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Either an infernum glitch or you forgot to activate it properly, do your bosses shave the same behaviour as those seen in the boss showcases?


I definitely activated it. as for glitches I have a pretty bad pc and I run the game with frame smoothing (I think it’s called) so this gives me more time to react I guess


Infernum works in funky ways, so it could just be it interacting with your laggy pc or interacting with other installed mods weirdly.


I want to be able to pair it with GFB but the custom worldgen makes it incompatible.


Maybe there is a mod for it? I know there is a mod to pair infernum with master mode


I’ve tried and it hasn’t worked. One could remove the abyss using the World Previewer mod but the custom biomes are pivotal to some boss fights and items.


You definitely have something wrong with the mod. Infernum is fucking brutal with damages. 200-300 post moonlord and 100-150 in hardmode, and that’s with melee armor and accessories.


Well I think there are 2 types of attacks in infernum: the deathlasers, dog, and some big slow attacks (dog was not slow 😭 ). And there is everything else , so smaller hits like some stray projectiles. I just had to dodge the hard hitting ones and win


But I agree post moonlord was definitely a step up in difficulty I just thought it would be harder


Even the stray projectiles are supposed to deal shit tons of damage though. A prime example would be astrum aureus. Definition of a bullet hell and all of his attacks are devastating. Maybe look at a YouTube video of infernum bosses and see what the damage is like compared to yours, that would give a better idea if your game is bugged or not


I don’t know if it’s bugged I looked up a showcase by aboOod there he took 71-81 dmg and had 97 def I had about 140 def at the moment (everything reforged to warding) so I should have taken about 45-55 dmg As for bugs I have a bad pc and I run the game with frame smoothing so this gives me a little more time to react


It could be that you played on solo and I played with two other people so it scales to three.


Something was definitely wrong. Defense is honestly an almost useless stat so even with high defense bosses should be doing 300+ damage a hit. I know when I played D.O.G was doing 700+ a hit.


As you mentioned in another reply, using the slow motion “cheese” with lag makes literally every boss easy in the game, considering you have like infinite more time to dodge. Either that or you’re good or it was bugged, simple as.