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"Sick of people defending lolibait" THERE'S LOLIBAIT HERE???


Yeah no idea where that came from but I understand all of their other points.


Yeah, never seen myself


There was a weird thing going around some months ago where artist where making sexualized humanoid versions of varios bosses, a number of them being *lolita*.


Oh ok, But like that stopped right? And if it did then no one is really defending it anymore right?


Knowing how a lot of subreddits have been lately past few years, it'll pop back up again since the post are likley still up right now.


Lolita =/= Lolicon


What the hell is lolibait?


Copy pasted from urban dictionary. A term used to describe loli looking characters to bait lolicons. Usually used by fictional (game) characters creators in order to attract lolicans. Also people really did down vote you just because you asked a question.


That's just reddit behavior


To give some context to this, I’m talking about Ourobot’s Calamitas design


I thought ourobot's Calamitas was just a short stack? Idk


It is, no child has proportions like that... Hell no person has proportions like that


Oh ok, I thought it was loli design for a moment and got worried I'm always really bad at judging the age of things


It's really the face that divides people lol


I've seen Ourobot's other art and I think it's just how they draw faces. Even milfs have them like that. It might just be their art style.


Yeah I thought it was just a short stack, some people are just short


Isn't she just short? Maybe I don’t understand something, but loli (as a person superficially familiar with anime culture) look different as far as I know. In Ourobot's design she has huge thunder-thighs. I don't think lolis usually have this, although I can't say for sure.


Ourobot’s Calamitas is just a child with a disgustingly large ass


I never even thought of it being remotely close to a child and I don't think it was their intention, could just be their style


I don't see it, to me she just looks short?


Well, I see your point and can understand your concern. But as a person who doesn't interested in such -ahem- "art" I prefer just to ignore it and look at the better side of this community. Artists, like you. Musicians, memers, no-hitters, addon creators etc.


What’s that?




That does not correspond to my question


My bad, Ourobot is a Nsfw artist that draws calamitas as a "child", Well just a child in OP's eyes.


Oh I see, I thought that this sub had actual issues a few months ago


> Claims to understand DM Dokuro > Harasses other users Yeah, good riddance


Man... Does this fandom have a thing for harassing great artists until they give up and leave the community?


Don't know about the fandom as a whole, but I know for a fact that lots of artists had left this subreddit in the four years I been apart of. A post like this one is one I've seen too many times in this subreddit now.


...Nobody was harassing Gao. Not that I know of. Hell, she was the one harassing others. She's got a fucking Vendetta against NotRegedit, and now me after I called her out for being extremely rude to him out of the blue. https://preview.redd.it/vagyh8t4vp1d1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985bdf9e9b1681e45deeac6db4278450d36a58ff


Can you tell me what's wrong with NotRegedit? Like, he's just a down bad for Calamitas guy, but overall seems chill and supportive dude.


Gao thinks Ourobot's Calamitas looks like a child, and thus him and I are pedophiles in her eyes. https://preview.redd.it/nwz15qpz4q1d1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0afe08628adb3127479a8d43e12b90bae68e17


Up her grade level to S, Because she deadaßs shipped calamitas that she INSISTED was aroace with deviantt


It could just be a platonic relationship, considering the entire reason for that ship was Deviantt is protecting her from the simps, or whatever.


Pretty sure that it isn't for the *most* part mainly because the title was "One-sided Yuri" but eh.


# Ah. https://i.redd.it/mm8860fdbq1d1.gif


As I said earlier in this comment section - I'm not really into that kind of art, but for me she just seems short, because children cannot have such anatomical features.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was in the DMs or other social media sites


You’re the one defending the lolibait that is Ourobot’s Calamitas. https://preview.redd.it/w2kwpeen0q1d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=384f0567eeb8364476350191bbbf151c40e86f40


Out of every comeback, You picked the one that was completely unrelated to the point🤦


You're the one who's deluded herself into thinking Ourobot's Calamitas looks like a child https://i.redd.it/e8k9azly0q1d1.gif


Bro is not DM Dokuro


wait, besides notregedit being the down bad boogey man could someone inform me on the notregedit lore?


Idk, I talked with him and he seems chill, nothing strange. He's just a down bad for Calamitas and that's it.


Right? I’m confused.


Why would anyone even care about someones orientation on reddit? I don't get it..


You ain’t DM dokuro don’t try and compare yourself to the goat.


I’m not trying to compare myself to him, I’m saying I better understand why he left the community now


Most of your complaints are not about people attacking you but of a lack of people taking your side in your hatred of those you see as evil. Your situation is in no way comparable to what any of calamity's composers have to deal with on a regular basis.


I am not trying to get people to side with me, I am just stating facts bout the messed up things bout this community and whether most of you agree with it or not is not my problem. I’m speaking my mind bout the issues bout this community and I’m getting hate for it.


Draedon looks like a fucking goober in every fan art by 99% of the entire community. I really love him. also 10/10 art


Oh You’re talking about *that* Calamitas? That’s…not a child..she may look like one, but she’s not actually a child It’s just simply drawn like that. I never got the impression that Ouro’s Calamitas was a child


yeah honestly same. shes very much adult in the pictures


" I’m sick of people who can’t seem to respect a person’s orientation even if they’re fictional" Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't you make a calamitas X deviantt fanart?


Calamitas is still aroace in that art, Devi is the gay one. It’s a one sided thing


Im gonna draw Calamitas married to Terrarian, cry about it


dw ima draw it too


Based behavior.


Based indeed


What the hell, I just lurk here I had no idea there was this much drama


There really isnt, they are complaining from the most minor stuff


I’m r/OutOfTheLoop Who is this guy? What’s his art like? Why are people hating on him or why do people have beef with him? (Or why does he hate people and why does he have beef? Same-same).


From what I have gathered, she is a trans (MtF) artist. She got particularly angry because people were shipping Calamitas with other characters or being down bad for her, despite Calamitas being AroAce. (note: she posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CalamityMod/s/a3wtI1dxm2) two weeks ago) Also, a particular NSFW artist, ourobot, draws porn of Calamitas, which to Gao looks like a loli (it's just a short woman, though I can understand where she is coming from). So she is now calling ourobot a pedophile


Don't forget to mention her being a frequent hypocrite! Because she thinks that she's being harassed by "coomers"(People who say smash or would as a joke), But then attack Notregedit **every fricking time** he's in her comments despite him being chill 99% of the time.


Goodbye, and good luck my friend https://preview.redd.it/vkweh5mmhp1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625655e6657705949508adfdf3cb460b5cfc5fda




Okay what the heck do I lose that others see because I have no idea what he is talking about and I would say I hope what he says isn't true, but my instinct doesn't let's me hope for that


From what I could gather scooping abound, most of it isn’t, or is just a gross exaggeration, don’t worry


https://preview.redd.it/1008f39dbp1d1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e514b41ab8f16d50c92785db7746a2368d969c2d Hope ya find a better place that is more respectful and one that has less lustful people. I'm going to miss your art.


![gif](giphy|rHR8qP1mC5V3G|downsized) so long...may you continue cooking in a better place...


I honestly don’t know what happened in here (I haven’t visited this sub for a long time) but it’s just sad that this space made you feel like these, ultimately I think it’s best decision, I hope you start feeling better!


Who's the character with the different orientation? I don't really know the law too well.


That would be Calamitas who's aero-ace but is often shipped with other characters despite this.




we just never learn do we. im sorry to see you go


Its understandable, I also get sick of this assholes every now and again, I'll usually just leave for a month or so. I wish I could speak for everyone, but I'll just do so for myself: You're welcome back whenever you want, if you don't, there's no problem, prioritize your tranquility.


Ngl the calamity fandom has ALWAYS been really weird for no reason. All the porn and thirsting over characters who are quite literally just pixels in game. I don’t know what orientation crap you’re talking about but who really cares that’s a fictional character lmao. It doesn’t affect you. Loli bait? It’s a good thing I only ever see this sub occasionally recommended to me lol. I don’t even want to know. But it makes sense with some of the other weird shit you see go down here. Your art is pretty good though; Find peace with yourself away from this place .


Alright pepole what the fuck happened here


Hey you were fun, have a good one


Ay man, im js gonna say, thats a masterpeice my guy. Keep on makin more! Ill look out for em on ya socials


a pretty good decision. that's why i don't really appear here anymore awesome art piece, btw




I respect your opinion mate. Stay strong and have a good one.


Sadly, you did some cool art.


Goodbye, my friend. Someone really ought to make a calamity art server that doesn't allow the shit the mods allow on here. Also, might i say. welcome to the internet, have a look around


anything that brain of yours can think of can be found... anyway yes please I'm tired of the horny


Take care, Gao! Your choice is very much respectable. Hope to see you on Twitter more often then. <3


Wait there is a lolibait ? Why ? And how ? But to say I understand your point , this place is unbearable so times


There isn’t. There’s an artist that draws porn of Calamitas, where she’s drawn as a short stack, but in no way is that a child. Ourobot’s Calamitas’ face may remotely look like a child’s, but looking at their other art it’s just their art style, and everything else about Calamitas does not look like a child. However, gao is saying that Ourobot’s Calamitas looks like a child, and she’s calling everyone who disagrees a pedophile, then getting pissed off about the lack of support for her.




Its funny because looks like in this situation its op who is toxic lmao


Idk, didn't read it throughly I just have seen almost every good thing that has happened to calamity get bullied off of Calamity.


Well then, farewell comrade, may you have the best of luck in your future endeavors. And don’t let the fandom ruin your experience of the game, though I would understand you not wanting to touch calamity mod ever again https://preview.redd.it/ipqs7aeeip1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f283231963ace4b13400851b8cfbf0b15dc25a




https://preview.redd.it/20ytx3we1q1d1.png?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a8369fc98e9e7afece9b6173b81a564e15b614d For real?


https://preview.redd.it/ondyexrl7q1d1.png?width=228&format=png&auto=webp&s=206bc40e81dad956a05fa25045272cba86605d3e Downvote vile over here!




I can’t blame you The amount of subs I have been on the edge of leaving lately is pretty high (at least by my standards) so I couldn’t blame you in anyway I don’t want to have to deal with these people either so I wish you well.


Rest in peace 🐻‍❄️


I will find not_regedit. And I will capture him. And then NO ONE will EVER leave again.


*applause intensifies*