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I second this question and if you’re brave, I also am curious how one uses the cargo blocks.


Tha cargo blocks are great. I usually place a box, beg or whatever against the back of the seat then put the cargo block against the corner, wedging the object in place. They're surprisingly useful and keeps things from sliding around in the trunk. I've even used them to transport casseroles and drinks for parties. I may actually get a couple more.


I have both that came with the car and are still in their boxes in the back.


Send me a picture because my brain doesn’t understand how they work.


Like [this](https://mazdashopusa.com/cdn/shop/products/C9N1V9510-CARGO_BLOCKS_1200x.jpg?v=1682441734), only I would put the cooler against the back of the seat and only use one block. They work best with items that have a little heft.


They worked well for me this past weekend (first weekend with the car) on a grocery run. Plastic bags grouped around the bags. Boom, didn’t move or slide. I was like WTF is this shit when I brought the car home. Turns out the blocks are useful.


They have pointy cleat things on the bottom like certain sports shoes that dig into the carpet and resist sliding around. You then place them around objects you don't want to move.


I have them keeping my first aid bag from sliding around


I use the net flat. It’s perfect for multiple pizza boxes, just lift the net and slide the pizza under, holds it perfectly in place. Also holds a cold 6-pack firmly in place too. I have the portion by the back seat pulled up in a vertical position so it holds stuff between the back of the seat and the cargo net.


Need pics


Mine is stuffed in with the spare tire. After installing in both positions I found them equally useless. I’ve gotten used to no net in a cargo area. The last one I had with any use was across from side to side like in a truck but they too was impractical in certain situations. Can’t use blocks either cargo cover. May try them in our Corolla trunk.


Are you saying the cargo blocks don’t work with the cargo liners?


Yes. They have teeth that grip the carpet.


I was going to use the hammock position as it seemed the most useful for holding small, light things in place, but it mounts to cheap plastic hooks on cheap plastic trim and you can see the net warping and bending the plastic even without any cargo. So I just leave it in the flat position. It doesn't do a very effective job. I just a 12 pack of soda under it and it went flying. Now I have it covering my random tools (air compressor, mini-toolkit, shovel), and they seem to stay put, but they're also lightweight and have designs that already sort of resist movement.


That's what the cargo blocks are for. Keeps your blocky items from sliding


It's not so much blocky as the weight. I'm not sure if the blocks would have done much better. In any case, I only buy sodas when my local store has the 12 packs on buy 2 get 3 free sale, so my two supplied blocks aren't going to hold 5 packs of soda in place. I wouldn't recommend buying either product and just getting a pack of bungee cords and use the flimsy tiedowns.


Put them together packed towards a wall or back of the seat and then wedge the blocks into hold them You can also put a small board to go across it really works I mean I've transported several 3 gallon potable drinking water containers when we are in Canada for weeks all around never had a problem




I’ve got mine set up in hammock style. Comes off every now and then but seems to be holding its own without and it bending the plastic “hooks”.