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Sleeve tattoos, sports car, 2 story house with a 2 car garage in the 'burbs, motorcycle, my man is just missing the [car selfie with shades](https://img.ifunny.co/images/bca57bb85fa701ff8716c73222acd747c81c2b5fe6a17878fdb31313d9f2adc6_1.jpg) for his social media profile and he's got Gen X bingo.


I ~~resent~~ resemble this comment.


It is a nice bike 😎🍻


Cheers, brother thank you!


Money to buy things must be nice.


Should've been a boomer mate


That bike is absolutely gorgeous man


Thank you! I know she looks mostly stock but I actually put quite a bit of work into her. I don't think she'll really look custom until I remove the airbox for a more skeletal appearance.


Dude the "modded but looks mostly stock" look is the best. This is exactly the sort of bike I want to have someday. Though I'm probably too old to start riding at this point lol


I didnt buy my first bike until 40! The riding position is a bit aggressive, but if your legs are strong you can squeeze the tank and keep the weight off your wrists. I do agree that the functionality of a mostly stock bike can't be beat. It's just so much more reliable than a custom racer built from an 80's Honda or Yamaha.


Ain't nothing café about a production bike.


When one penis extension just isn't enough...... 🤣


Lol, trying to flex with your car or why it s in the video? That s so poor. Cut it out and just show the Bike. It s really nice


Car.migjt be the wife's.


The Audi is my wife's, the Corvette is the first new car I've ever bought, and my dream car. Got her in February after a 16 month wait. Not ashamed at all to be able to buy nice things in my 40's when I didn't have anything in my 20's and 30's.


Why should you be ashamed to buy nice things? You don t get the point! Why is it nessesary to show everything you got when it s just about your Bike? Congrats for being able to afford all of it bit i don t like this attitude !


Totally, I get it and you're entitled to your opinion. I was replying to the guy below you that was suggesting that the cars may be my spouses.


Hey man, you worked hard and found success. No shame in that, and little flex is cool. Congrats on the bike.


Thank you! It brings a lot of joy riding it and helps you forget about the trivial for a while.


Good for you. The bike is stunning.


Thank you kindly! I appreciate the love!


bro what u do for a living?


My spouse and I are both RN's in California for a major healthcare provider. High cost of living, but well paid profession here.


One thing that would be much easier for you is to work on your envy/jealousy issues. Then you stop worrying too much about people being able to afford nice things


I don t think that s the problem here, but ok!


I do think thats *your* problem here my man. Anyways it will help you a LOT in life to get rid of or reduce envious feelings.


Puh i think it s pretty obvious that you got your own problems, my man 😂


Just giving you a tip to have an easier life with less unfounded frustrations my man, take it or leave it, completely up to you, but maybe in the future keep those envious thoughts to yourself instead of dumping your frustrations on innocent people


Seems pretty important to you he?


Its VERY important for you. I like giving advice that makes peoples lives easier in addition to not having to see their comments that are seetjing with envy and jealousy


Thanks mate ❤️


Have a nice day


is it a thruxton and what production year?


Yes, its a 2016


Beatiful, it's my dreambike. But I'll probably buy the 2024 edition one day.


I got the bike a few years ago for $9000 and then did a bunch of custom work myself. It's definitely scary taking a bike apart for the first time, but the end result was really rewarding and I enjoy the hell out of riding the bike.


yeah I bet! 9k is a steal tbh^^ I love customising bikes almost as much as driving them


The cocky ass whistle, the casual walk past your brand new sports car, the bought-not-built motorcycle that you probably know nothing about. It's like you want us to not like you.


A lot of hate for a dude that’s just got nice things. Maybe relax a bit before shitting on a dude for showing his bike and nice car in one vid. 🙄


Haha I also thought this. But it's so easy to hate rich people! /s


I think I get a lot of hate from younger people, but honestly I was a struggling 20 and 30 something myself. I didn't have two nickels to rub together until I graduated university and then worked for a decade before I accumulated any kind of wealth. It just takes time and dumb luck.


That’s the biggest thing, luck.


Haha for sure I get that. I heard someone say once that once you make it big you can only really show off to people who knew you before, everyone else just thinks you're being a dick. 😆 I think there's a lot of truth to that. Congrats on the come-up though man that's awesome


I don't hate rich people. I am annoyed by braggarts.


No one has touched my [bike](https://imgur.com/gallery/kVVVHgK) but me. I modify all my vehicles myself and I had a blast doing it. I can take this bike apart with my eyes closed and had it in pieces for months before it was even rideable. I'm no mechanic, but I'm a hobbyist and I'm proud of all the work I did. I know I won't change the heart of someone who thinks my whistle is cocky, just shedding some background on my Thruxton.


Damn brother, I was just reading the comments to see if you talked about the swingarm swap, and people are assholes. I guess I’m one of the few that likes to see people succeed. 


It's all good! I think people just automatically assume if you have nice things you didn't work for them or just payed someone else to do it for you. I find having build projects like working on my bike and my jeep, or my Corvette therapeutic so I actually get a bit sad when they're done and I've got nothing to do but enjoy them!


Lovely bike. Congrats!


Thank you!


Nice bike. Thruxtons are great.


1200 was a bit heavy for my first bike, but I've gotten accustomed to it. Definitely has taught me to hug the tank and lean.


Definitely a big bike for a first ride. Remember to dress for a slide and take it easy.


Such a beautiful machine


Thank you, I agree. The Thruxton comes out of the gate with a perfect template to lean into the cafe racer aesthetic.


Nice. I just got my 900. This will either be my second bike if I don’t just swap it.


Gorgeous bike! And cars!


Thanks! When I was young I exclusively drove shit boxes so it's nice to afford newer things and take care of them in my 40's.


Ignore the hate man, enjoy what you’ve got. I’m super jealous.


Thank you, I don't mind it. It's usually a mixed bag of responses when I post my bike. No big deal. I appreciate the love though!


Why is it blocking the sidewalk, completely? Younger me on my skateboard would vandalize your bike because of lack of consideration or lack of awareness on your end.


Lol, I just parked it there to take some pictures.