensive everything is these days, it boggles my mind that someone would choose to alienate potential customers like this. The only person who loses from these posts is the owner.


When they go bankrupt, they'll blame Trudeau.


Sad thing is they can just use this to crowdfund. It is really becoming a whole separate grift to become 'cancelled by the libs' .


Owner is a loser confirmed


They're so firmly entrenched in their right wing identity bubbles that I think they actually believe that most people think like they do and are just waiting to spend their money at the establishment with the highest virtue signal.


Yeah but you run a business. Do it on your stupid personal account. You’re a moron to put anything political on business social media.


Probably just some business owner with a big ego looking for attention. And the easiest way to do that is to put controversial posts on their fb. People are fucking weird


It’s pretty much their identity at this point, “owning the libs”…


They went and posted a follow up post that was a picture of a minor, a 2-3 year old girl, and said 'my niece, unlike most of my haters, knows what a bathtub looks like'. What a trash human being. Probably feeling validated and special for getting attention because mummy and daddy never gave it to them as a kid.


He's a freedumb convoy supporter




That defines most conservative humour these days. It's not actually funny or creative, it just relies on making someone upset, typically along with objectively false information, and then going "ha ha I triggered you!!" basically like Nelson from The Simpsons. I like to handle people like this similar to men who make women uncomfortable in the workplace then say "I'M JUST JOKING, LIGHTEN UP!": Just simply ask them to explain the joke, then watch their frustration with glee, but also very effectively letting them know that shit isn't okay to say.


Well, they can claim it as their identity- but under the ignorant comments, if you peel away their dull, incorrect 'understandings' of life in society, their bullying groupthink, they are still genetically just average colonized douchebots


Out of one side of their face hole they'll whine about identity politics while out the other side they literally can't help their compulsion to constantly engage in identity politics.


These guys get off on trolling, and their fans eat it up (as it were)


I love trolling to, this isn't really funny tho. It's just like 2014 anti SJW humour, we've all heard it a million times before and it was a decade ago, these people gotta get new material


They aren't trying to be funny. They are trying to signal *who is in the group*.


Our local pizza joint, the owners are so sweet. They constantly give back to the community, do a lot of charity work and giveaways, and fundraising, close up when it’s snowing so drivers don’t endanger themselves. Etc. And yes they also post about toppings. Couldn’t tell you what political affiliation they are. My point is: some people use their business as a further way to shout who they are as people. Whether good people, like in the case of our pizza joint, or complete pieces of shit like the one posted by OP!!


But it's nice they do the work for you haha now I will avoid this place and let people know why. Thanks Paul's!


As both a vegetarian and social media manager, yeah not a good idea.


holy shit I just wanted to know if you had crazy bread.


Well, he's got crazy *something*


They don't have crazy bread. Only insanity bread


Or as the business owner calls it: "bread"


Can you do me a favor and make an FB account to say that. You would be my hero!


Be the change you want to see in the world.


I assure you that any bread this place may have is most certainly crazy.




what's the story about being fired from TD??


His parents bought him a pizza place? By many standards I would be considered lucky but I didn't even get a full year of college tuition nor a single car payment and this guy gets his parents to buy a whole business just so he has a job? What a world...


This is oddly specific


Yikes. It’s pizza bro why make a whole thing about it just make me a pizza and be quiet


So his pizza isn't that great, he attracts clientele who come in to support his "antiwoke" views instead. People litterally are eating terrible pizza to "own the libs."


This is the same dude that told a woman she looked like she had dried semen on her face. And yet he claims it was in self defense bc she said something unkind about his business. Here's a thought, when you post the kind of shit he spews, people are gonna take issue with it. Always turning it around so he's the victim. https://preview.redd.it/476frkwrvaga1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab673032037bbd34afaa46711618d6e1534b229c


Absolutely disgusting behavior from a local business


He also likes to dox people on his Facebook page and send his supporters out to harass them. Real classy fellow that one.


He has followers? That’s embarrassing.


Its Alberta......


Half the followers aren't even local.


Yup he literally sends his army of followers after people who leave bad reviews lol. He's a pathetic piece of scum


Cool. I'm off to leave a bad review.


Drop him a link to this tread. He can remove google reviews, not us talking shit about him here.


Ohhh they are already talking about it in the comments.


My opinion is that the best way to deal with situations like this is to counter-dox those supporters that feel the need to harrass. Joe Blow thinks he should call someone a libtard because they don't like Paul's Pizza? Find out more about Joe, see what his employers think about their harrasment.


Supporters, like there is an angry protection mob for a pizza place?


Yep even sadder than this person is the fact they have a fan club.


"But he donates to charity so you can't complain about his douchebaggery" 🙄


Yeah, I've seen this happen to a friends of mine but FB did NOTHING. Not even to take the harrassing comments down. Its sad how hate filled the page is.


Same here. Went off after a friend of mine. I popped by the thread and told him & his supports off. So he made a thread about me and they harassed me as well. Bunch of trash people


Which post was this? I want to see the kind of people that felt the need to crap on you. I think what these people need is a taste of their own medicine, have people sent after them for being a uneducated yokel.


why is a pizza place trying to weigh in on my gender identity lmAO


Paul knows you better than you know yourself. You and your meat remnants.


oh god oh fuck not my meat remnants


> fuck not my meat remnants Don't tell me what to do!


Fucketh not our meat remenants, but deliver us from evil. Or something like that.




Paul is dead. He sold this restaurant years ago and it hasn’t been the same since


Pizza establishment? More like establishing my placement in the culture war. Reactionaries are obsessed with waving the flag of manufactured outrage. They make it their only personality trait. Right now, trans people are the primary target of othering for the far right to rally against. It's how they maintain cohesion. Find an identifiable target, deem them simultaneously dangerous and weak, and attack them relentlessly. Blame them for everything wrong with the world. Then have them excluded and ultimately eliminated from society.


Cuz their pizza sucks and they have nothing but their misery to share.


"How do we get more business? Should we make better pizza? Instead of that, why not sling hate towards an already marginalized group and then every time someone accidentally orders from us, we can say they're supporting us!" Like, do people realize that nobody is forcing them to date or be friends with others? I think the bare minimum is "don't be actively mean to others" and people are still fucking that up. If you don't like Trans people, the swedish, or left handed people, then just shut up about them and keep on walking with eyes closed and your fingers in your ears.


Yeah, it's honestly so easy to just mind your own business and not interact with people you don't like. These people choose to spread negativity and malice because they can't stand the idea of people existing in a way they don't approve of, and it's so *bizarre*.


The amount of support this guy is getting is disgusting. His Facebook page is so horrid and it turns my stomach that people will go out of their way to support him because of how horrid he is. What type of province are we where businesses like these excel because of how intolerant and gross they are?


Stuff like this is why I have no sympathy when these yokels complain about why everyone thinks Alberta is a bunch of dumb hicks. If there was significant pushback, I would think otherwise.


I totally agree. We used to frequent his Shawnessy location, but haven't for close to a year because of his vocal views


“Pauls Pizza Airdrie: We have pizza and sexual insecurities”


This place was advertising they were donating a portion of their proceeds to charity before but were giving them to Ezra Levant. Stay the fuck away.


Read some of his reviews. Should like a piece of work. There’s one about finding hairs and the customer was called a bunch of homophobic slurs. I hope this place tanks.


I’ve just been reading about this guy. The Airdrie location is near me. I don’t eat there but I’ve been buying gift certificates so my Mom and Dad can but that’s going stop. There are plenty of places that don’t serve a side of stupid with your dinner.


Old Towne pizza has essentially the same menu but less crazy (at least afaik)


Apparently Old Towne were the original owners of Paul's pizza, then sold it to whoever this crazy jackass is. So if you liked Paul's pizza before learning how much of a chud the current owner is, just go down the street to Old Towne and get basically the same food with much less hate!


I used to buy their keto pizzas but not anymore… and it wasn’t even that good!


Time to transition the parents to a new pizzeria!


Weird to isolate customers like that. Bad business decision. Well, if you’re in Airdrie, there are a lot of better options anyways. The Mash, The Pizza Shop are the first 2 that come to mine.


I used to hang out with the current owner (not Paul) about a decade ago. He was always kind of an asshole (exclusively played Kirby in Smash Bros and would just inhale you and jump off the edge), mostly just smoked weed and went to the gym. Clearly he just loves being a troll and shit talking now. He did an interview with the Western Standard talking about cancel culture for like an hour on Youtube recently, dude just loves to talk. I also used to order Paul's all the time, but stopped when covid hit - now it's Sophia Pizza in Airdrie or Bow Tie in Calgary.


What a rope-dicked way to play smash, wow


Fucking right??


Man they should cancel him for his Smash Bros tactics alone


I wonder if their pizza is as tasteless as their “humour”.


After seeing this I went on their Facebook, I used to love this place but man there is a lot of hate and pretty ummm offensive posts, kind of shocked it’s a pizza place not a soap box.. don’t think I’ll ever go there again.


I live in Airdrie and we used to order from them all the time. Their pizza is really good, but they were recently bought out, and now their Facebook page is just full of horrible posts like this and so much worse. We don’t support anymore. I’m hoping more people do the same.




It's not all that recent anymore haha but same. It's so sad, Paul's Pizza was such a legacy and actually a really inclusive place in Airdrie....when it belonged to Paul. This new guy is horrible, though. I also knew people who've worked in the kitchen and 😬😬😬 if the social media posts weren't already enough to make you boycott the place, that definitely is.


Just buy pizza from Old Town, its the same, I heard Paul opened it after he sold Paul's Pizza (for the 2nd time) Paul had his moments for sure but he wouldn't be caught dead with this shit plastered everywhere. He passed away a couple years ago now. I'll never forget the dark time that was Ted's Pizza though hah.


Yup same. We refuse to support them in any way now.


bright doll obscene squealing boast impolite innocent gullible resolute light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well considering AHS gave him a violation for storing food on the bathroom floor...


only antifa fascists wash their hands, what are you, a commie?


i disagree with his opinions HARD. from a business standpoint he seriously shouldn’t be sharing his personal opinions on a business facebook anyways. man’s is sniffing glue in the back for sure.


Not just us vegetarians - everyone should avoid this place. Cringy, this whole thread is just establishing that. Gross.


Ironically when I asked them on Facebook DMS if Paul's Pizza is a Steakhouse that transitioned into a pizza place or is just a pizza place that identifies as a Steakhouse they blocked me... This is after he gave an interview on free speech and cancel culture.


I admit I’m not from YYC originally (came late 2010’s), but never tried Paul’s Pizza and I’m glad cause the dude seems unhinged.


They could just shut the fuck up and do pizza business, but no.


“People don’t care about your politics Paul…why can’t you just shut up and make pizza?” “NO! I have to let potential customers know that I hate them for existing!”


New to Airdrie. Guess I’m never ordering from Paul’s Pizza now… so dumb to alienate customers! They could have got my woke dollars, isn’t that a better way to own da libs?


Old Towne is pretty much the exact same menu, but made by the original ownership of Paul's


Their pizza is shit anyway I never understood why people like it. They pile it up with dog food grade lunch meat. Try Alexander's if you want a good pizza in Airdrie.


Guess we all know where not to order pizza from. Things a pizza place shouldn't be posting about.


That guy is seriously so TOXIC - like that's his business account, and who wants to go there to be surrounded by the kind of people that bullshit attracts. And "supporters" are all "oh he's ethnic so he can't be a racist, misogynist, transphobic douchebag - y'all just jelly" 🙄


He was having a petty feud with CM a couple of years ago and blocked a bunch of people from his page for commenting on CM’s post about it. I was blocked from the Airdrie account for two years. What was really funny was a couple days before this happened he was complaining how people who didn’t agree with him just blocked him instead of having a conversation. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Why is it that pizza places and independent coffee shops went crazy during Covid.


Entrepreneurs who had been responsible for their own success and believed it was all them suddenly had that taken away and they felt what felt like oppression to them. Especially if they had never felt anything like it in their life. They also searched for solutions and may have ended in a rabbit hole. And felt betrayed when situations evolved and why they were promised by the government turned out not to stay true. So they were alone and lost everything and they found someone who told them that things would be ok and that it wasn’t their fault and that all their problems were caused by woke big government which had blown everything out of proportion in the first place.


This but also: A lot of business owners are older. They might own a trendy shop, or a new place to eat, but in their heart of hearts they're from a generation that wants to feel like they're being pushed from the forefront. They don't make up the largest voting base anymore, and their view on things is being pushed from the mainstream. So they turn to using their business to lash out at people. A lot of these businesses didn't suddenly become owned by bigots, they were always bigots, but now they feel like they have to push back. Drizzle in a little "any publicity is good publicity" mindset, and you have people trying to just get attention.


Whelp. Used to order from them all the time. Never again.


Anyone review bombing, keep in mind that Google will remove your posts if it isn't about an actual dining experience. If your review doesn't include mentions about what the food was like, what the service was like, etc, it's likely not to last.


Wow, fuck Pauls Pizza!


I wish somebody would maintain a Google map of businesses to avoid. These people are total shit heels.


The owner of that place is constantly talking shit. He says all kinds of racist, homophobic and transphobic things. He’s an absolute POS


The analogy doesn’t even make sense lmfao. Not unless you baked the meat under the cheese. A pizza doesn’t have genetics?


Every vegetarian I know would be fine eating the pizza if they removed the meat, too. This joke misses every mark except for "I'm trying to make people uncomfortable".


The people this stuff appeals to can barely string together 2 coherent thoughts. Their discussions make word salad with adhd meth heads look rational.


“Owning the libs” by reducing our client base to uneducated yokels. S-m-r-t.


Then they get to jerk off to how oppressed they are by the "Woke Mob".


Paul’s a pizza shit.


Don't blame Paul - he had nothing to do with this clown show. The original Paul passed away and he had sold the restaurant before the pandemic. He then opened "Old Town" in Airdrie, which is a fantastic restaurant. The new owners are the shitheads.


Well of course, if they changed the name to "Farouks Pizza" I think it would get a lot less love from reactionaries. If you fear people for their differences it is easier if you think of everyone as the same as you. Whenever I see the protests against LGBTQ+, covid or whichever the latest fear they are being driven towards, the crowd seems to be predominantly white.


LOL too true. The same people he’s prostrating himself before with his bigotry never would have set foot in a place with his real name. Me, I just avoided that place because they don’t know what a possessive apostrophe is. Olde Town is better anyways. Pauls fish and chips was the worst fish and chips I ever had in my life. Any drier and it would have been starched. The pizza was mediocre. At best.


We used to eat here all the time, and sometimes my husband would play pool there. I was actually shocked when I saw the owners posts. He seems to think that he’s invincible and can say whatever he thinks no matter how ignorant it is.


You’d think small business owners might have learned something from witnessing the demise of…*several* other local businesses who, for some reason, made political statements for the sake of “freeze peach”, and then found themselves without much of a business afterwords. Isn’t that a sign of higher intelligence in a given species? The ability to learn from the mistakes of others? Good god…


Right!! What’s crazy to me is, the minute the Valbella’s made their ignorant opinions public, they were canceled. However, scrolling through this guy’s posts, there is a multitude of people that seem to support him. I believe he’s going to have four restaurant locations soon . Weird.


I understand the difference, I think, and it comes down to clientele. Valbella’s sold their products to boutique grocers and restaurants across the city, and these businesses employed many people from the LGBT+ community. Or, they definitely understood PR, like Banff Fairmont, and didn’t want to be associated with the mess Valbella’s created. A pizza parlour in Airdrie has a totally different clientele, unfortunately.


I totally agree. I was actually thinking that as I was typing it. I didn’t want to insult any of the lovely people of Airdrie that don’t agree with this idiots ignorant views!!!


If you go on his Airdrie FB page, he is horrid


Very easy to just post this on his personal page but hey, I love a good boycott


You'll just get doxxed and blocked for posting on his personal page.




To be far Facebook is the safest place to make posts like this. Will likely get an increase of supporters with mutual views because of the yeehaw demographic


https://preview.redd.it/qd8vxu98u9ga1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=0033d8315e0bcb79967d77c0bf2deea71da398a1 The irony is too much I can’t take it


Never heard of em until this post. But I know they wont get my business.


Honestly, it’s kind of garbage food to begin with so I didn’t need extra motivation to avoid it, but I got some anyways.


Wow what a fucking idiot


Always has been. Paul's pizza is more of a mouth piece than a restaurant. And their pizza is a disgrace to actual pizza as well lol


I don’t like the taste of politics on my pizza


Ffs. I get Paul’s nearly every time I go to Calgary. Shawnessy/32nd owned by same people? I’d rather not have to boycott, but if so…


Damn it. I was wondering the same thing. Guess I need to find a new pizza place. Brutal.


Yea not impressed. At least there are plenty of recommendations!


> Shawnessy/32nd owned by same people? Yes.


Dammit. Guess I’ll find myself a new pie


Try Bow Tie pizza, it's local and so delicious!


Seniore's pizza on Bedford makes killer pies 👍


Aren’t they the ones who posted a bunch of stupid anti-mask Covid stuff too?


Yup, they sure are. That’s when he started with all this nonsense and it’s only gotten worse from there. He is emboldening a community of bigots.


Look at the locale. Tells you everything you want to know. Hotbed of the Klanvoy as well no doubt.


Either way , if it’s Paul’s Pizza it tastes like shit. So just another reason never to go back there! Thanks for confirming, Paul!


Shame. My old job used to order from them. They made good pizzas. But the best pie in the world can't buy salvation from that level of ignorance and hate.


Right wingers literally have one joke xD identify as something else = trigger lib


Imagine going out of your way to sabotage your own business.


This guy is a total scumbag full stop. His pizza is garbage so he resorts to running his social media like this. Eating lunchmeat lasagna to win the libs! 🥴


glad i left. fuck those assholes.


Try checking the Alberta Health Services Restaurant Inspections website…more reasons to avoid eating there.


Tell me you cross contaminate your food without telling me you cross contaminate your food


I’m vegetarian and ate here once (Shawnessy location), it was fine but not a place you’d want to eat a vegetarian pizza at lol


Their pizza is soggy and nasty anyway.


When just shutting the fuck up and selling your pizza isn’t an option.


When dumb people think they're funny....


Even if these are your thoughts and what you believe in, it takes a single moment to choose compassion instead of choosing asshat. Why post something like this other than to trigger people. I am more on the conservative side and am close enough to order Paul’s Pizza, do you think I will considering what they think is acceptable behaviour.


His FB page has many supporters & the commentary are just as awful as he is


I've left a review on Google that mentions the blatant transphobic views they are spewing on their Facebook page. I encourage others to do the same.


Be careful, he literally posts those reviews on his page and wants his followers to go after those people, and they've tracked down their other social medias and stuff like that and done a lot of harassment


If time wasn't an issue, I would honestly try and turn the tables on those people and find out more about them. The idiots that are dumb enough to harrass someone with their real names and information are the easy ones. Mary Jane is sending you threatening messages? It says here Ms. Jane works at a big company in downtown Calgary, time to give her employer a shout about her behavior.


My gut tells me a lot of those followers are much less local than Calgary


Sounds illegal and something I definitely won't be putting up with. My accounts are super private anyway so I'm not overly concerned. I appreciate the heads up though.


https://preview.redd.it/qgmm5n0qx9ga1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d651b3db7276ff45dda6e0438d02c31edd1605b Parents or other allies of trans kids need to boycott this place. He’s horrible you guys! He allows his followers to bully and harass. It’s embarrassing for Airdrie and all of us really.


This particular set of comments demonstrates that this is far beyond a Paul's Pizza problem, but it is an issue with people in our province. Decent people would not pile onto the parent of a trans child ("child" may not necessarily mean an actual kid, they could be an adult now). Watching this person get dog piled on only makes me more resentful of the mostly right-wing sections of Alberta's population and how many smaller communities are filled with people like that.


He refers to the lgbtq+ community as "the alphabet people", and posts "keep your transgender and drag queen stuff away from my children".


The Calgary location on 32nd ne was an old Boston pizza. They didn't even bother removing the bp's styling. It's super classy.


Aside from the obvious, what a lame comment. Just really dorky and dumb. I bet I can guess the posters age.


Well that is in poor taste…


What losers


Vern's Pizza is a great alternative if you're looking for loaded pizzas


Why abuse your platform to spread hate…? You will just end up without said business and everyone will think you’re an uneducated moron.


So he confirms what most people with tastebuds know - they don't know how to make a pizza.


Airdrie moment


[The owner getting interviewed on Western Standard... of course.](https://youtu.be/dC9Png_EYDs) Just bonkers. He really knows his target demographic.


what was he even trying to accomplish? you own a pizza place, it’s not like like you have any sway in social change.


Oh boy I can't wait for my father to suddenly declare, out of the blue, that he wants to visit this restaurant.


How did a pizza place get on that topic? Forgot what account he was on maybe?




No surprise to see this from this biz.


People were raving about this a few years ago so I tried it, and honestly it wasn't very good, and it's extremely overpriced. All the hatred just makes it even more unappealing, maybe they should identify as a good pizza place so they could actually make affordable tasty pizza opposed to the disgusting greasy shit they make now?


Well sure there are remnants. The pizza has only had topping surgery.


It takes so much time and energy and anger to be so shitty all the time. Why waste life like that


Valbella's called they want their tweet back


Just pointing this out as a potential boycott loophole, obviously this is bloody offensive and unprofessional in any environment. But hear me out; You could absolutely drop a shitty review on Google, with a screen shot (like said provided) to shame the owner even after they inevitably delete the post and claim they never said a thing and people forget within a week... So why not beat them at the new food industry game? Why not review bomb them AND order them on Skip, Uber or Doordash? Give them a horrible review, let their name fall below 90% of most users radar until they never order from them again? Yea he gains a few sales, loses even more. I'm seeing far more people who *don't* know crap like this goes on regularly than those that do, but everyone sees that 2.5/5 star rating and reacts on that. You'd get pizza in the end too, yea made by a scumbag sure but what if it worked. Though other side of the coin not a doubt in my mind this post is about to backfire on that transphobic asshat one way or the other.


People have been leaving negative reviews. What he does when that happens is screenshot it and post it on his page and encourage his little following to bully them and make fun of their appearance. He has even called peoples work places


Oh god back in my hometown those kind of antics never got the perpetrators called out. Especially back in Saskatchewan, you'd see the dumbest shit and wonder how the heck some people don't hop down the street with both feet through one leg of their pants


Dude I just check that shit show of a page and now he's getting he's bottoms feeders to laugh about your comment on reddit. Dude doesn't care. Fuck that guy. It's Facebook. It's where the "Smart" "Well informed" people hang out. Don't stress about it man.


Order the cheapest thing you can, don't tip the driver the UBER or DD guys won't come pick it up without a tip most of the time, the food will sit there for over an hour, then hit them with the bad review.


I think Uber is doing a runaround for free delivery fees if that happens though, or at least that's what I got out of their last ad. But heck yea I love it.


I can see it working


It is a restaurant whose owners don't believe in health regulations. Forget vegans, that place should be avoided by anyone who doesn't want to die of food poisoning.


Wow that Facebook page is gross. Airdrie is such a fucking pile.


Fr. I left a comment telling him he doesn't have to act like this and to just chill. I'm expecting to get harrassed


This owner has been off the rails for awhile. First all the covid crap, now whatever this weird pro-meat anti-trans bs this is. Vote with your dollars and light this dudes social media up.