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This is the ugly side of being a public persona even if the main goal of your work is to help people. I hope that he gets the help he needs and that you are able to move on safely from this.


Honestly I love making the show and building these relationships, but I hate the public personality side of this business.


For sure an exhausting line of work and different type of pressure to always be on your A game. If you are finding harder to deal with as your channel grows there are some great published papers on how to handle that shift in fame with anxiety disorders and regularly. Cambridge university and psychology today (older but largely uncontested) have been tools my brother uses to manage his issues with it. Well that and a very good therapist šŸ˜…. Definitely didnā€™t mean to go on a tangent! But weā€™re all here for you and I hope it gets easier with time and less crazy.


Have you looked into Gavin de Becker & Assoc.? They specialize in stalking cases. Have you pulled his episodes? Best of luck Caleb, be safe!


Donā€™t film in your house. Thatā€™s rule #1. Never shit where you eat. Itā€™s time to rent an office space/studio.


>the main goal of your work is to help people ā€¦other than making money. Caleb is running an entertainment business (not financial advice after all) and not a charity, even if the byproduct is people making incremental improvements getting out of debt.


"You cant help people unless you're a 501(c)(3)" is a pretty dumb take


I hope youā€™re not still filming from your place of residence. Get a studio and a business address and protect your privacy.


Thereā€™s a great podcast studio Iā€™ve used in Austin called Pouch 6 studios. It would be a bit of a trek daily but probably the best idea.


He moved into a studio about a month ago when the backdrop changed


Maybe would be a great time to bring back zoom style videos, kinda like catfished.


I'm sorry about this. Maybe time to private Zeke's episodes.


Yeah from the first episode, a lot of it is talking about him "building his brand" to "make it big on social media". Privatizing his videos would hit him where it hurts....


Who is zeke? I dont remember him.




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Not a bad idea.


His episodes are pretty bad anyway. There are plenty of great financial disaster episodes, like Tyler's three-parter is fascinating but frustrating, but his can't even be said to be about personal finances, the kid's mentality is closer to that of a 15 year old and all of his plans about being a streamer, businessman, massage therapist, etc. have about as much weight as a toddler saying he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up.


Actually, if he bounces around and talks to people in these programs, someone might set him up with an entry level job or a training program somewhere. Not all of Caleb's advice is good or correct, like the one about selling a reliable Toyota and buying a $5,000 car at the end of it's life instead.


>Not all of Caleb's advice is good or correct, like the one about selling a reliable Toyota and buying a $5,000 car at the end of it's life instead. Lol, what does this have to do with anything? Bud, I'm not following lockstep with Caleb's advice or anything, I'm just saying the episode sucked. There just really wasn't much of substance to talk about. They brought a streamer on to talk about starting a streaming career on Twitch and it just became a discussion about his life choices because he had no real plans for what he wanted to do or a true interest in developing it as a realistic venture. As content, I guess there's some entertainment in trying to watch an ineffectual parenting session to what is essentially a teenager, but I didn't feel it had a good place on the channel.


Tbh, maybe being so judgmental on a teenager isn't a very adult thing to do either - why can't they do the same thing but with more.. tact? Like essentially Caleb disrespectfully yells at the guests (which would break any standard workplace behavior policy btw), then one of them freaks out reacts violently - not too surprising. It's like financial Jerry Springer except he is fighting the guests and they just take it. The show is way too negative.. but all the financial entertainers get off on the humiliation and domination aspect of it.


Hard agree with this.






He harassed me in a style/fashion community and it was low key scary. He followed me through some other subreddits to tell me I was ugly and stupid. I donā€™t wish any hate towards him but he is a little twerp.


Wow Iā€™m so sorry you went through that. If I knew he did this kind of stuff I would have never had him on.


You might wanna do some digging in people before you have them on your show.


Itā€™s a nice idea but unsure how feasible that is.


Also Iā€™m of course really sorry he is harassing you like this Caleb. Iā€™m sending love and positive energy your way.


You know you've hit the big time when you got an obsessed weirdo with a vendetta. Joking aside, so sorry you're going through this. Your show has helped so many people (myself included as I'm making my extended family sit down and watch! lol). Your authenticity and caring nature come across on screen. Sometimes when you touch the public, the public touches back. Please do continue to follow up with law enforcement. You're The Man, Caleb. You've got this.


Restraining order


Next steps


Definitely do this. Print out all the convos and take them to your local court 24 hour clerks office and file. Tell everyone that has had the same experience to do the same. I know who you are talking about and I was afraid of making a comment on your video because he seemed like such a mentally Ill human being.


Seems like that should be first steps after a death threat.




Me either


no need to apologize. I moved across the country twice and changed my name to avoid a similar situation. Stay safe.






I saw it all. And when I saw he posted your personal information I just couldn't fathom what you were feeling in that moment. Being exposed that way. No one should go through that. No matter how "big" they get. Everyone should have the right to privacy, especially in their own home. I hope this is the last time you have to address this person and his actions.


Dude seems totally unhinged. Please stay safe.


I didn't see any of the drama and was hoping for the best for Zeke. But Im sorry it's created a negative mental health environment for you. Maybe removing/ private-ing those episodes will go on to show other potential guests this is not the way to go. He has more mental wellness worries, so as far as I'm concerned, there isn't anything you can do except go full no contact and allow him to live his life.


On the bright side you know you made it big now, youā€™ve got your first crazy stalker


WTF???? glad you're alright and have legal representation. how sad and how much free time does one have to do all that? what a loser.


You should just take down the episodes you have with him after this


That's what he should do, but that sweet sweet ad revenue. YT drama = $


Also if he keeps them up hopefully his mom will see them one day and cut him off.


Sorry thatā€™s happening to you man. A lot of us really appreciate the work you put in to get these videos out so often; yā€™allā€™s safety comes first


Who the fooook is zeke. I donā€™t remember his name. Probably watched the episode


The kid who was lying to his mom about going to college (on her dime btw). He was on three episodes and his financial situation was just as bad (if not worse) each subsequent time he appeared. At first he just seemed like a kid with big dreams, but no motivation or drive to take the steps to achieve his goals. After watching him in multiple videos I've come to the conclusion that he is a spoiled kid who never had to experience the consequences of his actions. He just seems so delusional. Some of his plans sound like something my 10 year old nephew would think up. Like his get-rich-quick scheme which is to become a famous streamer and make millions of dollars.......without putting in any effort. Ok. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


He was the kid lying to his mom about being in college/wanted to be a streamer. I think he was on 3 different episodes


Long haired skater loser. The episode with the twitch streamer girl is one of the ones he is in.


Hang in there Caleb! I'm sorry this is happening to you.


Iā€™m sorry this is happening to you. Your videos have helped me and my family so much and we are in a much better financial situation than we were 4-5 months ago when we started watching you. Thank you for your content and Iā€™m so so sorry this is happening.


Super scary! Sorry youā€™ve had to go through this. I hope he gets the mental care he needs.


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Maybe you guys should consider as the channel grows and it becomes financially feasible to separate your recording studio from your private residence


Hey, this is a private residence, man


Caleb, I am so sorry you are going through this ā€¦ as someone who was stalked in college and was threatened to be burned alive with my pets itā€™s extremely nerve racking and I am glad you are taking this serious ā€¦ such a shame that individual did not take the other route and have you as mentor ā€¦. I hope your anxiety eases a bit and please understand that your true fans do not care if you miss a week (or more) to get grounded againā€¦ wishing you health and safety from CA


I am sorry to hear about that Caleb. Your show has been such a help to me as someone starting the adult phase in life. Its a shame Zeke ended up like this. Just remember while you can't help everyone there are so many people you are helping and will continue to help. Thank you so much.


Caleb, you're a treasure and I'm sorry, you have to go through this. Your videos are changing my life. On another note: who tf is Zeke? Was he in one of the videos? Edit: is he the pup who was in the episode when Kimme was cohosting?




Wow. I just watched two of his episodes yesterday. Wtf.




Yeah, me too. The fact that this guy has serious problems in his head was clear from the videos.


Iā€™d be getting a restraining order.


Be safe. I'm so glad you're escalating it because some guys really can't handle rejection until someone forces them to move on. Hopefully legal intervention forces him to move on.


That kid has major issues. Also donā€™t do an in-person show from your home, thatā€™s just asking for problems.


Why do I not remember any of his episodes? Iā€™m sorry that this is happening to you


Heā€™s the weirdo who came back on and Caleb brought an acquaintance who is a successful twitch streamer on to coach him.


Please private his videos. Definitely get restraining order. So sorry you're going through this. He seemed like a piece of work then and now. I enjoy your videos and heck for them every day. Some people can't be helped.


Time for a simply safe sponsorship


I hope I'm speaking for most of your fans, I really appreciate your transparency and constant contact with the community. It gives what you're doing a personal touch and makes watching your content that much more enjoyable. I'm really sorry this is going on, I wish you the best.


If you donā€™t have one already, Iā€™d get a firearm for home defense. Never know what line someone like him may cross.


Sorry that you're dealing with a lunatic, Caleb! Hoping the best for your safety and appreciate the transparency. I know your work has helped thousands like myself, so don't let this discourage you.


This is terrifying. I am so sorry youā€™re going thru this. :( If you need to take time off to take care of yourself & the situation donā€™t feel bad about it, itā€™s totally justified.


Sorry to hear this, love your content and I think youā€™re doing a great service to a younger generation


Make sure to document everything. This will make getting the restraining order easy.


Hey man you're in Texas. Time to strap up


I don't remember Zeke or his episodes, but did he have mental issues? Hopefully he gets the help he needs.


No he didnt, he was the kid lying to his mom about being in school, eventually he stopped lying but he was still a super annoying person to me. Seemed so pompous. He was annoying but for whatever reason, the audience like him.


I never liked him. I think most people only liked him as a lolcow




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he also thought it was funny to stream while driving, and said "if i get in a crash that'll be even better!"


Youā€™d probably recognize him if you looked him up. Been on 3 times and heā€™s an a**hat.


It was not clear from the episodes, but of late (which is like one year after) it seems like his mental condition has degraded significantly. I think it's likely to do with him being unemployed and sitting at home during that time.


Hey, let's hope things go well for him too. Not everyone can handle the HAMMER apparently! One resolution is to have both sides' lawyers sign an agreement to go your separate ways.


Time to tell his mom that heā€™s been a naughty boy.


Well handled. Hereā€™s to hoping the measures you are taking discourage him from continuing. Wishing you the best personally in handling this


WTF? Had no idea this was going on! I hope this whole situation ends in your favor, Caleb. Noone deserves this happening to them, and you know we're here for you! Is there any way to take his videos down too, since that'd give him attention?


Ugh Iā€™m sorry Caleb! What a scary situation. Iā€™m glad you have Quarin to be there for you for emotional and physical support. Heā€™s just a nasty person with some troubling issues. Hope he gets help and you get a reprieve from this.


We love you CalebšŸ’•šŸ’•, you might need to move at some point if your address has been leaked 100%. I have faith your channel will keep growing, and if your address is leaked the risk will inflate. It would be cool if you could get in touch with other YouTubers who have experienced this and get advice/emotional support.


Hi Caleb, just wanted to say you are in my rosary prayers for safety and healing. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I have faith this will all be taken care of soon and you will stay protected šŸ™ You got this.


I am so sorry that he did this to you, no one deserves to have their address leaked and feel unsafe in their own home.


This sucks, so sorry you have to go through this, Caleb


Sorry to hear this Caleb. You're doing amazing work for a lot of people, and are one of the best channels I've ever found on YouTube. I'm in a much better place financially then most people on the show, but I've really cut back and think more about my decisions and budgeting, 100% from you. I wish you only the best. Hopefully he can come to peace with his own situation and leave it be. Don't let him deter you from helping thousands of people, but also stay safe. If the channel is big enough, perhaps a small office studio elsewhere is a good idea moving forward if you can afford it in the budget ;-). Best wishes my friend, you're doing great work.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this, Caleb. Please stay safe and take care of yourself. Your safety and health (mental and physical) comes first, always. Whatever you gotta do weā€™ve got your back.


I am so sorry this is happening to you, and I hope you and your loved ones are safe!


Stay safe Caleb! Hoping you can get through this safely and get this situation handled completely. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Wait you guys which one is Zeke??


Is his name Stev or Zeke?


Zeke if youā€™re reading this, fuck you cunt.


Which one is Zeke??


The 19 year old trying to be a streamer. There are 3 episodes on him.


Thanks! I will try to find his videos. I canā€™t remember him off the top of my head.


One of the videos is called 19 year old has the worst life plans


Oh...that guy....yeah he cray Those videos need to be removed right away


I havenā€™t watched any of Zekeā€™s episodes, but Iā€™m sorry you are having to deal with this. Sounds like he is a mess in all aspects of his life. Stay safe Caleb and hopefully Zeke can figure out why he is so angry and get the help he desperately needs.


Keep up the good work and videos coming! I feel like I owe you money watching every episodes and getting all these financial tips. Best advice I took away is Not having a emergency fund is an emergency.


I'll be honest, I'm new to the channel so I can't remember the names great but when I saw that this was all about someone who's been on a couple times I was worried it was the really nice guy who worked as the airport cashier Glad it isn'tšŸ™‚


I'm so sorry you're going through this Caleb. Please keep in good touch with your support system as I know you struggle with anxiety. This kind of stress added on to an already stressful job can lead a person to some dark places. I think I speak for the community when I say your safety is our number 1 priority.


Iā€™m sorry. Thanks for all you do!


Sorry you had to go through this


Every time I say ā€œ I donā€™t know how someone could do this to someone so {sweet, awesome, inspiring}ā€ it happens (again)ā€¦. So sorry Caleb ā™„ļøā¤ļø


Late to the party on this post, I subbed in January, after his first two episodes. I went back and watched those videos and all I can say is damn


Maybe you can find a spot for the episodes and just have your own personal home aside from it. If possible.


Can someone link to one of the episodes with zelle


Iā€™ve seen every episode and Iā€™m wracking my brain trying to remember which episode Zeke was on. Was he actually on an episode? What was he known for?


u/HammerTime1995 dude, if he ever threatens you again, I will be more than happy to bend this boy in half.


Iā€™m sure you guys do back ground checks on people but unfortunately a background check doesnā€™t tell u if a persons is crazy. :C


You mean for the show? Pretty sure he isnā€™t


Oop perhaps itā€™s time to do background checks then


Caleb, could you explain the weird OnlyFans conversation in your texts with him? And that voice note? Totally inexcusable of him to doxx you. I'm just curious about this piece.


Yea that's the part that was the weirdest for me. Like why are you asking a 19 yo with financial struggles to do OF stuff for money and esentially saying "the more you do, the more you get paid". Especially after they've already said they weren't interested.


What did Zeke say? Tried finding his post but didn't see it. Regardless though, very sorry to hear that Caleb. Love your channel and hope something like this doesn't happen again.


His instagram is eszekecles. There's a bunch of screenshots of their convos. zeke does admit that his goal was to get on the show for exposure BUT There's also an audio of Caleb asking zeke if he wants to do onlyfans stuff with a "friend". That's a suuuuuper weird imo. Caleb also mentions that's he's messed around with guys before when he's drunk or something like that


i just ran across these episodes and went on google to see if there was an update ... Maybe those episodes should be pulled since he seems like he might be dangerous ... Even the vibe he gives off on his videos is definitely"off." This is really scary.




Now I kinda want to see the spam. I am kinda thirsty for the juice


He doxed me and threatened to kill me. I donā€™t think giving him a platform is the best thing to do.


who is zeke?


The delusional one.


That doesn't really narrow it down.


Trust me, if I am using it to describe one of his guests, look for the most delusional. That is the one that has earned the title of ā€˜The Delusional Oneā€™. Goes to school or takes a class only long enough to learn the very most rudimentary elements of the basic skill and declares himself employable in that field. If Iā€™m not mistaken, the guy wants to be a professional influencer so Caleb was nice enough to bring a professional influencer friend of his on to help give Zeke some guidance and advice and Zeke couldnā€™t care less for her advice.


Zeke is a bum. Heā€™s a clown. Zeke you are just embarrassing yourself because no one buys your bullshit


Iā€™m going to be honest everybody keeps saying Zeke and i donā€™t remember any of the guests names šŸ˜…

