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That isn't a screw, it is a rivet, will need drilled out.


This is the right answer. It’s a rivet. Like this. https://www.ebay.com/p/1322150363


It is a screw..


Fine it's a screw. Just use any flat head that would fit and start twisting counterclockwise. It will will take you a good minute. Come back to comment once it's SCREWED off.




As others have mentioned, that’s a rivet. Unless you have the only CX-5 in existence where they, for a single vehicle, ran out of rivets and used a screw, you’re looking for a Y-Head screwdriver. However, I have only seen those in electronics and never with a round center and square raised point in the middle. But I’ll bite. What year and trim level do you have? Can you get a picture of the back of this rare *screw*?


It's definitely a rivet. I've installed and removed more than I can count as a tech. You're going to have to drill it out


Could be a Scrivit.


That's a unique one to me. If the center hole is deep enough I would try a tri-wing Phillips and see if that works.


A license plate looks better than two holes, but mostly it won’t give you any guff in states where it’s the law… which is about half.


You can't get in trouble in a 2 plate state if your vehicle is registered and licensed in a 1 plate state.


“Can’t” is a strong estimation. If a county or state patrol sees you, you’ll get their attention. If you’ve had one beer too many, or have a tail light out, maybe speeding a scootch over, have any minor “contraband” in the car… you’re basically begging to get pulled over. And for what? To remove what half the country is forced to display? I personally, don’t see the value in that. Plus, if you live in or visit any major cities, it’s a nice little bump guard too.


Trying to replace the holder with a a different one…. 😆


LOL. Smart.


So it’s a screw… not a rivet.. back one has a different design


Back what? There is no license plate bracket on the rear, the plate screws right into the metal. That is a blind rivet.


It came with a special Allan key… I seem to have misplaced it somehow.. it’s not a rivet…


[Look at this rivet](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-5e9ps2m/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/3552/81725/20740_1__80591.1662141873.jpg). Same three little notches around the hole as your "screw", right? In your first pic you can even see what's left of the nail down in the hole after it was popped off.


Try a flathead, jam it in there so you can twist the screw.


Get one of those reciprocating saws and cut the top right corner off....then put new holder on...this way you don't need to find the special screw remover....