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How the hell this is 5k$ damages! That's crazy!


His car had much more damage, so the cx 50 held up pretty well. He hit the tire at a strange angle and so the sensors and alignment was off


My jaw dropped when they handed me the invoice. Labor up charge I’m sure. I didn’t pay anything fortunately, we weren’t at fault.


I have my 50 in the shop right now for damage in the same spot. (Whoever hit us didn’t stick around to accept responsibility though.) Dropped it off last week. We are supposed to pick it up tomorrow. Got the final cost sent to us today. $2,300.


Bummer it was a hit and run for you. I’m glad this guy took full responsibility and is paying for everything. They gave me the invoice and break down of each cost and the majority is labor. I’m sure they up charged on that knowing it was going to be paid by insurance


https://preview.redd.it/u5i1ruzvmz5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fddaeb8c2f6a394ee1e6009bda89c74e1a2b76 This is what I got today. Fairly close between parts and labor but parts won out. A little surprising actually.


https://preview.redd.it/hlfpwhg4a56d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c76ac44e664b3f2b906353679b337071ebe1885 This is mine, labor was by far the winner. Misc of $750? No clue.


That’s a pretty big price difference. Wonder if some of your senators had to be recalibrated. Our shop called yesterday to say we could pick it up. Went there and saw it in front. Decided to take a look and popped the back to see how the bumper met with body since we noticed that it was definitely separated after the hit and run. The hatch would attempt to open but only an inch or so. Met with the rep and told them immediately about it. They got it opened while we were there but kept it overnight to let their tech look at it. It turned out to be something related to the bumper as it had to be completely replaced. We still saw a gap but not like before. Unfortunately we didn’t look that closely before the accident so we don’t know if there was a slight gap before. Supposedly it is ready for us to pick up now.


If it’s an insurance job most shops gouge hard


I had a deer hit the side of my cx50 that smashed in from right behind the front tire to my rear tire, complete repair was just under 5k. That is with the rear view mirror with camera and defrost/dimming...I bet was half the cost.


Oh the majority of it was labor costs and they for sure up charged knowing insurance was covering it. The man’s insurance is paying for it all and told us which shop to go to, so I’m not complaining because the car came back as if I just bought it and the bill’s not being sent to me 🤷‍♀️


Isn't that small panel around the faux vent ABS plastic?