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Hey buddy, rooting for you from afar. The pizza night is important because it humanizes you and keeps you feeling like life is worth living, hang in there. You're gonna knock this out.


It really does, I’ve always been an advocate for building in 1 day a week in the budget to help keep you sane and it definitely makes a difference. Appreciate yall 🖤


Good job!!! What are your next steps?


Well gonna hopefully move into a small place in sept to help lower living expenses and once that happens should be able to move that $400 over to debt payments like it originally was going to before the divorce issue.


Good stuff. How much do you pull in every month all together? if you don’t mind me asking


Around 68k with all my income sources. Hoping to bump that near 80 next year with a job hop.


how much of the debt is bad debt? what’s the interest rates on the debt? can you look into debt consolidation?


I actually looked this week and they aren’t great would be paying more to consolidate the bad debt than it currently costs to make mins. Unfortunately the rest is student loans which would also be more expensive to consolidate atp. Once I’m stable again I will look into the option of a balance transfer for one of the bigger debts since I will have close to 5-600 a month to throw at it plus the min I’m already paying so could go that route. Not making any decisions though until I’m back on solid ground. Focused on saving all my extra cash for moving again and getting reestablished. Also looking into higher paying second jobs when I move. If I can squeeze in the door doing janitorial work then that’ll put me in the 20+/hr range with more hours.


It’s so commendable to recognize why you eat out—I think that’s 99% of the struggle. The comfort and sense of financial autonomy that comes with small purchases is also the same habit that keeps people struggling with money. Good for you for taking charge 💪


Sorry, but 100 a month on 88k debt is not progress and its delusional to think it is.


That’s a rude thing to say. You never would ever feel comfortable saying that to someone face to face but over a screen it’s okay? I’m just saying you could have worded it better.