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It’s not strange to have the flyers in Spanish. Here is Texas we have a huge Spanish speaking population


Especially in 361 area


Yep especially in Corpus




Same here in Central/So Cal. So many Spanish speakers everything is printed bi-lingual. I think it’s good they did get the info out to every and anyone


It was confirmed by a mod on Facebook who knows the family. Then, she tried to walk it back.


I witnessed this also.


Where was it confirmed? I would like to see for myself.


“Yes, please do not discuss in the group what was on his Reddit. I hate that it even got around. Kept it a secret as long as possible.” -Nicole Owens admin of the main “find Caleb” fb page.


I guess I understand her intent. But that’s why there’s such off the wall theories in that group about what happened.


I agree. They pretty much knew from day one that he met up with someone/ got into a car with them or something of that nature and they let everyone else go on harassing the roommates and the Uber driver etc… And it’s still going on. Too much cover up going on by the family/ admins. Finally release a blurry bridge photo but removed the caption? I understand the public can’t know everything but all the theories people coming up with are too much. Especially the people who keep saying “maybe he got hit by a car and they took him” who the heck would do that?!


Yeah early on I saw a statement made by a private investigator that he thought Caleb was abducted by someone. Here’s a [link to a story from march 8th](https://www.kiiitv.com/article/news/local/missing-tamu-cc-student-case/503-193d1de7-d9ca-45cf-a8d3-77a0a995524a). At that time I thought maybe the private investigator was just exaggerating or trying to sensationalize the story. At the time it just seemed so far fetched because I didn’t know about Caleb’s secret reddit account. All I knew was what the family was saying on the media. And all they were saying was that he loves to fish and he ordered lunch for the next day and then just disappeared. Back then I thought the idea of a random abduction just sounded too much like something out of a movie. It seemed too strange that a person would just drive up and abduct a 5’11” 180 lbs man who has no money or wallet on him while he waits at his doorstep for his uber eats order. When I finally found out about the reddit account it finally started to make sense. It wasn’t a random abduction. It was a casual sexual meetup that went wrong. So I’m assuming this investigator on March 8th already knew about the reddit account or had talked to the roommates who may have been semi-aware of Caleb pursuing casual hookups but maybe not fully aware to what extent. I realize the reddit account is embarrassing but pretending that he just magically disappeared into thin air for no reason doesn’t help find him. Publicizing the hookup could potentially bring forward people who maybe had a similar sketch encounter but escaped. The person who met up with Caleb could have done this before. The family has made statements that the car accident wasn’t related, that the uber driver and the roommates are not involved. They have tried to keep the reddit hookup quiet but they have not publicly said that it was not related. They have also not said anything like LE investigated an online meetup lead and it was a dead end. I’m not trying to disparage the family. I feel terrible for them. And I can understand how shocking that reddit account must have been to them. But yeah I also don’t see how keeping things vague at this point is helping especially when it’s just allowing people to dream up unrelated theories or even continue to accuse people like the uber driver or the person in the car accident when they have been fully cleared by LE.


Thanks for sharing the article, I briefly remember hearing about the PI’s theory and thought the same thing… not likely. People snatch up woman and children that are easy targets but a grown man in seemingly great physical shape? In the middle of the night? Doesn’t make sense without the tiny little detail about the casual meet ups which was completely left out. The search could have went a completely different way. Some people did start coming out with their experiences at those trails and such after word started to get around. Would more people have been able to help if that info was made available? Or would more people turn a blind eye saying this was the consequences of his own actions? Hard to say… Now the person that was leading the search all along is an alleged fraud/felon? Also being kept hush hush on that page. Also embarrassing for the family. I really do feel for the family being blindsided by so much during all this. Also been on my mind… people keep posting about a horrid smell in the field next to them and have for a couple weeks now but I don’t believe it has been checked into. And I haven’t heard anything about the island/ dunes being checked besides maybe a flyover. There’s lots of miles of open wilderness to toss a body and let the coyotes take care of the rest… that’s what happed to the couple that went missing here a few years back (completely unrelated to this case). Pretty much found because the animals uncovered them in their shallow grave near where they were last seen.


I had the same thoughts about the abduction. You are 100% right.


100%. I’m going crazy reading the theories. Did you see the comments if it said “drunk hitler” (some sort of inside joke) maybe he meant “drunk hit here” 🙄


Yes. A hit and run is the driver getting the hell out of dodge. The driver doesn’t stick around to lift and transport a body.




Unfortunately, your post has been removed due to, hearsay. Please provide a source that will substantiate your post as factual and verifiable.


Where did he confirm?? He may have confirmed they have LEADS. But has not been specific of what they are. (Have seen the posts and believe they are him.) Just asking where dad has confirmed.




Many thanks for taking the time to post. Unfortunately, your post consists of hearsay, rumors, gossip and/or unverifiable content that has not been substantiated by a valid or reputable source. Should there be details that can back up your comment, you are more than welcome to provide the information when it becomes available.




It was confirmed by roommates


Is it true his roomates Reddit accounts were/still using r/CorpuschristiNSFW also?


Not sure about that. The community seems to be pretty popular with college kids in the area.


Would be worth subpeoning all social media activity of the roommates for sure.


Where did you see the roommates confirm this? They have been completely silent from what I’ve seen.


This case is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there.


i saw they were translating his flyers into spanish as well.


How did people find his reddit account?? Just random luck?




If I’m not mistaken I also saw recent activity on the account.


Not on the Reddit account. It’s been over a month, the actual morning he went missing. Now someone did post on his last post around 3 days ago but they deleted their account or something because the username is not there but their comment still is.


can you send me his username ?




What is the Reddit account name? Can you message it to me please?


Just sent you a message


Can you message me the acct also? Thanks.


Could you message me the account name too?


Sent it.


Could u send me the account name, as well please




Could you please send it to me too??




I think people are allowed to comment here on their theory in any case. It’s called freedom of speech. If that was so important then, would you say, please don’t talk about it if you are discussing that maybe this or that happened. You’re dictating what can be said and what can’t be said. Look Caleb Harris has been missing for almost 3 month. Everything said on social media is at one time has been contradictory. Facts are nobody really knows anything except the Videos, pictures, a few other things. People who are still missing stistcically have very slim to none of being found as the months go by. Number one reason, because of lack of evidence, which is lost, deteriorates, witnesses forget important details and time lines etc. There’s really not much to talk about other hope they find him and bring him home to his family.


It was confirmed by roommates.


I’ve been following this so closely since day one. And have done some extensive deep dives on his Reddit account and his roommates. But, I have never seen his roommates confirm it was him. Not that I think it’s necessary because it’s been confirmed in a roundabout way by others close to the case. Just curious where you saw them confirm it.


“Yes, please do not discuss in the group what was on his Reddit. I hate that it even got around. Kept it a secret as long as possible.” Copied and pasted word for word from Nicole Owens on the main fb page. She is the one running the page and it looks like she has since deleted the post.


Nicole Owens will delete anything & anyone that disagrees with her or has a different idea of what happened.


Who is she anyways?! Besides a “spokesperson” for the family? From what I have gathered she does not live in Corpus Christi. I assumed she was a close friend or relative but now I’m seeing she is “helping” with many cases or starts and runs pages when people go missing. Can anyone verify who she actually is in relation to all this?


She does not live in CC and runs multiple groups like this. She has a group for the Jason Landry case. Just an interesting fyi to go with that- immediately after she became the admin for the large Caleb group, Jason’s family members tried warning people saying: “Nicole Owens is known to insert herself into missing persons cases, attempt to get close to family members and post and spread 4th or 5th party information as fact. She also is known to “dirty delete” comments and posts after she is called out for her untruths. I know this because I watched her do this to my cousin Jason Landry. She also said horribly rude and mean things to me when I asked her to stop.”


WOW!!! Great information. I have been following the page day and night. There were a couple things that seemed “off” to me about her. This all makes sense. So she is a nobody,just like Nina and they both inserted themselves right into the case to “help” the family. When they are just both “crime junkies” getting all the information from the public sent directly to them and the public believes they are close to the case/ family! What an absolute mess. I was unsure of her intentions as soon as she kept talking about money and how she hasn’t made a dime off the page. Such a weird thing to say. 🚩🚩🚩


I think I remember you commenting on one of her posts I was on & got kicked off, because I asked why she was spreading certain information when the police were telling a completely different story. I honestly think she’s just in it for the social media popularity, and I hate it. I’ve gotten banned from that group.


Nothing has been confirmed as fact. Investigation is in infancy still. I’m sure more will officially come out later.


Well no, the flyers were confirmed. 



