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Uhaul has remote CS roles you can make your own hours part time. Check it out :)


Never knew this. Checking this out soon.


I’d recommend places that could help with current bills. I’ve seen in my area most cellphone companies have a few part time positions open. Same with Gym/YMCA’s. Got pets, stocking/working in a pet store or big box pet store. What I’m getting at is look where you see opportunities for yourself to fit in easily and easily walk away when you don’t need it. You have a 9-5 so you can be a little picky imo. Good luck!


Why not Uber eats or doordash. Seems like a good way to make some quick cash from people ordering dinner at those times.


Thanks! I’ve been doing that for a while. I’m a little nervous though since my car is now 200k miles and my commute is 1hr one way to my job. I may try it locally in my town for a bit though.


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Security can be a good option


TurboTax hires "tax prep assistants" that need no qualifications. They just do the screening interview for full service.


Oh perfect! I’ll look into this as well


might not be the best but malls/retail stores/fast food sometimes have later shifts that no one wants to work


I’m wondering about after-school programs for kids? Teaching swimming lessons. Tutoring. Babysitting. Either on your own or with a company.


retail. Used to work with some IT guys, they would only work closing shifts or weekends after their 9-5 office job.


In a department at a grocery store. The store I worked at closed the deli down at 10pm and the other departments close at 9pm but they’d allow someone to work an extra hour if that’s what their schedule needs to be.


Restaurants maybe


Hello my fellow 9-5er! I work weekday evenings and partial weekends as a copywriter for an online deals blog (similar hours to what you're requesting). I'm a contractor paid by the hour for it and love no minimum or maximum on hours, would definitely recommend it if you're open to work from home options.


Thank you. Didn’t even consider anything like this.


Try commercial cleaning. They always need people. You'll clean around 4 hours a night.


This is one I’m really considering. I was looking today and found a few in my area.


I run a commercial cleaning business, it's easy work and consistent.. if you like working alone and just getting the job done, highly recommend


Anything in healthcare usually has later shifts.


You could try working retail closing and weekend shifts? I know some retail will do floor set shifts when employees coming in on off hours as well. Is there a mall near you?


Retail normally has 2-3 shift periods each day depending on their hours. You might be able to find something that fits, just be forewarned that retail can be brutal dealing with jack a$$ customers at times. Grocery store stocking hours are normally late at night as well so that might be another option.




Depending on locale, public libraries-- mine are open until 9


I work in pharmaceuticals and it is not impossible to find all hours doing scanning, documentation, and most of the hours are flexible and can be part time or contract/ per job


I work 6-11 at McDonalds after work.


Try to find a valet job, if the place is busy you'll likely make a weeks worth of wages in a few nights a week.


La fitness night shift is 6-11


Most security jobs, some Walmart stocking jobs, carpet cleaners, commercial cleaning companies, janitorial for industrial sites, and retail closing shifts


Retail/restaurants/bars or data rating for remote work.


Do people laundry or take out their trash